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Posts posted by JRA

  1. Thanks for the info,but you can only get re-entry stamps at Maesai!

    Mae Sai is the cheapest and fastest...I just did April 30...took the 8am VIP Green Bus from Bus Station East of the River and was back the same evening...Take a chrisp $10 US and hand to the Mynamar before they suggest 500 baht...I had a late lunch in Burma and hired a motorbike guy to drive me around for an hour and half...fact is you don't even have to cross the bridge into Burma if you don't want to and you could be on the VIP Green Bas back to CM by 7pm.

    From the bus station just take the red truck for 15 baht...its safe near the border when your cross or feels that way to me and there is a market east of the border bridge. The VIP Green bus to and from was like 600 bhat...I think the direct buses leave 7 and 8am if you want to do in 12 hours. Hope this helps

    I have a type O 1 year visa from USA and just did my first 90 day visa run? next is july 28...maybe I missed what you were asking, sorry best of luck

  2. I took my thai gf bowling and gave her the basics and she won first game, couldn't belive it...then after seeing her first couple shots game 1 for fun I said "get a strike and I will give you 500 baht" of course her only strike of the night came right then :blink:

    Basics: 1. Have a ball that feels right, like when you try on the right size shoe. Put your fingers in a few;)

    2. Line up your feet on the arrows on lane...I'm right handed so I line up 1 arrow right of center

    3. Aim for the center pin or the arrows they have down the lane.

    4. Follow through...think a basketball player shotting a jumper or a golfer....follow through

    if this doesnt work, more beer

    I had my best game ever here in CM and threw a fricking gutter ball on my last shot....I wasn't focused and could have had 190+...oh well it was still fun but I bowl like 3 times a decade...haha

  3. Mae Sai is the cheapest and fastest...I just did April 30...took the 8am VIP Green Bus from Bus Station East of the River and was back the same evening...Take a chrisp $10 US and hand to the Mynamar before they suggest 500 baht...I had a late lunch in Burma and hired a motorbike guy to drive me around for an hour and half...fact is you don't even have to cross the bridge into Burma if you don't want to and you could be on the VIP Green Bas back to CM by 7pm.

    From the bus station just take the red truck for 15 baht...its safe near the border when your cross or feels that way to me and there is a market east of the border bridge. The VIP Green bus to and from was like 600 bhat...I think the direct buses leave 7 and 8am if you want to do in 12 hours. Hope this helps

  4. and anyone know where to go one jailbroken?

    Pantip plaza (Just south of Night bizarre at corner, cant miss) is where I had mine unlocked last year...can't remember what floor (maybe 1st) but it was the west side of the plaza, small small shop and the guy kept my iphone and I picked up the next day....maybe I paid like 1000 baht and he reloaded my pics and music and the thing worked just fine until I brain farted in USA a few months ago and synced with itunes and had to unlock in Seattle again...I saw the guy in Pantip plaza did a better job than the guy in Seattle

  5. Ok so I am kinda seeing this Thai girl and we are spending lunch and early afternoon together...I thought a picnic lunch would be more fun and interesting for her than just a plain lunch at some restuarant.

    One of the issues is rain so any suggestion on an outside picnic lunch area would be nice and here near the city by motorbike or tuk tuk?

    I know the park near sw corner of mote...any other park idea's close? or any other suggestion welcomed...or something that would have cover if and when the rain starts and that we could get to without hiring a taxi?

    She is very sweet gal and I would like to make her afternoon special or a bit different...most girls in the USA like a picnic lunch but I don't have much experience dating Thai ladies.

    How about a suggestion for a place to get some flowers?

    Kop koon krup my Thai Visa friends, have a nice week guys and gals:)

  6. Cali wow is a bit pricey but there isn't a nicer gym or more bang for you buck gym in CM...what's weird is the gym costs the same as a nice gym in Seattle. I have looked at many gyms here and searched forums about the nicest...there is wide opinion but really there is really only one really nice full service fitness club. You can work hard to talk them down on price and the longer you join the betetr deal...my first 3 month membership I paid was 5300...this time they gave me 2 months for about 4300 plus an extra month so works out to be about 50 us dollars.

