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Posts posted by englishinsiam

  1. I'll explain the 'o' Visa in simple terms.

    You send your Passport to the Thai Consulate. They issue the Visa effective the date they process it usually the next day.

    Post your passport back to you with a Valid Visa inside.

    For the 'O' visa you get 12 months to enter Thailand from the Valid date.

    When you enter Thailand you get a 90 days Stamp after that you need to cross the border. For instance Cambodia then re-enter as long as your 'O' Visa is still in date you get another 90 days.

    You can enter Thailand right upto the last date on your Visa and obtain 90 days therefore getting 15 months out of your 12 month Visa.

    I would suggest you obtain your 'O' Visa a couple of days before Flying. The UK Consulates will get your passport back to you by return post.

    Monday you post it to them Special delivery

    Tuesday they get and process your visa and post it back to you

    Wednesday you receive your passport with Visa included dated from Tuesday.

    Hope this helps

  2. I was on my way to work and rushed my last post.

    I included a contents page at the front of both application folders.

    Each folder is divided into 12 sections with each document within a section listed on the table of contents page. For example:

    Section 7 – Accommodation in the UK

    Letter From Landlord

    Tenancy Agreement

    House Photos

    House Floorplan

    Electoral register Application

    Proof of Address – Sky

    Proof of Address – Severn Trent Water

    Hope this will be sufficient for their needs.


    Thats it Stabbo it separates everything nicely and makes the ECO's job easier they can just look at the sections they want then.

    I think a well presented application can make the difference between success and failure. If you can't be bothered to take time to present it correctly how serious are you to get your partner to the UK ? And I'm sure the ECO's look at it that way.

    Good luck with your application even though Mrs English and I are now in England we still keep an eye on these pages to see how everyone else is doing.

  3. She needs to have a reason to come back to Thailand and you need to satisfy UKBA of that.

    You also need to demonstrate a relationship if you are going to be her sponsor.

    Proof of both of these is paramount. If she has lots of money in her account/a house and a job where her employers give her a letter of leave confirming her job is safe then you don't need to be a sponsor.

    You need to put in Photo's, online chats, details of any financial support from you, phone bills anything to show you have a relationship if your to be a sponsor your bank details will need to be submitted.

    They don't accept copies either everything has to be originals and photo's ned to be printed. We submitted over 800 photo's with our application.

    Overkill? maybe but we needed to get my wife into the UK. And weren't taking any chances.

  4. snamos they were at the three way there yesterday too, in the dirveway of the 7/11 and across the street. They were looking for someone or some vehicle specifically as when GOM rode through with no helmet, they didn't pay attention.

    yeah i got stopped the other night with no helmet on me or the gal about 100m down from chalong circle to towards rawaii on witchet road... ....someone also took a photo of me handing my licence to an officer with the important looking hat....no fine...maybe they were just proving they were out in force or something....but down at rawaii today there was smoke coming off the ticket books from the speed they were writing tickets rolleyes.gif

    So your quite proud of driving on Thailands roads with no Helmet on?

    Lets hope you can pay for your medical care or even worse your funeral expenses, when not if you get your head smashed open when some 10 yr old Thai with no licence smashes into you. And don't say your health insurance will cover it as it won't because you were driving illegally and probably no licence to boot.

    same up near work...was pulled over in cherngtalay today and asked for my driver's license and registration. gave them my japanese driver's license, my american license and my international license. i was told my international license was "no good for thailand" (even though i got it in february) and fined 500 baht for not having a thai one. conveniently, they had one of their police friends sat right there with a table so i could pay on the spot. first time in the four years that i've lived here that i've ever been pulled over or fined.

    a heads up--a friend working at centara grand in karon said there is a checkpoint set up in between that hotel and le meridien.

    Once you have been in Thailand for 3 months your IDP is invalid and you need a Thai licence. You need to return to your home country first for your IDP to be Valid again. A border run to Cambodia is not sufficient.

    It amazes me the number of Foreigners and Thai's that don't take a Thai test in fact with a Valid IDP you don't take the full test. They are happy to run the gauntlet of dibble and risk a 500 Baht fine for something that costs little over 100 Baht and 3 hours of your time.

    Incidentally when you ride/drive without a valid licence there is no insurance valid so make sure you have those Bahts in your pocket because the bills will be high.

    We've even got my wifes family wearing helmets now in the sticks they are about the only ones better to be covered up and alive than brainless and dead.

    Story 2 weeks ago in Jomtiem Pattaya 2 little kids facially maimed for life because their selfish Mum put them on a bike with no helmets.

    I saw a dead girl on Pattaya Klang a few months ago no helmet poor thing only about 19 yrs old her whole life ahead of her, snuffed out for no reason. The sad thing was she had her helmet with her but thought she was too cool and sexy not to wear it.

  5. It's fairly straightforward as long as you back everything up.

    I have put Darkey's rom on my Android and it takes about 20 mins but most of that is backing up and downloading files.

    It is quite hard to brick your phone and they send you step by step instructions on how to upgrade your rom.

