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Posts posted by heiwa

  1. Ahh. good. koh phangan, koh tao and koh samui are safley tucked away on the other side.

    Where they should be. :-)

    Not so says a leading newspaper. It states that there is a mild chance of a tsunami in songkhla and i am on the same side as you. don't see how this is possible but this is what the thai side is saying.


    Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has made this warning which includes Songkhla - the same side as you. I wouldn't worry about it. Appears to be nonsense
  2. As I have observed before this has the makings of a Sudan style civil war but on a much larger scale. I don't envy the authorities trying to sort this one out, but no doubt even deaths in the millions will hardly register a blip with the western press.

    The Persecution of Christians in Nigeria is very well documented with Thousands of Christians murdered and hundreds of Churches burned to the Ground ,it would appear that it is of little interest to the outside world ,of course Nigeria is not unique in this respect as Christians are being murdered and their places of worship desecrated in many Muslim Countrys ,with Islam there is no " half way" you are either with them or against them , IMHO this word "multiculturalism" is just a myth ,but mouthed by many of the left wing PC brigade who avoid reality like the plague,

    So much oil there makes death irrelevant. Isn't it time that you started to live in the real world? Heaven is a place you go to when you die. Sounds tough but that's how it is for many poor souls. Why don't the Christians fight back. Outnumbered? Outgunned? Partition the country like what happened with India/Pakistan. And then don't allow any Muslims into the Christian part. Extreme suffering causes from extreme measures. Sometimes we must confront the myth of multiculturalism and fight or accept there will be deaths such as these. There is a choice. However I concede bombers are rather invisible. Who to fight?
  3. We felt this in Phuket - where are my water wings??


    My God I felt it in Songkhla near Samila beach. Emailed my friend telling him that I must have gone insane. My chair and fan was visibly shaking. If you are in Phuket get the hell away from the beach. It must be a big quake for me to feel it here on the other side of Thailand. Duration was rather long too. Around four minutes at a guess.
  4. Dunno why so many here are in denial and don't realise that we are in the minority here in Thailand. When discrimination happens, for example: overcharging, fraud, assisted-suicides and the ever increasing "farang-lynchings", there's sfa that we can do about it.

    Justice is for those of higher rank. The situation is irrelevant. You must understand your rank and accept all of the above. It your destiny for the sins of a past life for farang and Thai of lower rank. My neigbour short change me 300 baht. I accept this. They are of a superiour birth to I. For the sake of 300 baht it is not worth fighting - and if I did - it would only get worse. I think if you live in Thailand you should accept that this is part of the deal. If you do it will go a lot better for you. So many farang come here trying to fight the kow tow system - is it any wonder they are lynched?
  5. Why is it that so many announcements in Thailand are in fact a goal ,destination or end result which is impossible to achieve.

    I'd rather see the announcement whereby they aim through strict police and traffic controls to reduce the number of casualties this year by 10%.

    People die every day on Thai roads through combination of factors such as inexperienced drivers, poor car safety standards, poor roads, or stupididty and sheer bad luck.. how does she plan to combat these situations and miraculously convert songkran into a zero death period.

    It's kind of like the "I'll bring happiness to Hat Yai" quote. It doesn't really matter if it happens. It's all about things sounding nice and positive. Perhaps they have a valid point. Better to believe in illusion than looking at reality until... And perhaps that's why I love Thailand so much. Everything feels so f... merry even if it isn't. It's like Christmas time all year round. It's wonderful. Rather than knock it we should be happy with it. I can live without reality thank you very much Sir.
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  6. Nothing more than applying anthropological and sociological observation to the culture.

    If the observation offends, that is not my intent nor fault.

    You, not I, impose some implied looking down element.

    In my opinion the worst part of Thai culture that causes the most Thais the most problems in life is Kow Tow, passed on for millennia by the Chinese, and implemented in a particularly Thai fashion here.

    And Kow Tow is tied directly to Face and how all facets of the society interact.

    It was clearly in play in this incident.

    You may call it kow tow or krenjai but it could as easily be respect.

    If it was only that I would be fine with it.

