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Posts posted by Jajazazajaja

  1. 1 minute ago, IraqRon said:

    so if you refuse to take the pee test and they take you to jail, you will still refuse?

    What if they strap you down on a bench, place your hand in a bowl of water and then use an electrical cattle prod on your nether regions to induce urination will you then relent?

    I admire your holding to your beliefs that only you can dictate what you will do but wonder if it fits with the real world.

    Nearly every reply in this thread doesn’t fit in with the real world.....

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  2. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seriously? So if you are in a Bkk night club and the cops raid the place and make everyone do a pee test you are going to refuse?

    Good luck with that.

    I think this is how he got done, he didn’t have money to pay cops off after a <deleted> test somewhere and had something in his system, I dunno.


    the question is weather passport control will have a flag on their system for misses tests?





  3. On 12/24/2019 at 1:29 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO you should be more concerned that he wasn't doing what he should have done than trying to get him a free pass.

    Up to you of course, but I'd just leave him behind.

    im trying to get him a free pass? 

    i asked a simple question. What exactly do you think you have contributed to this thread?

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  4. 40 minutes ago, SteveK said:

    Advise him to hand himself in to the police station and clear it up first, then you won't have anything to worry about.

    that was my thought too, cheers. 
    I can’t get a clear answer as to what the terms of his release were and what he was actually convicted of (if anything) 

    just that he didn’t go and do the pee testing because “it was every week”



  5. Not sure this is the right forum, but anyway my wife’s son was arrested for Yabaa a few years ago and was sent on remand for a month. Apparently the terms of his release was that he would attend weekly drugs tests for a while.


    Well it turns out he didn’t bother doing it, now we are planning to go to Cambodia for the weekend and he’s worried that there will be some sort of flag on the immigration computer when he tries to leave Thailand and he’ll be arrested. 


    is this likely? 




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  6. 3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Saw that out where we live a few weeks back, PM was traveling down the road so cops at every junction

    Thanks, seems strange. They were all very friendly, like they weren’t really looking out for anything 

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