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Posts posted by Scoop1

  1. Another bright idea would be to move to a cheaper house/apartement, skip the car use a motorcycle instead. I live comfortable with 35K per month, as I think many other expats do. :)

  2. Another bright idea would be to move to a cheaper house/apartement, skip the car use a motorcycle instead. I live comfortable with 35K per month, as I think many other expats do. :)

    can you tell me do you pay rent and if so where is cheap??

  3. What Jeff says

    Hospital free for Thai person. Thai person not NEED go private, but might WANT.

    Difference between 'want' and 'need' with dental work. Work need usually cheap, work want cosmetic, expensive.

    I find tell wife I NEED 40k per month for me, if can pay for you to then good, if can not pay for you to then goodbye.

    (I also support MIL, teen step daughter and new son from that amount)

    My lifestyle not low, but I live with what have, wife live with what have (Did pay for wife private room when have baby at Thai hospital, 3 night @800bht).

    Learn to live within budget, teach wife to live within budget. Else find cheaper wife or send wife to work.

    Very few Thai have money manage skill, never think beyond next week. This you job.

    Yes she will run you out of money if you let her, then most likely she move on.

    I see this happen to foreigner many time. Foreigner with limited money can be very silly.

    Sorry no sympathy, 40k a month more than most Thai family have.

    (Do have sympathy for you medical expense, but find cheaper drug, change eating habit to control diabetes)

    (current rate 48bht to pound, why you get 46?)


    2YO Honda Click 25,000bht

    New Proton 4 door auto 460,000bht (9k UKP)

    If not rich person don't buy 750,000bht car

    Very well put!!! i am looking to come live in thailand on 60000/ month, and i will have to pay rent, thats what my wage will be , untill i get my super, i have about 16000 aud as back up, i am now starting to worry???

  4. Hi, all, can anyone help me with the cost of a bag of rockwool in thailand, and i have also been reading about lots of people are looking for micro nutrients, Why it should be in the mix if it is a top quality hydroponic formula, i am thinking of moving to thailand in the future and i will certainly be growing my own produce hydroponicly, which i have been doing for the past 30yrs, but i will make my own tried and tested nutrients for the produce i want to grow, and was wondering if the concentrated fertilizers are avalible, including the trace elements and what is the cost of these?


  5. HI , i have grown strawberries in australia in hydroponics and source "certified viral free frozen runners" and they are sent in the mail and are beautiful big strawbs, and hydroponics is so versatile, pick them up and put them under cover when it rains if that is a problem, rain was never a problem with me. i am sure you could get some sent to Thailand


  6. 1. Get an Education Visa. You can learn Thai / Cookery / Embroidery / Spanish / Ferret-petting / Muay Thai or anything you bloody well please as long as you have 80% attendance on a minimum of 4 hours a week at a licensed place of instruction.

    You still have to do 90 day reporting, it can come with multiple-entry rights if you ask for it and your burden of proof comes after, not before application. It is probably the easiest Visa that any one could get.

    In the mean time . . .

    2. Start paying yourself 65'000 baht a month for the next 12 months.

    3. After 12 months apply for a retirement visa.

    Thanks Trembly, that sounds like me, i would love to learn Thai, and Thai cooking, and i wont have to worry about 800000tbt and it is, automatic that the workers compensation insurance have to pay me that 65000/ month until i retire. but i will have to reside near a place that have that licensed instruction.


  7. I'm not sure what elektrified is saying. I think he was being nice and commenting on my marginally clever turn of a phrase.

    I'm saying exactly what I said: you can live like a prince on 60k. Like a king takes 100k.:D

    That is the biggest joke I have heard. YOU CAN NOT live like a "Prince" on 60K or like a "King" on 100K per month in Thailand. Most people I know here live on 45-60K per month which includes most Thais I know. Many live on far more. I can assure you that they do not live like Princes or Princesses. Maybe 20-25 years ago... But not any more.

    Don't listen to these people telling you that you can rent a place in Bangkok for 3K per month. The kind of place you would find for 3K per month in BKK would not be suitable for a dog.

    Well, elektrified, your attitude is shocking! And, if that's the BIGGEST joke you've ever heard, you must lead a very boring life.

    I guess some people are better with their finances than others....and no where in any of my posts did I mention Bangkok. Try to up your reading comprehension skills before putting words in my mouth and your foot in your mouth.

    Scoop: Up north last year I lived like a prince outside of Chiang Mai. I had a full-time live-in housekeeper, a weekly gardener, no less than 5 massages--in house-- a week, a beautiful piece of land on a lake with three new fully furnished (quality antiques from China) bungalows, and I ate very well. Internet and a gym memebership, too.I never spent over 45k in a month.

    The only reason I left is I missed the beach and folks in that area had a propensity to entertain themselves with homemade fireworks on a nightly basis.

    Can you tell me exactly where this is and do they have a website and what is the name, cheers scoop

  8. Yes I agree that it will be a hard press in finding any decent place with western std around BKK for 3k.

    However , if you don't have a house and car payment, 60k/mo can be quite comfortable for any normal expat who's not into too much drinking, whoring, ego boosting, or pseudo hi-so wanna be...

