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Posts posted by chuckd

  1. Just in case some of you news hawks might have missed this, but the victim was an illegal alien that they had tried to deport two times previously.


    His native Uganda refused to issue travel documents.  They didn't want him either.



    Man shot by El Cajon police was illegal alien ordered deported twice
    Associated Press September 29, 2016 at 11:55 am 52 Lead Stories, News

    U.S. authorities tried twice to deport the unarmed black man fatally shot by police in El Cajon, California, but his native Uganda refused to take him.


    The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Thursday in a statement to The Associated Press that Alfred Olango stopped reporting to officers in February 2015. Spokeswoman Virginia Kice didn’t know if officers tried to find him after that.




  2. 9 minutes ago, Neurath said:

    Word for word from the echo chamber. Precisely the same wording as: http://conservativetribune.com/lester-holt-lies-during-debate/


    Pathetic parroting "news" sources.




    Here is another piece for your reading pleasure.




    By the way, I missed Hillary's answers when she was questioned about the Clinton Foundation foreign influence donations and her other nefarious activities while earning only $26 million in two years to pull the Clinton's from the edge of bankruptcy.


    Could you comment on them?

  3. 6 hours ago, bamukloy said:


    My only explanation: when he makes the 

     idiotic comments he is so stupid that he actually believes he made a clever cryptic comment,  or worded it in a way that he thinks wont be picked up on or qouted by anyone.

    Then he thinks its easy to deny  the true intent, by saying "its not what i said", even though its as plain as day what he said  .


    That is the first true sign of a class  idiot..thinking everyone is as stupid as he is. 


    About the tax thing: Sure, he pays no tax, but everyone knows to pay no tax means (on paper) you made no money.

    He does this by buying rundown properties on loan. He fixes them up using reciepts of labour/costs against the purchase price and outlay. This way it looks like he made no money on the deal.


    Meanwhile, he makes up the shortfall by defaulting on loans and not paying the labourers the already receipted cost of renovating the property.

    Of course, in the end he has an asset he got on the cheap, with minimal labour costs, which he can sell or rent out at profit. 


    Its not even clever. Its a coward way of making money, and signifies what really stinks (the world throughout) with people like him.

    Im sorry, but if America is stupid enough to vote this asshat in, there is no helping them.



    "That is the first true sign of a class  idiot..thinking everyone is as stupid as he is. "


    You must have been a popular kid in your class willing to take all the blame and everything.

  4. 52 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


    I honestly don't get what you Trump guys mean by "biased."  (And yes, you are a Trump guy if you think there was bias)  The moderator must absolutely ensure that the candidate answers the question and also point out lies or exaggerations.  By that standard, the moderator could have done more to keep Trump on the straight and narrow.  But he did enough.  There was no bias. 


    Maybe you need to get out more often...


    "NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.


    In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.


    Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war '






  5. 1 hour ago, Publicus said:


    When did Hillary Clinton say Barack Hussein Obama was not born in the United States?


    Date? Time? Place? Statement? Comment? A remark? In response to a question? At her own initiative? Produce the quotation in print, on audio, on news tape or any kind of visual of it.


    Thank you in advance for your invaluable cooperation and contribution. 


    Please pay more attention to what others write.


    Re-read my post very carefully and then point out where I ever made the claim she made the statement.


    I said her hit man started the rumor.


    Rumor out is she said it in some of the 30,000 vanishing emails.

  6. 1 hour ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    You don't see professional police work in LOS either. There could be just as many if not more serial killers loose in LOS but the BIB would never be able to figure it out. Just sayin.


    Aggressive and effective police work by our local authorities got him some 10 clicks from my residence.


    He is now enjoying the comforts of the Na Klang jail until further developments.

  7. 17 hours ago, PTC said:


    Irrespective of the level of disagreeableness of particular individuals, it is quite astounding that some old white men have the presumption to believe that they can comment on women's health care issues and the rest of us would just swallow this swill.


    Aside from the unwillingness to suspend dis-belief with regard to the above comment, it strikes me as somewhat unreasonable to expect a person domiciled in New York City to select a general medical practitioner in Minnesota.


