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Posts posted by MAJIC

  1. 10% interest until payday is not too bad. Typical rate for the Filipinos, i would have thought. I am sure that the guy did not know about the maximum rate of interest law. Ms Alpay was his Filipina secretary, i read. Are there so many Pinoys in Phuket, 500 ?

    I think my calculations are correct, according to me, he was making over 30,000 USD a month from the interest, 15 million baht @ 10% interest per month. Loan sharking

    15 mill investment could earn you that kind of money if put with a very good investment company what does concern me is that the maximum interest rate is 15% per year I know a few farangs who have got into financial difficulties and are paying that type of interest per month to wealthy Thai's and dare I suggest that there are Thai loan sharks doing the same to there fellow country men/woman it is called robbing the poor to make them rich it happens all over the world unfortunatley.

    Are you referring to his making 30,000 dollars a month from a 15 million baht investment! What economic world do you live in?

    74 Years old,Capital of 15 million baht,income of $30,000 per month,this greedy old Git,could end up the richest man in the graveyard.

  2. Would her presence make any difference to the budget being approved?

    Remind me...... why did the people not vote to retain the previous government?......when presumably the PM did attend such events

    Molehills and mountains posting by the usual suspects

    Which poses another question:would her continued presence as PM of Thailand make any difference at all???

  3. gold digging ring yes, she was so upset i had to buy a gold ring for 5000 bht

    gold for her is like a food for me, she needs her precious gold

    sometimes i cathced her in the middle of the night talking to the ring and saying my precious, my precious

    This is just too funny.

    You catch her in the night talking to her 5000 baht ring saying "my precious, my precious"?

    I think the problem is that this girl is a certified fruitcake....or you are.

    But I can't stop laughing at the mental imagery of the girl speaking to the ring. Too funny.

    Or was it the Troll behind the Ring, she was really talking to?

  4. Would that TV had a better search function.

    I've always argued that those who slag off the UK, often adding they'll never set foot in the place again, ought to remember it is to the UK they will return when their life here goes to rat sh1t.

    A better search function might help reveal who these hypocrites are.

    A further search might also reveal rants against immigrants abusing the NHS, migrant workers abusing the NHS and people sponging off the system.

    It seems at the very least those hated islands provide many with the freedom and peace of mind to go wherever they wish in the world assured that someone back in the land of misery will look after them when their dream of life overseas crashes and burns.

    Well make sure you meet the income requirements or you might find you are returning without your loved ones. The UK is at last becoming the closed door so many here on Thaivisa have argued it should be.

    Sorry GH, something in the back of my mind tells me we have been here before.

    I fail to see the connection between people who 'rant' about spongers and immigrants abusing the system and those deciding to the return to live in the UK as they are entitled to do as British citizens, most of whom have probably paid tax and nic for most of their working lives.

    So just because we live overseas that somehow disqualifies us from critising our home country?

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    The main point you missed,as Guest House pointed out, there are many on Tv that spend a lot of time vilifying the UK (their own country) and the hypocrasy of claiming they would never go back! in reality they would be first, running like Rats deserting a sinking ship,back there for free help,when it all goes wrong in Thailand,as it does for many.

    Remember the golden rule, there are NO Freebies to bail you out in Thailand,when the S**T hits the fan,and you run out of money,.............it's UK please take me back time.

  5. You mate went 3rd's on the total bill, whats the issue ?

    Must admit, I'm struggling to see what's so wrong about it also.

    I was once invited out by a friend, he had his GF with him. I bought a round, he bought a round and when it came to her round....... They tried to claim that as a couple they only had to pay once, which of course left me paying double.

    If the OP is expecting his friend to chip in when the GF doesn't, I don't think the OP's friend is the one that is being cheap.

    if its a two bedroom apartment, then thats it 2 rooms, bill split in half, as to rounds of drinks or food, when there are three then thats different, the couple should buy two rounds. but bedrooms should be paid equal, he had one bedroom, so did the couple, rooms are charged each room, not each occupant

    You miss the point.

    His friend his paying out. The GF is (presumably) paying nothing.

    The GF pays nothing and is along for a free ride yet the friend is the one accused of being tight? The GF effectively gets a free holiday, or collectively both get a discounted holiday, yet still they have the nerve to moan that their friend is the tight one?

    They had the option of taking the bungalow as two separate units, they didn't. Instead they chose to rent it as one and split the cost. Splitting the cost means just that

    And divided by 3,not 2 and a free GF!,

    I think the OP chose to ignore the divide by 3 issue, and his mate can go home with a clear conscience

  6. There is a very bad smell of multi-corruption when such huge sums of money are involved.. sit back and watch for all the new family mercedes, porches, and boats for politicians and their childrens... a hell of a lot of "lunch boxes" doing the rounds...

