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Posts posted by 55Jay

  1. 21 hours ago, Pib said:

    I use Chrome and a password manager that autofill the logon credentials...works fine.    Also works fine using Edge with my password manager.  However, if using IE11 with my password manager the autofill works by entering the User ID/Password but a person must then double click at the end of the password entry to get a successful logon.   I do not have my password manager set to continue the logon immediately after the User ID & password are entered by the autofill function as I found some websites will not logon successfully that way.  Instead I manually click the website logon/continue button after the User ID & password were autofilled by the password manager...or I guess the password manager built-into your browser.  I don't allow any of my browsers to save logon credentials and also never use the Remember Me function on a financial website; I use my password manager instead.


    As 55Jay I've had a Krungsri account for years along with their internet banking and a debit card.  I have a Mee Tai Dai account which pays significantly higher interest (like around 3 times more) than a regular saving account...it's kinda like a fixed savings account but without the restrictions of a fixed saving account since you have immediate access to your funds, can do ibanking transfers, has a debit card, etc.   


    And yeap, they do have that Bt50K per transfer limit to third parties via ibanking.   I've used it a couple of times to transfer Bt50K over to my Bangkok Bank accounts....I use the immediate transfer feature that costs Bt35 if remember right...the money literally arrives my Bangkok Bank within a second.   I use Bangkok Bank for most of my banking, bill pay, etc....plus they also are the only Thai bank with ACH receiving capability....ACH is the primarily funds transfer system used in the U.S.  ACH is also much cheaper to use than SWIFT/wire and can also be used for reoccurring U.S. govt pension/benefits payments from U.S. govt payment agencies such as the Social Security Agency, Defense Finance Center, OPM, etc....etc...etc.


    I also use Krungsri for my over the counter withdrawals with my foreign cards.


    Me like Krungsri Bank....and Bangkok Bank.

    I've never gone down that road with password managers.  I keep them all on a document, on a flash stick, backed up on a couple others but for the main things, I just remember them and smash them in manually, or via a virtual keyboard.


    Ah, I didn't know you did your over-the-counters with Krungsi.  I've never tried, always did them at Bangkok Bank.  Abandoned that now, cause it takes two trips, usually over two days, to pull what I want, and then maybe an ATM to top up again.  Now I just sit on my arse at home and do 1 ACH per month and eat the fee.  Lazzzyy!  LOL.  :biggrin:

  2. 6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes, but they are VERY aggressively trying to smoke out people that they suspect. 

    Be paranoid.

    For example, make sure to disable "show images" on email accounts. They can show that opened their emails abroad.

    Agree in spirit, this "know your customer" and other related legislation, has been taken too far by some orgs, beyond the original intent, screwing hundreds of thousands of Regular Joes in order to catch a relative few.


    FWIW, I never use a VPN when performing US internet banking or turn off images, at least not for that reason.  Don't have a MajicJack or a Skype thing.  


    Schwab and Capital One were the only two financial orgs that threatened to close my accounts if I used my Thailand mailing address with them.  I said never mind and they backed off.  But I had already told them in secure messages and on the phone, I moved to Thailand.   Even a causal glance at my banking and credit transactions with them reveal the obvious fact I live here.   So it seems to be a paperwork drill. If they can check the box and appear compliant, they actually don't care that I live here.  I wouldn't tempt fate and rub their nose in it, but paranoid?  Not so much anymore.

  3. On 4/28/2017 at 5:14 PM, simon43 said:

    LoL, recognising sarcasm isn't your strong point is it?


    Many monitor lizards are eaten by Issan and Burmese folk in Phuket, even though they're protected.

    Faux indignance.  Hell, I gave your post a Like just to rub his nose in it!   :laugh:

  4. 10 minutes ago, Pedro 58 said:

    It's true that he, 

    1. Should have had a helmet on, and

    2. Shouldn't have done the under take, however,

    if you look at the video, he was on his side of the road and as such was in the right, although in Thailand he would've been in the wrong. 

    The bike he hit was on the correct side of the road as well, waiting for oncoming traffic to clear before turning right. 


    He is demonstrating careless riding habits that are all too common here.  He was doing great, cocky, confident....right up until he slammed into a stationary object. 


    I learned and practiced the "3 E's" in traffic/roadway management many years ago.  1. Engineering 2. Education 3. Enforcement. 


    All 3 are woefully inadequate here, which is why Thailand has a dismal international reputation for road accidents.

  5. We hear about this every year.  Year after year.  You know your government system is completely broken if it takes the DPM's personal involvement and worse, that he can't grasp the fundamental issue and solution from his office in BKK.  It's not rocket science.  But ok, fly down, walk the beach personally, and while the cameras are rolling, wave that benevolent, magic wand and make it rain Baht.   Then return to BKK and forget all about it.


    If that's the case though, there are a whole lot of incompetent, ineffective jobsworths sucking up government salaries from Phuket all the way up the chain of command to the DPM's office.  What are each of them worth?  15,000 Baht/month?  I would start there.


