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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. 6 hours ago, Leaver said:

    You can see the purchasing power the Chinese tour groups have with those numbers.  This is how they can beat hotels, restaurants, bars, transport etc down to their absolute rock bottom price. 


    Basically, businesses are forced to cut their prices to get the Chinese tour groups in, or they are taken elsewhere.


    Once again, a race to the bottom here. 

    Yes, that's the bait... the accommodations. The hook? Because while they took a hit on the accommodation margins they got it all back and then some overcharging for tours, food, entertainment, activities you name it. So while they may go back to China saying they got cheap rooms, they surely will not tell them how much it cost to go to that fake "floating market" on hiway 3 or the silly dolphin show or the big seafood buffets. 

  2. Honestly, I do not feel either emotion (Positive or Negative) reading TVF. Its just content. Now I do not read the news sections as I do not typically follow any news anywhere. Its all garbage IMHO.


    That said, I find TVF a reasonably good information source when you are looking for something specific or want to join in on some occasional banter in a few threads. 


    Short of that, I am too busy to sit around reading forum material. Much better things to do quite frankly.



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  3. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I never noticed an increase in "riff raff" over my many, many years visiting and living in LOS. Just who are those "riff raff"?

    Just the sheer number of tourists would increase the problems. As I travel around Thailand frequently and take in dinners with visiting colleagues on business I am seeing more drunks,  hearing more loud and rude foreigners from of all walks of life. Chinese tourists have taken over many locations and have little regard for basic common etiquette and smoke, spit, blow snot out of their nose and over run places thinking they own the place. 


    As for Pattaya specifically, that area is what it is and because of it, it makes a lot of the news with foreigners doing stupid stuff ( stabbings, robberies, attacks, suicide, motorcycle accidents, drunk fights, scams, homelessness etc.) Just go pull up a bar chair and watch what walks, staggers on by on any given evening. Its free interesting entertainment that's for sure. As I have said before unfortunately its those behaviors that paint a picture that all foreigners are out of control which probably started the push to weed out foreigners by simply being diligent and enforcing the old laws that were being overlooked. 







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  4. 5 hours ago, starky said:

    How is it Thailand's fault that the baht is strong? Or their fault all these blokes expect eke out a living on their subsistence wage. And why would anyone live somewhere they can't afford to live or even support their family. Maybe you should boot off if you can't raise a lousy 400000 a year! Jesus that's embarrassing. And did so many really think that exchange rates never change and you would be able to live here supporting a family forever on a few thousand a year? What a ridiculous concept. Well actually you can if you live like a Thai in a shack in the jungle and eat sticky rice and som Tam with you missus you could probably stay here forever. Good luck! 

    To your point (which I agree with mind you), It all boils down to planning. I would suspect that many moved here on a whim with little money back in a time that things were a lot less stringent and the baht was weak so their money worked for them. But as noted, times change. You couple that with the increased riff raff that washes up here I do not blame the Thai govt for putting stakes in the ground and start enforcing rules. Is it uncomfortable....Sure. I left the states as I was tired of being over governed for everything. Here the requirements are minimal. For the folks that moved way out in rural Thailand that have to travel far to check in that again all goes back to long term planning. Location is everything. 


    For me, living here has been great and I have been here for quite a few years. Its not perfect but its easy. 


    To the OP, while I drop by TVF from time to time honestly the best approach is use it as a tool for things you need help with then go on about your day. If you make this or any other forum your daily entertainment you will quickly find that most people typically use forums to voice grievances and like to deflect issues to everyone else but themselves for the choices they made. Plus I have also noticed that the majority of the posters that complain are later on in years. so its the "Bitch because I am bored" program. 

    • Like 1
  5. 51 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Not really a tough crowd, just a few bitter old men, who have made lots of wrong decisions in their lives and wouldn't be happy anywhere.  Leave them to stew in their own unhappiness.  A small part of the reason for posting this morning was to hack them off. 

    Well that too. Ones outlook on life is clearly based on ones choices. The usual suspects always chime in. ????

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  6. 15 hours ago, mickey rat said:

    Perhaps you think she had it coming?

    Not all. In fact its sad but as I said, private parties, hired talent, drugs, alcohol and whatever else. I am just saying that I am not surprised.


    Again while we can only go by the news reported, I seriously doubt based on the fact she took money to be an escort talent hostess does not line with the comments that she didn't drink or do drugs. However there are many naive young Thai girls here that will do anything for the latest Apple phone, a nice purse so they can post on their FB page "Look at me now".



  7. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    LOL. There must be dozens of threads about that very subject on TVF.

    The number one rule of life is "EVERYTHING CHANGES" ( and usually when it's most inconvenient ).


    IMO the real question isn't whether the government is anti farangs, but why they would be? If we can answer that, we can have a good stab at predicting the future for us.


    I don't doubt that they are making it harder, and have been doing so for decades, not a few months.

    While I don't think they are going to turf every farang out, I wouldn't be marrying a Thai, buying any property in LOS, nor would I be keeping all my money in a Thai bank.

    Like the Boy Scouts say "be prepared".

    Sums it up very well. Everything changes. If you are not adaptable then this will be problematic.


