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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. Thai/Chinese Phuket, her parents from Phuket to..

    Were do you guys find your issan ladies? in bars or what. dont not understand how you can live with girls from Issan, most girls from issan have no education and zero money, then you most send money home to the village each month haha

    Isaan,and strangely enough in the Cities,their job prospects,do not always include working in Bars.

    Some of us meet University Educated ones (with a Degree) in their place of work (not a Bar) no children or previous husbands.

    I will agree about the zero money though,but not sending money to the village each month.

    There you are,.....you were a generous 20 % right.

  2. Oh, this is going to be good if it happens.

    I think that sums up their planning until they can inform the water exactly where the retention zones are and how to get there.

    I just really wanna see where they decide to 'doom' the people and how that plays out politically. Won't be good for them if it's rich OR poor people....

    I guess the Red Villages have nothing to worry about.

  3. But he is very right that McDonalds is an American born and bred Corporation. Supersize Me was not made in Iceland or Belgium or the UK or even Canada, no it was made in the USA! Tell me Geriatrickid, have you ever bought a copy DVD movie in Bangkok...EVER?

    McDonald's may have started in the USA, but it is an international company now. This is not unusual for large multinationals. The fact of the matter is that the infringement is occurring for personal profit and is not being done as a protest or an expression of a political opinion. McDonald's could be a Kenyan company and it would not matter. The people selling the hitler products are engaged in theft. They are misappropriating another entity's property, and damaging it whilst satisfying their own greed. Basically you are arguing in favour of theft because you perceive the company is American. Nice logic.

    I have never purchased a DVD in Bangkok. I have purchased Thai language DVD's at the local Carrefour/Big C. They come with the appropriate seal/stamp.

    I have no problem paying 90 -200 baht for the DVD. I wouldn't steal vegetables at the market, so why would I steal the produce of artists?

    Incidently,Macdonalds franchise in Thailand is a Thai Company trading under the company name of Mc Thai,but still buying stock from Mcdonalds,and adhering to the franchise terms.

  4. Americans have killed much much more muslims, directly and indirectly, than the 2nd world war jews.

    Would you care to provide some proof for this statement?

    I thought not as you are talking out of your arse and showing your woeful lack of knowledge regarding history of the last 100 years.

    No, with a nic like reggaebkk, you most likely walk around with a Che t-shirt on thinking it's cool and haven't a clue as to the atrocities he committed.

    A ridiculous statement for sure.


    The heroes that some people have,through lack of Historical knowledge is unbelievable,one of my Australian friends thought Chairman Mao,was the peoples hero, and refused to believe he was an evil Dictator of the worst kind responsible for over 30,000,000 deaths of his people,strangely enough it was an Australian Documentary which finally wised him up,much to his dismay.,

  5. Seems to me you are worrying unduly what people think of you,and now your Thai GF is sensing your anxiety,stuff what people think,if you are happy with her,and she with you,then what's your problem? either she is the most important person in your life,or you shouldn't have taken her back to your own Country in the first place. Get over it,and realise where your loyalties lie!

    Heaven knows what you would be like if you were to marry her,and have mixed race children?

  6. What should someone at 26 years old know about Thai woman and dating versus someone in their "retirement" years of life?

    Most of the old guys seem to date women in your age.

    But the 26 year old can date 26 year old women without paying for it.

    So they would have us all believe!

    • Like 2
  7. The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000,

    Have you ever had any dealings with the NHS other than as a patient?

    The answer to above question is no,perhaps your company had a great idea (which is probably still available,from the drawings?) ,but maybe the NHS Management decided to spend the money on something of a more pressing need at the time,having known some Medical Salesmen that go around punting the latest updates,of new Medical Equipment,it is a very competitive market.

    The people pay for their NHS system,and if they are satisfied with the service,then that is the main criteria to judge it,if it ain't broke don't fix it

  8. Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

    But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

    Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.e.