    But it is more than that it has a ruling effect on peoples sense of self-worth from best friends,

    to those wrongly aspiring to the highest chairs, and makes too many people do normally immoral acts to get more cash to up their status in society, how they get the money and power is not questioned, once that HAVE the money and power.

    There is no culture war in Thailand, but there is 70 million individual culture wars

    happening every time people meet and decide how how that wei goes.

    Or someone loses status by not being listened to, or paid enough in HIS opinion,

    like a songchaw driver told he's charging too much in public in front of other drivers,

    and physically attacks the disputing rider demanding more money.

    Driver can't back down because his kow tow status would shrink.

    And should the rider defend himself from the attack he gets a gang beating.

    Sure sounds like these guards game plan too. No respect? Use violence.

    Krenjai as respect is fine,

    but that is not the end of Kow Tow's rule over society and individuals actions.

    Grengjai is fear. In Pattalung recently one police got a promotion and the other didn't. It resulted in one policeman shooting and killing six others and then himself. Thais have to deal with it as well. Those who get promoted also have to be careful with those who have to stay at a lower rank. And Jesus wept...
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  7. ]From my research these ten commandments are covered in the Qu'ran but not in one page. Who will pay? My God how costly is this mess at present? The sorrow-full faces that I saw were Muslilms - many have lost brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers as the buddhists have. Buddhists are an extreme minority so I can not imagine many working for the government or teachers. I can not think of anything much sadder than tarring a whole group of people with the same brush. They once did this to the Jews. And some still do. 100 bombers out of 2 billion muslims? What about Timothy McVeigh. Do we say all Christians are bad because he was a bomber? Do we blame all Americans and Englisman because their country started war with Iraq on phony allegations. Of course we don't. We separate good and bad people. It is only logical. This war caused far more deaths than any Muslim bombers. Vietnam war. Death is all the same for the dead whoever the killer is. In the West we believe war deaths are perfectly fine. I fail to see the logic in this. Can not see any logic in anyone dying unnecessarily. Sadly usually is the profit motive - the root of all evil - some say. At any rate for Budhists and Muslims it is better for this to stop immediately and I hope the government is working on it. Yep, my god. I can read Thai and I can see that many of the number plates I see in Songkhla and Hat Yai are from Yala. Not exactly the place to spend Songkran. Perhaps its time to evacuate Buddhists and Muslims from the region with financial resettling incentives. Perhaps to Suratthani or above. Something has to be done. Do we just wait for 10,000 dead and 35,000 legless, armless and blind.

    Mr. McVeigh did not carry out the bombing because of any Christian sentiments. His religious views, or lack thereof, were not implicated. In Thailand, the terror attacks are carried out in the name of Allah. The issue here is not Iraq, but of Thailand. If you believe the westerners are all crazy killers, ok, that's your opinion. However, the westerners are not implicated in Thailand, nor are Christians, Jews, Hindus, Bahais, Wiccans, Druids, or those that bel;ong to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti.

    Why should Thais be forced to evacuate? Your proposal to create scores of refugees evokes memories of the division of India into two regions; One called India where an attempt to build a non sectarian society built upon law and democracy would be made and the other called Pakistan where only one religion would be tolerated and where it seem, an attempt to create a nation based upon a return to the bronze age as quickly as possible would be made. I note that India has one of the largest muslim populations in the world and this minority certainly has more rights and freedoms than non muslim groups in Pakistan have. The take away lesson from India is that basic civil rights and minority rights seem to do best under a non muslim dominated government. As such, the removal of the Buddhist population would only make life more difficult for the muslims as unforgiving harsh aspects of the rligion such as Sharia law would take hold.

