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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. No robbery attempt?

    I am sure we are getting less than half the story here.

    People don't often get attacked with a knife at 4.30 am for no reason.

    Russians and Aussies, most likely alcohol played a part in this.

    More like drugs on the part of the Thai youths such as meth etc played a real part in this. The place is rotten with illicit drugs. Another bad memory for the visitors.

  2. This has become the wild west. Thailand is definatly losing it's luster.

    This type of incident is not uncommon here, and not only for Thai victims. I recall some time during the 90's an Australian accountant was ambushed and killed while on his way to a factory where he was conducting an investigation into financial mismanagement. One of the most horrific around the same time was a taxi and its passengers recently arrived from Cambodia was stopped on the tollway between Don Muang and the city. The driver was told by the gunmen to hop it, which he needed no encouragement to do, then they proceeded to assassinate the three passengers. I don't recall them ever being caught.

  3. No, it's not. When we Asians travel to western countries, we are faced with the same harsh non-negotiable immigration rules.

    It's about time that Asian countries return the favour.

    Ah, but our Western countries have Welfare. Your Asian countries, don't. Apples and oranges coffee1.gif

    I thought Welfare only applies to the citizens of western countries? In Australia an immigrant alien has to wait 2 years before welfare can be paid. non Immigrant rules also apply for a tourist visa and so the Western immigration rules are more harsh than Thai immigrant (tourist) rules. Mind you don't even think about getting permanent residence here...even more difficult than going through the eye of a needle.

  4. Immigration will not say if children will be included on a blacklist.

    So what are children on overstay meant to do?

    Oh dad we are on overstay, you stay in Thailand i am off, because i do not want to be on overstay.

    Until now children on overstay were exempt from fines/punishment. Looks like that may change.

    Strange though a local immigration office is mulling something like this in stead of a general directive being announced.

    It has been in my experience working in immigration that some parents have been fined (usually 2000 baht) on behalf of their children's overstay at the point of departure from Thailand. Many parents in the past were informed from numerous (mostly ignorant) sources that children were exempt from fines and did not even require an extension of whatever visa they held on entry. This is simply untrue. All foreigners, adult or juvenile, who enter Thailand for long stay reasons need a non immigrant visa on arrival and also must report to immigration if and when required.

  5. A girlfriend of 8 years wanted to break up with me I'd jump for joy.

    Then you have never experienced true love! Youthful attachments are often infatuations and mistaken for love. Real love, which you might experience one day, is the most intense emotion you could ever know however on the down side, breakups or deaths can be devastating for those involved. I hope this young man is given appropriate counselling..

  6. I am still wondering why not issue an international warrant to arrest thaksin? Or international countries don't believe in Thailand justice? Even ASEAN countries like Singapore?

    The very fact that the WPI will allow this cold-blooded criminal who came to power by a fake “democratic” system to use WPI as a stage to promote himself proves that they don't. It will be a disgrace to the ethical global efforts and the reputation of WPI to have a fugitive and a corrupt politician speaking on WPI’s stage, and is absolutely not one of the WPI’s principles.

    Sheeze, what did he do to you? Cold blooded criminal? You'll get on.

  7. Thai graduates only want top paying, executive jobs, so no job, then they refuse to work, ever. Way too spoilt and pampered.

    And the dropouts are happy to do drugs, and play video games.

    This is why Thailand needs so many migrant workers. Without these migrant workers Thailand would come to a stop.

    Everywhere in the world people who have brains and have studied long want good jobs not manual labor. That is not what they have studied for. I would only do manual labor as a last resort. Its the same all over the world, why else educate yourself if your going to do menial jobs.

    But of course I would do those jobs if I could not find a good paying job, but I would look for a good job first.

    Manual labour? What's wrong with being a carpenter, a plumber, an electrician. A friend of mine's son has two degrees and sat on his backside trying to get professional work for 2 years without success but took on a trade course in carpentry to fill in the time. He's happy as a pig in a pigsty now. ANd of course has the wherewithal to start his own business especially with his economics degree. By the way a guy in the states who has the highest IQ in the USA is a truck driver.

  8. Is it just me, or does it seem like there is an inordinately high number of farang deaths the past week or so. It seems like at least one, and sometimes, two a day.

    No. It is not just you. I have lost 2 close friends in the last 3 months, one 64 and the other 61. Two others in their 60's I had met just recently also passed away unexpectedly.. I'm 75 and hoping that these deaths are not just the beginningblink.png .

  9. All the mismanagement, high debts, high cost while productivity remains low, stemmed from Thaksin and his puppets. And now he wants to teach?

    Perhaps he should first pay back the damages caused to Thailand from his rice scam policy?

    As it appears you as an expert on the economic misdemeanors of the Thaksin era, you should perhaps consider writing a book on the subject. I for one would buy it. Always good to hear from someone with inside info on Thai mattersclap2.gif

  10. You just can't beat a plucked pheasant. whistling.gif

    Recently I was invited to inspect the 'Pig's Eye' and on doing so was shocked to see not a bush but a veritable forest, Dark black and at first impenetrable, I rushed to gather my timber cutting implements but without consent the visitor escaped out the door and not even with a by your leave. Most ungrateful, I did save some coin though,

  11. This is becoming very interesting ... but will it amount to any jail time. I very much doubt it ... just big pay offs ...

    It is easy to be skeptical here where all things change here but nevertheless remain the same, but my observation of the removal of chairs on beaches etc. and definite reduction in tourists on them in Phuket recently and in addition this recent round up of suspected crooks is encouraging and gives hope that things might indeed change. I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath?

  12. I suggest applying to the court for access and telling them she has done a runner.

    They will send her a summons.

    If that is not responded to you have something to encourage the police to act on.

    This suggestion could work but may take some time. If a summons is issued for her to attend the police station the police send a letter to her last known address which is got from the amphur where she got her ID card from. The letter will ask her to report to the nearest police station regarding the issue at hand. If she does not comply with the order another letter follows after 2 weeks, If there is no reply to this second letter a warrant for her arrest is issued, Now in theory, some time down the track, when her ID needs attending to e.g. renewing etc the summons will be evident on the data base and she will be held by the ID officials until the police arrive, I'm told. I do wish you well.

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