    America and Europe should help pay to fix the flood damage.

    If not all Expats should be tax 100,000 bhat and toursit should pay 10,000 for their Visa.

    We should all pay not just Thais.

    Remember how many of us are married to very rich Thai Ladies. And the rest have very big job making a lot of money.

    A nice bit of Satire Harry!

  7. As a rule of thumb, if you live in Thailand make sure you can survive in Thailand, make sure you have budgeted for medical care and emergencies.

    I could go on but I cant be bothered, just about anyone that has lived here for a while can recount multiple stories like mine.

    I have no wish to prolong my life beyond it's natural length.

    After 65 who cares, how much fun can most people still have?

    Wait until you are 64 and 364 days,you will change your views.

  8. As far as I am aware the restrictions on public funds only apply to those subject to immigration control.

    However, I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.

    Probably it would depend if her ILR had "No Recourse to Public Funds" written in it,or not,as I understand it.

    Best to ask your wifes Thai Girlfriends,who already have ILR.

    And yes it is correct, No Recourse Public Funds to those "subject to Immigration control" such as those on a two year Spousal Visa.

    All of them work so they wouldnt know.....

    So, an ILR or ILE can claim but a settlement visa holder cannot?

    A Settlement Visa Holder can't claim public funds,in her Passport is written on her Visa "No Recourse To Public Funds" The good news is she will be entitled to NHS care.

    I can't comment with any definate accuracy,concerning ILR/ILE .

  9. As far as I am aware the restrictions on public funds only apply to those subject to immigration control.

    However, I'm more than happy to be proven wrong.

    Probably it would depend if her ILR had "No Recourse to Public Funds" written in it,or not,as I understand it.

    Best to ask your wifes Thai Girlfriends,who already have ILR.

    And yes it is correct, No Recourse Public Funds to those "subject to Immigration control" such as those on a two year Spousal Visa.

  10. Why would you want to take advantage of this so called loophole? If you can't afford your medical treatment in Thailand you shouldn't be here. Before the usual band of flamers come on the scene the majority of UK tax payers pay tax via Pay As You Earn, ( PAYE ), what people don't realize is that the welfare system is a Pay As You Go system. In effect, not one coin of your annual tax payment is invested into your personal future. Basically every penny in tax collected is paid out in the same year.

    Also before people start jumping about and screaming " I've paid my dues ", very,very few people pay more into the tax system than they take out in benefits over a lifetime. In effect the system is front loaded, by the time you hit 16 years of age you've already ran up a bill of multiple thousands ( sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds ) due to medical and educational costs during that period.

    I still pay tax in the UK, why shouldn't I get medical care?

    I paid my 30 years NI contributions, why shouldn't I still get the benefits linked to those payments?

    Why do you post such rubbish?

    Seems to me you are just a troll, just posting inflammatory remarks.

    Exactly . 30 years of NI contributions is important and if you have a property in the Uk as I have and registered with a local Gp , then I am covered

    30 Years of NI Contributions,and paying Taxes are not taken into consideration,and the NI part of what you have payed in only counts when you claim your 65 year old pension,which applies to those,who are exempt from now having to work until 68.

    The new qualifying period to claim a full Pension is 30 years of NI contributions,any years of NI contributions less than 30 years,will be paid at a reduced rate Pro rata.

    There are many on this thread who just don't get the fact,they are officially non resident after Six months out of the Country,excepting those that have retired to Countries that are members of the EEC.

    Some posters here have been in Thailand too long,and have no idea how the UK system has been constantly changing in their absence.

    e.g I know someone who had been abroad a number of years,and walked into the Jobcentre plus,in order claim Jobseekers allowance,

    he was told it is only the last 3 years NI contributions that would entitle him to Jobseekers allowance,and as he admitted to having been abroad for much longer,he was not entitled to claim Jobseekers allowance,because he has not paid any NI contributions in the last 3 years.

    Everything has changed,and those that think they can walk back into the UK,and start claiming,are living in cloud cuckoo land!

    Google:Habitual Residents Test UK, the information is all there for returnees to the UK!

    Sorry too many links to Post them all!

  11. The short answer is: your Daughter has a British Passport,which should state on the first page "British Citizen"

    Therefore she should be able to easily Register at your local Doctors Health Centre,the problem arises that you are only in the UK,for six months,and you are as a family non Resident.