    Why should they forced to evacuate? I did not say force. I said volunitarily. Personally I feel the lives of their soldiers are worth more than its worth. I said Muslims and Buddhist to leave and let the rest who remain kill each other. I understand the situation would not be pretty for those who chose to remain. Perhaps they could return once there was no-one left after the last fight to the death. I can not see any sense in young Thai soldiers being blown up indefinitely. I would hope there is a better solution to this. What purpose does it serve to twist what I say. You must read more carefully before you reply. If you have a better solution please put forward it. I generally can tell peoples nationality just by looking at them - extremely keen sense of perception - so for many what I say would be very hard to understand. Buddhists have a different expression of sereneness. Anyway - granted - for those with very little sense of perception of emotions would think I am talking nonsense - drivel 555. It has been a hobby of a life-time to study facial expressions. Japanese have very serene expressions wheras Chinese generally have a very busy facial expression. I am not sitting here in judgement. Just observing. I do hope opinions are not illegal?
  8. ]Its quite easy to distinguish between Muslims and Buddhists in Thailand most of the time. Thai Muslims and Buddhists often dress differently. Do your research. Amulet is the obvious - but they do not always wear amulets. Then facial hair growth. Muslims can not wear necklaces. Look for necklaces. Many foreigners die in mysterious circumstances in Thailand. Do your research to find out how this happens and who is doing it. Thy shall not kill is a Muslim command. However, nothing is 100%, as one Malay Muslim told me it depends on the situation especially when being robbed at night etc. Of course with jihad this is different and personally I don't agree with it. You will find people who really believe in God whether it be Jews, Christians or Muslims, not myself, have a facial expression of really being at peace with the world. Look for this serene look. I have seen it in Christians, Jews and Muslims. However, from your accounts this serene look was something you did not see in Middle East Muslims, noted. When you find your wife in your house with another man and she tell you he is her brother that is another clue 555. Or when a man answers your wife's phone 555. Or when you see a bottle of whiskey. Or when your wife asks you to pay for a million baht in gambling debts. Or when you hear the buffalo has died and money is needed to replace it 555. And when there is relentless demands for money after you are married. Or when you are called a buffalo. All of these are tell tale signs that they are not Muslims.

    I find your post to be quite offensive and derisive towards non muslim Thais. Your assertion that those that have religion have facial expressions indicative of being at peace is crap. Some would argue that the catonic state is due to other reasons. For every religious person that has such a facial expression there are those with no religious views that hyave the same look. And there are just as many religious people with nasty expressions on their faces.

    Your comemnts suggest that you believe that only non muslims engage in deceit or improper acts. Would you like to know about the subject listing for Paradise in phuket? Take a guess at how many muslims are working in the gay bars? Although they try to conceal it, they often do maintain some views such as not eating pork. There are even quite a significant number of the kathoeys. It's not just the gay crowd, but many of the girls working the beer bars are from the south. Not every hooker comes from Issan despite your attempt to suggest that. Do you honestly think that only non muslims gamble or call their spouses kwai or ask for money?

    Yes a man may have it easier with a wife if they are muslim, but that is the man's perspective. Do you honestly think that the woman has it easier with a muslim husband. You negect to mention the ease with which a male muslim can take another wife or visit a whore, all to the first wife's detriment. On and on it goes.

    If you think that Thai muslims do not drink or use drugs, then you are very wrong. If that was the case, the number of muslims with alcohol or other drug related health issues, would not be reflective of the population. Sorry, but muslims do the same bad things as do non muslims, and in some cases they can present with puzzling sexually transmitted illnesses that begs the question of how the hell did they get the infection in that specific part of the body.