    But clearly others know better.


    There is no finer swill than that being spewed forth by Hillary and her camp.


    Since you are falling for that hook, line and sinker, may we presume you are an expert at swill?

  8.     TRUMP could destroy the local economies
    Illegal immigrants are boycotting Arizona by the thousands and moving elsewhere - showing their outrage with Donald Trump's proposed law of sending illegal immigrants back to their native countries.


    In the small town of Guadalupe, AZ, south of Phoenix, Manuel Renaldo is one of those who are vowing to punish Arizona by leaving.


    As he loaded his stolen car with his taxpayer-furnished belongings and family of ten, Renaldo told this reporter through an interpreter:  "It's a matter of principle; I refuse to be supported by a state that treats me like a criminal!"


    The effects of the exodus are already being felt by some Arizona retailers, who are reporting dwindling thefts & sales of beer, tequila, spray paint, and ammunition. Also hit hard are the state hospitals, which have reported a dramatic decline in births and emergency room visits.


    State welfare agencies are preparing to lay off staffs that distribute food stamps and unemployment benefits. Tattoo parlors are in an absolute state of panic!


    Renaldo told a reporter, through an interpreter, that he and his family are moving to Canada, with a new Liberal government under Justin Trudeau and new higher taxes, hardworking people will better support him and his family with dignity!



  9. There was a feature about Melania's hometown which pointed out that plagiarism is considered normal in that culture ... coffee1.gif

    The locals there have mixed feelings about her and trump.

    Plagiarism might also be considered normal in Democratic circles.

    The following is provided for some balance...


    7 Democrats Who Were Caught For Plagiarism, Including Obama And Biden
    Melania Trump, wife of real estate mogul Donald Trump, has dominated the news headlines due to the revelation that her speech at the Republican National Convention plagiarized a portion of First Lady Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2008. While that's certainly a problem, it's worth noting that plenty of Democrats have been guilty of plagiarism as well. Here are seven of them.
    1. President Barack Obama.
    2. Vice President Joe Biden.
    3. Former Sen. John Walsh (D-MT).
    4. Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA).
    5. Former Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke.
    6. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf (D).
    7. Former Democratic senate candidate Gordon Ball.
  10. Some food for thought:


    There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines
    Report: Non-military federal agencies spend $1.48 billion on guns and ammo since 2006
    BY: Elizabeth Harrington
    June 22, 2016 3:20 pm
    There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report.
    Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.
    The “Militarization of America” report found civilian agencies spent $1.48 billion on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment between 2006 and 2014. Examples include IRS agents with AR-15s, and EPA bureaucrats wearing camouflage.
  11. Following is my forecast and what my intentions are.

    I predict that Hillary will win the general election and become President, even with the cloud of indictment, multiple security violations, private email server and all the other many scandals that are hanging over her head, She will claim yet another vast right wing conspiracy and the MSM will parrot her claims and the Democrats will go along with her claim because her last name is Clinton

    She is a deeply flawed candidate, as is Trump but at least he would be a fresh face. Obama ha been a disaster for the American people and will continue to issue more and more regulations and Presidential decrees with wild abandon, all to the detriment of the American people. She will continue along the same vein as Obama as she is just as power mad as he is.

    My personal intention is to cease and desist from posting on political threads. They invariably turn into trolls and baits from the Europeans and Aussies and the ignorant Americans that want something for free.

    I will be entering the hospital tonight for medical treatment but before I go I will add a number of liberals to my Ignore list and completely close the loop. I'm tired of being told what the meaning of the word "is", is by the pedantic types that populate this forum.

  12. Sometimes it is easier to believe a Lie, because the truth hurts. This woman is dangerous and only a fool could not see it !!

    Could you please list some Truths that have come out of Trump's mouth? Not a one including his overstated estimates of wealth and business acumen

    How about this one..."Hillary is crooked."

  13. Don't care where it is spelled out. American military is based on a Socialist system. Government collects money and spends it on 'free stuff'. Thought you Capitalists were against 'free stuff'? chuckd

    Of course you don't care where it is spelled out. You're not an American so you have no respect for the US Constitution, nor apparently Americans.