    Do a google search for Darkey's Rom and you will find the forums etc people will have tried your phone and will have posted their experiences and tips in the forums.

    Just read up on it and give it a go. You'll feel a great sense of self worth once you've done it yourself.

  6. I have Tomtom Maps on my Android phone. I have Aura app and it has Tomtom maps for around the world the App is free and you can pay for the maps you want. I think Thailand was 25 Euros.

    It's ok some of the Soi's in BKK aren't covered but generally it gets you where you need to go.

  7. The Baby Doctor in Pattaya Memorial is a lovely lady we had monthly scans with her and if we were still in Pattaya would have no hesitation in having our son there.

    Family reasons meant we had to come to UK to give birth but if we were in Pattaya it would have been the Memorial for sure.

    I think it's between 30-40K Baht there depending on the level of care needed.

  8. My wife speaks a good standard of English and understands pretty much everything I say, and she is with me 24x7 so she knows my speech patterns and the words I generally use.

    However she does have problems with some accents and dialects and certain slang. I assumed she would pass the English test easily because of her daily interaction with me. I am from Oxford and speak clear English with little use of slang.

    She was nervous during the test because she knew how important it was for us. She gained an A2 Level but with a bit more preparation and relaxation she would have got higher.

    Don't forget guys when these ladies/guys go in for these tests they are not just sitting an exam this determines where they can live their lives and so the nerve factor has to play a big part.

  9. John put next to mine expedited due to ill health or people might start to query why mine was done before yours. Some people are too lazy to read all the posts :-)

    This WILL be your week and I think a phone call might be in order mate. Just say we had the call to the mother in law 2 weeks ago then nothing, are there any other investigations going on I can help clarify? If you offer help it wont be seen as chasing and moaning.

    Just a thought bud

  10. Don't marry the girl the GF's mother probably has no intention of honouring any verbal or legal agreement and as the groundwork wasn't done before the ground was shifted you are shafted.

    If you marry the girl which will still give you little rights you will end up giving them much more money.

    If you just cut and run it's only cost £30,000 (1.5Mil Baht)

    Get a job wherever you re from and earn it back and next time THINK before parting with that much cash.

    I love my wife dearly and trust her with my life, however as I legally can't own anything I will never buy something in Thailand I am not prepared to walk away from.

  11. A dilemma in a small Village.

    If you stop her and her family stealing so much money you could be putting yourself in Jeopardy, they will probably see it as an injustice to their rights to steal and take out Thai justice on you.

    She has no good intentions because if he was a good man and loved her he'd take on the Children too. And she'd probably get a hell of a lot more than 500K in cash.

    This shows she is just after the quick buck and it's probably not the first time she's done it. An altogether calculating piece of work.

    But the German guy should do his own research any internet search on Foreigners marrying Thai girls throws up all sorts of stories, then you have the many books like Money number 1.

    If he doesn't do this legwork himself then you could say he is stupid to throw this money away on a whore he doesn't know.

    Either way someone will get hurt just hope it's not the OP.

  12. sorry english, good luck to him and all that but dont make me feel any better lol

    No apology needed I just said to Kookkai if we didn't get it rushed through we'd still be waiting and judging by your wait be at risk of not being able to get back at all.

    We are still rooting for you buddy and I will keep checking here every day until you get a positive :-)

  13. To the OP nobody seems to have addressed your needs here.

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S and it does indeed have a built in GPS.

    Garmin is not supporting Android as far as I am aware however there is a program called Aura GPS which you download from the Marketplace free of charge. Download the maps you want on a trial to make sure your happy.

    You then go to their website www.cygic.com and unlock the maps. Thailand was 25 Euros I think but I have a 20% off code for my next map which is going to be Western Europe and UK.

    They use Tom Tom maps and are pretty well complete. I can get around Thailand fine with it. And having used Tomtom in the UK before I know their maps cover UK well as well.

  14. Strictly speaking, this is against the rules.

    You are supposed to apply to the country of your main destination or, if touring, the country you will enter first.

    You could be asked by either German or Austrian immigration why you have a French issued visa but have not been to France (UK to France via either country is a bit of a long way round!).

    Others in this situation have told me that they got around this by saying that they're plans changed. What would happen if the immigration officer didn't accept this explanation, I don't know; up to you if you want to chance it.

    I was told you have to apply for the Country you first land in.

    We will go byFerry to France and drive to Germany/Austria then back to France and Ferry home.

    So I thought I was doing it right, we haven't applied yet I can apply at the German embassy if you think that better.

  15. That's suprising a girl that old in a thai wedding would fetch that amount. She's probably no where near a virgin.

    Sounds more like the hiso parents were making a business deal.

    What ???????

    Who cares if she is a Virgin or not why think of that?

    All I know is she's a good friend of my wifes from their University days and comes from a well off Chinese descended family. But to be around her she is not money just a nice down to earth girl.

    Not everything has to revolve around Sex maybe there was a business deal done too. Why not? If you get 2 powerfull families joining why not make them more powerfull.

    Poverty is only 1 wrong business deal around the corner.

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