    Agreed any man of any religion can pimp out their wife to farang for a fee unbeknown to the farang of course. Such is the desire for money. I know Muslims drink. I have drank with Muslims often - even non-bar girls. Girls who work in banks - they paid for their share of the whiskey and taxi fare. Drinking whiskey together. And as far as I know she did not have a bomb in her bag, neither had she blown up a church. How strange? The Arabs could take note of a more forgiving form of Islam which exists in Thailand. It was a great relief to come back from Malaysia.
  9. Of course Muslims can have the same vices as others - they are human - which I have frequently seen. I never said they did not have vices if you read my posts carefully. I even went as far as to say that they kill when robbing people if you don't hand over quickly (cut your throat is the fashion in Malaysia I am told) - which seems to be widespread in Malaysia - so I am told by Muslims. And it really is open to interpretation that vices are vices. Vices as we perceive them can easily be seen as something that is good. Buddhism sees the sense of this. However I don't see much good with gambling. For me I certainly do not regret committing any of the vices I have engaged in - they were most pleasurable despite what the Bible or Koran would say. I am just speaking from my and many other peoples experiences with non-Muslims in this country. I do agree that there must be good experiences yet I am yet to personally hear of one. I do agree Buddhism is a good moderating influence on the Muslims here taking their religion to seriously. It would be a shame if Thailand became like Malaysia. What I am saying is I readily admit what I say is not based on fact but personal experiences of myself and many others. And if we look to Indonesia the same tricks are employed there with Muslims. So perhaps after reading these posts perhaps it is more the case that we are dealing with a lower caste of people than a person of a certain religion who play these cheating games and show very little respect to foreigners. The stories I could tell of what has happened to foreigners here. Just believe me - I have grounds for what I am saying. But yes one could conclude that it is desperately poor people taking advantage of retarded farang who are blind to it all. However, I have talked to ThaiMuslims here and they say that their emotions are different from other Thai people. That's what I love about Thailand - people can say what they think and the truth can be revealed. We as Westerners have to say what is politically correct. Classic Thai comment is - I don't like white men, I don't like farang (often not said directly) or I don't like black men. Telling it how it is. I love it. I think Muslims are far closer to us because the Koran and Bible are very similar. Our thinking is therefore very similar even if we are not religious. I find I feel there is much greater warmth when I meet muslims here - relatively little distance. Some can look pretty sour at the same time - but not many. Yes, we all know for an extreme minority fire crackers just won't do it for them but that should not stop us looking at the big picture - being blinded by hate for all Muslims. Universal hate for a whole group is the new love. How the legacy of great Western thinking has collapsed. Very sad. Where are the Ciceros' of the past? I often see Muslims have a good time in the Pattaya of the South in Dannok - God is very forgiving 555. How can any religion suppress sexual pleasure. Yep, for sure they are not all good boys 555. I did not just say Muslims have this serene facial expressions - I said Christians, Jews and Muslims. I guess it is because they get a tremendous amount of release in leaving everything up to God. I do hope this opinion is not a crime. There is some real twisting of what I am saying in previous posts. Be straight up please.

  10. I have no sympathy for Romklao or any solider who die in the course of duty.

    They are in the business of war, and they knew the risk when they sign up for a position in the army.

    In Thailand, professional army is a career choice. If you are afraid to die, they do not have to join.

    Most solider join the army because they know and expected to be compensated heavily from the under-table money from govt defense budget (and tax free too)

    Just show me 1 general (just 1 and I am happy) that does not drive a Merc S class and have million dollar home. Look back their records 30 years, and I bet most come from poor rural farming family with land less than 10 rai.

    So a young man is sent to somewhere in Thailand to protect the interests of the elite (an ignorant pawn) and he gets his legs blown off and blinded and for this ends up selling lottery tickets for the rest of his life. Yep, I agree you have no sympathy. I admire your honesty. Nothing beats saying what one really things. Well done. If only everyone was as honest as you about the way you feel. Agree to agree to differ.
  11. For now we are safe as everywhere in Thailand is swarming with police and military.

    Swarming? Where are you located... the deep south? The rest of Thailand is not swarming, hence a likely target.

    I am in Hat Yai and Songkhla. The place is swarming with Police and military. They sit in every soi of the main road checking cars. People are spilling in from Yala like refugees with the most sorrow-full faces I have ever seen. Incredibly depressing. Someone has failed these people utterly. For every bomber I guess you have 100,000 non-bombers. Tragedy of more than titanic proportions. Wonder this region does not get UN intervention. UN troops stationed down here could put an end to it. It's every much a war zone as Iraq or Afghanistan. Paradox is that these Muslims down here are the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. Most are loyal to the ten commandments. You won't find them yelling farang in disgust, cheating you, or murdering you or having the secret Thai brother = husband stashed away. Very straight up good people.