    But of course, our Prince Scoop also has a gf, if she also understands that her farang prince is not a bottomless money pit then both of them can live very well within that amount in fact.

    Just my 2c

    Thanks for that, she certainly understands that i am not a bottomless money pit, she does not have much but she is genuine, i didnt meet her in a bar!

    Prince Scoop lol :clap2:

  9. $100 US $104 Australian for 3 months 2 bed house western bathroom each 3 months has garden 800km from Bangkok

    also have furnished unit to rent at $100 a month with wifi hot sower parking etc

    I can also show you suites in A$1200-1800 range its up to you

    pm if you seek a cool N place or se local agents papers

    Hi, can you tell me where these places are , and are they only available for 3 months, is it $100 for 3months , please explain clearly, i am new to this forum stuff



  10. Here comes a useless reply then:

    I rented a 6 bedroom/7 bathroom plain concrete house house 400m from the beach in a group of 10 identical houses at Thung Wua Laen (15kms North of Chumpon) for 4 years from 2002 to 2005 at 5k baht/month.

    Get over there to find one.

    so i guess you are saying the only way is to be there?

  11. You can find cheap places near the beach as long as you avoid the major areas like Phuket, Samui (most islands for that matter), Pattaya (but plenty of places not far away), the Eastern Seaboard, south of Hua Hin, etc, etc.

    Come on over, cruise around and have a look. You will have a blast doing it.

    Hey Craig i have only just got back on the 3/6/2011,can you tell me where abouts you are roughly and the apartments are near you and will try find them on the net

  12. Are you planning to live in Nong Bua Lam Phu with the G/F? I live up here and you couldn't be further from a beach if you tried. There are a few fresh water lakes around offering "limited" beach facilities but blue sea and sand I'm afraid not.

    As far as renting accom is concerned, not a problem. Thai houses can be rented easily at 2k-3k a month for 2/3 bedroom but wouldn't include a/c nor a western type toilet, I wouldn't think.

    Hi, i have looked up there, and cant seem to find any rentals on the net,what is it like up there, if was to live in the country i would probably want to rent a house with a yard so i can grow my hydroponic veges, that would keep me very busy, i dont where exactly her house is, Ban Krok,Nonudon, Suwannakhuhu,Nongbualamphu. Does that sound right?

  13. First you say she has a place ? Is it a rental ? or does she or her family really own it ?

    Second, really how long will you be here ? Is it a long term thing, more than a year, or short time less than a year ?

    if she owns or the family ownes the place, installing a toilet. hot shower, and half way decent kitchen could be done for 10,000 Bt up wards.

    I live in Chaing Mai, wonderful up here, I have a wonderful apartment. Not huge, but OK, with A/C nice bathroom. Balcony and more. I pay 2700 Bt but they has a slightly smaller room for 2000 Bt. I was in this before my daughter moved here. Now after almost 2 years we want a real house, with a yard and all, so we found a home about 5 years old in a nice neighborhood with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms kitchen and all for 4500 Bt a month. Yes, BKK and a beach area will be much more, (have a home at the beach that I would glady rent to you)

    From what you say, you will have 60,000 a month ? can live like a king on that. I get by on 15,000 and if I do side jobs, anything over 20,000 Bt a month is just pure gravy ! I eat out 1 or 2 times a day. Go to movies weekly, and love to ride around on my motorbikes. I do have a car, but like the bike better. If I had 60,000 a month, I would fix her home if you care about her for her long term well being, and after you get here plan extended trips here and there to check out other ares. I know in my area, Chiang Mai, you can get nice Apartements or hotels for 4000 Bt a month so you could try other areas and explore, This could keep you busy for a few years . . .

    Bangkok and other Beach tourist areas, are easily double or more. And I don't drink my life away either as some do

    Hi Jeff , thaks for the advice ,where is your home at the beach and how much rent?, hey dont get me wrong i love the country as well, i spent 2 weeks in sakhon nakhon and loved it

  14. Do you want to know the "cheapest place in Thailand" or the "cheapest place in Bangkok"? Big difference. Is you GF working in BKK?

    What do you mean by having trouble finding that level of rent? What level? Are you here or back in OZ? If here, it's easy to cruise around and find places. You GF will know many for sure. If you are in OZ, it's more difficult. Most places are not listed on the internet...at least not in English.

    Thanks Craig, i am back in oz, after 2 months in thailand, some of the threads said 2000, 3000 tbt for rent, i cant find any for that price, as i said i will have a budget of 60000tbt/mth and the gf does not work, she has a 1 br house in Nonudon, Nongbualamphu, where ever that is! i have not been there, but the house sounds like a lot of work, i am not to fussed where i base myself, i love the the beach but i have to be realistic.

    Something for 2-3k Baht can pretty much only be found if you are here...walking around, asking the locals, checking with friends. Even where I live, when I wanted to rent last year, we found way more units by driving around than we did via the internet or the various papers with ads. Higher priced places with be on the internet and in English as they are catering to expats with money.

    IMHO, for 2-3k Baht/month, you're not going to get much. Can you really live like that? You have the money. I would set my sights higher. I think you are going to be dreaming of AC in a place like this...as well as quiet.