    The American military is based on a Constitutional requirement.

    I can show you literally hundreds of actions the government takes that are socialist in nature. The military is not one of them...but paying for some young girls $226,0000 overly liberal education is socialism at work.

    Paying $75 million to build a wall on the SOUTHERN border of Mexico is certainly one of them that is socialistic. My guess is you liberals find nothing wrong with that.

    Now I am tired of arguing with the dimwits so I bid you a fond adieu. Maybe I'll engage tomorrow or maybe, my "ignore" list will grow some.

  14. Do you agree that the American tax payer should pay the $226,000 college tuition for this lady?

    Do you think the taxpayer should fund military training or should those costs be paid by the individual military person?

    Apple and oranges. I ask you also. Do you agree that the American tax payer should pay the $226,000 college tuition for this lady? Please answer yes or no.

    Why is it apples and oranges? Military is okay to Socialise but education is not. The big bad government levies taxes and spends it on free training for military personnel so they can earn an income. Pure unadulterated Socialism. Giving away stuff for free aren't they?

    If the young woman qualifies for University admission to a public not private University and the $226,000 relates to tuition fees only, then yes the taxpayer would fund her.

    National Defense as a responsibility of the federal government is clearly spelled out in Article One, Section Eight of the US Constitution which spells out 17 clear duties of the government. National defense is listed in six of them.

    Those clearly defined responsibilities are....


    To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
    To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes;
    To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
    To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
    To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
    To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
    To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
    To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
    To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
    To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
    To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
    To provide and maintain a Navy;
    To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
    To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
    To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
    To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; —And
    To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
    It clearly is apples and oranges. College educations are not the responsibility of the federal government...national defense is.
  15. Why is this not surprise? Were back in Bubbaland already...sleeze, lying to Congress, "cigars" in the Oval Office, suicides of cabinet officers, blue-dresses, cover ups...and The Pansuit's not even in office yet.

    Well Cigars , blow Jobs and emails have to be a lot better than sending 8 thousand sons and daughters of the USA to their deaths since 2003 with 52000 servicemen and women injured - many very badly and lets not forget the deaths of a million innocent civilians. Lets get some perspective on things, maybe what HC did 'could have, would have' caused problems but the fact is nothing happened so we learn, we tighten procedures and we get over it. The Witch hunt is incredible. I will submit to the Republicans will on HC if they submit to put George W Bush in front of a war crimes court and to permit a proper investigation of 9/11 (which received far less time and far less money than HC's email issue.) The whole thing is pathetic beyond belief.

    ...And Hillary's personal fear of damaging her re-electibility by appearing "soft on terror" along with others in Congress actually allowed the tragedy to happen when they could have stopped it.. Her current opponent however, voted his conscience.

    No they could not have stopped it. Bush had made his decision. It is quite disingenuous that you would actually take the war crime committed by Bush et al and rap it up and actually blame it on HC. It gets weirder by the minute. What is worrying is you and millions of others actually believe it. Whatever Fox says must be gospel. No wonder it is so easy to sell creationism in the USA. Once US politicians and the electorate start taking responsibility instead of passing everything to the other side in a myriad of pathetic excuses, the USA might be great again. Until then, they are at the front of the queue in defence and towards the back of the queue in almost everything else. A typical school boy play ground bully in fact. The American people should be screaming to have Bush and 9/11 investigated, but no we are left with this puerile game in a desperate bid for 50% of the population to believe their man is back in the Whitehouse again.

    "No they could not have stopped it."

    Of course the Democrats could have stopped it.

    The Iraq War Resolution was enacted into law only with the full cooperation of members of the Democrat party. Without their support the Resolution would never have been enacted and the war would never have taken place.


    United States House of Representatives

    Party............Yeas...Nays...Not Voting

    Republican 215 6 2

    Democratic 82 126 1

    Independent 0 1 0


    Totals 297 133 3



    United States Senate

    Party........... Yeas...Nays

    Republican 48 1

    Democratic 29 21

    Independent 0 1


    Totals 77 23

    The Republican votes alone were not enough to carry the bill. The House of Representatives required 217 for a simple majority and the Senate required 51.

