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Posts posted by PlastikbinLina

  1. I can tell you that very soon, possibly September, a new tourist 6 month or 180 day multi entry visa will be available. It is currently waiting to be formally announced in the government gazette.

    It works like this; Holders of this visa can only get this visa in their own countries, not in Thailand, however they must leave after 60 days and return to stay another 60 days leave and reenter for the final 60 days. However they can extend the visa by 30 days after the first 60 days and then leave Thailand (as for a TR60) but can return immediately to complete the balance of the days outstanding although they cannot stay any longer than 60 days without extending the last 30 days.

    It was decided that this visa will be very useful for the short term education students as many of the current ed visa holders rarely attend language schools as required. Therefore the short term ed visa currently provided will cease. Students attending international primary and secondary schools will not be affected. they will be able to apply for one year ed extensions. Expect more changes to immigration laws in November.

  2. Have a work permit, no residency certificate required.

    As for Phuket Immigration, regardless of what visa extension you hold a Registration Residence form along with evidence of the owner's ID, lease or contract Tabian Baan and copies of you Passport (visa etc) must be submitted before your stay here can be extended. I assume that is the case for all provincial Immigration offices.

  3. I know how you feel. Time and time again the dangers on the road can not be exaggerated. Just recently however I finally learned from a fiend, and after many years here, that are no hard and fast road rules in Thailand. All signs, red lights, no parking signs, road humps and painted lines are simply advisory. You can drive how you want here without fear of getting a moving violation. For example you an turn right from the left hand side of the road and vice versa, go through a red light, form a 5th column, i.e drive against the traffic on the wrong side of the road, barge in front of a )line of traffic, neglect to replace broken globes, (how many motor bikes have you seen without a rear red light,) and licences? why bother? I have Thai friends who have driven for decades that bothered to get one. So get with the strength. While in Rome do what the Romans dothumbsup.gif .

  4. This is just barbaric and disgusting! bah.gifpost-4641-1156693976.gif

    Not really, no.

    chickens, ducks, cows, sheep, dogs, no real difference.

    YES there is a big difference. Dogs are and have been for thousands of years a companion to man. But you ignore that fact.

    I agree with you, well that's how I used to think until I worked in Vietnam for a year or two and due to my ignorance of the language I often ate in restaurants in rural towns ordering food recommended by my Vietnamese helpers. Believe or not I didn't ask anyone what the meat I was consuming never for once thinking it might be canine, but eventually I found out. I have to say it has a superb taste, especially stir fried and so I never refused the opportunity to eat it. By the way I enjoyed eating Cobra too on occasions especially during group celebrations. I truly believed snake to be fish until I questioned the fish bones resembled ribs. They were of course, they were snakes ribs, small slightly curved bones. The longer I stayed there the more I uncovered the food that most Europeans would never have consumed in their own countries, local culture and habits not permitting or even considered revolting.

    So after living in 8 Asian countries over the last 40 years I never question Asian peoples tastes as they should never question Western culinary tastes. Finally have you noticed why Thais rarely eat lamb? Some have told me lamb smells too pungent for them How about the Thai preference for insects? I saw on Australia + the other evening the increasing demand for insects as a culinary delight for local beetles, grasshoppers etc.

  5. You will need to complete a Registration Residents Form before you can apply for any long term extension including Retirement, Dependent, Education, Investment, Non Immigrant 'B'' etc. The form is entitled 'Registration Residents Form For the Owner of the Residence'. It is in two sections; Part 1 will be your current address in Phuket, and Part 2 requires you to provide the Owner's details of the property where you live. Along with that information you will need to provide supporting documents e.g. the Owner's ID, a copy of the Tabian Baan and if you have a lease or rental contract a copy of that also.If you own the property then you will need to provide proof of your purchase etc. This form only needs to be completed once or whenever you move to a new home. Hope this helps.

  6. There isn't an official form for the sole purpose of proving an income other than the Stat Dec you get from the Australian embassy. You will need some proof of the source of your pension (updated) e.g Centrelink income statement along with an exchange rate conversion for that day to show the embassy officer and later, the Thai officer dealing with your application. The form you need to extend your visa at the Thai Immigration officer is a TM7.

  7. What you have quoted is for a one-year extension based on investment. Their is, however, the non-IM visa, but I don't know if it is issued in the multi-entry version. I see no reason why it should not be.

    Quite right and I should have elaborated a little more information in my reply to the OP. The people who I have spoken to about their Non Imm 'O' M visa are usually Off Shore workers. Many were stopped at the immigration points around Thailand and warned to get a TR 60 otherwise they would be refused entry. Many Off Shore workers have lived in Thailand for years, married or single but never had an issue with a Visa Exemption until recent changes. The usual long term local extension is not available to many Off Shore people or necessary e.g. Ret, ED, Dependent, Inv etc. Having the evidence of an established residence or relationship here does greatly assist the applicant's chances to get a Non Imm 'O' M visa.

    I can assure you that a multiple entry non-o visa will not be issued in Penang (or about anywhere else) unless you are married to a Thai, have a Thai child or perhaps for being over 50 if you have a 800k baht in the bank.

