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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. Yes, it's not as difficult as one would expect it to be to get a child Citiznship by Descent. In 1995 when my first child from my defacto Thai partner was born I simply took the birth registration papers original and translated to the Australian Emabassy and withinn a very short time was issued with a document Extract from Register of Citizenship by Descent.

    Supapon or Emma as we know her was born 29 December 1995 and the certificate was issued on 2 February 1996.

    Again on November 10 1998 and working in Ujung Pandang Indonesia when my second Thai daughter Alice was born we sent the Salvation Army Catherine Booth Hospital birth certificate to the Australian Embassy Jakarta. Indonesia does not issue government birth certificates to foreigners so the hospital birth paper was accepted without question along with my defacto's Thai Passport as her ID.. Alice got her Australian Exract from Register of Citizenship and passport on 10 November We eventually married in Australia in 2002

    The only requirement in both cases was to have the birth papers translated and by an authorised Translation service recognised by the Australian Embassy.

  2. No, each parent can go as a dependant of one child on ED-visa with 500.000 in a Thai bank account.

    You will need 500.000 baht each in separate accounts.

    From Police order 777/2551

    2.11 In the case of a family member of an alien who has been permitted to stay temporarily in Thailand for study in an educational institution as set out in clauses 2.8 or 2.9 (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted child or the child of his/her spouse):

    Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

    (1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

    (2) Proof of family relationship; and

    (3) In the case of spouse, the marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto; or

    (4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the applicant, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

    (5) In the case of parents, there must be an account deposit with a local bank made in the name of father or mother of not less than Baht 500,000 as shown in bank account transactions for the past 3 months.

    For the first year, it should have that said amount in the bank account for not less than 30 days at the submitted date of the application.

    II stand corrected. Everything you say is spot on. Different terms used in different places confuse things. I also believe that the parents of a child with an Ed visa can be a dependant of the child although the parent does need 500,000 in the bank. When the chils is a dependant he/she doesn't need money in the banl below the age of 20.

  3. No, each parent can go as a dependant of one child on ED-visa with 500.000 in a Thai bank account.

    You will need 500.000 baht each in separate accounts.

    From Police order 777/2551

    2.11 In the case of a family member of an alien who has been permitted to stay temporarily in Thailand for study in an educational institution as set out in clauses 2.8 or 2.9 (applicable only to parents, spouse, children, adopted child or the child of his/her spouse):

    Permission will be granted for a period of not more than 1 year at a time.

    (1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

    (2) Proof of family relationship; and

    (3) In the case of spouse, the marital relationship shall be de jure (legitimate) and de facto; or

    (4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the applicant, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

    (5) In the case of parents, there must be an account deposit with a local bank made in the name of father or mother of not less than Baht 500,000 as shown in bank account transactions for the past 3 months.

    For the first year, it should have that said amount in the bank account for not less than 30 days at the submitted date of the application.

    Yes I agree with the amount you mention but have a different understanding of what can be done so if I'm wrong please let me know. As far as I know one parent can be issued what is called a CUSTODIAN visa. That parent has to have 500,000 in the bank for a least one month on the first application and for three months on subsequent applications. If both parents are here i.e. foreigners, one can be hold a dependant of the the one holding the custodian visa.

  4. She will be eligible for parole after serving four years.


    It is ubelieveable and unforgivable and she deserves the punshiment she got but one cannot help thinking did the mother her self suffer the same treatment when she was young? I mean was it normal for her to do what she did because any normal mother, anywhere, with a normal upbringing would never could never subject her own child to such a horrific experience. And yes the investigation should continue to find the customers of the child who obviously also have no concience.

  5. If you had a work permit then you had a Non O immigrant B Visa. If it was issued here then you have to report in every 90 days. If it was issued outside Thailand you must leave the country every 90 days. You are allowed a 7 day extension in either case. Once your work permit has expired or is cancelled your B visa is no longer valid and you must report to the immigration office to inform them of the cancellation. If you need time to arrange travvel they usually give you a 7 day (max) extension. I can assure you this is correct as I work in Thai Immigration office Phuket. Good Luck

  6. I hasten to add, if you come back by bus you will only get 15 days VOA and be allowed a 7 day extension. Come back by plane you get 30 days. If you are Russian you are allowed 30 days on entry either by land or air. If you go to Laos you can get a TR 60 double entry which will give you up to 6 months which includes two 30 day extensions but you must leave after the first 30 day extension but come back the same day and get the next 60 days plus 30 day extension. Each extension will cost 1900 Baht. Any other SEA country Thai Embassy will only give you a single entry TR 60.

  7. I work at the Immigration Office in Phuket. Getting a re-entry often depends on the Thai official you deal with but, normally if your in another immigration area (there are 6 immigration areas in Thailand) different to where you got your Non O visa you can only get a re-entry one day before you leave the country and you must also present your travel details, bus or plane. Next time you renew your visa, if you do, get a single -entry permit (Baht 1000) as a precaution for leaving the counrty unexpectedly. Good luck

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  8. If you did a little textual analysis on the replies so far you would see that the writers are trying to advise you to be careful. The cynicism may appear to be frivolous but it isn't. Too many decent men have lost everything just for falling in love here in Thailand. Where to live at this stage of your relationship is not worth considering. There are so many things that you have yet to consider or otherwise you may lose everything in the blink of an eye. At 63 years of age do you really believe that a 24 year old little girl is in love with you?

  9. and this came from Thaksin i take it !

    you cant convict a man/women of a crime with a half hearted investigation and then kill them within 60 days, how many innocent people set up will lose thier lives?

    If a person is found with vast amounts of Yabba/Ice in their possession then why not a speedy execution ?

    Do you believe that execution is the best way to stop the illegal use of drugs? It never has before and executing a healthy person who can contribute in some way to the Thai economy e.g. farming, infrastructure development, is counter productive. With wages so miniscule in Thailand and desperation for income to help unemployed or flood affected victims it must be easy to persuade some of the prolateriate to get involved in this dreadful business.

  10. Unfortunately he isn't the first journalist getting murdered here. Often they are after exposing someone involved in something lucrative, such as property development.

    Being a journalist can be dangerous work wherever employed. French journo yesterday in Syria and thousands more like him in the past in areas of unrest. Remember Neil Davis the Australian journo who stayed in Vietnam for over eleven years and then got killed covering a coup d etat attempt in Bangkok. Not something that I would enjoy doing.

  11. This was all the rage a year ago, they rescued some people, and got a lot of publicity from it, and donations. They rescued 4 girls from a bar, while there were several dozen bars and several hundred girls on the same street. Smelled phony then, still does.

    Yes I agree. I read that the rescue entailed going to a place where girls sat behind glass, choosing someone, taking her back to the rescuers house and then quizzing as to whether she wanted to stay there. Wouldn't that be a bit risky for the rescuer especially if she later claimed he tried to do something untoward? How about taking her to a senior police woman for questioning annd help or better still take an undercover policeman along to the market place?

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  12. I hope they haven't left a polluted mess. Semiconductor production may have very toxic hazardous waste that might be cheaper for them to abandon but Thai government should require cleanup.

    This is an astute observation, and clearly could be a large problem as other companies choose to pack up and leave. This is something that the government certainly should be prepared to address. (Yeah, like that will ever happen......)

    I agree. In the interests of the Thai workers at Sanyo the government should offer to find a more suitable location for Sanyo and consider making a financial contribution especially as the number of famlies affected by the layoffs is significant. One thousand six hundred families will now be wondering where they can get work after 25 December. But perhaps there would be a knock on affect if they did offer to help Sanyo. How many other flood affected companies would be looking for the same deal?

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