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sua yai

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Posts posted by sua yai

  1. A couple of friends went back to the UK earlier this year as one of them had some degenerative disease that they couldn't diagnose here.

    He'd been in Thailand for 20 years, although occasionally back in the UK. Went they returned, both had been out of the country for 7 consequtive years and had real trouble getting any assistance from the NHS. They were told that there was some time limit of 5 years.

    It's all sorted now, but it took a long time.

  2. Dragonman,

    I won't trust an internet search again. That's where I got the info on millipedes. Another critter to watch out for over here.

    Reckon the best bet is to fumigate the house with a case of Baygon and retire gracefully to a local hostelry for a few hours.

    Any old excuse on a Friday.

  3. Thanks for the replies.

    These are definitely centipedes - ie one pair of legs per section as opposed to two sets which a millipede has. I thought the millipedes were harmless. Touch them and they roll into a ball. Could well be wrong though.

    And, Bambi, you've got me racing to put my Doc Martins on!! Yes, they're takabs. Wife dosn't seem overly worried though and I think we're through the worst of it. Until it rains again.

    Dragonman, I'm going out to buy another aerosol can.

  4. Over the past two days, we've been getting a few unwelcome visitors in our bathroom, namely small centipedes. They're only about an inch long, if that.

    We've poured all kinds of nasty stuff down the drain and it seems that the little critters are thinking twice about coming back. So far we've had about a dozen of them.

    Now, I was bitten by a much larger one years ago and can still remember the pain. I'm now totally freaked out when I see one. One had the gall to pass within a foot of where I'm sitting at the computer only 15 mins ago.

    Can anyone confirm whether a bite from one so small is painful. My wife tells me not to woory. But I'm not sure.


  5. There's a short form that you fill in at The Ministry of Forign Affairs, but I can't remember if that asked for details of your salary or occupation. Either way, there is no need to back it up with paperwork at any stage, including the Brit. Embassy.

    I was quite surprised at my Amphur office. I was expecting them to give us a fairly lenghty talk about what we were doing, the responsibility etc - this had happened to friends in the past - but it was all over in 15 mins and we left with our certificates.

  6. I posted on this on PB's get well thread. In March I was fined 25 days over as I was also recovering from a bad accident - 11 days in hospital, two operations etc. Went to Soi Suan Plu with my doctor's letter, saw the immigration doctor there who gave me another month before I would be fit to make a long journey for a visa. Still 5,000 fine and 1,900 for a 14 day extension.

    I reckon that even if you left in a coffin, relatives would have to pay the overstay if you were late.

  7. I got married on the 15th of this month. Because of heavy expenditure on my property in London, I felt it was best to delay the wedding ceremony and sin sod. Didn't want us strapped for cash in the first few months of marriage.

    It took a number of discussions with the family - particularly the mother - and it was agreed to shelve the ceremony until November.

    We were allowed to get officially married first though, so my gf/wife was able to move back in with me.

    Sin sod's negligible at 50,000 Baht and the option to spread the payments over 6 months. There has to be 10,000 in November though.

    A sensible compromise was reached for all, IMO.

  8. On the legal side, I can only comment from one incident that happened to me some three years ago.

    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, arrested and ended up facing some very serious charges. Whilst out on bail, both my Embassy and lawyers in BKK suggested that I skip and get out of the country asap. I was still in possession of my passport.

    I didn't do as advised. I attended every bail appearance on time and after three months of investigation, all charges were dropped.

    Just as well I didn't run. Dont' think Thailand would have been too pleased to me me again if I had.

    So, as far as legal rights were concerned, I had as many as any Thai.

  9. Hello Enigma,

    Thanks for the info. I've spoken to Rod. Your phone was ringing out.

    I hear that you're going to The Andaman club which isn't too good for me. I'm only doing a 30 day run and there's an additional 700 Baht charge for 30 dayers unless you go 5 days early, so I'll give it a miss this time.

    Having got married on the 15th of this month, I'll be going to Penang within the next couple of months to get my nonO visa. Would be good to meet up and plan a run after that.