    I used to work for a 4 man company that made a little bit of niche kit that none of the big medical boys wanted to bother with. Our kit drove a particular waiting list down in North Wales from 78 weeks to 6. Everybody who used it thought it was wonderful. Unfortunately, being the NHS they faffed and farted around and had meetings and committees. Their prevarication drove us into bankruptcy. The NHS needs a very large kick up the arse and a whiff of competition. At the moment the NHS is a self-serving bureaucracy where most of what it does is for its own benefit. And yes - I've had treatment on the NHS and they're wonderful. That doesn't mean they couldn't be better.They only have to look 22 miles across the Channel for a few ideas.

    The NHS caters for 60,000,000 peoples health,as part of the NI system,and do a fantastic job,employing 1,000,000, put this in the hands of Cameron/Cleggs mob,and we will all be paying Expensive Private Medical Insurance,while they use and control the carved up NHS to provide fortunes for their thieving cronies,the people are not stupid and have seen it all before.

    It will not happen....losing power at the Voters discretion,at the next Election, does wonders,for Politicians,and they know the Public will vote them out too,they can't risk it, the Coalition is Hanging by a Wing and a Prayer,and they can't even agree amongst themselves,let alone convince the people their intentions are honorable or indeed necessary.

  9. I love how the Brits who want to tighten immigration policies have to defend themselves against accusations of racism (or "racialism"--which is a term I have not heard before this thread).

    The onlt time I have heard the term "racialism" before this was on an Ali G. video and I thought that he was pronouncing racism wrong and that it was part of the joke.

    Chambers Dictionary:

    Racialism or Racism

    n 1 a belief that a particular race is inherently superior to others.

    2 abusive, opressive behaviour,discrimination and prejudice,caused by such a belief.

  10. Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

    But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

    Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.

    And guess what the general Public don't want to let them get their greedy hands on it either.

    A recent Poll of 200,000 voted the NHS service as Very Good and 84% said Excellent.

    I doubt it's going to happen Harry,it's a huge Vote loser,and both Cameron and his Minister have already lost "Face" over this Bigtime.

    They don't know how to get out of it,without appearing to cave in under pressure!

  11. Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

    But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

    Up to now Cameron and his Health Minister are struggling to break up the NHS so that their cronies can get their hands on the loot generated by this huge Public Service,most of the Medical Organisations are against the breakup or Reform as the Government prefer to call it.

    And guess what the general Public don't want to let them get their greedy hands on it either.

    A recent Poll of 200,000 voted the NHS service as Very Good and 84% said Excellent.

    I doubt it's going to happen Harry,it's a huge Vote loser,and both Cameron and his Minister have already lost "Face" over this Bigtime.

  12. Is it a coincidence that the British NHS and the India railroads are the worlds two largest employers!

    But only one of of these does anything...and it isn't the one in Britain.

    This is not even remotely funny. My daughter in law was cured 10 years ago of a very serious and potentially rapidly fatal cancer by the NHS, using state of the art medicine. Many other people I"m sure can testify to simliar compassionate treatment

    Good for her - can also state similar for my nephew; given 3-4 months to live after collapsing from a massive brain tumor in USA, treated by the NHS and now, after 3 years, actually back at work for the RN.

    My sister, who worked for the NHS for 20 years, always says that for minor treatment the NHS can be a long and frustrating delay for treatment, but for a serious illness they are the best.

    Still the greatest National Health Service in the World,without it,there would be a whole lot more whinging!

  13. to the blether,

    things must of got a lot worse in Glasgow.....your the first Scot who i have read or heard say they are a Brit.

    By the grace of God I was born Scottish, by an accident of birth I was born British, by an act of democracy in 2014 I will retain the grace of god and discard the accident.

    I am english and think there is a huge amount of hypocricy from my own,they complain about the muslims back home not intergrating and speaking english then they come live in thailand dont speak hardly any thai and knock about in falang bars.

    Fredtitmus, your a genius.

    I shall pray for you,that your accident of Birth may be corrected in 2014.

