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Posts posted by gk10002000

  1. The laundry gals across the street and down a bit towards 2nd road are a hoot! Great prices and great laundry service. Nice to chat with and they did a fine job every time. Worth walking a street or two if you are near there to drop off your laundry. No dirty water smell, no excessive scenting trying to cover up things. There are four or five over there. This one is the second one down from the hotel I think.

  2. I appreciate it. Her dad is a chief in the Police, that doesn't count though huh? Seeing as how he is her dad. Does it really have to be full time and a degree for college? She can't go for just English classes at a university in the states? The same way she went to Italy for a month to study Italian?

    As far as the business visa goes, I was thinking about finding a company on my own, not using an agency. I was also considering trying to go for this J1 Exchange Visitor visa. This looks more possible seeing as "on the job training" could be alot of things. I could call around and find a hotel in the states who might sponsor her and she can say she wants to start up a hotel in Thailand eventually so going to the states is to get experience with hotels around the world? What do you guys think? Or is it possible I find a friend in the states who owns a small business and invites her?

    What about if I found a Thai restaurant in the area that could hire her? Could the sponsor her with a letter asking for a 1 year employment as a cook or waitress or whatever?

    You mentioned Teaching. What if I were to call language schools in the states and find her a job as a Thai teacher. They can sell Thai lessons to potential students, and if nobody signs up for Thai classes then she just doesn't have any work. If they do show up then she teaches Thai. I don't know I am just trying to think outside the box here.

    She hasn't taken TOEFL yet, but I am sure she would do very good on it. Wouldn't that hurt her chances in the states though? Then they would certainly think she has no reason to leave America if she was extremely good at English. I am even considering having her just get the Thai translator and speak Thai, so they will think she wouldn't stay in the states because of the language barrier.

    Gumballl: Yeah, I know how valuable the TS/SCI clearance is. I haven't even been out of the military for a full year yet. I too had problems at first with my security clearance. My friends all got at least like a "we know you will probably be ok so here is your TS/SCI until we finish the investigation," but I didn't, I had to wait a year and some months after I joined for them to finish the investigation. People think it was because my Uncle lives in Israel as a teacher for Biblical Hebrew and Greek to tourists from around the world.

    I do not want that daily routine life though, at all, no matter how much a company pays me and how secure the job is. I have thought long and hard about it, and I could live my 20 years in the military or in a civilian company doing something that requires a TS/SCI and slowly move up the ladder and retire possible at a young age, but I won't want to stop working anyways, so then I will either stay with that company working my 9-5 or I will go to some other business. I don't believe life is a checklist though and the first thing is education and the second is to get the job that makes the most money and is the most secure, then settle down with a wife and kids. I would rather be poor and see the world as I want to than rich and see only my office every day with a few scheduled vacations a year. I know it seems ridiculous, like the ambitions of a small child, maybe I never grew up, but it is what I love, and I will do whatever I need to have the freedom to do what I want while I am still young and able. I am not saying that other life is bad, I just don't want it, no matter how safe and secure you feel.

    Way off topic though. So I am looking into the business visa and J-1. If anyone has information on how difficult a J-1 is, that would help.

    I am ex Air US Force. I do have a current Secret clearance. I do contract engineering. I work as many months as seems desirable, then I take time off in Thailand. Check out CEWEEKLY dot com website. I worked as a direct for several of the major aerospace companies. I finde contract engineering to be a good compromise between 9-5 boredom and variety. I take on contracts that I want, and if they ever get too ridiculous I leave. I get paid more now and net more in about 1/3 of the time I do if I were direct salaried. So, even in bad years, I still easily save money and have play time.

  3. Room 250 Baht a night. Sign in the window for a few months now. Soi 11 (12?) Second row. Opposite Intown hotel (550 baht night).

    Cannot get a lot cheaper than 250 a night and they get plenty of customers but I have never bothered to go inside to look at the rooms.

    I have stayed at the Intown Holiday hotel. Nothng fancy but for 550 baht not a bad price. That is about $17 USD a night. Not bad for a place centrally located. Rooms are big, but worn down. I find the beds a bit on the soft side which is great compared to the usual rocks places like flipper lodge have. Safety deposit box downstairs. Rooftop pool is small but ok for a quick dip in the afternoon. Nice view from the roof. Hotel staff is expressionles and seem like the living dead. Only one cute girl on the night shift that actually smiles. But, I don't interact with the desk much so it is not much of a concern. The tv channels are pretty good if you like financial thngs. They have bloomberg, asia market news, and cnbc I think. BBC, Deutch Welle and Al Jazeira in english.

