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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. Thieving parasites are everywhere and this typical scheme of extracting money from suckers is perrenial. One mystery to me is how do these germs get and choose the victim's phone number? Is it given to them and by whom or is it just a random call? The latter seems unlikely as the majority of home phone people are house wives etc. Imagine the cost of the calls made by the scammers if random calls are made. Anyway the victim in this case acted without caution, as he also did by going to Chiang Mai, and therefore cannot claim to be entirely blameless. The documentry was however well done and well edited.

  2. Slowing down of Internet connections to your PC by any service provider is not universal. It really depends on the area you are in, the transmission path to your PC or your WIFI connection. Rain or damage can affect poor insulated cables or exchange equipment failures requiring maintenance. I suggest you call TOT and ask them to investigate the problem. They are usually very cooperative. Good Luck.

  3. I don't believe it! Every dive instructor (even the Russians) know how to treat a simply cramp, especially by himself! There must be more to the story...

    Anyway, RIP

    Cramp or shallow water black out? The latter occurs when the diver blacks out due to lack of oxygen which can happen if he free dives too deep and doesn't make it to the surface in time. He doesn't asphyxiate he simply blacks out.
  4. This is not new news to me. When I left Melbourne to move to Thailand in 2010 Centrelink immediatley informed me by PDF that they knew I had left the country and therefore removed my medical benifit allowance etc down to the basic pension. No additional allowances have been paid to me for 3 years. And if and when I return to Australia they tell me that there is a delay of six weeks before allowances can be restored.

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  5. There was a Singaporean posted on here a few months back about his Thailand 'retirement plan'. Although quite serious, he looked like he hadn't really thought it through. Maybe this is a result of the cross-generational myopia that living in the idyllic, perfect, island state creates?

    I recall reading an online article about how the Singaporean equivalent of the 'baby boomers' are growing more vocal in their concerns that for all the taxes they paid and their much vaunted Singaporean nose to the grindstone work ethic, now that they are looking towards retirement, they consider they deserve much better than the reality likely to be served up by their government.

    Welcome to the real world?

    It's due to a self serving govt that creates policies that screw up ordinary singaporeans lives like over population flooding the country with aliens and using taxpayer dollars to pay themselves obscene salaries it still doesn't take away the dignity of the work ethnic of normal singaporeans and the fact that a work ethic is still the biggest factor to success in almost every country in the world.

    By and large singapore is still pretty livable compared to its neighbours but who knows what the future holds and with such a highly densely populated country the happiness factor really goes down and not to mention being enslaved to the system with debts and loans which is something young americans are also undergoing.

    Was hoping to garner some opinions rather than to hear some mocking commentary on the plight that some singaporeans might be undergoing.

    Overall western countries should be the top location of choice for singaporeans and i am sure places like HK would come in 2nd place including china. Thailand probably ranks up there along with HK definitely cos it is so close to singapore and a popular destination for holidays. Places like vietnam and cambodia probably less popular but growing in number.

    One thing you are correct is the myopia and probably the mindset in some singaporeans that no where else besides singapore is livable and this creates a percentage of ppl that want to migrate but don't have the will power, the effort and work to see it to fruitation.

    I agree with all the sentments above. I lived in Singapore in the 1990's and found it very oppresive. At that time the government gazzette or the Straits Times as it is more commonly referred to was full of news regarding Singaporean citizens who had returned to Singapore realizing the mistake they had made leaving in the first place. Truth be known there is a brain drain in Singaporeans mainly from academics or independant thinkers who want freedom to live not instruction on how to live. I am curious as to how long the Lee dynasty will last. Will Lee Kuan Yew bequeath the country back to its people when he dies? I know the family along with its cohorts have done wonderful things for the country but what about the lives it ruined to maintain power along the way? Jeevaratam a rich man sent to penury through defamation charges and the former opposition leader who spent 37 years in prison because he opposed Lee to name but two. On his release back in the 90's the latter spent a year in House Arrest on Santosa Island.. Goh Chok Tong, the interim PM between Lee Kuan Yew and his now PM son said when asked how could Singapore justify giving him a million dollars salary a year whereas President Bill Clinton got only a third of that he reportedly replied 'pay peanuts and you get monkeys" If you really want to find out what the average Singaporean thinks ask a taxi driver there. They usually very upfront with the criticism.