  14. Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

    unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

    Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.

    God forbid that we (when I say we, I mean you, of course, and my family and friends who are your - oh and once again my vocabulary fails me - co-in-patriates - your fellow countrymen who live in that country) should have to suffer Alex Salmond and his cronies in Holyrood with untrammelled access to the corridors of power, and the full set of reins in their hands... I suppose that we (you) get the government that we deserve...

    Anyway, 95% of Scots believe that their country is the best in the world, and 15% would live there, if they had no other choice.


    Sorry to say,but putting it mildly Salmond could do more for Scotland by stepping down,shame the English can't vote to keep him out of England and our Parliament.

    Now there you really do have a major problem career whinger,that no English Politician could ever hope to emulate for best whinger medals.

    Sorry Street Cowboy not even the Scottish people deserve him,let alone the English.

  15. Every level, off course, means total dictatorship. I fear for the future of Thailand with this meglomaniac pulling to strings.

    Not to worry ianf

    Don't worry, be happy.

    If things were that bad, I trust the electorate to do something about it.

    Not coup-ists......electorates.

    I have been searching dictionaries everywhere for a meaning for the word coup-ists. Is this something else you have made up along with the rest of the bull in your posts and the selective replies you give?

    made up coup-ists, also FROC-flogging, I'm particularly proud of that one. What about PADites which was another creation, and Bye Bye Ms. Y.

    There were several others which come to mind when they are needed.

    Well feel free to keep them to yourself,there's enough of your incessant barrage of polution,already.

    • Like 2
  16. Good lord, a thread about whingers that's got to 74 posts without any being deleted, has to be some sort of record smile.png

    As a Brit and confirmed (by my Aussie mates) whinging Pom I do like a good moan, it sets you up for the day and things can only get better smile.png

    as for the ozzy guys,

    if it wasnt for the brits , they would not be where they are today.

    the old country gave them two choices ,

    hang , or go to australia ?

    with either choice,they ended up .

    DOWN UNDER . best place for em . IMO .


    In terms of hidden Mineral wealth,Oil,Gold,Gemstones,and many other riches,,they have what could be the richest Continent in the World.

    Every cloud has a Silver lining as the saying goes.

  17. Oh for the day when Scotland is no longer British, only problem is more people in the England are in favour of Scottish Independance than there are in Scotland.

    unbeleivable irony as stated a brit whinging about Whinging Brits. best of all on a thai forum and he dont even live in Thailand.

    Nobody puts a gun to your head and say you must read this, if you dont like it dont read it.

    You hit the nail smack bang on the head there mate.

    Roll on the Referendum in 2014,..I only wish the British had a vote too!

  18. Maybe in their society it isn't negative or as negative as we perceive it. IE It's common practice, the wife sees it as OK and nobody will ever be arrested or punished for taking the tea money, so big clues there as to how they view this. Our societies and cultures are very different.

    they see it as wrong, unfair and illegal but if you want a job or a raise at work greedy man up above is greedy and it is against the law to accuse without enough proof or self involvement.

    It's part of their culture. The idea of 'kin muang', or eat the country, started during the reign of RAMA 5. The King allowed provincial governors and tax collectors to skim a percentage of government revenues for themselves in lieu of official salaries. Tax 'farming' became highly lucrative and franchises were expensive. The Shinwatra's first family fortune came through tax farming in San Kampaeng. Kin muang is still highly prevalent especially within local and national government.

    It's inappropriate to say it's greedy because the people who pay will use their new job to enrich themselves by claiming back the money indirectly whether it's a police captain's position in Pattaya receiving payments from whore houses or government teachers who will milk the benefits available to government teachers with little regard to paying back loans. They wouldn't be paying such large amounts for nothing. They know the privileges they are buying.

    300K is a lot for a government teacher franchise. However, she wouldn't be paying this unless she knew she could get it back. Thais don't like to work for nothing.

    "Franchise" I've never heard corruption called that before!

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