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Posts posted by Aland

  1. 1 hour ago, fishtank said:

    So in other words. Totally useless for most of us.

    I will still have to go there next week for my Marriage Extension stamp.

    I guess I’m not reading this the same way you are. My first 90 days on a non imm O marriage expires next week, the stamp in my passport says I gotta go by April 15. I had planned on going to IO on Monday to apply for 60 day extension otherwise I’d have been on overstay. The way I’m reading this “The person whose visa expired from 26th of March 2020 will be automatically extended” My visa expires April 15 so now I will wait until April 30 approaches before I make the trip to IO. If by that time there is another decree then great, if not I’ll do then what had planned on doing next week. It’s only 15 days but life now has come down to day by day. Hopefully this whole virus epidemic will become more clear by that time. If I am not reading this decree correctly, please let me know.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Grumpy John said:

    Pho Ya Ban came around this morning.....apparently to check up on me.   Find out where I been.  No biggy.  About 2 hours later the doctor from the government clinic rang to ask how long I had been in Thailand.  I guess they were worried I had just arrived.  Which is strange as 6 days out of 7 I will see Pho Ya Ban up at the PA hut when I am walking the dogs at much the same time every day!  6:30am is our designated walk time.  

    Don’t kid yourself, it’s not the village headman that’s curious, it’s the government. My village headman came around about a month ago, asked on what date I had arrived in Thailand. I had been in country for more then 2 months. He told me that the government wanted the information.

  3. 13 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I think the problem most people don't understand here is that they really don't know what most health experts fear and I say that because they don't go about saying what that is, because they don't want to create fear and panic, albeit one or two might have opened their mouths, and that is, the influenza is a human virus and our immune system does recognise these viruses and will do their best to fight the virus back, those strong enough win, those not strong enough may die and believe you me a lot die every year from the (human virus) influenza.


    The above said the Covid-19 is a virus which infects animals, which has made its way into humans and our immune systems cannot fight it because our immune systems doesn't recognise the virus attacking, albeit some people have minor symptoms, others die, there is no real reason or explanation for this at the moment, however what they are worried about is it mutating, as I believe it has already done so, e.g. Italy has one strain and other countries have another strain, with Italy coming off worse with the strain that it has, now if this virus mutates again, this will be a  whole new ball game that we are not prepared for.


    Nothing to do with helmets, people dying from lack of helmets etc etc so I wouldn't worry about others, just protect yourself best you can and avoid being in close contact with others until they can jab this MF sooner than later because, as I said, it it mutates again, who knows what part of the human body it will attack and how much more sever will the virus attach, most probably a lethal attack on everyone that comes in contact with it ?


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  4. On 3/14/2020 at 4:45 AM, BritTim said:

    The limit of two visa exempt entries by land is a firm limit. There are rare cases where it might be relaxed, but only for those living outside Thailand and making short shopping trips into Thailand. There is no limit either on entries by land with a visa or (in principle) visa exempt entries by air. As a practical matter,, tourist entries by air (especially visa exempt) cannot usually be used indefinitely.


    If come the time you make the move the rules are the same as now, you should get a multiple entry Non O visa to visit your wife. This allows unlimited 90-day entries into Thailand for a year. At consulates like Savannakhet (Laos) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) those visas are available without financial proof. Some other consulates will provide them, but require financial proof (which can be in a bank outside Thailand if you wish). Two additional benefits:

    1. You can enter Thailand just before the visa expires and get a final 90-day permission to stay, which means the visa actually lasts you for over a year.
    2. If you wish, once per entry, you can apply for a 60-day extension of your permission to stay on payment of 1,900 baht (without the need for financial proof). This postpones the need to leave and reenter Thailand for a fresh 90-day entry.

    How and where does one apply for a 60 day extension? I’m currently on a 1 yr multi O marriage visa and my 90 days is up in less then 1 month.

  5. Ive just returned to the states from Thailand, I was in the northeast for 4 months with a quick trip down to Phuket. Literally, as I was driving home from the airport, I had a friend ask about getting some suits made and sent  to him here in the states. I seem to recall seeing signs before that claim tailor shops will make a suit and mail/fedex it to your home address. My question is, can anyone recommend a good tailor that one can send him measurements, have a suit made and have it posted outside of Thailand? 

  6. Can someone tell me where I am going wrong? I get email updates from thaivisa several times a day. Earlier I received one with the headline "Drunk Swiss man tied up on flight to Bangkok" and at the bottom of that headline is "MH370: Plane wreckage found in Indian Ocean". Am I just not seeing it? Where is the story about the plane wreckage? I would really like to read it, does anyone know if there is a story that goes along with the headline? and if so where does one find it?

