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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. From the Pattaya One article, they say a number of customers were arrested because they didn't have their 'original' passport with them and may be fined. The use of the word original seems to imply they had a copy which previous reports said was okay. Seems to continue the confusing and conflicting info disseminated.

    I suspect that a very strong message is being sent to the owners and customers of these venues. Remember that interpretation of the rules and laws can be very fluid depending on the message that is being sent to different audiences.

    Is that the same fluidity that they use for DNA testing or the amount of Red Bull involved in an accident ????coffee1.gifwai2.gif

  2. Uninformed article. While I do agree any kind of environmental mess is appalling, what do you expect when you willing pack 25k people onto a slim strip of beach? It also that each of these party goers paid 200 baht which pays for beach to be cleaned the following morning. It's typically spotless the following afternoon.

    ALL the plastic bottles, Glass bottles and tins will be collected and sold for cash.

    Every house in Thailand does this as a matter of course.

    1000's of baht laying on that beach

  3. Thais in Myanmar warned to be cautious
    The Thai embassy in Rangoon has warned Thai nationals living or travelling in Myanmar to take extraordinary cautions and to keep abreast with news developments following a protest by about 30 Burmese in front of the embassy on Thursday said Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Sek Wannamethee.
    The protesters rallied in front of the embassy for about an hour to voice their opposition to the Koh Samui provincial court’s verdict condemning two Myanmar migrant workers to death after finding them guilty of the murder of two British backpackers, David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, on Koh Tao island last year.
    The Myanmar government, said Mr Sek, has deployed more policemen, between 15-20, in front of the embassy as a precaution.
    The protest was peaceful and lasted about an hour before the protesters dispersed, he added.
    The embassy however reported that no Thais had been affected yet by the protest against the conviction verdict, said Mr Sek.

    -- Thai PBS 2015-12-25

    The obvious question begging to be answered is why is there no protest at the Thai embassy in London???

    ........perhaps because the victims' family has accepted the verdict?

    Why was the verdict released on Christmas Eve ????????? The family know nothing about Hi So or Lo So.

  4. Brother of victim says justice has been served
    The Nation
    KOH SAMUI, Thailand - A Thai court sentenced two Myanmar migrant workers to death on Thursday after convicting them of the 2014 murders of two young British tourists on a holiday island.
    The battered bodies of backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found on a beach on the island of Koh Tao in September 2014. Police said Witheridge, 23, had been raped and bludgeoned to death. Miller, 24, also suffered blows to his head.
    Following weeks of pressure to solve the case, police arrested Myanmar migrant workers Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Tun.
    The verdict and sentence follow an investigation and trial that triggered allegations of police incompetence, mishandling of evidence and DNA tests and torture of the suspects.
    The verdicts came after 21 days of witness hearings in a trial that began in July and ended in October.
    The court said the DNA tests by investigators were carried out to acceptable standards and the DNA found on Witheridge matched that of the defendants.
    The judge said there was no weight to the two men’s claims that they had been tortured.
    Miller’s family flew to Thailand for the verdict. His brother, Michael, delivered a statement to reporters outside the court and said justice had been delivered, adding that the two men had shown no remorse for what they had done.
    "We believe what happened today represents justice for Hannah and David," said Miller. "The Royal Thai Police conducted a thorough and methodical investigation ... evidence against the two was overwhelming."
    Witheridge’s family said the trial had been distressing.
    "We found listening to proceedings very challenging and we have had to endure a lot of painful and confusing information," the family said in a statement.
    "We now need time, as a family, to digest the outcome of the trial and figure out the most appropriate way to tell our story."
    The mother of one of the defendants broke down in tears as the judge passed sentence in the court on Samui island, close to Koh Tao.
    Defence lawyer Nakhon Chompuchat told reporters that the defendants would file an appeal within a month.