    Location is right in the middle of Pattaya so one can walk around the corner to Soi Bukao and take a baht bus north or south, or go towards the beach and hit 2nd road. easy walk to soi 7 or soi 8. Hop a baht bus to Big C. Streets are not busy on each side of the hotel so not much road noise. I have stayed there twice and woujld go bakc. Everything in life is a compromise and this one is pretty good.

  4. You know what? I love the place but a big part of me says that they can choke on the empty rooms for a while.

    Do any of you remember about one year ago when the hotel alliance or some group like that was promulgating the idea that all the mid to lower level hotels should raise their rates to increase the quality of the tourists they attract? ?? As if people that spend more money are an automatic improvement. That told me they didn't appreciate my business and the money I spend there and the money I lose when I miss 30 days of work to take vacation.

    I have watched business drop but have not seen a big drop in prices. Couple that with bad foreign exchange rates and higher travel costs and Pattaya is losing business. Unfortunately the Mom and Pop locally owned hotels probably suffer the most. I wish them well and hope to be there in the next month or so.

    I bet they will still run those compulsive gala eve dinners for Xmas or new Year's. I detest that as I have my own plans. I spend a lot of money and time and effort on getting to Thailand and don't ask for much, but I hate being forced into buying things or moving out for a day or losing my weekly rate etc..

  5. Guys,

    I have been in Utrecht, the Netherlands since 31 August 08. However, I do not get my bag yet as it gets lost from the airport.

    Funny thing is it was a direct flight BKK-Amsterdam. I should not have any problem yes?

    The secretary at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is working hard for that as they email/call the airline quite often.

    The china airline can not even track the barcode of the tag. They offer me 5O USD (about 30's Euro) for buying things ..<deleted>! It is nothing in europe.

    My sister who lives in BKK also work on it (contact with the Thai side)

    What'd I do next?

    Dank u well.


    ps. I went to the "lost baggage room" at schiphol already last Sunday and I was not able to find my bag. How sad..Icried as the weather here is funny. It is cold, rainy and hot in any moment .

    I believe the $50 is only intended to be a temporary solution you could use for immediate purchase of basics for one day or so. Based on $20/kg and 23 kg, you should be entitled to $460 USD. I read you did not care about the money but only wanted the bag. I would let go of the bag and take the money. I would take the $50 but make sure you and the airlines agree it is not a final settlement but only an interim amount while you wait for the whole amount. Otherwise, if you accept the $50 the airline may presume you have settled completely.

  6. Depending on your citizenship you may not be able to leave the airport because the USA has gotten very strict on transit visas. You may be living in the transit area for the night.

    The hollywood park casino is a very good idea. I myself just did the exact same thing in April as I had a layover coming bazck from thailand. I am a US citizen so it was no big deal. Played some poker, had a decnet dinner and took the bus back to the airport in the morning. Straight down Century blvd (100). bus runs fairly often.

    Not easy to walk outside the airport., very dark, no sidewalks for several hundred yards near the Sepulveda over pass.

  7. US visas for Thai citizens can take quite a long time. I would not even do it right now. You both sound like you have a lot of unfinished business. She needs to complete her degree. You need to complete your degree. You need a steady job in the USA to show the USA government that you have viable income and can support her. Fiance visa might be tough. A tourist visa for her can be done but requires money and it sounds like neither of you have that.

  8. The city should fund a relocation program and send all of these sex trade workers back to their home provinces. Then, they can start over and build a sustainable, healthy, long-term economy based on shopping, tours, sports and other family activities. They can build more schools, clinics, hospitals, businesses and healthy tourism venues and invite more firms to hold seminars, meetings and events.

    This will help to clear out the sex tourists and bring in more families. Then, the crime will go down and they can clean up the beach and the city.

    We will witness the rebirth of Pattaya in the near future and this is good news for the city and residents. They will transform the current bars with working girls to regular bars, selling drinks and a few discos for dancing. Then, they can retain the alcohol revenue and still offer some form of entertainment like Coyote dancers and cabaret shows. There will always be a few freelancers walking around selling sex, but the vast majority will be cleared out and sent back home, along with many criminals that go hand in hand with the sex trade business.

    This is the future.

    Well, this may be the future, but it will not prosper. Prices will go up and the city will be like an expensive Western city. It costs a lot of money to travle and vacation in both direct costs and indirect costs such as time lost from work. You would probably be surprised at how unsuccessful pattaya would be if what you suggest would actually come about.