    You can for sure rent a place by the beach. Less than 200M from the beach where I am are units for 1500-2500B. New building. Not advertised. I found them as they are on the way to the beach during my weekly walks.

    Plenty of places to look, plenty of places that would for sure fit your budget. But you have to be here and have time to look around. If in Bangkok, you can cruise around via motorcycle taxi. Out where I am, you will need your own scooter...which you can rent quite cheaply...even a car for a few days is not that much money.

    I suggest you come here and check out the kingdom before making a choice. There are so many great places to live...and a few you would want to avoid. Just like any other country in the world.

    Thaks Craig, where abouts are you, i spent 2 months there in april/ may and should have done some research, but at the time i was not thinking about living there, but when i got home and had to buy some basic items i thought "shit this is a joke" and now i am very keen to get out of this rip off country, before i go broke.

  15. Do you want to know the "cheapest place in Thailand" or the "cheapest place in Bangkok"? Big difference. Is you GF working in BKK?

    What do you mean by having trouble finding that level of rent? What level? Are you here or back in OZ? If here, it's easy to cruise around and find places. You GF will know many for sure. If you are in OZ, it's more difficult. Most places are not listed on the internet...at least not in English.

    Thanks Craig, i am back in oz, after 2 months in thailand, some of the threads said 2000, 3000 tbt for rent, i cant find any for that price, as i said i will have a budget of 60000tbt/mth and the gf does not work, she has a 1 br house in Nonudon, Nongbualamphu, where ever that is! i have not been there, but the house sounds like a lot of work, i am not to fussed where i base myself, i love the the beach but i have to be realistic.

  16. Hi all i was watching the the last thread with much interest, but it got off the subject, i am also wanting to live in thailand , and so far have got good imformation from some threads, but i need a lot more, so for those who are not interested in helping me, well dont bother, and let the people who want to help ,HELP!!. Ok i seem to have trouble finding that level of rent? My thai girlfriend has a 1 bedroom place in Nonudon, Nongbualamphu, but she has no toilet,shower,or cooking facilities, so i am thinking it may be better to rent somewhere rather than trying to fix her place, any thoughts??

  17. Surayu, why do you find this is so amusing? The guy is only asking the question where is the cheapest location in the kingdom for what he requires...Its not like he said he wanted it all for 3000 baht!!!!

    Anyway, OP, i can tell you it is possible to get all the above for around 5000 baht a month in Bangkok, however that will be scraping it.

    I have heard comments that you can get the same in Chang mai for even cheaper, but i cannot verify this and i dont know about which areas would be near huge supermarkets in CM

    To answer your question maybe you could offer the punters a ballpark figure of what you want to spend per month??

    You might get a few wisecrack replies though, so expect the odd comment along the lines of ...."just what Thailand needs, ANOTHER kee-nok tourist"

    and of course the odd punter will call you a cheap charlie...but im sure it will be the makings of a great thread :cheesy:

    hi,i am living in australia now and are looking to move to thailand as well and i read your posts with interest, i will have 60,000 a month so your posts are positive signs for me , but i am not sure where to settle , my girlfriend is from Nonudom. Nongbualamphu, i have not been there yet but she has no toilet or shower or cooking facilities and it is only 1 bedroom so i think it would be better to rent rather than fix her place up to a standard that i could be happy, can you offer me any advice now and in the future, i have looked for rentals and i must be looking in the wrong places for the prices some imformed members mentioned

  18. I live in a beautiful house in Korat which is 4 hours from Bangkok. My monthly expenses are 25,000 for everything except personal entertainment which for 2 nights out a week comes to another 12,000b a month. For that price i get horizontal activity twice a week with beautiful young asian girls.

    I could never live this life anywhere else for so little.

    I manage to save double what i spend everymonth from my investments.

    For the record , i own a house that cost 2 million to build and i also own a Altis car outright. Myself and the wife also visit Koh Chang regularly for vacations.

    On 60,000baht a month you could live well and still have spare!!!!!!!!

    where is your wife when you have horizontal activity???

  19. Many of us, who live in the scrub, live very comfortably on B 30,000 or less a month. I eat both western and Thai food, mainly Thai, western I have to cook myself, as we do not have much, well no restaurants here. For some that includes cigs, and beer,, Some own their own house, some rent.Our nearest supermarket is 80 kilometres away. I do a bulk buy every 3 months or so. Mainly at Makro. Can buy a lot of English food locally. Everybody has wheels of one sort or another. It is a most pleasant life we lead.

    you sound like you are doing what i want to do, do you work?

    Absolutely not ,Splendidly retired. I own nothing in Oz. I could not live on the pension there. I would be homeless. Here, I have a very comfortable life, including supporting my G/F, and her 3 children, 2 of whom go to school. I did work , for about 20 years ,yes ,you guessed it teaching English.But , happily , those days are long gone.Rent a lovely 2 storey house, drink beer , reformed smoker,eat extremely well .

    i can understand what you said, it is impossible for me to live in australia on that money and i am sure i could do it in thailand, and the best thing is they have to pay all medical expenses for the rest of my life, now the next problem is visas and the like

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