    -- The Nation 2015-12-24

    Why would the verdict be given on the 24th December ie:- Christmas Eve when the majority of Farang's are busy with preparations for the holiday. This case has been flawed from the start.

    The real murderers are likely sitting in a bar on Koa Tao Drinking Red Bull

    I'm not going to say more as it will be a waste of time.

  5. Correct me if I am wrong. So far I was under the impression, that the "Tourist-Police" is here to assist foreigners in "problem-situations". (Translation service, mediation in conflict situations, etc etc).

    And now they are shaking down small-time Farang criminals, instead of getting rid of those Lady Boy Predators on Beach Road (for example). Oh boy !


    They are there to assist and that means translating as well. However I would never take my proper passport out to a GoGo bar. I do use a miniature version

    that I carry all the time and that has copy of visa.

    As for small time Farang criminals, they should be deported, same as the foreign criminals in the UK. Not all ladyboys are a problem, they only get aggressive

    when someone takes the pee or are very rude.

  6. Total disgraceful behaviour from such a disciplined well trained van driver regarding dealing with members of the public must have been so distressing having someone honk the horn at you for swerving over the carriageway and it was not a foreigner but a Thai that was the perpetrator of such a nasty honk that he had to be punished with death if caught with a large knife designed for killing members of the public.

    And when he got back into his van were the passengers concerned for their safety ??? Noooooooooo this is normal day with this driver. Will the police

    take away his licence noooooooooooo Will they wait for his to kill some passengers then flee the scene Yesssssssssssss

    Does this happen all the time ?? of course, every few days these A--- holes crash killing people.

  7. My heart tells me these guys are innocent. I understand that the victims' families want a conviction and closure, but I also hope that they remember that two wrongs don't make a right, and they'll just have to accept that the culprits are probably untouchable because they're protected by power.

    And why December 24th ?????

    They are stupid and think that all Farang will not notice

  8. The first two posts immediately jump on the tuk tuk driver. How about this? The woman was drunk out of her mind, did something stupid and FELL OUT of the tuk tuk. You notice the tuk tuk driver didn't so a runner, but stuck around till the cops got there. Not the actions of a guilty man.

    Can not be. Farang are always right and smart, Thai are stupid and idiots.

    OK I realise that there could be some jumping to false conclusions and the very nice Tuk Tuk driver negotiated the bend in a sensible manner HOWEVER

    how many tourists have been killed THIS week.

    Come to Thailand and have a lovely time BUT Phuket, Samui and the South should be no go areas. OH and Chang Mai

    Font colour edited. L.K.

  9. This pointless competition twixt Phuket and Pattaya over which is most lawless has got to stop!

    Once more USA is trotted out as example of Homicides gone wild.

    UNODC lists rates of homicide per 100k: Thailand 5.0, USA 3.8 (and UK 1.0)

    Don't bother us with facts, we've already got our opinions....

    I don't think you can compare Pattaya with Poo ket, yes there are some problems in Pattaya but nowhere near as many as Poo Ket has. The RTP in Pattaya will follow up most complains but the incompetent lazy gits in Poo Ket

    don't seem to have a clue.

    AND if you are a Hi So you are always innocent

  10. "Paramilitary Ranger" aka security contractor and mercenary hired by the Thai Military to conduct military operations to supplement Thai military manpower. They are often used in raids on muslim villages, mosques and schools searching for insurgents. They have unrestricted access to Thai military armories and are largely unaccountable for their actions. Their operations also provide the Thai millitary with deniability to any brutality.

    It should not be a surprise that they put themselves and familiy at risk for retribution by insurgents.

    Are you suggesting that his mothers grave deserved to be desecrated ?

    Of course the Terrorists are kind and human when they murder 9 year olds by cutting their heads off !!!!

    Give them back the 4 province's, cut them off from Thailand. Repatriate all of their people living in other parts of the country then close the border.

    Any bomb attacks treat as act of war. Anything less and they will carry on planting bombs

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