  9. 1. JAL. Completely and totally impressed with JAL. Unfortunately I don't usually fly the USA to Japan leg with them because they usually charge too much. But the leg from Japan to BKK is heaven. Plane is immaculate. I see the attendants actually clean the rest rooms more than once during the flight. Just very nice.

    2. China Airlines has been fine with me from LAX to Taiwan usually. Usually the best price, and a modern 747 with individual controls for entertainment game and movie thing. Food is fine. Free noodle soup at anytime. Georgous stewardess.

    3. EVA is OK but each plane has been on the old side. Last flight had lousy food. Decent flight schedule though. I don't like 777 and EVA usually flies those. I personally prefer 747s.

    4. Korean Air. Only flew them once. Just didn't go well. Old airplane, food was poor.

    5. American Arilines. Flew them from Palm Beach to Chicago to Tokyo. Miserable attendants. Thank god JAL ran the last leg from Tokyo to BKK. Saved the trip.

    Honorable mention to Thai Airways, but I only flew a short leg from Taipei to BKK.

  10. I don't reside in the LOS yet. Not sure I could do it full time anyway. 1/2 of each year for sure. But 365 days a year, not sure about yet. I usually stay for one month periods and don't get too homesick. But here are a few things I miss.

    Real poker rooms like the Commerce Casino in Los Angeles or Foxwoods in CT. The Commerce casino is so nice and has so much action and good games and decent food menu. It is like being in parts of Pattaya! Many international foods on the menu.

    Wendy's drive through. Chicken club sandwich is a pretty good quickie.

    A few USA friends that just won't travel and would never get off their asses and actually visit Thailand. They would love it so much, but so tough to get them out of their comfort zone. I don't miss that fear of the unknown, parochial mentality actually, I just miss the friends.

    A real New England Pizza, like at a cheap college pizza joint.

    I miss the willingness of people to speak their mind about certain topics. The muffling of talk about the Royalty, for example, even if factually based and not negative is disconcerting to me.

    Having been raised in New England, the northeast part of the USA, I am kind of used to a change of seasons. Lived in Los Angeles for 12 years so my need for a complete change of seasons and weather has diminished a lot. I might miss the weather a bit.

    All in all a pretty small list.

  11. I have seen very little American TV in Thailand. That is a much better thing than bad. However, every now and then it would have been nice to catch some US Football or Baseball games. Have seen one or two beer bars that had baseball tape delayed from some network. Only saw one football playoff game, again, tape delayed.

    Not living there but only visited many times, I don't know, but do wonder how flexible the TV satellite or cable selections really are. What is available for purchase or subscription?

  12. They are positioning for the postings change. Junior ambassador and staff jobs in "good" countries are prized election kick backs.

    I have 10 years of Military service that tempts me to take a Civil Service job so I can roll those years over and buy into the Government pension plan. I would take a huge pay cut from my engineering consulting job if the Civil service would hire me and post me in chiang mai! "Don't throw me in that briar patch"!

  13. I bit my nails for years and years, started when I was under 4 years old and quit about 3 or 4 years ago. Now, my nails are soft, tear and split easily and never get longer than my finger for very long, they usually tear right away.

    I would like to have nice looking nails but have heard acrylics can damage your nails. Now, given that mine are not good anyway. What would you do?

    I can get some very beautifully done acrylics here in the US, should i do it or is there something to make my own nails stronger? Dad suggests drinking gelatin (ugh) but apparently as soon as you stop the gelatin the nails get soft again. My sister and my dad both have soft nails as well, so perhaps its some weird genetic thing.

    Also, if I do get acrylic nails, how hard is it to get the acrylic filled in as the nail grows?

    A vitally important and stimulating topic as you can see :o

    Fake nails look just like that, fake. One of the biggest turn offs and huge waste of money. Just keep your nails short. I doubt that biting nails for years affects new and recent growth! Perhaps a short consultation with a doctor might reveal a minor problem and some diet or treatment could improve your basic nail health.

  14. I have had similar problems with rubber sandals. Two common things happen. The rubber does decompose. Being an engineer, it is an obvious substance problem. Probably cheap tire re-use and bad formulation. The other thing that happens is the glue just goes away and doesn't last long at all. I have bought two pairs of these things. By the third week they are about done. that has sufficed for the length of the trip, but the quality is pretty bad.