    UN troops? seriously? The UN is a worthless organization. Every time the UN sends in a large amount of troops, that usually means most are American troops and American troops (nor EU troops) feel very friendly toward Muslim extremists. How do you know these 'sweet people' are Muslims? Do they tell everyone they meet "I am a Muslim"? Or, perhaps carry signs identifying them as such?

    I have worked with Muslims in the middle east. They were not extremists but, they have told me that, when they went to the mosque the Muslim cleric would be shouting about "death to the infidels" and get the congregation in a frenzy.

    I don't recall Buddhists every calling for a holy war against non Buddhists.

    Its quite easy to distinguish between Muslims and Buddhists in Thailand most of the time. Thai Muslims and Buddhists often dress differently. Do your research. Amulet is the obvious - but they do not always wear amulets. Then facial hair growth. Muslims can not wear necklaces. Look for necklaces. Many foreigners die in mysterious circumstances in Thailand. Do your research to find out how this happens and who is doing it. Thy shall not kill is a Muslim command. However, nothing is 100%, as one Malay Muslim told me it depends on the situation especially when being robbed at night etc. Of course with jihad this is different and personally I don't agree with it. You will find people who really believe in God whether it be Jews, Christians or Muslims, not myself, have a facial expression of really being at peace with the world. Look for this serene look. I have seen it in Christians, Jews and Muslims. However, from your accounts this serene look was something you did not see in Middle East Muslims, noted. When you find your wife in your house with another man and she tell you he is her brother that is another clue 555. Or when a man answers your wife's phone 555. Or when you see a bottle of whiskey. Or when your wife asks you to pay for a million baht in gambling debts. Or when you hear the buffalo has died and money is needed to replace it 555. And when there is relentless demands for money after you are married. Or when you are called a buffalo. All of these are tell tale signs that they are not Muslims.
  12. Police chief orders tight security in capital: Perhaps these videos may work better than dreary drive safe campaigns? At least they have everyone's full attention. Obviously the 3 separate accidents I saw where the drivers of 3 pickup trucks flipped their vehicles upside down lying in a roadside ditch over 2 hours would have been well advised to look at these videos. If these are a taste of accidents to come - the finale is going to be very nasty violin.gif Apparently 4pm to 6pm is the most dangerous time. Can't understand the need to drive at 180km/hr. But each to his own I guess.

  13. For now we are safe as everywhere in Thailand is swarming with police and military.

    Swarming? Where are you located... the deep south? The rest of Thailand is not swarming, hence a likely target.

    I am in Hat Yai and Songkhla. The place is swarming with Police and military. They sit in every soi of the main road checking cars. People are spilling in from Yala like refugees with the most sorrow-full faces I have ever seen. Incredibly depressing. Someone has failed these people utterly. For every bomber I guess you have 100,000 non-bombers. Tragedy of more than titanic proportions. Wonder this region does not get UN intervention. UN troops stationed down here could put an end to it. It's every much a war zone as Iraq or Afghanistan. Paradox is that these Muslims down here are the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. Most are loyal to the ten commandments. You won't find them yelling farang in disgust, cheating you, or murdering you or having the secret Thai brother = husband stashed away. Very straight up good people.

    I was unaware that muslims followed the 10 Commandments. I was under the impression that while this is a cornerstone of Judaism and Christanity, the Qu'ran does not discuss the contents, nor mention the need to comply with the 10 commandments. This inaccuracy then calls into question the entire premise of your statement.

    I do not doubt for a minute that many thousands of people are refugees from the violence. Some are muslim, while a great many are not. The overwhelming majority of those fleeing for their lives are buddhists and those that serve the community such as public health workers, public administration officials' families and teachers.

    It is a nice sentiment that you want UN peacekeepers. Where do you propose these peacekeepers come from and who will pay? Considering the allegations surrounding the support for the insurgents coming from neighbors such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Arab countries, there isn't much of a pool of personnel available. Western countries are fed up with dealing with muslim attached sensitivities and they just don't have the funds or personnel available for such an adventure. The Africans have their hands full with African conflicts. Would you propose India and China then? That would go over like a lead balloon.