    Just my 2 cents but I really like cali wow and I dont have to wait for anything and its clean many staff...open all the time and service entrance for before mall opens, near lift...the lady I just got new membership was a asian lady named Betty. good luck

  7. Trust me on Ulimate Hair (red sign/website and maybe google) off Hueykaew road about 100 meters west of the old shopping mall and orchard hotel before the first gas station (shell I think) on left...near Hueykaew Resedience

    ask for a guy named Oh....he knows what he is doing and speaks English...just be clear about what you want...300 which is cheap because the same cut in USA would have been $60 plus tip if you like your hair like me as well as having a full head of it and want to keep it...I as well have long hair and after doing many searches here on Thai visa i trusted farang ladies that had their hair cut there...kudos to Thaivisa and the folks that suggested Ultimate hair as I went last week

    I tip the shampoo girl and the Thai guy that obviously has much experience cutting farang and or long hair

    now if you want a cheap cut like most of the dudes here that don't have much hair to speak of...beware you maybe sorry...when you have long or full hair you pay like a women pays for a cut/style...the haters with no hair will say we are stupid but they would give their left nut for hair

  8. Orang37, I as well bought some shirts at the Night Bizaar for a couple friends back home and they were a big hit...and decent quality....I only got four and don't bargin much and bite when I hear what I believe is a fair price...I paid 180 bhat each but again I don't really care for talking them down as low as they go...but they have a nice selection of various shirts and sizes and I believe you could get for less...sometimes you get what you pay for...on both sides of the street the one block south of the McD's is where I found some nice shirts...for reference I have them try on the sizes so I can guage how it will fit the person I buy for

  9. im headed up on the vip (green bus) bus at 8am and leaving 4ish for return, should be a long day

    It is a long day, but if you bring a music player and some head phones it helps to pass the time. I usually try to catch the bus around 8 AM and the bus back at 3 AM. I once got to the border at 5:15 PM and it was after closing time, but the nice guys processed my paper and I got across and back with no issues. I didn't want to stay over night and I had already paid for a return bus ride. It usually takes about 5 hours to get from Chiang Mai to Mesai and about 4 hours to return. The difference is caused by all the stops on the way up. All the police checks slow the trip down a lot as well. On every trip I have seen unfortunate souls hauled off the bus because their papers are not in order.

    There's nothing much to look at on the Burma side unless you take several days up there.

    Yes I agree Ian, long day...last year I did the visa run once but stayed in Chiang Rai then went up...I took a few pics in Burma and walked the market and had lunch and bought some soda's for the sweet children playing near me...I have a small checklist of stuff to take to pass the time as well...I am hoping my motorbike will be safe at the bus station for 12 or so hours? I pray I dont oversleep or forget anything since it's day 90 the day I go...haha...knock on wood;)

  10. I love Mexican food too but have only eatten at Miguels, maybe like 5 times....may not be the best in CM but I have eatten great Mexican food back home as my buddies mom and dad had a rest. and they were from Mexico. Miguels is south of the NE corner of the mote...if you are going south from the NE corner it's on the left and maybe a couple hundred yards...they have parking right after to pass.

    Their is a place on Hueykaew road west of the old shopping mall but have not eatten there yet

  11. I did the zipline up north near Elephant camp/Tiger Kingdom last year with my gf and it lasts maybe 1-2 hours and I believe I paid 6k for the 2 of us...it was worth it because we had fun and I hadn't done it before and so I justified over 45 years haha

    But I talked to this nice farang lady at the pool a couple weeks ago that did the Flight of the Gibbons and it sounded about the same price but seemed to have more lines and last longer and she saw some Gibbons...or Gibon? Plus included a pick-up at hotel and maybe food

    I'm scared of heights but it looked safe and it was really fun, much better than parasailing imo in USA....but I really dont think you can find a place a zip half day and get a great deal...I don't many local thai's are zipping at 3000 a pop

    unless cash is tight, the zipline is worth the $ imo and I will do again

  12. uptheos is right and being very nice about it.

    For a 2 yr old TV, no warranty, that will need additional investment to use, its well overpriced. If you need perspective, try stopping in the SIAM TV(South side of the moat).

    Where are you going next? Any possibility it may be better received there?

    Here is a link from Amazon and what the tv looks like and the info you may need...see link if interested....I guess I may have to consider a bit less but I am not giving the thing away when it has like 6 months use...probably just ship it home...oh well....worth a try just to avoid the trouble...