    There was no problem with my Thai/English Daughter,Registering,and she has full NHS Rights to treatment,but she was intending to stay full time in the UK.It would be best to phone up the "NHS DIRECT"before approaching a Health Centre.

  12. English farangs in Thailand moaning about foreigners in England not speaking English, when they don't speak Thai, never fails to amuse me.

    The Big difference is,the UK Immigrants who do not speak English can still claim from our Social Security system,which is why many of them,came to the UK in the First place.All Farangs in Thailand,whether they speak Thai or not,still have to pay for their own living,without any help from Thailand,and financially owe Thailand nothing,and in fact they are contributing to the Thai Economy.

    So nothing to be amused about.

  13. I am in the UK now, for 2 months, after being in Thailand continuously for 4 years. I can't wait to get back to Thailand and stay away from the UK for probably another 4 years... After which it will hopefully have started to pick up again by my next visit. When I see guys I went to school with who are the same age as me (40) and look 10 years older than me, lumbered with a fat and ugly wife, while I have a 24-year-old gorgeous slim Thai girlfriend, and to see the miserable expressions on everyone's faces in the UK (even at Christmas) staring at me walking down the street laughing with my Thai girlfriend (as if I was from a different planet), not to mention the appalling cost of living here (35 pounds or over 1,500 Thai baht for Thai food which my GF said was inedible), boarded up shops, yobs fighting and shouting in the street drunk every night, broken glass and smashed phone boxes on almost every corner, I just can't wait to get back to Bangkok. Thailand seems like the First World compared to the Third World of the UK.

    So why did you come back? and where in hell did you stay?

  14. The main problem of being a "Parrot PM" as named by the Thai Media,is that Parrots don't speak too much,and when they do it's the same old repetitive,dialogue. So aptly named by the Media.

    Who have obviously lost any respect for her,that they may have had,but even having any respect in the first place,appears to be extremely unlikely.

    This is an article in The Nation. Get real.

    As a dismissive reply,a very poor effort,Simon!

  15. Yeh I know, there is an upside to everything, I'm sure I will settle in eventually.

    Be grateful you are in your own Country now,and if you or your wife fell on extreme difficulties,you will be looked after!

    Which would never happen in Thailand,once you can't pay your way in Thailand,you are lower than a Street Beggar,and will get no help,from Thailand whatsoever.

    And from the Thai perspective,all they will want you to do,is get out of their Country!

    And that is the key six words that,wannabe Thai,westerners,have trouble understanding,they want your money,not you

    Hold your head up! you are back home! to the UK,it's your Country, even though it's sometimes less than perfect,it's better than most Countries,when it comes to looking after their Citizens,and delivering,what was promised to every generation and duly delivered, many years ago,and still is, Pensions being one,etc..............

    The upside,is ..........up to your outlook on life.The downside was a lost Exotic Dream in Thailand,which was bordering on Surrealism in the first place,and of course waking up from a pleasant dream,can sometimes be painful.

    Good Luck,and I hope you settle in,sooner than you think!

    • Like 2
  16. The main problem of being a "Parrot PM" as named by the Thai Media,is that Parrots don't speak too much,and when they do it's the same old repetitive,dialogue. So aptly named by the Media.

    Who have obviously lost any respect for her,that they may have had,but even having any respect in the first place,appears to be extremely unlikely.

  17. No it isn't just you,I have had dozens and dozens of massages,over the years,and not one has ever lived up to my expectation,

    I expect to come out feeling very relaxed and walking on air,it never happens though,what I do get is plenty of muscular aches,

    I really dont know why I keep punishing myself, by having one every few months,perhaps it's me being too skinny?

  18. The question:

    Susy has 400 oranges. Of these oranges, 7% (go/goes) bad. How many oranges are good?

    The Answer:

    Susy has 400 oranges. Of these oranges, 7% goes bad. How many oranges are good?


    The relevant verb ("to go" ) relates to "7%", which becomes, by its definition, a singular entity ('viz. 7% is . . .') hence: "goes" is correct.

    The tense "goes" would refer to a plural entity and the use of this in the particular sentence wold be in-correct.

    PN: Susy, is normally spelled "Suzy", unless the lass hails from some exotic place where her name is actually spelled that way.

    Not trying to be a clever dick,but I think you will find that "Susy" is short for "Susan" and "Suzy" is short for "Suzanne"

  19. mine suggests everytime i have a minor proplem,cough,sniffles,backache,ect i ring the hospital for a appointment with the doctor,no wonder thai hospitals are crowded,if thats how they think.

    My wife used to be quite insistant about hospitilisation,for minor problems,she told me later,my insurance refunds 1,000 Baht a day,for every complete 24 hour stays in Hospital.

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