    From my research these ten commandments are covered in the Qu'ran but not in one page. Who will pay? My God how costly is this mess at present? The sorrow-full faces that I saw were Muslilms - many have lost brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers as the buddhists have. Buddhists are an extreme minority so I can not imagine many working for the government or teachers. I can not think of anything much sadder than tarring a whole group of people with the same brush. They once did this to the Jews. And some still do. 100 bombers out of 2 billion muslims? What about Timothy McVeigh. Do we say all Christians are bad because he was a bomber? Do we blame all Americans and Englisman because their country started war with Iraq on phony allegations. Of course we don't. We separate good and bad people. It is only logical. This war caused far more deaths than any Muslim bombers. Vietnam war. Death is all the same for the dead whoever the killer is. In the West we believe war deaths are perfectly fine. I fail to see the logic in this. Can not see any logic in anyone dying unnecessarily. Sadly usually is the profit motive - the root of all evil - some say. At any rate for Budhists and Muslims it is better for this to stop immediately and I hope the government is working on it. Yep, my god. I can read Thai and I can see that many of the number plates I see in Songkhla and Hat Yai are from Yala. Not exactly the place to spend Songkran. Perhaps its time to evacuate Buddhists and Muslims from the region with financial resettling incentives. Perhaps to Suratthani or above. Something has to be done. Do we just wait for 10,000 dead and 35,000 legless, armless and blind.
  14. Unless a verbal argument is now considered asking for it. Which many here believe is the case.

    I've seen and dealt with many BTS station guards over the years... And I too certainly would like to see the full surveillance video to discern what really happened here.

    But nothing in my past experience suggests the typical BTS guard is likely to whack a passenger in the head with their metal detector without considerable provocation... And the teacher guy's conduct on the video we have seen certainly is suggestive of him going well beyond a verbal dispute.

    Are you really trying to suggest he was a perfectly polite, reasonable soul beforehand. But suddenly for no reason got whacked in the head. And then immediately turns into a raging maniac who's trying to kick a woman station chief while his friend has to restrain him by horse collar grabbing him around the neck as he continues to struggle???

    I have always felt like royalty when I have spoken to BTS security guards. Would have thought they were incapable of hurting an ant.
  15. For now we are safe as everywhere in Thailand is swarming with police and military.

    Swarming? Where are you located... the deep south? The rest of Thailand is not swarming, hence a likely target.

    I am in Hat Yai and Songkhla. The place is swarming with Police and military. They sit in every soi of the main road checking cars. People are spilling in from Yala like refugees with the most sorrow-full faces I have ever seen. Incredibly depressing. Someone has failed these people utterly. For every bomber I guess you have 100,000 non-bombers. Tragedy of more than titanic proportions. Wonder this region does not get UN intervention. UN troops stationed down here could put an end to it. It's every much a war zone as Iraq or Afghanistan. Paradox is that these Muslims down here are the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. Most are loyal to the ten commandments. You won't find them yelling farang in disgust, cheating you, or murdering you or having the secret Thai brother = husband stashed away. Very straight up good people.
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  16. I can not understand why any non-muslims would want to stay in the deep South. This is purely provocative when you know the population has extreme views and can not tolerate buddhism evidenced by the frequent throwing of hand grenades at temples down there. Can not think of two religions more incompatible. One religion where all bow to God and mortals are equal under God and Budhism where they bow to elite mortal humans in Bangkok. However Islam, Jews and Christians both having God are not without conflict to say the least. The people in the deep South must bow to the elite in Bangkok and is it true that they must accept Budhism as their first religion? Either demand from the Bangkok elilte is a very big ask. I think non-muslims in the deep South really should consider consulting a psychiatrist. Does the Thai government pay non-Muslims danger money to stay in the deep South? I am being serious. I think the best solution is for all non-Muslims to leave and just let them kill each other. History shows the killing will not stop. At the same time they would have no reason to kill tourists in hotels any longer. No reason for jihad. At this time so many young soldiers being killed or maimed (the guys selling lottery tickets all over Thailand) by bombs financed I guess by Malays and Arab money. The Koran requires them to fight to the death so this is not going away until a Aceh style area is formed. Whether this is what the vast majority wants - I don't know. Referendum would be a helpful way to let the bombers know the locals don't want an Aceh style governance. You have to understand that the Muslims down there have the whole Muslim world backing them and if they can no longer blow up bombs in the deep South they will go to Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket. The Thai government should try to nip it in the bud. Sometimes when you lose you win. In conclusion when you get two groups you will have conflict. When two tribes go to war. The only thing you can do is try to minimise conflict and try to make sure it does not spill over to a third group - tourists - like it already has in the numero uno tourist mecca of Hat Yai - Lee Gardens Hotel. The terrorists need not attack now - the tourists are noticably absent. They have already made local Muslims disappear, Tak Bai etc, many local young men vanished off the face of the Earth - and this I believe is why the Malay and Arab bomb money is flowing in. One must think of the consequences of making people disappear especially with a religion where the value of one life lost means another life must be lost. And you are fighting the whole Muslim world - not just the deep South. And in answer to other posts I can not understand why Europe has let in so many Muslims when it is obvious that Muslims who follow the Koran can wage war against civilians and issue death sentences to civilians. Yes, this is the 0.000001% but even this is too much. The Koran is not compatible with Western society. But no doubt Western society with Muslim birth rates European nations will soon become Muslim Kingdoms. This is inevitable and like the people in the Deep South are beginning to wake up - resistance in futile. Shows that Western leaders are far more corrupt than any Asian leaders.