    BTW, are you a resident here? If so, there's a number of us that go out for a Saturday afternoon stroll and a few beers around town. Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you details.

    I'll try and call again later.

  10. I nearly ran foul of the closing laws here a number of years ago. Some bright spark decided to call elections - I think they were provincial, not national - on 24 and 25th December.

    After a meal, I decided to open up around 9pm on the 24th - Xmas after all. By midnight, the place was packed as we were the only bar open. The police arrived, called my ex gf over and explained that they could arrest and fine her for opening. They did, however, give us 15 mins to close up which was pretty decent of them.

    I'm sure that the only time the law requires you to close is during elections. On all the other days, you're aked not to open out of repect for the occasion, as has already been said.

  11. Thinking about it again, 1,200 would be reasonable if it includes dollars and boat.

    Maybe even 1,300 for the speed and ease of travel. Any more and I do feel you're getting ripped off.

    Friends of mine used to organise trips like this and they charged 1,100 all in. OK, prices will go up a bit due to increased fuel costs.

  12. Londoners will get on with their lives just as they have in the past.

    I've also been there during other bombing campaigns, but it certainly didn't stop either myself or countless others getting to work and going about our daily lives.

    Remember, one of the main aims of terrorism is exactly as the word suggests - terror.

    Once you've let that get into your system the fanatics have won half the battle.

    Sure, people will be more vigilant and jumpy. But, I'd bet it won't bring London to a standstill.

  13. I've never lived up country, but have spent extended periods of time at an old g/f's house in Buriram province.

    Some of the family lived there - we didn't , so someone might as well use it. The immediate family were always good to me. I would ensure that there was a steady supply of beer, Lao Kao, and cigarettes. In return, I got companionship, a good roof over my head and three odd meals a day. I'll never knock that.

    However, the locals were the bane of my life up there. The worst culprit was the head man's alcoholic brother. He and his toothless cronies would stagger down the dirt track at 8am, totally smashed and expect to "call in" to raid any goodies that were left over from the night before.

    It took me about three years of regular visits to eventually snap. I basically told them to f*** off and not set foot in the house again.

    After they left, the family applauded me, explaining that they could never had said that themselves. It had to come from me.

    Moral of the story? Everyone was invited round to the headman's brother's house for lunch the next day - all food, booze and cigarettes free for us. I guess the message got through!!

  14. Just spoke to the missus and she says he was there for a holiday and to get his kids into "school" in England. Don't know how old the kids are, but maybe it's university.

    Amazing how we're often not worth anything over here, but our educational system is just hunky dory for his family.

    Hypocrite. I'm sure it won't go unnoticed how the fearless leader who's standing up against all forms of extreme political behaviour in this country rushed back with his tail between his legs after the unfortunate incidents in London to proclain to his loyal followers that he was OK.

    Rant over.

  15. A pervious poster mentioned issan late night revelries.

    A few years ago I was up country for the funerals of my ex's husband and father. A three day party. On the main day there were around 200 professional musicains and dancers performing in front of @2,000 people.

    Around midnight we heard two loud bangs and thought someone had let off those big fireworks late.

    Turned out that a young Thai lad had got on the stage and asked the compere to get one of his friends to meet him just around the corner of the house. The friend was shot twice in the head.

    Police turned up the next day - that's when we farangs first realised what had happened. They were only looking for witnesses. The shooter had turned himself in straight away.

    The overall atmosphere was of mai pen rai. The body had been taken away, the culprit was in custody. Get on with the party.

    My friends and I were not quite so laid back with the experience.

    Drinking+raging testosterone levels+access to a firearm+argument over a girl = one dead teenager. Sad.

  16. I thought the point of getting a single entry non o was because you'd be applying for a further year's extension within Thailand. On the basis of marriage or retirement, for example.

    I don't know the trials and tribulations of visas in the US, but I personally know three people who've being going to Penang for years and getting multi-entry non o's on the basis of marriage or supporting a Thai child. These have always been valid for a year. It suits them as they travel out of Thailand regularly and so need for re-entry permits.

    Perhaps things have changed in the States.

    Exactly as Totster said.

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