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Posts posted by theslime

  1. what is the gender listed on the birth certificate, if he/she has changes sex then the birth certificate should state this. If they are still listed a a male then they are a mister no matter what anyone says, facts are facts. What one wants and what the law says are two different things, your knackeredcheesy.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gif

    Keep sniffing the frangipanis, seajae, (or whatever name is on your birth certificate).

    I grew up in the 70,s ,David Bowie was Fantastic, and freedom was still in the air, Queen came along Fantastic, each to their own , but ever since the !st gulf war tolerance to me is fast fading and the bigots are rising. In Thailand, I,m sure some of you will tell me if I,m wrong ,but Transgender people are seen as being in the middle ergo closer to their buddist ideals. If its that unsettling to some posters fair enough,its shows your out of touch and probably square to boot, why are you here where it is well known boys are girls and girls are boys.

    • Like 1
  2. I,ve been driving around the country for the last 5 weeks and its madness out there, someone just causally pulls out in front ,which causes the person behind to move over , more than likely coming up behind, are fast moving cars, which dont break as its probably too late anyway and with cars tailgating at high speed, with buses,bikes swerving i just try and putt along about 80 but as i,m looking out only came close twice to rear ending said swervers, the c@#ts. yesterday on a short drive of 57 k,s there and back I saw three rear enders, and one car in a ditch. Best to stick to driving slowly.

    Are you sure you were driving in Thailand and not having a funny dream.

    Driving standards are not particularly good however having driven thousands of miles over 4 years I have yet to come across your

    experience. Thai drivers don't drive very fast on duel carriageways they tend to keep to around 100 to 110 kph. They DO keep to the

    outside lane as the road is smoother there and that means they have to cross the inside lane when turning left. Of course everyone

    knows that is the case and take care, most of the time.

    While I would agree that the accident rate is far too high your comments make little sense to anyone with proper experience of driving


    Wow and I,ve been driving my own car here for 6 years and riding my own bike for at least 10 years and I thought it was for real, I think you must be dreaming when you say, Thai drivers dont drive very fast, and you have yet to see people swerve into other lanes, Man you have got to be kidding, try driving from Chiang Mai to Bangkok at night, which I have done, but now only in the daylight and watch the THAI drivers wizzing past at well over 130kph. I think you are either a Troll or greenhorn, your reply is so obviously bull shit wake up and stop dreaming.wow thousands of miles , try 50,000 for me.

  3. I,ve been driving around the country for the last 5 weeks and its madness out there, someone just causally pulls out in front ,which causes the person behind to move over , more than likely coming up behind, are fast moving cars, which dont break as its probably too late anyway and with cars tailgating at high speed, with buses,bikes swerving i just try and putt along about 80 but as i,m looking out only came close twice to rear ending said swervers, the c@#ts. yesterday on a short drive of 57 k,s there and back I saw three rear enders, and one car in a ditch. Best to stick to driving slowly.

  4. With approximately 1.5 million new cars and trucks coming on the road each year with the same amount of people that have no driving skills and have no intention of improving their driving., Not to mention all the under age kids driving motorbikes. Thailand is not going to be a safe place on the road any time soon.

    Then you have to contend with the Kamikaze mini bus drivers.

    When I see driver improvement centres opening up over Thailand then I would say they are serious about safety on the roads plus getting the kids off motorbikes.

    what the hell is a driver improvement centre?

    Thats the place you pretend to drive correctly,then you get a license, if you aren,t up to scratch a small stipend will result in a pass mark and off you go to the licensing centre. if your connected then no money is required.

    • Like 1
  5. the only person I have met to wish foreigners leave and say loudly that he hates all of us, when confronted by the knowledge that my western friend in the village was a black belt in karate, suddenly kept his big mouth shut. now we don,t see him at all. most of my thai family say he,s a loser.

  6. 14,000 deaths and only 5,000 to 6,000 injuries. In Oz its 4 deaths and 550 injuries, I wonder what Oz is doing wrong.

    What is Oz doing right would be a more pertinent question. (I know, well I hope, that is what you meant)

    Possibly not riding four or more up on one bike and having protective head-gear.

    Yes I didnt word that correctly, for every 4 deaths there are 550 injured. 14000 divided by 4=3500 x 550=1,925,000 injured.

  7. Now why is it any time red shirts are involved things get violent?

    I guess everybody knows the answerwhistling.gif , and yet so many on here would try to support them.

    Suthep and Co, has now been on the streets for days and managed to keep in civil and non violent, the day Jatupon opens his mouth, things turn violent.

    Do not need much to convince me who i want to run the countrythumbsup.gif

    I would reckon that they are violent because their culture and getting their elected leader shafted.

  8. I thought that the march on the us embassy would be about letting the embassy know ,that please dont invovle your sneaky spy agencies from bull shitting and influencing our nation, like you have done to nearly every country in the world.

    Seems you might be saying the protest was anti-American and justifiably so.

    I wouldn,t trust the us government to not be invovled, anyway to get rid of those pesky poor people and let us the moral majority show you the correct way

  9. I,m a billionaire, i have powerful friends in a neighbouring country, i know there is gas/oil to be had, i knowingly got involved in trying to scam land from the public right next to a new subway station, i also allowed my mates to kill thousands of alleged drug dealers and murder innocent proteters in the south without the rule of law being applied. Trust me. thai rak tha


  10. Well well well...

    It seems that all the TVF Thaksinistas are very quiet on this thread.

    What happened?... Did she open her big stupid mouth again and undermine your worthless cause??

    Long may she reign.... while she is your idol, the protesters are gathering great fuel for their argument.

    Don't invite them in Tim, there's only so many of them to go round.

    ya just dont get it,ever since the year dot the ruling government has been corrupt. thaksin was caught and would of had no worries if he just played the usual game, keep quite and it will blow over. respecting the peoples choice as leader doesn,t make me a red shirt, i believe in the peoples choice good or bad. let time sort it out and one day they the majority will vote in an ahole or a saint. up to thais

  11. This from a country where the national sport is invading other countries and toppling legitimate governments to be replaced by American puppet governments. Methinks America should keep it's big mouth shut

    Sad but true, recent news reports of cia invovlement in 73 crackdown, also weapons of mass destruction in iraq lies, and what about syria chemicals bullshit that luckily the poms were wise to american tricks.

    • Like 2
  12. Don't pay it?

    Ask how much it is before you order?

    so you suggest that all prices on display should queried, as this is the guiness book of record scams, country. as for not paying, hmm with wife and child in the mix i think i would rather pay . I,d be interested to know what if any effects you have experienced when refusing to pay?thank you.

  13. Da vinci,s restuarant in cha am has spag bog at 79baht special on their street board, after dining the bill was 200baht a serve.I enquired whats the go and the waitress said the specials are only for students. getting my thai wifey to read the sign she told me there is no mention about students, you try and plan but there is always a new scam. whats to stop the <deleted> from saying any price.

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