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  6. Is it true that all university degrees are presented by a member of the royal family?

    Well if this is true then the Member of the Royal Family who presented 4,000 students (maybe 8,000; depends on who is talking on 100 FM) today at Bangkok Thonburi University deserves a medal for endurance. I should have taken some pics of the vendors selling flowers etc along the road. Indescribable colours!

    You just try holding your hand out 4000 times or more while keeping a fixed look.

    Not easy work. Cannot take a toilet break either.

    Yes an awful lot of graduates and I see them almost every night during the Royal News for the day thing being given something from a member of the Royal family.. Where the heck do they all go to? There must be millions of graduates in Thailand

  7. Where will your RESIDENCE be in Thailand?

    At larger Thai immigration offices at least you can do a change of status in Thailand to a single O visa from your 30 day stamp.

    That gives you a 90 day stay.

    To be qualified for that first step you must show you are FINANCIALLY qualified for the second step, the annual extension based on retirement.

    What financial qualification method were you planning on using?

    If using the 800K bank account method, the banked money must be seasoned for at least 60 days before your application for the annual extension. You can apply for that extension within 30 (or perhaps 45) days of the end of your 90 day stay.

    You don't need a retirement visa. A retirement visa is an O-A visa. They are only available from your home country; never in Thailand.

    The other two method options are income method (embassy letter showing at 65K baht monthly income or the combo method, embassy letter plus Thai bank account to at least 800K, no seasoning needed. If using the 800K method the funds do not need to be seasoned fully at the time of application from change of status from 30 day stamp to single O visa but do need to be seasoned at time of application for annual retirement extension.

    Your answer at this time is spot on. But watch this space. There are major changes to visa requirements about to take place in the next few days or weeks. I haven't been told exactly what they are but I will know from the OIC next week. I don't believe there are changes to the financial requirements but certainly changes that has sent many officers to Bangkok for briefings.

    I moved the last paragraph to correct the error showing it was something I had written. Now more than one person is "announcing" that big changes are coming soon in the retirement extension process in Thailand. But they don't say what. What are we supposed to think?

    I've heard obvious rumors before here but these "announcements" are coming off a bit differently.

    Is there any chance someone more authoritative can get us a SCOOP with some details about these coming soon changes (if this is real)?

    No one can be precise right now as the news of the changes are due to be released next week, but I can assure you that changes are about to take place. I will let you know as soon as I know the exact visas affected and the rule changes. It's obviously giong to be promulgated anyway, they're not going to be a state secret.

  8. Where will your RESIDENCE be in Thailand?

    At larger Thai immigration offices at least you can do a change of status in Thailand to a single O visa from your 30 day stamp.

    That gives you a 90 day stay.

    To be qualified for that first step you must show you are FINANCIALLY qualified for the second step, the annual extension based on retirement.

    What financial qualification method were you planning on using?

    If using the 800K bank account method, the banked money must be seasoned for at least 60 days before your application for the annual extension. You can apply for that extension within 30 (or perhaps 45) days of the end of your 90 day stay.

    You don't need a retirement visa. A retirement visa is an O-A visa. They are only available from your home country; never in Thailand.

    The other two method options are income method (embassy letter showing at 65K baht monthly income or the combo method, embassy letter plus Thai bank account to at least 800K, no seasoning needed. If using the 800K method the funds do not need to be seasoned fully at the time of application from change of status from 30 day stamp to single O visa but do need to be seasoned at time of application for annual retirement extension.

    Your answer at this time is spot on. But watch this space. There are major changes to visa requirements about to take place in the next few days or weeks. I haven't been told exactly what they are but I will know from the OIC next week. I don't believe there are changes to the financial requirements but certainly changes that has sent many officers to Bangkok for briefings.

  9. When I get a visa extension my 90 days starts over again.

    90 days always starts from the day you enter the country, never from the issue date of you visa unless it coincides with your entry stamp date. One often confusing problem is some people who don't look at the report slip think that a 90 day report is an extension. Of course it isn't and it's clearly stated on the report slip.

