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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. So many Thais are such angry, cowardly savages. sad.png

    Thais are still tribal by nature and have not yet reached Western civilized development. Okay, they have TV, cars etc all the mod cons but that's just a facade. The attack on this man can be seen in any major tourist area, especially late at night. For example Phuket for one where I lived for several years where a tribal bashing of a foreigner was almost a weekly event.

    Questions someone might have the answers for about this event is did he finally get his 1000 Baht, and did the attackers get locked up or am I expecting too much?

  2. " Those using the degrees can face the same penalties though just having one made does not actually constitute a crime."

    Having a fake degree isn't a crime if you don't use it?


    I have a copy of Nighthawks on my wall. Should that be a crime?

    Yes, if you are referring to the movie staring Sly.

    No if you are referring to the the Hopper painting (excellent choice by the way)

    However my point is who buys a relatively expensive degree if they don't intend to use it?

    Yes and I hear that outside of Thailand not even the real ones are worth the paper they're written on.

  3. I saw one advertisement once of a person selling used bicycle seats promised to only be sat on and driven by virgin teenage girls. If he can sell that then I guess he could sell anything. Especially when it is more expensive then used underwear.

    When I was a young lad I was told a bicycle seat sniffer was a yapoon, Years later I discovered that there is a town in Queensland called Yapoon, I wonder if there's a connection?giggle.gif

  4. Great News. Hope they get on with "redeveloping" the area into a public park, and take down the walls and "private property" signs at the roadside etc...

    It is good news, and by the way what's happened at Paradise beach? What astounds me too is the illegal vendors themselves seem to avoid criminal charges for operating on public land? Free to go?

  5. Fighting between groups of male students from rival vocational schools is unfortunately a long-standing problem. Young people have died in these "rumbles" so this fella can consider himself lucky. Similar gang-banging is common in other countries as well, especially among youths. This has nothing do with, or impact on, foreigners living or visiting Thailand/Pattaya.

    long standing indeed. My first encounter with this cultural habit In 1994 occurred when I was working in Nonthadburi. I just happened to exit the office to stand on a balcony on the 3rd floor to get some fresh air to find myself watching 5 or 6 students, in school uniform, attacking a student in the back of a taxi with long sticks. I did not see the start of the fray but the taxi driver got out of the cab and did a runner. The students smashed the rear and road side windows but the attack was brutal, thrusting the sticks with great force into the passenger. Someone must have alerted the police so when the sirens sounded the students took off. Passerby's did nothing to help the victim. Just stood and watched. Fights between rival student schools is fairly common place here I'm told in Thailand.

  6. jesus. poor girl. what is the going rate for cat sitting?

    I don't know she might not be so poor-------the response on here is hardly what Fox would call "fair & balanced"....... their ex employer is married to a policeman there for she must be lying about the theft.

    They all ran away from a job that the parents had held for some time...because.......they say--the daughter was being harassed about going to HK, it wasn't easier just to send the daughter away---it was easier for the whole family to disappear in the night. (they must have been owed some wages) and then have the money to stay off the grid, & when the Daughter got arrested.....no one came forward with this tale. Just let the daughter stay in jail.

    If I was a Thai Visa Sherlock ----- I would lean towards it was probably taken--- but it was probably ill gotten gains----leaves them (Policeman & wife) between a rock & a hard place.......... but I find do it hard to believe that the family all leave a job and their accommodation & money owed like this & disappear instead of just saying no---not going to HK.

    Sounds a little fishy as far as the parents are concerned, They've disappeared, and why would the daughter hang around to reignite the case with the police? I believe her but wonder about the parents.

  7. To me your post is unclear. For what reason did you go to immigration?

    sorry guys i am still smarting,i should have said my details were transfered from my old passport to my new one.

    In which case it is a 'standard' charge (not on the list and no receipt).

    Many posts about it in the UK passport threads.

    Playing devil's advocate - why shouldn't they charge, they are providing a service and it is unreasonable to expect their work to go unrewarded. Same applies to the residence certificates.

    I suggest that if the fee was incorporated into their scale of charges there would be no issue.

    Immigration does not charge a fee for transfer of stamps to a new PP. If in doubt always insist on a receipt for any payment. If you are told that a receipt is not issued for that service politely ask to see the OIC.

    • Like 1
  8. I have a Bangkok bank account and refused an ATM card or Debit card for this very reason, the only way I can withdraw money is in person in the bank, slightly inconveneint but I can live with it

    I have a debit and credit card and use them frequently as they are much more convenient than cash for my limited grocery and fuel costs, but I have to say if these scammers got hold of my info they'd break down and cry. There's almost sweet FA in both.

  9. This is why you never, ever, send your valuables such as a laptop computer, through checked baggage.

    Correct NEVER.

    In my years ago of traveling by air in my work in unreadable fine print on the airline ticket there was the WARSAW luggage claim airline responsibility.

    Anyhow, if you took the time to research what you could not read on the airline ticket you did get the surprise of your life because the amount it showed the airline was responsible for was ridiculous it was so low it didn't even cover the cost of the cheapest, and I mean cheapest, suitcase on the market.

    It looks like in this Post case that Warsaw Rule must be still in use by the airline(s) seeing the airline offered the claimant 2,000 Thai Baht as total coverage for all the damage or another suitcase which you can be assured will be the cheapest piece of shit you can find on a sidewalk market.

    The way I overcame the airline luggage damage was by buying Halliburton suitcases, these suitcases practically speaking were indestructible in addition to be watertight. I'm talking 60-years ago, now 2016 there are many copycats to the Halliburton suitcases on the market, the more expensive, the better construction suitcase.

    You pack your belongings in any of these soft type case you're leaving yourself open for destroying of the contents.

    In addition NEVER put "Handle Careful Breakables Inside". Now these cowboys in the luggage handling section will make sure they throw it under the cart so it can be run over, you have made them in Thailand loose fase, and they will take care of you and your BS 'HANDLE CAREFUL".

    LOL in LOS

    Are you implying Thai luggage handlers can read English? I doubt it very much. Coloured warning labels in Thai might do the trick, if there is/are any.

  10. My ilhdtv service, for the price and number of Live TV channels, is good, but the picture often leads the sound and they are nearly always out of sync. The sort of answers I get from customer service range from; It's a problem with the server, the problem is in the UK, and we've just reset the service so it should be okay now however nothing changes.

    Still I'm reasonably happy despite the out of sync problem, and mostly because the service is cheap enough but I must admit I often wonder if there is something better on offer.

  11. I think most of us have fallen victim to Pattaya snatches at some stage.

    Some even keep going back for more.

    In all my visits to Pattaya I've never been mugged, robbed or snatched from and neither have any of my friends.

    Not sure where you get this 'most' from. Maybe others will shed some light on this - if they have or have not been.

    I think you've led a very sheltered life. One of the few here in the land of (cynical) smiles

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