    If the Republicans that voted for the Resolution are guilty of war crimes, then so are the Democrats that supported it with their votes...HC included.

  16. Last ‘Recession’ Ended 7 Years Ago This Month
    By Terence P. Jeffrey | June 3, 2016 | 9:45 AM EDT
    (CNSNews.com) - The last recession to hit the United States—the longest of any in the post-World War II period--ended seven years ago this month in June 2009, according to the dates assigned to it by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
    The NBER announced the date it had assigned to the end of the last recession in a report released Sept. 20, 2010.
    In 2009, real GDP in the United States declined by 2.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
    Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May
    By Susan Jones | June 3, 2016 | 8:49 AM EDT
    (CNSNews.com) - A record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force in May -- 664,000 more than in April -- and the labor force participation rate dropped two-tenths of a point to 62.6 percent, near its 38-year low, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday.
    When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not participating in the labor force; since then, 14,179,000 Americans have left the workforce -- some of them retiring and some just quitting because they can't find work.
    ...in conclusion...
    Obama Administration Is Spending $75 Million Securing MEXICO’S Southern Border
    1:15 AM 06/03/2016
    President Barack Obama has slammed Donald Trump’s proposal to make Mexico pay for a border wall, but his own administration is spending $75 million for border security on Mexico’s southern border.
    Since 2013, the Obama administration, through a partnership with the Mexican government known as the Mérida Initiative, has already spent at least $15 million helping Mexico secure its southern border, according to a nonpartisan Congressional Research Service report.
    “With U.S. support, the Mexican government has been implementing a southern border security plan since 2013 that has involved the establishment of 12 advanced naval bases on the country’s rivers and three security cordons that stretch more than 100 miles north of the Mexico-Guatemala and Mexico-Belize borders,” Congressional Research Service wrote in a February 2016 report.
  17. How in hell can anybody in their right mind, oh hell-yep right mind, try correct mind, believe anything that comes out of lying bratbart web? "use immunity", "use immunity" means the government cannot use your EXACT words against you and is in fact "useless immunity". "Open the door" and you loose that. Do some of you not understand anything? Only a fool believes they have "immunity" under use immunity and that is all that is given and has been for many years. Besides, this is a deposition, been through those before. One has to be very, very careful to not "open the door" and put themselves at risk. Damn right wingnuts, learn something about the law. I used to teach a class on how to be interviewed by the fumbling bureau of idiots. ID yourself if asked, answer no, none, nada, zip questions, do not, repeat do not let in your house, lock door behind you, ask them to leave, call an attorney, call the local cops if they refuse to leave. Oh it was the fbi that taught me interview's and interrogations. Scary, flat out scary.

    You have no idea what level of immunity Pagliano was granted.

    He may have been granted either Blanket immunity or Use immunity. Just because all you were offered was Use immunity doesn't mean that's what Pagliano was offered.

    You really don't know any more than the rest of us so why not wait and see what sorts out. His continued use of the Fifth Amendment would not be affected since this is a FOIA deposition and immunity would not come into play on it.

    Let's see what happens if a Federal Grand Jury is impaneled. It is certainly deserving of one.

  18. ^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

    I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

    Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

    And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

    The real radical position is that of not wanting to secure the borders. Anyone who can look at Europe and not see that clearly is indeed a radical.


    Sorry mate,

    You seem to have quoted the wrong posts. Firstly, Australia isn't in Europe, it's close if you call half a world away close......and secondly, Australia has a very secure boarder compared to most countries in the world, we dug a little moat around the place and planted Crocadiles in the North and Great Whites in the south.

    I'm all for a TIGHT border.

    So tight that Australia is putting their unwanted illegal immigrants on some South Pacific island under gulag type conditions.

  19. ^ Slowly but surely the USA is slipping back into the dark ages.

    I'd hate to think of the violence and crime that takes over when the USD is dispensed with. Guess we won't have long to wait and see.

    Somebody fetch me some popcorn.........and a tissue (need to clean my spectacles)

    And another voice from the Australian outback joins the US bashing brigade.

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