    I'm not saying that your TV isn't worth the money to you. However, TV's have come down in price dramatically and for anyone considering buying a 26" TV in Thailand, there are so many available on sale for far less than the price you are asking, plus they come with a full warranty.

    But anyway, good luck.smile.gif

    Steve...this post was old and before I did any research....and one poster explained to me that I should ask less which was totally fine....more wanting to dump it because it a pain to move with me in the box and really wished i left it home...amazon lists at plus $300 used but this was just the starting point...I wouldn't take $100 US but if someone made a fair offer like a couple guys said from 5-6000 bhat I could live with that just to save the value of taking in home on the airline

    I just more had an issue with the guy acting like nobody has a 2nd tv and acting like the 26" is meant to be the hub of someones tv watching...its meant more for like a bedroom where I had it mounted in my home back in seattle...

  13. I don't get why people like the ipad unless you just have cash to burn?

    ...I did purchase one for my daughter (21) for Christmas but I really attempted to talk her out of it...of course, she had her heart set on it so I dropped $800 in Seattle at the Apple store...of course she likes it but she also didn't buy it.

    as for value....? I could have bought her a brand new laptop for the same same price.

    I love apple and my ipod is 6 years old and still runs like a champ and my 2 year iphone, dropped the thing without case 200 times still works great so they make great products that last...but their computers are so over priced its sick

  14. Seems odd the electronics section has many options (IT, computer, audio, camera,...) yet nothing for TV's?

    I admit I am not very Thaivisa.com savy and can be thick sometimes but I wanted to give feedback to the admin folks that I think adding a TV section to electronics would be helpful to both the readers and people paying for ad space because I was seeing a couple TV ads in sections from household or furniture.

    Sorry for posting on open forum and feel free to move or delete just wanted to give my 2 cents

    Happy Thai New Year to all, hope everyone has a fun and is safe time on the soon to be wet roads!

  15. So, for how many days does the craziness last? I enjoyed Songkran in Samui last year, but the water attacks were confined almost completely to the 13th.

    I can't think of a reason to drive except that it goes on too long to avoid it, if you need supplies and such.

    Thanks for the info.

    last year the water tossing went like a full week here in CM....this will only be my 2nd time but I expect the random water hitting me starting next weekend and lasting the full week

  16. I'm also looking for a gym on the hang dong road area. I saw a closed down gym in tesco lotus the other day but thats it. I may go and have a look at the one in airport plaza but the last thing i want to do is want through a busy shopping mall after a hot sweaty work out.

    The only thing i can do is check it out my self!

    You don't have to, the 2 service lifts are less than 100ft as you exit Cali wow...easily nicest gym in CM as I looked at them all as well as the hotel ones...and open before mall even opens

  17. I felt two quakes in Seattle in the past 15 years the last being 2001 and it felt like I was on a dock on a lake when the waves hit and I don't recall the scale but I will never foregt that...the one in 96 I hardly noticed except my gf in Seattle was pissed I didnt call her within an hour.

    I guess the one here in CM depends where you were but I was on the 4th floor of my building and it seemed to last at least 30-40 seconds and I had no doubt it was a quake because I couldn't imagine something rocking my size building...I will never forget this quake either because I was so surprised by it.

    I remember Mt. St Helens as well 30 years ago looking at the sky and wondering why the clouds seemed so different.

  18. I volunteer once a week in Hang Dong at CareforDogs.org....basically just socializing and walking many of their dogs on Wednesday

    You may have your heart set on a pure bred but if you have a change of heart they have over 100 dogs, many with challenges but many many sweet dogs that just need love and a good home...they do have pupies as well

    If you love dogs like me you may want to consider going by and just checking it out...

    Their website has a map and just south of the Night Safari

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  19. So I read a headline on "ThaiVisa Latest News" that low level radiation detected in Vegi's from Japan....why the F%^& is Thailand importing vegtables from Japan?

    Figures I move to Thaialnd at the age of 45, start liking vegtables for the first time in my life...now I have to worry about radiation? Let me guess, the Japanesse governemnt said their vegtables are fine :annoyed:

    Is low level radiation like a low level heart attack...next the bottle water will be from Japan :bah:

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