  6. 8 hours ago, Gold Star said:

    Some might be lucky to live long enough to worry about cancer.

    Depending on the person's  wife, either one light enough not to get hurt, or heavy enough that she can't lift/swing/throw easily.

    Choose one with dull rounded edges so they don't leave a deep gash on your forehead, preferably kept safely wrapped tightly in a pillow, outside the house, with the knives... ;)

    Are U really afraid of women?  Or are you so programmed by feminists that you regurgitate this puzzy whipped nonsense on knee jerk default mode?  Man up, fer fuke's sake.  If a woman swings a frying pan at your head, take it away from her and smack her upside the head wid it.  Then ask her how she bloody well likes it.  That's equal and fair, innit?

  7. 8 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    The ones who are 20-25 years older than their wives, are we talking 65 year old man with 45 year old woman, or 40 year old with 20 year old?  I just can't imagine the latter scenario working out. I guess there are always exceptions though...

    Yes, the first one.  Agreed, if I were single again, I would probably have some fun for a while but damn sure wouldn't want to start all over again with a 20 something y/o wife.  Building and feathering the nest, dealing with her reproductive instincts and fairy tale "dreams".  Fk that!  Women closer to my age are, hopefully, a bit more settled and realistic.


    Having said that, I just watched a newish relationship get terminated by the farang.  He was early 60s, recently retired, had some coins in the bank, pension, wasn't a boozer or a slob, seemed like a good, reasonable dude looking for a partner to share travel and the silver years with.     She's early/mid-40s, had been married to a Thai before, 2 late teen/early 20s kids, has her own house, SUV, running two shops....  I would of thought she was a reasonable prospect as well. 


    When he came over here for an extended visit, he didn't last long - good for him too!    Afterward, heard she'd been peppering him with the standard list of demands.  House, car and fer fuke's sake, KIDS!    About 2 weeks after he hit the eject button, never to return, heard she had a new internet farang dangling on the hook.  I get it, she's in a race against time but whoever coached her on the first farang must have given her the hot 20 year old's checklist of demands instead of the much shorter one for the 40 and over group.  Ooops!  :laugh:

  8. I've been with them for a few years, but only for the better, non fixed saving account.  I don't use any of the accounts for routine, day to day needs.  I have accounts with Bangkok Bank for that, moreso because of the easy ACH link to my US accounts via their New York Branch.


    I always fill in my user name/password, never use the Remember Me feature for any online banking. 


    Agree about the statement default and having to do a calendar search.  That is a pain, ought to be 2 weeks to 1 month back as a default view.

  9. I've always thought the man being 4 to 5 years older than the wife was about right.   But that's what my Dad and Mom were = my formative impression.  


    My Thai wife is just about 4 years younger ~ 3 years 8 months TBE.  I have a few mates here about the same, but also some who are 20-25 years senior to their wives.

  10. 4 hours ago, Redline said:

    Ensuring civilian control of the military, an individual may not be appointed as Secretary of Defense within seven years after relief from active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular (i.e., non-reserve) component of an armed force.


    True enough, Mattis is a civilian, but he was also a life long military man, and he needed special consideration in order to get the job (5 years relief, not 7).  The President is neglecting another of his positions by handing control to Mattis.  Mattis is getting senile anyway.  Congress is rarely involved these days, unless it's an all in war.  So, although you may be technically correct, reality is is standing tall over you.  Military men rarely change there allegiance or point of view.  It is hardwired after decades.  And, this military mindset is necessary for the success of the military, but always needs to be balanced.

    Yes, I'm aware of the appointment waiver.  I don't know if he's going senile or not.  What makes you say that?


    Indeed Mattis' residual hardwired-ness and overall corporate knowledge, means his learning curve was negligible, and the new POTUS looks like he needs all the help he can get. 


    Allegiance?  As far as I know, SEC Mattis' allegiance isn't in question, so yes, I hope like hell he doesn't change it.   Obama® changed SECDEFs every 2 years.  The last was a political hack hardwired to Obama's® political agenda using DoD as a crucible for his political and social legacy, rather than to the people and war fighting capability of DoD.


    Point of view?  Dunno.  It would be a mistake to characterize military people as unthinking drones or lacking mental elasticity.  It's part of a war fighter's cultural hardwiredness to think outside the box if and when the situation demands it. 


    Last, and to the OP's point, I am not worried about Mattis going off the reservation with the FML authority.  At the same time, he may well keep Trump™ from straying (too far) off the reservation.


  11. 2 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

    The lovely 8lb containers of 'Orville Redenbacher' brand Popcorn.  Quite simply the best popcorn available... just not available in Thailand!


    Claussens' Kosher Dill pickles

    McKenzie Hot Italian Sausage

    Visine Eye drops

    I know this isn't a "substitute thread" but.... I got some Vlasic kosher dills at Villa Market in BKK.  Some other kind of hot Italian sausage last time, didn't have Johnsonville in stock, but the substitute brand is pretty good.



