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Posts posted by alexakap

  1. ...it's called honor killings, i guess!

    Which killing? Do you spot the dead bodies somewhere near? What are you [continuously] talking about? angry.png

    Dont act like an imbecile. Please. Be adult.

    He's talking about the social acceptability in some Islamic cultures to murder children who do "shameful" sexual things, both gay and straight. This practice is itself shameful and totally unacceptable to civilized people.

    What is "civilized people" in your terms? What way do you think you're better/higher/more advanced than those who not allow "shameful" sexual things"? Do you realize that the only animals will be forgiven to do everything they want at the time they want (so, in general terms - all of the liberacy\democracy is just the way back to anarchy and to animals there up on the trees)?

    Ha-ha, now try to argue this. :)

  2. Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

    I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

    Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. smile.png

    And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

    A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

    The most important thing parents can do is to show unconditional love. You're an EPIC FAIL at that.

    Bringing a kid to dentist is the parent's love on the way to grow healthy kid - but not their love to see his kid crying loud while on the dantist chair.

    Pushing a kid to do their scolar homework instead of letting them play videogames is also parent's love - but not the love to bashing kids.


    Protecting the kid from inappropriate ways (such as theft, roguery, sodomy, alcoholism etc) is also love. The "no-love" calls "ignorance" ("maipenrai" in Thai) at this step when groving your youngs.

    Sometimes love hurts (but still the love) - and you must be kinda matured to understand that from the roots. Most kids start to understand their own parents ONLY when kids became parents themselves...Think it twice.

  3. Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? sad.png

    I don't know, snookums, but I wouldn't wish a father like you on my worst enemy.

    Of course you don't, my little sweetie. But, fortunately, you can't chose parents - while they can "chose" you. :)

    And they can guide you to the proper way through the life....or not proper, and then you'll be at your own and MAY became like those on the picture from the 1st post.

    A lost souls soaked to the "maipenrai" environment.

  4. You're funny. Do you think your gay son will tell you he is gay when you are such a hate monger of gays?

    Do you think telling your gay son you don't accept gay people, that being gay is morally wrong, that gay sex is disgusting, etc. prevents your gay son to be gay if he is gay?

    How many parents want their children to be gay? Not many, I can tell you. Mine offered me money to go to a lady whore when I told them.

    You're funny. Do you really think that I can't see the gay in gay? I can detect'em even the way they writing the posts here (a pcychology background and personal and social patterns, you know)....how can't I not see this in my own son, being around me 24/7?? smile.png

    Mothers usually know, but you'd be surprised how many fathers don't.

    Should those be described as "fathers" then? not just a "males with limited support abilities depending on personal wealth"? :(

  5. You're funny. Do you think your gay son will tell you he is gay when you are such a hate monger of gays?

    Do you think telling your gay son you don't accept gay people, that being gay is morally wrong, that gay sex is disgusting, etc. prevents your gay son to be gay if he is gay?

    How many parents want their children to be gay? Not many, I can tell you. Mine offered me money to go to a lady whore when I told them.

    You're funny. Do you really think that I can't see the gay in gay? I can detect'em even the way they writing the posts here (a pcychology background and personal and social patterns, you know)....how can't I not see this in my own son, being around me 24/7?? :)

  6. Saying that homosexuality is the worst of sins

    I didnt say that, my dear little troll.

    I said "a big sin (IF not the worst)". I won't dare to judge this "if" by myself.

    worse than rape, murder, child molesting?

    These also not welcomed and be fast-punished (mostly PRIOR the pollice arrives). Dont worry.

    Why don't you (for a change) use your own brain and not just repeat what other have told you!?

    Because in my posts I prefer to decide myself - what to repeat and what to not. Do you?

  7. The young man in BigC who said that to you considers it a joke in his environment.

    I am not from his environment. And public BigC is not his own environment, too.

    He should expect at least some kind of possible misunderstanding.

    and you were offended by it ?? oh my god .. lets call the police .. haha ..

    On my enviromment you could be dead for such kind of jokes. And dead fast - police will not arrive that fast, and usually will not help (they are also born/grown in the very same environment). Really.

    I've got a good solution .... move !!


  8. If your gay son didn't fancy anal sex (many gays do not) would you then still love your gay son?

    I am not fixed on sex only. The above picture was described just as a good sample to the previous poster. The gay is the gay (as the way of his being) - he's f..ing right now or not.

    Stop being so wishy washy. You meant you would disown your gay son even if he was celibate so why not say so?

    I already said: I will NOT have "gay son". In any and all means.

  9. So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

    I have no gay children, and will never have.

    The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

    And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

    I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.

    A picture where a men f..ks other men just for lust has a greatest morale ever, hasnt' it? Especially where the one is your son, regardless the position.

  10. If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

    I await your response, sir.

    Easy cake:

    And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ “and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’” (Matt. 19:4.)

    PS: Since when Jesus became a God, but not just his Messenger - to quote Him separately?

  11. I come from a culture where people tend to think Big Macs are good eating and the Super Bowl is the zenith of high culture. I resisted and I'm a better man for it.

    A grain of brain here (compared to other posts&posters). Thanks.

    So, while you'd resisting that - you hadnt consume that, and explained your kids all PROs and CONTRAs. Am I right?

    The same way I am, just "the food" is a bit different - and that's all. :)

  12. I think he is just an attention seeker!

    Wrong. Im just too old for this.

    If he is really that stupid, ignorant and backwards (oooops) I sure pity his wife and children!

    Wrong. Ask my wife (or almost any other thai gal) - she'll tell ya that she is SICK of useless boneless soft Thai men with their childish and girlie behaviors and irresponcibilities.

    Oh nad to answer your question: no, you are not a civilized person!

    So sue me then.

  13. So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

    I have no gay children, and will never have.

    The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

    And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

    Wow! This get's better by the minute.

    So you actually believe, that "being homosexual" is a choice that can be directed by "growing them in a proper way"!?

    Let me ask you a simple question: do you know, what year we have???

    It's pretty clear now he is a radical Islamic fundamentalist and yes they believe it is OK to murder people for being gay. Edit, a hypocritical pork eating radical Islamic fundamentalist. As do radical Christian fundamentalists.

    As radical democrats do for oil owners, too. 55555

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