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  17. Moving into self-preservation mode. Is there any guide book or website that rates places on their fire readiness? And like a previous post states the smoke kills you before the fire although this is debatable as people in the Lee Gardens Hotel with burns to 90% of their body were still breathing. Such a book or guide would save a lot of time as I hardly find a place in Thailand where I have an escape route in case of fire for budget places. They are so intent on keeping undesirables out there often is no exit. Such a shame to see a man in his prime living his dream to end like this. Guide books should not be able to recommend places that are obvious fire hazards - negligence.

  18. Sometimes cheap accomodation is not always the best.Very sad indeed.RIP

    Personally I always try to find the cheapest place as travel constantly and therefore have a budget. In Malaysia, Thailand and Laos I often stay in rooms with barred windows with absolutely no escape. Just came back from Alor Setar and stayed in such a place opposite the bus stop. With the recent fire in Lee Gardens Hotel I was thinking it may have been better to sit down in the 24 hour cafetaria all night. It is time to reassess how I travel. May he rest in peace. This is just the kind of thing that should not happen in a prime tourist strip. No excuses - no unnecessary deaths. Quite right cheap accommodation is not always best - will consider shortening my holidays to avoid barred windows.

    I have a buddy who mentioned to me the other day (when we saw a padlocked fire exit) that he carries bolt cutters in his luggage when traveling anywhere SE Asia. But barred window ... stay away!! Many people lose their lives in homes because they thought the bars would make them safer.

    Tell me about it. In Songkhla it is almost impossible to find a home without barred windows. I know this as I have ridden my motorbike along every street and I can only recall finding one house that did not have bars - and that was owned by a foreigner. Is also the case with most if not all guest houses in Songkhla. Yes, I'll take your advice. I will just find a 24 hour cafetaria next time and doze of once and a while. In Alor Setar I felt completely vunerable especially as a large group of people staying in one room was smoking non-stop all night which I thought may start a fire. Remember years back in Sydney's Kings Cross district the devastation can cause - over 20 dead from memory. Can't remember if it was a cigarette but or if the fire was started by some lunatic.
  19. If we wish a secure safe future all over Thailand for tourists and locals alike people in the deep South should enjoy the fruits of their resources in these areas (rather than those just in Bangkok) - fishing rights and oil. Staying silent has already created 5,200 dead, 20,000 maimed and hundreds missing. And tourism industry for Hat Yai will be well down with loss of jobs. From what I have heard the Muslim religion has the protection of indigenous peoples as one of their goals - unlike the barbaric treatment and policy of assimilation of the American Indians, Austrlalian aborigines and New Zealand Maoris by the white man.