    My take on it all is this. Do they want westerners/foreigners out...YES!!...but.....Only the riff raff that create loads of bad press, problems for the police and cannot viably sustain themselves. I do not blame them. When I lived in the states I was always bothered by immigrants that were in trouble with the law or freeloading. Why should Thai people not make changes to their system to do the same?  Yes there will be some collateral damage where some that have lived close to the edge will be caught up in the clean up. No system change goes off perfectly.


    But all of this BS people spew that Thais want westerners out is really nonsense IMHO. If you are aligned, meet the requirements you will have no issues.

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  8. On 9/8/2019 at 3:19 PM, bkk6060 said:

    For me, 30 years younger is the minimum.  More then that is better.

    I do not know how you do it. Generally speaking the overall maturity of young Thai women is marginal at best. They typically have little, to No worldy experience or knowledge. are on their phones all the time, and can't hold a descent conversation. I'd lose my mind, be like raising a child.


    Of course is you are 70 and she is 40 then maybe, but if you are 50 and she is 20.. Good Luck.


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  9. 10 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    I consider Toyota a quality brand.  However, the brand new Toyota SUV we bought here, assembled in Rayong, Thailand, doesn't feel the same build and assembly quality as the ones we drive in the US, or even ones I've owned in the Middle East.  So, it's a Toyota, but it's not quite up to snuff, IMO

    I absolutely concur 55jay but I do not think its from a lack of product quality. Its based on numerous additional safety compliance mandates from the US DOT and different consumer requirements.  I had a Toyota Tacoma 4x4 in the US before I moved here. I bought a new Toyota Revo as soon as I arrived. I did some research and found that the Tacoma weighed 500 +lbs more. So I asked a friend to look at things. What I found was that the US consumer demands a car be very quiet in the cab. Thus they add lots of sound deadening under the hood, headliner, along the firewall, under the carpet and in the doors. It was a fun webcam call with my friend as we compared real time. The point is that all the sound deadening material gives a much more "sound" feel when driving because it so much more quiet. I know in my Hilux Revo I hear a lot more road noise making it feel like it is cheaper. 

  10. 3 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

    This is one of the things that gradually has worn on me over the years, to the point where I really debate the overall quality of life aspects.

    Interesting that ones quality of life would be driven by the things they can buy. Not a bad thing, just funny to read. But I get it ????


    But to the OPs point, It can be a challenge to find items we want to the level of quality we expect that we grew accustomed to from where ever lived previously. I have on numerous occasions had to buy a few things and just laughed how poor the quality was or is. I have never purchased clothing in Thailand as I learned a long time back, it is poor cotton quality, cut wrong. Same with bedding and bathing towels. I typically made trips to the US for business and always brought back suitcases with items. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

    I'm not sure you get my meaning.  Sure most of these poor Thai girls believe that they would have a better opportunity to improve their financial situation in the USA.  But many of them don't think they can compete with American females on the attractiveness side.  How many times have Thai women told you that "farang women are so beautiful?"  It's because they watch a few American movies and think that all American women look like that.  Obviously they've never been to a Walmart.  If they only knew that these gorgeous American women they see in the movies are a tiny minority. 

    OH Yeah, I absolutely agree. Its funny currently (At least in California) that many men only want to date pretty Asian women, (Vietnamese, Filipinos, Chinese etc) and the western women hate it, just like they do here when they walk around. The difference in the states is these Asian women are super picky, have extremely high expectations. A business colleague friend of mine started using a dating website as he was just to busy to get out and meet someone. It was one of the expensive dating sites. The women put down very specific age range, expected the man to be fit, some even specified education and minimum salary. I just laughed.....


    A company I worked at years ago there was a large number of guys that had Asian mail order brides and it was quite a interesting site at the annual company Holiday party. Many were just like some expats here. There wives said little, some couldn't even speak English.  

  12. 12 hours ago, BobbyL said:

    This x100. It would be interesting to know how old the OP is, because if he is unfortunately a rough looking older guy than his options are all but limited to bar girls.


    In my experience of nearly 6 years and friends of mine, if you're a youngish guy (25 - 35) with decent looks, confidence, charm and a good job (not your 30k TEFL boys) then you can pull in some fantastic Thai women.


    I don't use the term 'hi - so' as I feel that is something that should be saved for the wealthiest few percent which are culturally and economically way above the normal Western man living here. 


    However, your normal middle class Thai woman with a good education, good family and good career prospects are there for the taking in Bangkok. I had a few before and then ultimately married one, but I am still envious of some of my single mates out there messing around with some absolute stunning women who are worlds apart from the bar girls in Khon Kaen or Chumpon. 


    I await the usual replies of, ''But all Thai women / women in general want your money.''

    Well said.  It all comes down to what one is looking for or wants to associate with.  I see absolutely gorgeous women every day all the time in BKK.  All business professionals. Dressed very well.  Speak fluent English and are quite confident. I can say it sure beats what the western counterparts look like. And to your point they don't want or need your money. Most of them do very well for themselves and usually their parents are well off.  In all my years here I have never met a woman that wanted me for money.  When I first started dating a few they all had their own cars, condos and on numerous occasions would pay for dinner even after I insisted.  Some know about the perception and they want to prove it not to be the case.  My now wife was that way.  Hell she wasn't even sure she wanted to date a foreigner.  She said early on that when people see a westerner with a Thai women most generally assume it's about money or she is a hooker.  To her point in most cases she is right. Many probably shy away from it due to that. Why subject yourself to the grief. 

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