  10. I use International Money Transfers, or also known as Ozforex. I use them to transfer my fortnightly pension, usually around 30,000 baht at a cost of $15 a time and free transfer for amounts over $10,000. I Bpay it to IMF on Thursday, they get it on Friday and transfer to City Bank Thailand on the same day. I get it about 11.30 am into my SCB account on the same day. Here's the link;


    Their rates are the best you can get in Australia, far far better than all the banks

  11. I use International Money Transfers, or also known as Ozforex. I use them to transfer my fortnightly pension, usually around 30,000 baht at a cost of $15 a time and free transfer for amounts over $10,000. I Bpay it to IMF on Thursday, they get it on Friday and transfer to City Bank Thailand on the same day. I get it about 11.30 am into my SCB account on the same day. Here's the link;


  12. Yes they are very beautiful ,seen some at Mount Hagen ,PNG ,many years ago, the 2nd

    bird in the clip with yellow plumage, they are very good at mimicking sounds,even talking,

    Going back there after 30 years ,I bet the place has changed for the WORSE,like everywhere

    else,just glad I seen a lot of the World before the rot set in

    Regards Worgeordie

    I lived in PNG for 6 years and often visited the Bayer River Bird Sanctuary near Mt Hagen, this was in the 1980's. I'll never forget it, a truly wonderful experience.

  13. If you leave it to the deadline, i.e. the expiry day of your visa and then are asked to provide more info that might take sometime to get then your on overstay. You may be lucky to ask to pay the overstay when you return to the office (sometimes allowed) and then get the visa or you may be asked to leave the country and return on some other visa e.g. VOA TR60 or Non O.. You can renew your Non O Ret Visa up to one month before which gives you some breathing space. A new edict too issued here in Phuket Immigration is that Proof of Income can be up to six months old now. For some nationalities e.g. USA, Australia, et al, just a letter of confirmation or Stat Dec with your own written details used to be acceptable but not now. The letter or Stat Dec must also be attached to proof of the source of your funds wherever they may be located. This is only for people wishing to retire on monthly Income and not money in the bank. Money in the bank must be accompanied by a Bank letter no more than 7 days old plus all copies of you bank book pages. I hope this helps.

  14. isnt siam real ***** fully revolving around british realtors? Always see a bunch of them with the company camry leisuring around small restaurants talking about real estate and ladies of the patong

    I'm sure I have seen many foreign real estate agents here, unless the term "realtor" means something different in Thai.

    They are right across the country

    I read somewhere recently that Thai Immigration know full well that there are thousands of illegals living in Thailand but they just don't have the resources to chase them up. I met one young guy recently who overstayed three years. He had twenty thousand on him and a ticket out. He was told go straight to the airport, pay the overstay fine and leave. Asked if he could return he was told no problem. The trouble arises for overstays it seems, is when the local police catch you and not the immigration police. So many stories and variations on the theme. For example it was reported in Phuketwan (online newsblog) that the phuket overstay man Mr J. Nelson, was told that if he could not pay the overstay he would have to remain behind bars at the rate of two hundred baht a day until the twenty thousand was paid. =100 days+

  15. Mass hysteria.

    Yes absolutely no doubt about that, but in all my 35 years living in SEA ghosts for all gender types and levels of education, are a reality and you cannot convince them otherwise. I can tell you many stories of frightened locals trying to convince me not to go on certain roads at night for fear of seeing faceless aparitions, not to live near cemetries, to place candles around my home to keep the sneaky bastards at bay, to see the local sooth sayer for protection and advice etc etc. It's all part of the furniture here and it's a laugh.

  16. When the social security health care program started I had already reached the age of 60 and could not be covered. Like many I have paid high personal income tax for many years in order to maintain my work permit.

    As noted previously there is a move to cause tourist to buy health insurance or proof there of in order to enter Thailand. Truly there is a push toward discouraging tourism and farangs to retire here. Obviously the tourism health insurance will never get to first base one reason might be that the immigration entry officer could not read the policies from every country in the world.

