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Posts posted by Norvid

  1. Let grasp facts known to us. University student tried to work part time for a police officer's family, where her parents worked. (nothing unusual) All was OK until persistent police family proposition to get her job in H.K. (it doesn't sound right after first refusal) She repeatedly refused. (now human trafficking sounds more real) Police family had 10 millions in gold and jewelry lying around. (it is unlikely, since all knows especially Thais that robberies are epidemic there). Parents live and doing it live daughter there. (why they didn't take daughter with them? why they did it so abruptly?) Daughter lost time, probably money too and all her life is in jeopardy. Is there any Thai lawyer to take care of the plentiful and clear this mess? (assuming he shall be paid from court proceeds against defenders sued for damages).

  2. Sick society. Corruption, road rages, road killings, irresponsibility for their actions, rapes, murders, lack of vision, immaturity, stupid "loosing" face cases in disputes and in all aspects of life including police and courts, hunger for money, stupidity, greed, camouflaged attitude towards foreigners, imaginable "superiority" of Thai whatever. Thailand the land of........all the above. Oh, where is the smile?

    Thailand and its people could change, if tourists and "permanent" farangs are not there and they are left to their own machination. This sickness comes from the bottom, which is also represented at the top. C'est la vie.

  3. People should not be so keen to blame VW. It is a standard in this world. American government lied about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. Clintons, Nixon and many many more. The whole world is a big lie. From China to multiculturalism and imaginary democracy. Bulshit grows on bulshit. Oh, how about pharmaceuticals? Pushing poison into our menus. How about religious leaders? Any person serving as monk, priest, rabbi, imam is a person with twisted view of the universe and until believers stop believing these imaginary crap, people will suffer wars, inequality, guilt, self-destruction, immature perception of life and world around them, imaginary or schizophrenic self importance and overvalue, and special god - man contract, and straight racism towards all others. Oh,...... and many are just seriously psychologically disturbed like psychopaths, sociopaths and all other type of criminals.

    What's a pity that people are involuntarily brainwashed with all these doctrines at childhood.


    If you want to be free from all these crap.......well,........you can't. At least VW is doing a lot to improve not just an image, but cars they build. 30 new electric vehicles on the horizon.

    How many electric vehicle are made by Americans? Tesla is the leader, but not for mass consumption. Unfortunately.

  4. Any person serving as monk, priest, rabbi, imam is a person with twisted view of the universe and until believers stop believing these imaginary crap, people will suffer wars, inequality, guilt, self-destruction, immature perception of life and world around them, imaginary or schizophrenic self importance and overvalue, and special god - man contract, and straight racism towards all others. Oh,...... and many are just seriously psychologically disturbed like psychopaths, sociopaths and all other type of criminals.

    What's a pity that people are involuntarily brainwashed with all these doctrines at childhood.


  5. In Islam this is a norm for an adult to marry a child. Does this means Islam is a religion of pedofiles? It is so upsetting when you hear about this religion of "peace" and their believers to be racist, dictatorial, dogmatic, intolerant, with totally twisted logic and behavior towards freedom of beliefs/non-beliefs, freedom of speech, freedom of libertarian and accepted in the western cultures behaviour. Did I mention terrorist acts around the world in the name of god - all-lah?

    ..and to those who like a reflection on the subject:

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