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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. There was a few discrepancies, which were not clear starting with DNA test. Police statements about it. In the end the "guilty" party stayed and not go back to their own country. Stupidity, or recklessness? Many other questionable police statements and behavior. I guess the defense lawyer(s) will be tracking it down and asking the appropriate questions. Whoever did it was (were) a cold blooded killer(s).

  2. Toronto has the most restaurants per ca-pita than any other place on earth and this mean competition. All food in most restaurants is excellent including Thai food. In Thailand however is a different story. Being there twice I couldn't eat anything especially sweet juiced, or watered-bath half digested salads. Dirty restaurants tells you a lot; what about the kitchen?

    Pure BBQ chicken was clear of what it was, but the rest ....?????

    Spicy chicken sandwich in 7-11 was to rescue me from time to time. Western/German style food in Krabi, Rayong was good; you knew what was cooked. In Nakhon Nayok and Issan (somewhere) there was no such luck. In Issan I tried deep fried strange creatures, but just to try; not bad and not good; just curiosity really. Life sweet shrimps made me vomit.

    I will never eat soups, which might be cooked on anything which was moving or crawling on earth; ruts, or dogs, or ..??? are one of the suspects here of course.

    However if you have your own kitchen, you could do wonders with fresh ingredients, provided you have access to single herbs and not already mixed pasts; can't eat or smell coriander in any food.

    All his Toronto's applies to all exotic food in Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian and even Italian (pizza) restaurants. If you want to know what you eat try Korean and Japanese food cooked just in front of you; I haven't seen these in Thailand however.

    This is just my two words.

  3. Terrible murder and bizarre/queer case; Unbelievable police search for suspects. Plenty of strange stories, which doesn't hold and plenty of police statements that are fantasies, or whatever you want to call them.

    Playing guitars and singing songs. Hardly this is a preparation for a murder. Unless we are dealing with psychopaths, which is unlikely the case. Test again DNA under supervision of English team and compare it then with the English samples.

    This Thai's police process is ridicules, unreliable, lacks of logic and straightforwardness.

  4. The Middle East is unstable after terrorist state of Israel was born after the war - another English mistake. Until remains there, there will be no peace. Their politics of Goebbels- lies, Hitler-conquer, holocaust, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, use of other's dirty hands-mostly and billions of dollars in free support by the American's government and not American population is the strategy they use to gain power, "prestige" on international scene and annexation of territory of legitimate state of Palestine.

  5. Whatever happens Thai police has has really bad image presented by all these media. This will stay for a long time and hunt them in every other case. Word "trust" is not friendly to them. I remember when word HONOR had a meaning. In today's world this word become twisted in honor killings, Thai face-loosing and even forgotten/unlearn, inconvenient by those who are just pure crooks, or beneficiary of not knowing it. Human animals coming back to their roots - animals. C'est la vie.

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  6. I wouldn't remove any of the replies. All them refer to a religious beliefs that are ridicules in all their aspects. I might state that all started with Old Testament the biggest lie of all. "Personal God" doesn't exist. Animals eat each other alive and if this was created by so claimed "God", he was a madman, sick bastard with schizophrenia and murderous tendencies.

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  7. I'm not surprised to see huge corruption in Thailand. It is like a prostitution disease anywhere. Where money comes easy, everybody wants a cut. What is surprising however is the acceptance of this situation by higher Thai authorities, which for sure must know about them. If this situation is accepted, than someone must pay and someone must receive it and this is called MAFIA, isn't it? At least in the West. Maybe in Thailand it is a norm of conducting business?

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