  7. My thai wife and I have been married for 1.5 yrs. I work and have a house in the states but spend a large part of the year with my wife in Thailand. My family has never met her and of course they would like to as I and she also would like this to happen. My problem is that the whole visa process seems fairly complicated and I have been told that if you screw something up and the visa is denied then there is no chance of getting a visa in the future. I dont want to screw it up but at the same time Im hesitant in dropping a big chunk of money with a Thai visa company. I just read some information on the I-130 petition for relative alien. Is anyone familiar with this? Is this a viable option to going through the whole visa process? I would like to hear from anyone who has successfully been through the process as I have more questions.

  8. Interesting answers, and yes it truly is my friends problem and not mine. He met this girl back in February and they hit it off pretty well. He has met the older sister that bought the motorcycle as well as the older brother but he has not met the father and the mother died several years ago. From what I was told the bike is messed up but possibly not totaled and yes money was also asked for to get it repaired. I simply wanted to know if its a common thing for Thais that are involved in accidents, to pay for the other parties lost wages, over and above what may be covered by insurance?

  9. I have a good friend that is in a relationship with a younger thai girl. This girls elder sister went home for a vacation/visit a month or so back and while she was there she decided it was a good idea to buy her father a motorcycle, because he wanted one. They say that dear old dad isn't all there in the head but thats beside the point. Anyway, elder sister went back to Pattaya, dad goes out for a ride and wipes out his new bike, in the process he takes out 2 kids and the person that was taking them to school. Now the family wants the younger sister and of course that means my friend, to pay the injured persons wages as she is in the hospital and not able to work. Ive heard all kinds of crazy shit before from my time in Thailand but Ive never heard of someone having to pay someone elses wages when there is an accident. I understand that insurance is compulsory and I also understand that the basic insurance doesn't pay very much but where Im from, if you get in an accident and you hurt someone, they will probably sue you, never heard of someone chipping in to pay their lost wages unless the court ordered it. Is this something that normally goes on here or does it seem that there might be more to this story that isn't being told here?

  10. Anyone know anything about that gym in that building on soi 3? The building looks like a big ship and has a lighthouse on the beach road.

  11. Im sure this topic has been done to death but Im seeking a little bit of a differnt answer. I will be visiting Pattaya for the next week. Ill be staying in North Pattaya at the Sabai Resort and Id like to know if there are any decent Gyms in this area that allow a pay per day type thing?

  12. If you are going to Home Depot buy some simple faucet washers for a garden hose, impossible to find here unless you buy a faucet attachment of some sort. Tapcon concrete screws, I bought a box with the corrisponding masonry drill bit for a project that in the end I didn't end up using them for but I've just about gone through the box because being that my house is made out of concrete block and ceramic tile, these screws are invaluable. They have a display at my local IQ of some concrete screws, I have enquired twice about buying these screws, the last time I had my thai brother in law along to translate. Both times they tried to pass me off self tapping screws and I had to point out that self tapping screws are not the same as concrete screws, at which point they always say mi me. I also bought and brought a gas grill through amazon before I came over, it also is invaluable and gets used at least 3 times a week. It's not a weber, to be honest I can't recall the brand name but I would think ANY gas grill would be way cheaper the the $500 or $600 gas grills that you can buy from the Thai place up near Chang Mia.

  13. I'm afraid I will have to disagree with most everyone that has responded. I myself am getting married tomorrow, before the holidays we went to Bangkok and were legally married. I didn't mention sinsot and neither did my wife. A traditional wedding or marriage is a whole different story. I like yourself support not only my wife and her daughter but one way or another I support the entire family, when we buy food to take and eat at home, we have to buy enough for the entire family, when someone gets sick to where a hospital visit is needed? They turn to me to help out with a "loan". I don't like it but that's the way it is, however, when I need something the family will bend over backwards to help me out. Point being I also wasn't happy about paying sinsot but as I understand it it is a face thing, my wife's aunt married a Thai man last year and he refused to pay sinsot, we'll guess what? He caught crap from her family and his. I negotiated with my mother in law, it wasn't much of a negotiation as I told her I would pay baht 45,000 and she said ok. Everyone's happy now but me, I'll get over it, I have the best woman that I've ever met and she treats me like a king so if it cost me a couple days pay to keep the peace I figure it's well worth it. Just my opinion but what do I know, I live out in the sticks with the country bumpkins but they are good people.

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