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Posts posted by happyjune

  1. The other reason for the fence is to clearly define the property border as this tambon has no chanote nor ns3.

    I think Ford has some very good points, you may also want a few cement sticks in as your site would not have been Gov surveyed, high risk of loosing 2m down the track, a good thread..

  2. I have 3 seeds.

    Big black seed with white stripes

    Big White seed with black stripes

    and little black seeds.

    This is not for farming, just to grow along a fence on a few spare Rai that is cleared and settleing.

    Which ones grow the fastest if their is a difference.

    Which one are for oil and which ones for eating.

    If nothing else, they will look pretty and have some roots in the ground helping with erosion. rolleyes.gif

  3. Very few westerners in Chonburi City, it is the capital of Chonburi Province, Pattaya is in Chonburi Province, it is a huge province, 1:30hr to drive it. If you are looking at the city, I suggest Bangsan Beach area, this is the main beach for Thais from Bangkok, to be honest, it is a nightmare on weekends, crowded, hundreds of car "noise systems" blowing up their speakers trying to out 'thump-thump-thump' each other. No hooker bars if that's your thing, it is pleasant in that regard, the main street, the one with the UNI on it and all the bars, really fires up on weekends with UNI students. The province is the industrial heartland of Thailand. FYI, land not condos, Land on the eastern side of the highway within 2km of it but not on any major roads is going for a average 2Mill a Rai, 1km form Bangsan Beach I know of a cleared Rai sold 6 months ago for 9.6mill. Insane prices. ermm.gif

  4. Waters Edge has been very helpfull, but I am still lost, I can't seem to find a supplier, now 18 plant supply shops, I really am wondering about why the hell I am in this county. Gypsum CaSO4.2H20 is available where you find it.

    Sheet rock scraps along the highway, in trash dump piles and at building supply stores.

    Depending on your local geology, you may find deposits.

    I have several low grade dirty deposits in my area,

    which doesn't hurt the fertilizer value of it.

    One place has tiny clay chips and another has round stones & gravel.

    Look for road cuts where the white color bank has dissolved away.

    Gypsum attracts water and is somewhat water soluble,

    so it disappears with the water quicker than soil.

    The Lime you mention is very strong, pH 15

    it's Calcium Hydroxide Ca(OH)2 Poon Kao Cement White

    If you want the more gentle form get Limestone dust pH 8.3

    This topic just came up a few days ago in an earlier thread,

    so I won't repeat that information here.

    Poon Kao seems cheap to you as compared to Oz,

    but Limestone dust is quite literally "dirt" cheap

    Even Limestone dust is too strong if applied in excess

    If your soil pH is already high enough but you feel you need Calcium,

    then of course Gypsum is the easy answer.

  5. Lets assume selling price and official land office appraised is the same.

    Selling price is 4,000,000 (4 Million)

    Owned for 6 months.

    Land, no house, but land been improved.

    I referenced forum sponsor Sunbelt for these figures, found it help full.


    If anyone thinks I made a mistake, please let me know. rolleyes.gif

    1 /

    Specific Business Tax of 3.3% dues to less than 5 years of ownership.


    2 /

    Stamp of 0.5% duty not required as Specific Business Tax of 3.3% has been paid.

    3 /

    Transfer Fee of 2%.



    Capital Gains Tax not required for non company.


    Income Tax ( Withholding Tax )

    If sold after 6 months of total ownership, regarding the deductible allowance should we use '1 year 92%' or is it 100% as one year has not been completed?

    For this, going to assume 92% divided by 1 year.

    4,000,000b deduct allowance of 92% that is 3,680,000b = 320,000b

    320,000 divided by 1 year = 320,000

    Put that into the progressive tax scale,

    first 150,000b = 0% tax

    next 170,000b at 10% = 17,000b

    then 17,000b multiplied by 1 year = 17,000b Withholding Tax payable

    Specific Business Tax : 132,000b

    Transfer Fee of 2% : 80,000b

    Withholding tax of : 17,000b

    Total : 229,000 baht payable to the land office

    Things that may effect it that I can't find information on,

    I read in some old information about it being cheaper if the owners residence is registered on the propriety, possible for more than 12 months.

    Small amount of fees less than 500b for papers and stuff.

  6. Thanks BB1950, This is the sort of information I am after. Yep, I in the hodge podge club for sure at the moment. !

    I don't have Office, I don't see the need to buy it with Open Office out there, and I am keeping pirated software off my machine now after nasty issues with that in the past.