  15. That mall is a big block and is ugly. Pattaya was nice because it had a mix of sidestreets and malls. It is so over-malled now. I can get malls anywhere. I like to wander around a bit. Pattaya was a nice mix. It gave one a choice other than rural agricultural areas upcountry or metropolitan Bangkok. It had all the modern things one could want. Big C, Carre 4, Tesco, Garden Mall, and Mike's. Just don't need much more in a mall.

    I assume that those of you that have shopped around a bit, notice that so many stores carry the exact same brands of clothes. More stores add little. Knock the place down and go back to small scale stuff.

  16. college freshman in 1975. used some sort of punch card computer in high school in 1974 but can't recall the details. University had an IBM 360 with punch cards and batch processing. Used CRT and real time compiling and running in about 1978.

    Bought an Apple II+ in 1983. Never used it. Had no memory, no software, a real clunker. Been using computers since then in industry and university. Went from mainframes to Sparc stations, then to PCs and now with the centralization of the PC software and IT department control, almost back to the mainframe idea again.

    Note: Really did use a slide rule in 1975 in engineering freshman class. In 1976 my fluids processor that used to spend a lot of time on site at shipyards brought in this massive round cylnder thing. Some sort of giant slide rule used on site. Big so it gave enough accuracy. Or, the wife could beat you with it as it was about three times the size of your basic pastry roller.

  17. ist simply that like most low-cost airls, the check-in staff leaves their desks at 45 mins prior, then goes to the gate-check: where they once again will greet you.

    Errr, at Savanaboum check in clerks leave their desks to run to the gates? :D

    Never seen that happen :o

    Op mentioned international flight, please read.

    I see counter personnel end up later down at the gate many times. Happens all the time when I fly out of LAX in the USA. I know I have seen China airlines people in BKK later down at the gate. Some have a fairly limitied flight schedule and this is routine. In addition, sometimes one person has better english speaking skills or other language skills so helps out at both ends. Never flew Air Asia yet, but have flown out of Thailand about 8 times now. I wouldn't count on 45 minutes for any flight! That new airport can require quite a hike to some of the terminals from passport checkin.

  18. I believe Thailand and the Netherlands and most countries have signed the same international plane travel agreement that specifies how much the airlines will pay for lost luggage. Domestic USA flights have certain fixed dollar amounts. International agreements seem to have a default value of:

    ".... International travelers are reimbursed by the pound -- about $9 a pound with a ceiling of $640 for each checked bag..."

    I looked over China Air Line web site. buried down in one of the pages is the "conditions of passenger and baggage." From the home page click on "Customer Response" Looks like they may pay up to $20/kg for lost luggage.


  19. 7 kg? seems like that was what British Airways was limiting carryon to. I only use a carry on when going to Thailand. After many trips, no problems, several with EVA and China Air Lines and Korean Air lines, no luggage wait lines etc. However, I am sure my bag weighs a bit over 7 kg. I carry so little that the counter personnel and arriving customs always ask me "is that all" for 30 days? I politiely tell them there are very nice laundries on many of the side streets of Pattaya and some of the girls are quite pleasant to chat with. I don't need to bring a change of clothes for each of the 30 days I am there! Four or five days worth of shirts/undies and my bathing suit and Pattaya suits me fine.

    Once the Customs guy in Dallas took exception to me and actually searched my carry on! They must have been bored as they searched almost nobody else.

  20. I am in the USA. I was quite put off a year or two ago when I tried to find out the costs and process for getting a Vietnam Visa. Going to their website, they do NOT post the price. You have to send them an email. BS! I like simple things up front. I sent them an email using one of my junk email accounts in case I start getting spammed and here is part of the email reply.

    6) What is the fee?

    Without prior authorizations,

    -Single entry, one-month:

    - $65.00 (regular service - 5 business days).

    - $85.00 (rush service - 2 business days).

    - Single entry, three-month:

    - $110 (regular service - 3 to 4 business day).

    - Multiple entry:

    - 1 month: $130.00 (3 business day).

    - 3 month: $150.00 (3 to 4 business day).

    - 6 month: $200.00 (3 to 4 business day).

    The problem with Vietnam is it is very difficult for me to plan trips in advance due to the nature of my contracting job. When there is work, I work. When not working I jet off to Thailand and visa on arrival. Vietnam visas are dated and do not last very long before they expire. This reduces the chances I will visit Vietnam. So much still to see in Thailand, and Laos and Cambodia and the Philippines.

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