    "truly there is a push toward discouraging tourism and farangs to retire here" With respect, please elaborate, I'd like to know how you got this info. If true it would seem like someone cutting off their nose to spite their face. Think of the revenue loss for the Thai economy for one.

  17. The official opening of the Patong branch of the Royal Thai Police Immigration office was officially opened in a ceremony by Colonel Sunchai Chokkajaykij today June 13 2013 and was attended by officers of the Phulket office and other local officials. The office will be available for Short Term Visa extensions e.g. TR 60, Visa on Arrival, 90 day reporting and Proof of Residence applications. The office hours will be from 10am to 3pm Mon-Friday. This should be a great relief to all those who have had to travel to the Phuket Town office for various reasons but possibly very sad news for the taxi business in Patong.



  18. Completely disagree to have the Will translated into Thai after death, who is going to sign off as an accurate translation, way too many risks. I wrote my instructions for mine & Thai wife’s Wills in English. I handed the Wills over to a Thai lawyer for translation into Thai & to add necessary clauses for compliance to Thai law. Then had the Thai translation cross checked by my Thai son in law who is fluent in Thai & English. I do not trust Thai lawyers e.g. inserting a clause naming themselves as executor in the Will/s or worse. When I die or wife dies before me, the executor has to present ID, death certificate and receipt to the Amphur to access the original Will/s. You may not be obliged to register at the Amphur, but for me this is an acceptable & secure process.

    I'm becoming confused or should I say more confused. I went today to the Kathu Amphur office to register the will and get a receipt, and to add to the confusion my Thai partner said "it's not called the Amphur, it's called the Tanai Kwam" (phonetically transcribed). Whatever that is. Anyway all I got from the officers in the office was stupified looks. At first it was...."we don't do that here".. then sometime later it was.."we only do that for Thais"... Then it was suggested I translate the Will into English, but still they had no idea what I was on about and said I need to go somewhere else. Where is that somewhere else I asked? "Sorry you're the first person to have ever asked to register a will here." Where the hell was the lawyer who wanted to rip me off for 10,000 baht going to register the Will? One other question that bothers me and that is should I have to have a property e.g. condo or something other than simple belongings before it can be accepted at the "Amphur"? They did keep asking me for a Tabian Baan which I don't have. Any answers gratefully appreciated. Thank you

  19. Very Useful. Does a Will and Testament have to be 'Registered' with anyone ?

    Yes, with your local Amphur. The Amphur retains the original & provide an official receipt, at least that was my experience with the Banglamung Amphur in Chon Buri

    This subject could not have come at a better time. I have a will (usually I update it once a year) signed by two witnesses and today I was told by a Thai lawyer that my will had to be registered or it would be null and void. She said she could get it all done for me for fee of 10,000 baht. I don't have anything here in Thailand other than what I wear and use in my rented house. The few things of minor worth e.g. TV second hand car books and small inexpensive items etc will go to my Thai partner. It seems hardly worth paying 10,000 for registering the will. I also believe, correct me if I'm wrong, I could register it myself for a lot cheaper than 10,000. What is your opinion? Thank you for any advice.

  20. I suppose you already know the good and bad thing about buying a guitar but if not may I offer some advice? First of all what sort of acoustic guitar are you wanting? One with steel strings or perhaps gut strings? It is easier to learn with gut strings. Are you familiar with the difficulties of learning on a cheap guitar if you're a beginner? High action for example, that is the height above the fret board of each string the more difficult it is to hold the strings down onto the fret. Also be careful when you inspect a guitar that looks good. Look down the fret from the tuning pegs towards the body. Is the fret board warped or twisted.. Are you just interested in strumming chords or learning melodies and chords, classical or folk etc etc. Choosing a good guitar to play with is very important if you wish to be half successful. The more expensive the instrument should make it easier to learn on. Never give a child a cheap guitar that's a gurantee he/dhe will lose interest real quick. I wish you well. Guitar playing is harder to learn than most instruments even more so than instruments such as pianos and the like. A guitarist has to make the sounds with both hands fingers coordinating simultaneously. That's not the case for most other instruments.

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