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Posts posted by doji

  1. Some may have no option tossing the towel, if their wives have anything to say about it.

    Teeraaaak….what about the maid, babysitter, gardener, driver,....and my weekly medicure, pedicure, hair washing @the salon? Won’t I have to do all those myself + cooking and cleaning up after you?....mai dee mai deesmile.png

  2. I don’t think there are any secrets of dating a thai guy specifically. The article could also apply to any asian guys in general or any guy with strong family values and their own cultural & traditional beliefs.
    Not all thai guys are that traditional…. depending on their life exposure experiences, and education backgrounds (oversea education or in-house education, makes big difference in how they behave and think on daily life basis).

    But I also agree with the article that “thai men (also asians generally) will approach you with respect and want to be a friend first before getting any serious. They like joking around, putting you on a pedestal, and will want to pay for meals when outing together. The younger they are, the more they would want someone with similar age, and similar or higher education background than them. Many times they will seek advices from their friends about you, if they’re unsure. Network of closefriends is very important to him and approval of you from his friends is also equally important. Many times you will feel like ...you are not only dating him, but his friends too LOL. His friends will also treat you with respect if they know he’s seriously in a relationship with you. Generally a thai man like to take quite a long time before asking you to marry him. Long dating period is usually very important to him (same as for thai woman generallly), to see if you're the right one for him. Once he approves of you, then he will take you to see his family (and this is very important and final step for him, to get approval from his family as well).

    Not all thai men like wailing, chanting at a nearby wat on every fullmoon, pissing drunk, or always wanting mianoi(s). There are good and bad thai men, just like good and bad farangs, or other nationalies as well.

    A person is an individual person first who comes with perfection and flaws, when you decide to date that person, being a thai specifically has nothing to do with it. As long as a couple can see in each other those perfections/flaws, and either except them, or learn how to compromise or balance each other out, I think these are the keys for having a good partner. Just because he’s a thai or a farang doesn’t make him "automatically" a good partner for you.

    • Like 1
  3. ding ding ding…….unexpected surprise, we might have a match between Renee123 and mr. Kwai !!!
    a cougar vs a kwai?....lol

    and if Renee is a true ginger, we shouldn’t have to wait too long to call him her “Renee1234” hehetongue.png

  4. It's actually w/ this spelling ...กดในกระเพาะอาหาร = acid in the stomach.

    Quite likely, but could still be กดในกระเพราะอาหาร - pressing/knotted (pressure) in the stomach?

    Your กด Is a VERB and describing “a pressing action”, and most times it’s from the external action, so you have to remove ใน

    Most likely the OP is talking about .กด here, (of course I could be wrong too)

    • Like 1
  5. I don’t think MOST HATERS hated Thailand when they first came here originally, otherwise after weighting pros/cons they wouldn’t move here. The benefits (whatever they might be at the time for them) were far greater, that’s why they had made the decision to be here.

    However I have my little theory as to why they like moaning and groaning “TOO MUCH very much SOO MUCH ”. Or whenever things don’t go in their favor, they just don’t like it. ...“How dare this little asian tell me what to do, or try to argue with me” etcs.

    They will blame for all their unhappiness and mishaps on Thailand and its people, instead of looking at themselves to share the blame as they’re too is a part of their unhappiness equation. It’s easier to blame others than yourself too – what a shallow minded person, I think.

    In addition to…MANY still have this thought of thai people in Thailand as the same little poorly uneducated/ less civilized nobody as they came across many immigrants in their home country. The people they can look down at or view as inferior to them with their colonial-white god-attitude. I could go on and on.

    But now they’re stuck in Thailand with no other way out. There are numbers of reason as to why they’re struck here .

    It could be that......they have invested so much and ran out of money to move back home or go anywhere else w/ comfortable life, …or just couldn’t imagine going back living in a nursing home w/no one to care for them …or couldn’t part with all those CHEAP little tight young bodies they can have in Thailand….etcs. So now they just have to put up with all the s**ts in Thailand, because there is no other option that they can see better. So they just continue to BLAME AND BLAME Thailand and its people whenever they're not happy, …because only thai people s**ts stink!

    And of course in some other cases… it’s not even about Thailand, culture, and its people. But simply as they are just un-flexible, un-adaptable to any type of environment (I think mostly because they are NOT WILLING TO), …or just downright a born hater who will find more negatives than positives in anything they come across---no matter where they happen to be, or whatever they’re doing . Basically this group think that…. all s**ts stink, except their own!

    Just my thought here……..sorry for my not so perfect in English, I’m not a native English speaker.

