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Posts posted by Ulic

  1. With the rains expected to arrive 4-6 weeks late and the reservoirs looking critically low it may make for a dry Songkran. Tourists are not that interested in conserving water during their vacations. Not sure how much farming goes on in Phuket but I think they are the only group the government can negotiate with that can make a meaningful impact on consumption. Not the easiest group to negotiate with either. That said if there is no water they can't plant, but if there is some water left they will use it all and plant. Then hope for rain in the next few weeks. We will see what comes to pass. The rains will return, the question is when, and how much will fall. 

  2. I did love his 9-9-9 tax plan. Of course, I doubt it would have worked with the US military budget being so high, but I would have liked the tax experts/economists to go through it with a fine tooth comb eliminating all tax deductions for companies promoted by special interest groups/lobbyists. Things like, flow through interest, tax rebates for electric/hybrid vehicles and solar panels, wind turbines, charitable institutions, and political parties/super PACs. Let business ideas and products be based on merit, and charitable donations be made with after-tax dollars. The tax code really does need to be simplified to a single sheet of paper not the thousands of pages of deductions and special programs. I will be interested to see which way this candidate leans when it comes to the fed board. Hawk or dove, we all know what Trump wants. 

  3. The problem with China is they will promise basically everything you want, and then simply not deliver. For 50 years from the time of the Nixon administration they have been 100% committed to opening up their markets. It just has never happened. Intellectual property theft,  forced technology transfer, 51% Chinese partners, and a market closed to foreign companies are complaints of the EU and other countries, not just the US/DT. Trump is just the only person/country standing up to them and saying these things have to change. Of course, Chinese environmental standards and human rights should be part of the negotiations as well but I guess Trump will leave the EU to fight that battle. After waiting 50 years for the Chinese to open up their markets you would be understanding as to why the US is reluctant to drop tariffs until after China shows that things have actually changed. Hopefully, the US/DT does not fall for the, "these things take time" line the Chinese always push. Increase the tariffs, and tell the Chinese they will be dropped only after benchmarks have been reached. IE. 100% compliance, not promises of future compliance.  

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  4. 7 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Its the same where i live ,houses priced properly sell ,very quickly ,but the bank owns 3 houses , i thought i would phone and check on one that has been empty for years , i reckon on a good day you could get 10 to 12 million , the bank want 29 million , go figure .

    Unfortunately a very common bank accounting practice. If they sell the house for 12 million they take a 17 million loss. Keep the house and they have a 29 million asset. 

  5. 11 hours ago, pegman said:

    OK, tell us this, if American healthcare is so great why is Republican Senator Rand Paul going to Canada for an operation? Plus he is a doctor.



    The Shouldice clinic is world renowned for hernia surgery. (It is all they do) People fly in from around the world. My buddy has had two different hernia surgeries there. One of there strengths is they don't use mesh with the technique they use. When they tell you to lose 15-20 pounds on your initial visit they mean it. A German guy was scheduled to have surgery at the same time as my buddy. He arrived not having lost the required weight. They wouldn't do the surgery. They sent him home to Germany.

  6. 11 hours ago, lipflipper said:

    Let's be real here, the ONLY Thais traveling for pleasure overseas are the Uber Rich and no matter the Bahts strength or weakness it's not going to effect their travel plans one iota. As for this b.s. about the Baht it's pure twaddle as it does not reflect the actual state of the buying power of the average Thai. Exports going in the tank on a monthly basis, GDP nearing crisis levels, household debt increasing, tourism dropping like a stone in a river, the recent election basically stopping any progress and the overall lack of confidence by the Thai people in any elected Parliament all lead to the obvious conclusion that the Baht is weak and is being kept at this phoney level by the Bank of Thailand purely for the benefit of the Ultra Rich.

    Sent from my CMR-AL19 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Generally true, but I personally know of quite a few "working" girls holidaying with their "boyfriends" in Bali, Australia, and Europe. So make of that what you will as far as TAT numbers are concerned. As for the baht as soon as Thailand's foreign currency account goes down the value of the baht will drop. Not before. That is why I fully encourage the Junta to buy more Chinese submarines, high-speed rail, tanks, and fighter jets. When these goodies are delivered/built, the bill will have to be paid and the foreign currency accounts will lessen. Keep spending that foreign currency and as the tourist numbers also drop, so will foreign currency account and then the baht.

  7. On 4/1/2019 at 3:04 PM, quadperfect said:

    Living in phuket a decade i see that in motorbike accidents its 50 percent got what they deserve and 50 percent got vehicular manslaughter by neglegent vans,and buses and taxi.

    This is a guy who probobly got what he deserved

    Sounds pretty heartless ,but i am not bothered too much as long as he did not suffer.

    I feel bad for the cement truck driver though.

    And as usual the onlookers look pretty amused too.

    Its just a day in a life in phuket.

    The way cement truck drivers drive when I read the story my bet was a U-Turn without checking for clearance by the cement truck. Then I read the full story. My earlier guess was confirmed. Cement truck drivers are the very worst cowboy drivers on the road as far as I am concerned. RIP BMW rider.

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