    Thanks heaps for the tip. rolleyes.gif

  7. Ok, I agree with all said above, (didn't know about the 15% cap through) I was asking for two reasons, after a recent discussion with a friend who has a very misguided understanding of the subject, well I give up trying to give him a nudge to get better advice, secondly for my own knowledge. I have no intention of playing the loans game.

    One thing I would like to know about through, for future property that my wife buys, I would like to put the odds in my favor should the shit hit the fan and we separate.

    I am happy with our home being in wifies name, if push comes to shove I could walk away. I would wan the kids to have a solid roof over their heads anyway. But say we wanted to buy next door for a good price, being the major contributor financially in the relationship, I would like some financial security, well point the odds in my favor anyway !!!!! TIT

    Not really interested in an unfruct, as I don't really want to live there, a 30 year lease would be handy that I can "sell" or sub lease the lease, it could have business facilities on the land. Can I put a interest free loan to my wife on the Chanote so at least if there is problems in the future, she can't sell it with out me clearing it in the lands office? Just thinking out loud !!!! rolleyes.gif

  8. If lending money and using a Chanote for collateral, I have some questions.

    Clearly just having the Chonote is not enough, if you were forced to cash it in what documents would have to be pre-signed by the owner that is taking out the loan?

    It appears, you are much better putting the loan on the back of the Chanote, I read on TV there is a 1% tax for the value of the loan, is this correct?

    Can a foreigner (non Thai national) actually 'cash' in a Chanote if the person borrowing defaults as that would mean owning land wouldn't, even if the loan is on the back of Chanote ?

    To give a loan, do you have to be a financial institution?

    Are you opening your self up to have to pay tax on the interest which I would expect, then a work permit as it would be working.

    What if it is a zero % interest loan, hence no income. Just using the back of the chonte for security of the loan.

    I can see the suggestion, opening a can of worms.

    Any thoughts would be good thanks. rolleyes.gif

  9. I presume this is the best place to ask. For the last couple of years, I have been very lazy and have not organized my information on my computers. It is not biz stuff or any thing, but I have thousands of pics, that the file name is still the one I named it when downloading the SD card, I typically do this once a week. Basically, most of my "notes" about people and their phone number and stuff if they send it to me, is still in the original email. Sometimes I get important information to my life by email. I have 100 drafts in the email program with notes, eg, if I see a useful comment on Thai Visa I may copy it and paste it in to a blank message and just keep in the drafts, !!! Logins and PW's are all over the place, everything else is saved in My Docs, sounds kind of pathetic doesn't it. I am using Win 7 Pro. I have had my address book exploited when using a MS office application. It is time to clean my mess up and keep it organised. I have spent today, starting to go through thousands of emails in my inbox blink.gif, Oh joy it is. I started pasting things into a document, and putting them into files, but it really is very clumsy.

    Does anyone have suggestions with tricks of the trade? I am not on ADSL, so a cloud is out of the question for 6 months anyway.

    Thanks smile.gif

  10. Firstly there is a good thread, but it is old. I am referring to Lawn Grass,


    I am looking to seed 4 Rai that has good rainfall, but needs some tips,

    What is the real coverage, how much seed will I need, advice ranges on here from 3 kg- 50 kg a Rai ? (Rai = 1800m2)

    If you can find any seed, how much is it?

    Some have said it is similar price to turf. Well I could fly to Oz, by seed retail in rip off Australian prices, fly back, get top soil delivered and spread and seeded for less than the 4 Rai X 25b a meter.

    I am feeling desperate and next trying the Gov Ag departments.

    The tiles of turf seem to be 'Japanese' grass. Some say it is hardier in dry months, some people geography around me say try and get the broad leaf 'Malaysian' grass if doing it from seed. Something about the Japanese grass seeds are harder to grow, lighter and blow away easily. Maybe something lost in that conversation though !!!!

    Has anyone got any tips on where I should contact next?

    (Or the better half contact)

    Happy June

  11. Has anyone seen any testers for sale in Thailand ?

    If so, are they the electronic type with a prong that you push into moist soil?

    How much?

    Any tips of where?

    I notice that lime is easy to get here and cheap. (well cheaper than Oz, 30kg bag 60baht)

    I have failed to see Gypsum available, any ideas on this one ?

    Also, I think the water table would have a high salt content, I don't want to pump it up for irrigation, only to make issues later. How do I test the salt content? (Low ground 400m for the ocean)

    Thanks so much in advance. rolleyes.gif

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