    • Like 2
  6. When I was in the PHP(2 months only) the people and the women were awesome!!! Im thinking going back there but Thailand is a easy country.

    cannot edit: an easy country

    I have met one nice lady this morning... This night will see whats going on!! Hehe 19 years old, pretty and speaks good English, student...

    For a NORMAL THAI LADY, this could be going on tonight. I have heard YOU most start dreaming of monkhood just at stage 4 hehe


    • Like 2
  7. She will be seen as an American if she enters Thailand on the US passport…PERIOD.

    Therefore she will be treated as a tourist and with all applicable laws that come with it. And it doesn't matter if her thai family has been here in the last 2000 yrs!

    Next time when she goes to Thailand again

    1) Buy the airplane ticket – with the same name as her US passport

    2) Hand her US passport, ticket, driver licence to the TSA officer, when going through the security check

    3) Exit USA with the US passport

    4) Fill out the arrival card “for the thai national”, just before she lands at BKK airport

    5) At the BKKimmigration counter – give the officer …her thai passport and the arrival card

    6) The officer will staple her arrival card w/ her thai passport and stamp her thai passport

    …now she can stay in Thailand as long as she desire!smile.png


    When leaving Thailand

    1) At the airport – fill out the “for thai national” exit card

    2) Give the immigration officer….her thai passport and the exit card

    3) The officer will staple the exit card w/her thai passport and stamp her out


    Upon entering the US

    Hand the US immigration officer…..her US passport, along with the “for US national” arrival card

    I think in your case, the US rules will be … “for US national” - 1 arrival card per family


    FYI She doesn’t need any special visa to visit her own country(Thailand), but you(husband) will have to.

    Hope this helps

    • Like 1
  8. aha I have it....it's from Benjamit enterprise, Bangkok

    Hua Lamphong, Praram 4 area

    บริษัท เบญจมิตรเอ็นเตอร์ไพรส์(1991) จำกัด
    3 ตรอกหลังวัดหัวลำโพง พระราม 4 แขวงสี่พระยา อำเภอ/เขต :พระนคร จังหวัด :กรุงเทพฯ 10201
    phone: 02-2254313

    brand :

    333 = ตราตองสาม (tra-tong-sam)

  9. The packages are from ยูเอ็มเกษตร (Umkaset company)

    according to their website: www.umkaset.com

    address: 179 m.1 tambon Umoong

    amphor Muang, Lampoon

    phone: 0818845003

    fax: 053558209

    cell phone: 0818845003

    email: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    skype: preesha_w

    PS: get someone that can read thai to sit next to you, when you're on their webpage

    You can buy those seeds online and they have EMS tracking too.

  10. Ok I'm thai and after checking my passport, this is what I have

    inside the front flap: passport number and thai id number etcs

    outside - on the back: each passport of mine (whether old or new) always has this barcode sticker (13 digits) on it.

    I think this is the book number. wink.png

    You just have to turn over and look at the back of it. The numbers are different from the passport and personal id numbers

    Hope this helps

  11. To the OP

    I find it is strange that your GF thinks the situation is little funny herself , while YOU are running around like a headless chicken. That leads me to believe that she seems to enjoy this little attention. Are you sure your GF was not saying or making this up to make you jealous?

    If that’s not true, then…..I would either change the phone number, or take her to a different school, SIMPLE AS THAT!.

    Don’t get hung up too much with the privacy law in Thailand, “Thailand is not the USA”.

    Or why can’t your GF just tell him straight that …she is currently in a serious relationship with someone else already? If he’s not a pervert he will back away. Unless you GF is not giving out a “definite NO”, that could be why he thinks there may be a possibility of future relationship and will keep pursuing. I have heard many girls with a farang boyfriend like to have "option (s)".

    Just my little thought

    • Like 1
  12. I don’t know at BigC, never looked for them there.

    Noxema is a great product, Hubby likes to use it too and with that great menthol smell, many times also as a moisturizer. But like finding many things I want in Thailand….never came across it. May be I should be thinking about importing it..haha

    PEAR is a natural clear glycerin transparent soap. It works well for me and leaves my skin quite clean.
    But you have to lather it with a baby washcloth then rinse. Before PEAR I was with Neutrogena transparent bar soap “very similar to Pear soap” but is much more expensive and melts too fast.


    Other than those two soaps, I can’t use anything else without them giving me pimples!

    Like many things in Thailand, you just have to find a substitution that gives you a close enough result.

    You might also try out other “clear glycerin transparent soaps” that you may come across, to see if it will work or not.
    And follow by Olay face lotion (yes hubby uses this too). smile.png

    Those soaps may not give you that menthol smell, but hey at least your skin is clean w/o too much stripping or over moisturizing.

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