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Posts posted by chuckd

  1. For all you jock straps out there, fastpitch softball has been an Olympic sport for the last three Olympics.

    I can't remember seeing any cricket or rugby games being televised in the Olympics. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong. :D

    Slow pitch is a fun game that anybody can participate in. Fast pitch is another story but it is still fun, if you can manage to hit a softball pitched at you from 45 feet and coming in at 85-90 miles per hour. :o

  2. Mr. Gant:

    I got an exit/reentry visa the same day. I exited back to Saudi on that and will reenter on it, thus keeping my retirement visa in place. Had I left without obtaining an exit/reentry visa, I would have lost the retirement visa.

    I don't know why they did not require the medical report. I look healthy and decided to leave my walker outside their office.

  3. Mr. Gant:

    I applied in Pattaya, Soi 8 Immigration office.

    I had a one year multiple non-immigrant visa and applied about two weeks into my three week visit, the first entry on the non-imm visa.

    I had a letter from the Embassy certifying that I have more than 65,000 monthly income. The Immigration officer did ask for a bank letter but indicated they just wanted to see that I had a bank account. I obtained a letter showing a balance of something like 320,000 baht as I had just bought a car. He wanted both.

    No medical was required. They probably looked at me and thought anybody that looked like me had to be healthy. I dunno. I have a friend that was required to provide a medical letter.

  4. gsj:

    I cannot speak to the marriage visa but I just got my retirement visa and it was a piece of cake. I entered with a non-immigrant visa, which is required. This is what I did:

    I presented the following documents:

    a. Request for extension form in duplicate.

    b. 2 Photos.

    c. Letter from US Embassy certifying monthly income.

    d. Letter from bank certifying I have a bank account, along with bank book.

    e. Birth certificate of my Thai daughter.

    f. Divorce certificate from Thai wife, along with custody document from Amphur.

    g. Chanod showing house ownership (not required).

    h. Current passport.

    i. 1,900 Baht.

    Received passport back, with retirement visa completed, the next day as I played golf the afternoon I submitted it.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Family Values:

    Thanks and no harm done. I see that a lot on this forum where Pattaya is attacked as being equivalent to Sodom and Gomorrah. I moved there from BKK many years ago because of the much cleaner air, lighter traffic and the multitude of golf courses. The host of bars was certainly not the driving force.

    I own my home and am happily raising my 11 year old daughter alone. I seldom drink and never get drunk and I just resent it when I am wrongly branded, even lightly, just because of my choice of residences.

    No big deal. :o

  6. SoCal:

    Our little friend is effectively ignored. I see now it (Bitterfly, I like that) must be from either olde Europe or Australia by the way it spells "cheque".

    Thanks for the comments. At least you seem sensible on this forum.

  7. Zebra:

    There are quite a few Americans living in Pattaya but no real organization or club formed by them, that I know of.

    If you are into golf, you will meet many of them. Bowling in a league will also open some doors for you. Bangsaen Bob has mentioned the Alamo Bar on Soi 8. Lots of Yanks hanging around there. You might try Llewinskis on Soi Pattayaland but it is a golf crowd.

    I don't know of any group of Yanks that are in the dive scene however.

    Just come on over and become a freak or pervert (your choice apparantly).

    You will meet other nationalities and develop new friendships.

  8. Warning...."Stay away from Pattaya, full of freaks and perverts!!!!"

    Another brilliant post by somebody with two posts to their credit. Since I live in Pattaya with my 11 year old daughter, which do I fall under? The freak or pervert section.

    Seems this forum is loaded with rocket scientists.

  9. Sure, Dave, that sounds great. Give me a call.


    Oh, you don't know my number? Well, it's in the telephone book.

    Oh, you don't know my name? It's in the book also. :o


    I know, it's a trite old joke but it seems appropriate for the moment. All kidding aside, the food here is really quite good and is reasonably priced. Both farang and Thai menus are very well done.

    I'll look you up when I get back in August/September and will spring for one meal.

  10. Mr. Butterfly:

    I am not one to wave the flag or to sing the National Anthem. I don't even know if you are an American, but I suspect so since you hate GWB so vehemently and have claimed your right to freely express that opinion.

    I really don't give a whit about you or your opinion. I merely resent your use of the word "coward" when you have so obviously not earned that right. It must be my simplistic ex-military training that resents it. I also suspect you are one of those people that hate the military and only want the military around when your personal rights are being threatened. You probably feel the same way about the police, if the truth were known. I don't suppose we will ever know the truth about you will we. Alas, too bad.

    I will offer a deal for you. I will go see the movie if you will volunteer to go to Iraq or Saudi Arabia.

    Now I am bored with you and your senseless arguments. You are a cyber warrior and nothing else.

