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Posts posted by eljeque

  1. Take the advice which you will read time and time again.


    Sell the bike there, and find one or something similar here.

  2. I am with Brit above.

    If she wants to marry a foreigner, she should be ready to understand foreign ways, and explain them to her parents.

    In the US, the wife's family would be paying for the ceremony and it would be in the $10,000 - $20,000 range. Her parents are getting off easy.

    I like what one man once wrote here "Do I get a gaurantee?" to go with the payment.

    I am not normally confrontational or abrassive, but sin sod is one place whch I draw the line. My girlfriends have always gotten plenty, and I gave nothing when I got married, and there was no complaints. It was her first marriage and she was 23.

    Back to sin sod.

    Normally, Thai women will be married befor the age of 31, unless they are from an upper middle-class family and have been in medical school and then practice, or some other long-term education and emloyment that did not allow her to spend time finding a husband.

    I am sure that your to-be-wife is simply wonderful, but I am sure the family is very happy that at 31, she has found someone.

    In the PI, the term Old Maid comes up with women over 30, if not before.

    As the marriage moves forward, then you can do somethig for her and her family.

    There is no need to have a REAL marriage upcountry. I got married in Las Vegas, andmy wife's family received some pictures. No problems.

    Best of luck to you. Feel no guilt about doing anything the way that makes you feel happy, regardless of their requests.

  3. Dickie58, would the configuration of your land take a small condo? If so it might be worth trying to sell the future development potential of the house and land. Or is that priced in already?

    Yes it would take a condo, & people have conseidered this, but they only want to give me the land value, i can see where there coming from.

    But i'm selling the house in the package as well, I'm entitled to get the value of that as well?


    Sharecropper was suggesting that the value of your land may be worth more to a condo builder than the value of your house to a house buyer.

    approx 3/4 of a rai ther may be worth 3/4 of 30 million baht. The cost of house removal is not that high, and the removers would re-sell the doors, windows, kitchen, electric box, wires, bathroom toilets, sinks, and the list goes on, plus the value of all of the steel rebar. Check with any condo builders which may be neighbors.

  4. You have to send it out of the country and bring it back in again unless you have Permanent Resident (PR) status.

    Also, the money must come back into Thailand as foreign currency, not Thai baht.

    When I bought my condo, my contact in the UK ticked the box for Thai baht on the money transfer document and the 62,000 GBP was converted and transferred into the country as Thai baht. I lost a lot of money on the offshore exchange rate, but was still able to buy the condo although I needed a special letter from my bank for the Land Department. Live and learn. :)

    Years ago, a friend of mine asked his bank to send him XXX pounds to Thailand. They converted the XXX Pounds to baht and then set it to him. As you well know,t he exchange rate in the UK is a lot worse than it is in Thailand. He calledthe bank up and asked why they converted the Pounds to Baht in England after he asked for ounds to be sent.

    They said, "That s what we do." He said, "That is not what I paid you to do, so now do what I paid you to do and send me (*&^%$ POUNDS!!!

    He negotiated and did receive the difference owed to him

    Go back to you bank and let them know in no uncertain terms that you did not tick the exchange bo and that you want the difference sent to you. It will take a little while, but you will win.

  5. impossible to sell this house for this price. You can buy a new one, very much the same for about 3,000,000.00 baht. In many places even much cheaper.

    The house sits on 328tw. I do not think that there is 80% of a rai for 3M anywhere near anyplace worthwhile, and especially not on P. Hill.

    The house is enormous. Even at only 10,000 / meter, 3M would make only 3,000 meters of house, and this one looks larger than that.

    It may be on the high side, but 3M it is not.

  6. As you are married to the property owner, it wuld be better to have someone else have the mortgage with her. Meaning your brother or a friend, or....

    And, it is a good idea to have the mortgage for a lot more than the property is worth. Any additional mortgage which is made with her, IF NOT INCLUDED ON THE CHINOTE AND REGISTERED AT THE LAND OFFICE, could simply not be accepted at the court house.

    Alternate personal loans could also be witten and not have date on them, and then they can be dated upon anytime that problems appear.

    The mortgage holder wuld then go to court to recover the debt, and the other debt holders would need to go to court as well, and then register their debt at the auctin house before the auction. Upon auction, the mortgage holder would be paid off first, and then the other lien holders / debt holders would be paid off.

  7. The best mechanic, at least from what I am told by a friend with 50 rental bikes, at Mityon in Pattaya installed the muffler which goes to the new Honda Wave X.

    It does make a difference, and it is quiet.

    Just bored out my Wave 125i to 150, runs wonderfully, and will get the same muffler next week.