    The history of our world - one and one makes one. Everyone is too afraid to talk regards independence as it will look like cowering to demands. Then again, these people once had a homogenous population, ethnic Malay, so are they really asking for the Earth. Many died fighting for their homogenous ethnic populations in World War 2. Just because Western nations are now post World War 2 happy to create ethnic/muslim melting pots does that mean they are wrong to want to be homogenous like the Japanese, Chinese or Tibetans? However, do the few bombers represent the wishes of the majority? A referendum by an external country may make the bombing stop completely if it showed that very few wanted independent rule. Even talk of a referendum could halt the killings - and also it could teach the bombers that they don't represent the majority. This has yet to be ascertained. And who is currently representing the affairs of these people? Is it local community leaders or "outsiders"? Seems the waters are very murky. If anyone can shed some light on things much appreciated. It is interesting the show of strength of buddhist monks in central Yala over the last several days - if not provoking? We are not leaving I guess it is demonstrates very boldly. With buddhism being an extreme minority in this area is it really worth putting their lives, soldiers and all community members at risk and the risks of tourists all over the country and of course the economy and livelihoods that go with it? I think not. So much unnecessary bloodshed for egos to be stroked - for the sake of peace?

    You might noticed that all round the world muslims seem to like blowing people and things up indiscrimitably, I suspect this nothing to with oil or fishing and has nothing to do with the "white man" either. I admit to not knowing what is going down there, what all the violence is for, have never heard of any claims or demands. To me its just what some exremists seem to do kill for reasons unknown, what a strange religion it is.

    My guess is it is funded by foreign muslims, at least definitely Malays. They are not learning to make the bombs themselves nor paying for the explosives. This is a dirt poor area. I don't think anywhere knows much about what is happening - I don't think anyone cared until this explosion. From recent reports it seems its the only employment on offer in the region. They are paid one million for every bomb. There is no other way to earn a living down there - life stranger than fiction. I imagine this area is not a Fortune 500 dream investment destination. However, if this can be resolved the less chance of me being blown up. As I see it there is circle of violence with the killing of tourists being used to damage the tourist industry so that the Thai government will capitulate into giving them autonomy. My guess is they will be aiming for a Bali style bombing to achieve this end if Lee Gardens is any signal. I for one will not be visiting any prime tourist spots in Thailand or Asia anymore. See the poor souls burnt has put me right off. Saw one woman running from the building who appeared to have her hand dismembered. So sickening puts me of travelling altogether where there is any possible of a bombing. One poster advised keep away from Muslim countries - this may be the best bet. Thailand has far more Muslims than is stated in my estimate. Almost all Muslims here are very nice people. They are very well mannered, civilised and respectful of foreigners. Suffice to say they get a very bad rap for the 0.00000000000001% who bomb places. The bible and koran which are almost the same from what I have been told gave them a very good education. We must thank the Arabs for that. It is a very liberal form of Muslim here. They inter-marry with buddhists and drink whiskey and visit karaoke bars. As one Muslim said to me in the deep South people should be free to choose what to do. I think this is something the Bali bombers failed to understand - they were not born to play God with peoples lives. In summary I think you are tarring all Muslim souls with the same brush. From my experience Muslims have been the nicest people I have met in Thailand by a long long long long way.
  20. Sometimes cheap accomodation is not always the best.Very sad indeed.RIP

    Personally I always try to find the cheapest place as travel constantly and therefore have a budget. In Malaysia, Thailand and Laos I often stay in rooms with barred windows with absolutely no escape. Just came back from Alor Setar and stayed in such a place opposite the bus stop. With the recent fire in Lee Gardens Hotel I was thinking it may have been better to sit down in the 24 hour cafetaria all night. It is time to reassess how I travel. May he rest in peace. This is just the kind of thing that should not happen in a prime tourist strip. No excuses - no unnecessary deaths. Quite right cheap accommodation is not always best - will consider shortening my holidays to avoid barred windows.
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