  11. KenBower:

    Look on page two (2) of this thread and you will find directions to a very good restaurant. I have eaten many meals there and have only had one that was not very well prepared. The hamburger. Well, it was well prepared, it just didn't suit my fancy.

    The food is excellent at this restaurant. I retire in late August and, if you call me on your next visit, I will take you to dinner. I will e-mail you my number.

    Edit: Anybody else can eat there if they wish. It isn't a private restaurant.

  12. troll:

    You just don't get it do you?

    At some point in time a person must accept responsibility for their own actions. I, too, read the report about her medical condition and regret very much she was violated. That alone does not alter the fact she drank herself into a condition to have it happen to her.

    Look at it this way. If I get drunk, get in my car and run over a motorcycle.....who is to blame?

    a. The motorcycle rider for getting in my way.

    b. The bartender for serving me too much whiskey.

    c. The police for putting that stop sign there.

    d. Me.

    e. None of the above.

    If you answered anything other than "d", then your responsibility button needs to be replaced.

  13. Mr. Butterfly:

    It feels great to be on the "dark side" :o as you so eloquently put it. The money is good, the benefits are good and I have loved it for the greater part of 30 years. I have been on the "front lines" over the years and have never called anybody a coward for their actions. I take offense at somebody that does and is unwilling or unable to tell the world what gives them the right to do so. Oops, I have called the terrorists cowards as they are sawing the heads off of innocent, unarmed civilians.

    I have a question for you...How does it feel to be a pompous windbag? Is the money good and are the benefits equivalent to the job? You are a real success in your position as a P. W. and should be proud of your accomplishments.

    Should William Jefferson Clinton have also been indicted for "dodging the draft" as you so succinctly put it? I cannot recall him serving much time in the active duty Military or the National Guard. You seem to be full of these double standards. The blow job in the Oval Office wasn't what got him impeached. It was his lying under oath that turned the trick.

    Remember, you said it...."I am sure for some, it makes me a pinko commie bastard hippie...." :D

    You still haven't told us where your armchair is located. :D

  14. Mr. Chittie:

    You can forget CNN but, yes, it is rather tense around here. Not a lot of fun now.


    Mr. Axel:

    I would be curious to know who the four Americans are. If they are part of the hard core Hollywood crowd, then their votes would have as much weight with me as the French vote. I know that voice of conversatism, Quentin Tarantino, headed the panel.

    I haven't seen the movie and probably won't waste my time doing so. I stopped watching political propaganda long ago.

  15. Mr. Butterfly:

    My, aren't we agressive!

    You call someone a coward because they are not on the front lines in Iraq so I presumed you must be there. If not, what gives you the right to call anybody else a coward?

    I am running a defense contract in Saudi Arabia and my question still stands.

  16. Guesthouse:

    If it is about accountability, as you state earlier, on the part of the Lek Hotel, then why doesn't the Aussie lady have the same accountability issue applied to her actions?

    You are setting double standards here. One, of accountability, on the hotel and one, of no accountability, on the part of the Aussie.

    I don't see how you can have it both ways.

    Perhaps, if the lady had remained sober, this might not have happened to her at all.

  17. Why stop at just boycotting Lek Guest House? I say we boycott all of Chiang Rai. A drunk Aussie lady got raped there so it must be the fault of the entire community. IF the alleged rape actually occurred that is.

    I think Limbo has it about right. The lady needs to be more selective in her drinking companions (of whatever nationality) or stick to Pepsi.

  18. Just a thought but you might try the Silver Dollar in Washington Square. If Ned is still there, he serves pretty fair Tex-Mex.

    In Pattaya, try the Moonshine Place in Jomtien or the Blue Parrott on Soi Pattayaland I. Another is the Tequilla Reef on Soi 7 but not real Tex-Mex there.

    I know where the Chilli's are in Al-Khobar and Bahrain if anybody cares. Both are in Asia. :o

  19. Not trying to be picky here but, it appears to me that what Simon says is spot on.

    He says...."Most sex-bars have few customers who are more interested in chatting with the girls in the bar rather than paying to spend the night with them"

    Had he said "many" customers prefer to chat rather than barfine a lady, then it might have been questionable.

    Had he merely said customers and left out the word "few", then he would have also been correct.

    The key word here is "few", which seems to make the statement correct.


    troll: Are you interested in answering my question about formerly posting on another forum? I'm still just curious.

  20. Bill sold the Winchester to a couple of guys that renamed it the Blind Beggar. The raid had nothing to do with him leaving and happened long before he sold the bar. He wasn't arrested as I have heard. Just the Thai managers.

    As far as I know he did not leave under any cloud of shame. If there was anything else I never heard of it.

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