  8. There are red ones in the shops in Pattaya, coming in every day. Alloy wheels or not, they can be put on at the shop.

    I think you need to wait a week or find a different shop.

    Maybe this is crazy, but you can als contact Yamaha in Bangkok and tell them your predicament, and ask where you should go for a solution, get their name, and then let them know you will call them back from the dealership.

    Best of luck

  9. There are rules concerning Tawr Tawr Sam from the bank. Something like the money must be brought in within the last two years prior to the request for the document. If anyone can add to this, please do. This is the form you need to transfer the property into your own name at the land office.

    Also, for the most part, meaning 98%, you are not going to get a mortgage if you are not employed here nor are you retired here with a retriement income.

    Now, there are money-lenders who would lend to you, but at a mimimum of 18% / year with lots of upfront fees, and generally no more than a 50% mortgage; this does not sound like something that would suit you.

    If you are unable to finance from your home country, then discuss this with the builder and try to buy some time, or see if they have any facilities or can connect you with the facilities to access funds.

    You are not in an enviable poosition, and if push comes to shove, and they are really getting pushy about being paid, you may need to sell it fast!

    Over the last twenty years, and maybe even longer, foreigners here, again for the most part, the vast majority, pay cash for their properties.

    Best of luck to you.

  10. I will know better in the future. I will also ask about it in the embassy next time.

    I have been to PP enough now over the past 10 years, and will more than likely head to Laos next time. I have done that trip once before. My maid is from there anyway, so there is the benefit of being able to take things to her family and also bring things back for her.

    The plane trip is a lot more, which is a pain, but.......

    The bakery is wonderful, and they can understand Thai too.

  11. I returned from PP last week with a 60 day tourist visa.

    I arrived at the Embassy on Monday morning.

    I watched and listened to a few other foreigners applying for their visas while they talked to the Thai employees.

    The first lady sked again and again about getting her visa the next day, but was told generally a Monday arrival will get a Thursday pick-up, but that the Embassy would provide a Wednesday pick-up for her. She asked agin, but got nowhere, s she tok her passport and just flew in and wuld receive 30 days at the airport.

    The lady following her, asked for next day pick-up ..... and received it. Don't ask me.

    I applied and was told Thursday; asked for Wednesday, and was accommodated.

    Make out of this whatever you wish.

    This Express Service system, which I have not seen in practice, may have arisen to make up for the free visas being issued. I would have been happy to pay $20? to get my passport back the next day, and have one less day in PP.

  12. Since the mother was once resident in Canada, does she still have a visa? If not, she needs to get some help contacting the Canadian embassy to see what she can do so that she can see her child.

    The mother was there on a three month visa. She cannot return without the help of her husband, who no doubt has no interest in assisting her.

    I agreee with all that it would be a mountain climb, not simply an uphill battle, but for the courts not to allow the woman to see her child, who was in fact separated from her in a very sneaky and aggressive way, seems a bit far-fetched as well, eventhough the court reviewing the case (if there ever is one) would not be the one to make decisions on a visa for the mother.

  13. Sorry, you are only telling us YOUR version of HER side of the story. But, any of the liberal lawyers who abound here in Canada would help this lady out pro bono (we Canadians will pay for it, of course, not of our own free will).

    As I have known someone for 8 years who has worked with the husband for a few years, and know her story to be accurate.

  14. I know a Thai woman who recently returned from Canada. Her husband scared her into returning to Thailand and kept their baby, who is now with his 80+ year old parents.

    They lived together in Oman where the baby was born.

    He got her to sign a document which he wrote stating that she would allow their baby to reside with his parents while he was working in Saudi.

    She cannot read enough English to possibly understand the document she signed.

    I know the story to be true, as I know someone who knows the man.

    The woman now lives in Bkk and works as a cook.

    Does anyone know if there is a women's group in Bangkok (Canadian Women's Group) or equivalent, or in Canada, Thai Women's Group in Canada, or anything else like this?

    Thanks for any of your ideas.

  15. Yep. Scum, just like the motocy taxi boys sitting in front of Royal Garden with lots of empty space that they feel they "own". I wonder who gave them that space, surely not Royal Garden management.

    here here!! The % of parking spaces in front of RG taken up by moto-taxis and baht buses is a total waste of space... well 80% waste for motos and 100% waste of space for baht buses. That space could all be used instead for the parking for customers of RG.

    Walk up and down Beach Road and note how uch parking space is taken up by motorbike rentals, moto-taxis and some parked baht buses. Hasn't changed in 20 years.

  16. www.goldenyears.co.th

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