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Posts posted by cooked

  1. Being 'English' does have it's advantages in international competitions, if England gets thrown out, you suddenly become British and support the Scots or the Welsh.

    Normally tje Scots and Welsh are not there anyway

    so you're not a Rugby fan in that case.

  2. I was just wondering about what would actually happen to any tablets distributed.Some would be sold immediately (buffalo ate it). Some would in the traditional fashion, miraculously stop working after 5 minutes. What was left over would indeed be used for games and Facebook/swapping porno videos.

    I'm all for making knowledge of other cultures and philosophies more available but this also requires a certain intellectual curiosity which won't be learnt at school.

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  3. ok guys, we are seriously talking fish fingers here. I said somewhere before on this thread that people get aggressive when you talk about the virtues and sins of their favourite foods. I think we all know where to get fish fingers now, right? Maybe some of us would actually make their own if they knew how to cook. Expat in Switzerland, apart from Bovril, I either did without or made my own pork pies, scotch eggs, crumpets...

  4. All of the rubbish that is strewn around near here is strewn by the local, very rural population. No tourists, very few urban Thais. Forget the noble savage stuff, we're all human and take the easiest path.

    I won't go into the subject of education in Thailand but it doesn't seem to be there to stimulate intellectual curiosity.

    Please re-read my post. I made a clear distinction between rural rubbish and tourist area rubbish.

    For zzaa, of course, everything is the fault of those dreadful Westerners; a lot is, but not everything!

    yes, sir. I thought we were talking about Thailand in general and Isaan in particular, and not just your comment

  5. Schwab

    -we bestowed on them? come on. A rural population (John Lennon: " you're all plucking pheasants as far as I can see...") has no concept of environmental issues if not educated. For centuries they have been throwing their organic stuff out letting it decompose naturally, no prob. usually. I have problems with the fact that these guys claim to be proud of Thailand and then take every opportunity of junking it (not just plastic, resorts in National Parks, flooding National Parks, rant rant..).

    Just to round things off, if I arrive at a remote Swiss mountain top and find it strewn with chip packets and Cola tins, I assume that English tourists have passed through recently. This was a family joke, until I actually witnessed it being done and met with mild insults when I suggested they take it back with them.

    Which top was it? rolleyes.gif


  6. All of the rubbish that is strewn around near here is strewn by the local, very rural population. No tourists, very few urban Thais. Forget the noble savage stuff, we're all human and take the easiest path.

    I won't go into the subject of education in Thailand but it doesn't seem to be there to stimulate intellectual curiosity.

  7. -we bestowed on them? come on. A rural population (John Lennon: " you're all plucking pheasants as far as I can see...") has no concept of environmental issues if not educated. For centuries they have been throwing their organic stuff out letting it decompose naturally, no prob. usually. I have problems with the fact that these guys claim to be proud of Thailand and then take every opportunity of junking it (not just plastic, resorts in National Parks, flooding National Parks, rant rant..).

    Just to round things off, if I arrive at a remote Swiss mountain top and find it strewn with chip packets and Cola tins, I assume that English tourists have passed through recently. This was a family joke, until I actually witnessed it being done and met with mild insults when I suggested they take it back with them.

  8. I have noticed on other forums that people suddenly get very aggressive when you suggest that the food they got used to eating as a child was maybe not all that good or healthy. (hence my remark about apron strings). One guy said that the bread he found locally was just as good as English bread. I wrote back to say that there were two mysteries about English bread, 1. Why do people eat it and 2. Why it it called bread? The onslaught commenced.

    I eat fish fingers now and again, also 'bread' but I don't try to live solely on Western food. In fact the only thing I miss about English cuisine is good fish and chips (and I think most people in England have never eaten good fish and chips) eaten out of a newspaper with a glass of Guiness. You can find both on Sukhumvit if you are in dire need, though of varying quality.

    So let me get this straight, and this is not an onslaught, just your usual run of the mill curiosity.

    You eat fish fingers now and again, yet when I asked where to obtain food which you admit you eat now and again you tell me to "learn to cook for myself and unpin mummy's apron strings", even though you eat them yourself. When I reply telling you I do cook them myself you reply with saying I got agressive because you suggested that they were not healthy. First of all I didnt get agressive I was being sarcastic, and secondly you didnt mention anything about the health factor of eating fish fingers. So you are accusing me of being agressive about a comment you never made regarding a food product that you yourself eat?

    Dont you think that is just a little bit bizarre?

    yes I do think you are a little bit bizarre

  9. I have noticed on other forums that people suddenly get very aggressive when you suggest that the food they got used to eating as a child was maybe not all that good or healthy. (hence my remark about apron strings). One guy said that the bread he found locally was just as good as English bread. I wrote back to say that there were two mysteries about English bread, 1. Why do people eat it and 2. Why it it called bread? The onslaught commenced.

    I eat fish fingers now and again, also 'bread' but I don't try to live solely on Western food. In fact the only thing I miss about English cuisine is good fish and chips (and I think most people in England have never eaten good fish and chips) eaten out of a newspaper with a glass of Guiness. You can find both on Sukhumvit if you are in dire need, though of varying quality.

  10. non tensioned barbed wire fences are much more difficult to get through. Years ago I 'improved' an untidy looking fence and it was only then that sheep started coming over to eat my vegetables. I also like the website, I'll put the ref. on another forum also.

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