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Posts posted by ARISTIDE

  1. There are some online BTU calculator here is one http://www.calculator.net/btu-calculator.html

    Watch out:

    - Sometimes Thai sale will recommend you a lower BTU air-con, many don't have the skills, ignore them and buy the BTU that you think fit your room
    - Determine the best position to put the compressor if you can. Believe it or not even some Thai professional don't know how to install it properly!!
    Check and recheck the work. Heres what happened to me before:

    + Sometime they will install the compressor where rain water can flood or damage your compressor
    + Sometime they will install it too close to the wall so your room won't get cool and expensive bills
    + Sometime they will install it where it is hard to do the maintenance
    + Sometime they will drill the wall and f_uk up your wall so bad you need another repair!
    + Sometime they forgot to level the drainage properly so water from the air con reverse in to the air con and leak
    + Sometime they forgot to install rubber at the base of the compressor so your wall shake like there's an earthquake

    + Sometime they will leave some minor problems so they can come back and charge you more!

    + Sometime they don't install the piping well so you need to do the refill more often

    Good luck

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  2. Ping River?

    I heard that they put them to sleep in the freezer. But I see Gordon Ramsay boil lobster alive all the time on his TV show. I think he's still doing it.

    Its on that basis that a lot of western restaurants no longer boil crays (but freeze)

    I think clams are also boiled alive

    But to get back to the topic the ones that are released to make merit is there a proper place to do so and if how many survive?

  3. When buying an air con aim for a little higher BTU than required it will be more expensive, but it will save you money when power bill comes.

    I bought one from Home Pro.

    perhaps it'll work well in December.

    Oh dear, that's what I thought may happen. Might be a small aircon purchase for me soon then.

    Thanks for the honest reply anyway.

  4. When it comes to animal cruelty I think a large number of Thai are with you.

    Thanks for all the information. It's good to hear some people release the little guys for merit.

    I can't say I'm not sickened that some people could cook any living, feeling creature alive, culture or not. There are many humane ways to kill food, and I can't comprehend how somebody could boil something alive without thinking of the pain and suffering of that creature.

  5. Why did you say that? They are sold as pets or release to make merit!

    Wifey uses them for eating, cooked alive in boiling water and then the shell taken off and gutted. Flesh cut up and used in soups/curry. Buys them from Warrot in alley near 7/11 next to a Gold Shop.

  6. Exactly!, It took me ages to understand the concept but once I got it. It really worked like he said!

    I know you are looking for the electronic cigarettes, but in case all you want is to give up smoking the painless way. I'd been smoking for 19 years and the best way to quit is cold turkey. But must understand the reason behind addiction is that "the only reason for craving a cig is because you are smoking one" If you don't smoke then the craving will go away. Plain and simple. (It took me years to understand this but it worked)

    Now I quited for 7 years never look back. Every time I think about smoking I just feel glad I'm free!

    Using substitutes will only make the craving last longer or eventually going back to smoke! Even if I have to smoke one today I can but I can quit again because I know that the reason I want to smoke because of the cigarette it self

    Well said. And for more detail and a better understanding of this, google "Alan Carr". It need not be hard or painful once you understand the psychology of it.

    BTW, the book can be downloaded from torrent sites. unsure.png It has worked for a lot of people.

  7. I know you are looking for the electronic cigarettes, but in case all you want is to give up smoking the painless way. I'd been smoking for 19 years and the best way to quit is cold turkey. But must understand the reason behind addiction is that "the only reason for craving a cig is because you are smoking one" If you don't smoke then the craving will go away. Plain and simple. (It took me years to understand this but it worked)

    Now I quited for 7 years never look back. Every time I think about smoking I just feel glad I'm free!

    Using substitutes will only make the craving last longer or eventually going back to smoke! Even if I have to smoke one today I can but I can quit again because I know that the reason I want to smoke because of the cigarette it self

  8. They are the enemy of my enemies e.g. insects, roaches, etc Other than the annoying loud noise at night I think they are alright out side the house.

    Wow!...I think he is also moving around in the celling

    walls at times. I had good feeling about him before I
    read the posts...Now I have a less than
    "oh life in the jungle can be so interesting" feeling.
    Thanks to all for your posts....@v@
  9. So did you manage to buy Huy Fong Sriracha?

    I use the equal portion of Thai black beans and pinto beans. Soaked overnight. Simmered the homemade BBQ sauce.

    Baking now. smile.png

    I just realized something: I have been buying imported BBQ sauce (or other brown sauces) half my life for completely no reason.. Result of mixing tomato ketchup, balsamic vinegar, raw sugar cane sugar, mustard and some Hoisin sauce and Chipotle sauce and, yes, Huy Fong Sriracha was absolutely magnificent. Maybe better actually, would need to test side by side. wink.png Resulted in a beautiful brown sauce, too..

  10. The same kind that used in Thai dessert yes. Cheap and tasty.

    Thai black beans are the small ones though right? I see those used mostly in sweet dessert type things. But those are the ones you use, not the slightly bigger red beans? Definitely interesting.

    • Like 1
  11. I use the equal portion of Thai black beans and pinto beans. Soaked overnight. Simmered the homemade BBQ sauce. The Chipotle sauce and Cheddar in the end.

    I make the bbq sauce using cilantro, onions, smoked bacon thickly sliced, bell peper, tomato, worcestershire, all spice powder etc. That's the way I made, but since junglechef has won the baked beans competition he might have a secret weapon I'm not aware of!

    What beans do you use? Canned? Or dried, and then soaked & cooked?

    • Like 2
  12. I know my BBQ baked beans with bacon and the Chipotle sauce is a killer, so... To safe y'all time it's easier to just let me be the winner. thumbsup.gif

    How about we do our own taste off/potluck with each person bringing a different bottle of hot sauce and a dish of food

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