    They certainly will not issue them for owning/renting property and being involved in a relationship.

    With respect Ubonjoe you're not often wrong but you are this time. I work at the coal face and I can assure you I have seen first hand evidence of the issued visa especially when the holder comes in to register their residence.

  8. What you have quoted is for a one-year extension based on investment. Their is, however, the non-IM visa, but I don't know if it is issued in the multi-entry version. I see no reason why it should not be.

    Quite right and I should have elaborated a little more information in my reply to the OP. The people who I have spoken to about their Non Imm 'O' M visa are usually Off Shore workers. Many were stopped at the immigration points around Thailand and warned to get a TR 60 otherwise they would be refused entry. Many Off Shore workers have lived in Thailand for years, married or single but never had an issue with a Visa Exemption until recent changes. The usual long term local extension is not available to many Off Shore people or necessary e.g. Ret, ED, Dependent, Inv etc. Having the evidence of an established residence or relationship here does greatly assist the applicant's chances to get a Non Imm 'O' M visa.

  9. Yes, it is possible as I have seen several recently. They were issued in Penang Malaysia and to those who have been well established in Thailand over past years. It would be advisable, if you wish to take the risk going to Penang to have records of assets including bank accounts, a relationship of some kind with a Thai spouse or defacto with ID or even take her with you. I also saw one from Russia last week, so it is possible but certainly more difficult that in earlier years.

  10. Several years back I went to the palace. Sure enough, right across the street from basically the main entrance where people can be seen walking in, a guy with a tuk tuk approaches me and says "temple closed, special ceremony". Now I am not a young newbie, I have been around the world and this was my 6th trip to the kingdom, so I was aware of all this nonsense. He said no charge, I take you several places, maybe you buy something. I said I am sure I won't buy because I travel light but I will go. So I hope in the tuk tuk. We visit the Marble Wat, which was OK. I probably would not have gone there otherwise. One other Wat Thai I can't remember now. Then a gem store and cut shop where we could see the guys cutting and polishing some stones. I was mildly interested but nothing I was going to buy. I walked around the gift store, and of course the tuk tuk guy was watching to see if I bought anything. No doubt he gets a commission. At each place we stopped he got some sort of gas coupon. After the 3rd hour I said OK that's enough, let's go back to the palace. He said more. I said no. He was of course a bit upset, went back to the palace. I gave him a tip. I feel I had lived up to my part of the bargain. I didn't mind a few hours tour. I am not sorry he did not get any commission from me. I did tell him up front I was not buying anything. Not to mention of course his scam lying attempt about the palace being closed.

    There's a place here in Phuket that's just opened. It looks like and is almost as big as the Taj Mahal. I'm told it's a special Jewelry store built especially to cater for the Chinese tourists. More often than not there are at least ten very large commuter bus parked in the car park. Passing by the place when it was under construction I first thought it was a new 5 star hotel, it's that big. But later I began to think it might be a new conference centre. To have something so large and just to cater for the Chinese is frankly mind boggling. But the practice of rounding up tourists in order to get sales in fine gems etc is not new. When I first came to Thailand in 1982 I was 'invited' to look around and did buy a stone I still own and do not regret ever buying it. I don't see anything wrong in it as long as scamming is not on the agenda..

  11. You do not have a "retirement visa" because such a "visa" does not exist!

    You may have an "extension of stay", based on retirement, which is easily identified in the passport.

    90 day in person reports must be done at your local immigration office. There is the option of doing the report by post (available at most immigration offices) or there is also the option of making a 90 day report "on line"

    You're right about the Extension of Stay but why be so pedantic about it? It is a Retirement Visa whichever way you look at it. It's much easier to refer to any visa relative to what you wish to apply for. Anyway I give you 2 1/2 Brownie points for being correct, now please go to the top of the class, but don't take your books.

    • Like 1
  12. The lottery only causes misery. It should be shut down. Selling lottery tickets - what a useless occupation!

    Your lack of compassion for the struggling and unemployed people of Thailand indicates you have never had a problem with a lack of education, occupation and a rocky road. Get real. There are people in this world who do whatever they can to make a living, feed kids and sick relatives, especially single mums in desperate situations. Perhaps one day you will fall on hard times too and then reflect on your callous remarks.

  13. My experience with OzForex is limited to transferring my fortnightly pension to Thailand. Their fees, you probably know already are $15 for funds less than $10,000 and free for anything over that amount. OzForex use Westpac in Sydney to do the conversion from $AUS to Thai Baht. I have learnt too as the other writer commenting on this that it is much better deal for you to transfer the money either in $AUS or $US. The bank I use here also advised me to do that. Westpac, also in my experience dealing with them, are the most expensive bank in Australia e.g. if I draw money direct from my account there via ATM here I lose 2-3 baht in the exchange rate compared to the OzForex rate.

  14. Children under 15 years old do not pay overstay.

    If you like you can go to

    immigrations and get one year extension based on being Thai for 1.900 baht.

    It's true that kids do not pay for overstay but parents do pay for them instead. I have met a few unhappy parents lately that had to pay 2000 baht along with the reasons for the penalty scribed in the mums PP.
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