  12. 48 minutes ago, Sphere said:

    Because a DisneyXXX theme would take business away from local entrepreneurs..... :coffee1:


    LOL, but....wouldn't be long before a spin off Disney theme fantasy bar would appear in Patts  serving up bare arsed spankings from dominatrix Snow White.  If you go around and enter via the back door, you can a good thrashing from the Mickey & Minnie team. :laugh:


    94abbd1d9cc576633d57983065d91c57.jpg.2eb354d3f83cbef1ecf2dfd121a83fc6.jpg  abb40a24f3a8e52031fd3fc1150d8b1c.jpg.a1ae997a090dcd795a7364c27dd8504b.jpg

  13. 36 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    And yet the supreme court has considered it to be a grave constitutional issue concerning Federalism. It was conservative justices who decided that the Feds can't treat non-Fed governmental workers as employees.  Most likely, this is at least something to be grateful for in the case of Gorsuch. He is a committed Federalist.

    I was reading an interesting summary yesterday, South Dakota vs. Dole.  About Feds wanting to effectively coerce SD into adjusting their state alcohol laws by withholding some federal highway funds.  Ultimately upheld 7-2 and SD got in line with federal law.   Federal grants  (DHS) and funding for local law enforcement programs in "sanctuary cities" would be an obvious target, but not sure if there are conditions in place already wrt cooperation on immigration enforcement. 






    Obama Admin reportedly used the power of the purse in the past WRT local jurisdictions sharing immigration related data with the Feds.

  14. 2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Actually, the topic at hand is the threat of withdrawing federal funding for states and municipalities that don't comply with Federal requests pertaining to undocumented aliens.  And has been shown repeatedly, unless the Feds issue a warrant, states and other lesser jurisdictions are under no legal obligation to comply. All this other stuff is about whether or not it's a Federal crime to be undocumented in the USA is irrelevant.  But a nice byway to wander around in.

    My original comment was closer to the subject matter in handling willfully rebellious members of the Union, in comparison to your comment about legal entries, which you characterized as "useful to note".  I was just correcting and clarifying your off topic deflection, and now you're moderating me back on topic?  LOL  :laugh:    I am smiling now BTW, not annoyed or trying to start a food fight, it's all good fun.   


    I agree though, legal/illegal entry is an extremely relevant sidebar to explore.  When done with a clear head, absent political flatulence, it ain't rocket surgery or brain science.  I'm amused by the Lib/Dems when they toss out this worn out 40-60% overstay talking point.  They mean to deflect and diminish the illegal entry issue by........ highlighting a different, even larger aspect of the broad immigration problem.  Interesting debate tactic.   Like providing ammunition to the firing squad!   


    At any rate, all this nonsense is just another disingenuous, political obstruction by the self-styled granola eaters in La Résistance. 




  15. 4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    It's also useful to point out that people who arrive on a valid visa and overstay have not committed a crime. And this is the case even if they are working.

    No, it's not useful at all.  It's meant to diminish and deflect from the topic at hand - illegal entry.


    Illegal entry into the US is a crime.  Federal misdemeanor providing up to 6 months confinement followed by administrative deportation.  Subsequent re-entries become a felony.


    Overstaying or otherwise violating conditions of a legal entry is not a crime, but that's being worked on now, making it a prima facia misdemeanor as well.  Same as Failing to Appear for an acknowledged traffic or misdemeanor citation results in a bench warrant for your arrest.  In the case of over stayers, followed by administrative deportation.




    2 hours ago, Redline said:

    There is supposed to be civilian control of the military.  He can't lead anything.  He's a coward and a fake, pretending to be strong :mfr_closed1:

    16 hours ago, webfact said:

    Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said Trump delegated authority to Defence Secretary Jim Mattis to determine force management levels for Iraq and Syria going forward.

    SECDEF Mattis is a civilian.  He reports to the President, who is a civilian, and Congress, who are civilians. 

  17. 6 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

    Whenever I hear reminders of when I was a teenager a grin breaks out. Those were the days my friend I thought they would never end. STOP your getting to sentimental. 

    Indeed.  My teenage days are closer than yours are to you, but it seems a million miles away, like yesterday.  Funny thing is after all those ship tours I did on Broadway street pier in San Diego, I did wind up in the US Navy, for 20 odd years.  My first ship at 18 years old was already an old girl, commissioned in 1945.  She's now a museum in San Diego, 1 pier over from Broadway pier where I used to tour Navy ships as a teenager.  Funny old world.... 

  18. 6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Is that because the immigrants would enjoy Las Vegas so much that they would never leave the state?

    Reckon they do.  There are a lot of them there already. 


    And to clarify your slippery, liberal terminology, we are talking about ILLEGAL immigrants,otherwise known as Illegals.  Illegal aliens.  Not legal immigrants.  The difference between the categories is the same now as it was 50 years ago.  You can make up new terms and soft sounding words all day long to obfuscate the point.  They still are......illegals.  Criminals.  Same as you would be here in Thailand if you swam the Meekong to enter the country. 

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