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Posts posted by theslime

  1. Can any of the Red apologists come on here and perhaps suggest a defence for this man who holds a position of deputy Prime Minister? He is afraid, yet he sends policemen there, soldiers there and makes Government workers stay down there on the posting from hell. What a great example of totally crass, inept leadership.He said if he knew the PM was going to ask him to do this he never would have taken the job, well lets hope the PM now sees he is totally unfit for the job. Perhaps everyone should send him white feathers!

    We can all read mate.

    Now if you could understand mate.

    Fire away with your offense of not proper English.

    Whoa you,ve taken that out of context. We can all read the OP. Apart from his usual bile the only difference between the OP and GJ is the bile
  2. Can any of the Red apologists come on here and perhaps suggest a defence for this man who holds a position of deputy Prime Minister? He is afraid, yet he sends policemen there, soldiers there and makes Government workers stay down there on the posting from hell. What a great example of totally crass, inept leadership.He said if he knew the PM was going to ask him to do this he never would have taken the job, well lets hope the PM now sees he is totally unfit for the job. Perhaps everyone should send him white feathers!

    We can all read mate.
  3. Information just starting to come out in the media is that in her suicide note, she is critical of the staff and management of the hospital and not the D.J's

    <deleted> how many times do we have to explain that it was a joke, sorry she was lambasted by her ungrateful Bosses but it was funny on Aus radio. Personally if my bosses gave me shit I,d sue them like I,ve done in the past.
  4. Death penalty is WRONG!


    Why don't you stop beating around the bush and tell us your opinion?

    I think it is wrong in the drug cases here in Thailand or other countries but it is right for other henious crimes.

    Too right. If they want to abolish it, i could recommend the right time. Straight after the last insurgent freedom fighter murdering terrorist in the South has been dealt with.

    That aint gunna happen so what is plan B?
  5. The Russian tourist makeup is diverse like many nationalities here. There are a lot of Russians at the 5* hotels too. The letter author sounds like some tired old Brit pensioner who hasn't got laid recently and bitches and whines about the high living costs here and the diminishing value of GBP. Many welcome the ruble...... someone is buying these condos and sure ain't the Brits.

    Dont know why some posters think russians in asia are new or have nit noy satang. I recall seeing 10 russian passenger planes on the tarmac one day in Bali 2000.
  6. If you didn't have a breather pipe then you would have even more of a smell in your rooms ! as the breather pipe is to let all the bad gases out.

    Any pipes running from the septic tanks have to have "u'' bends to stop smells coming back into the room, all toiles and sinks generally have "u" bends so its probaly coming from any floor drains you have in the room.

    Easy to check. when you drain water from sink can you hear it dripping inside pipe, as it runs to waste, if it sort of echoes then you have no s or p trap
  7. Of course you have to have p traps even under toilets. I don't know what they are called in all Western countries, but they are the U shaped pipe which holds water and stops gases from coming into the room. They are easy to see under sinks. Toilets have those too. You may not. ??

    Every drain must have a vent, even if it's a vent shared with other drains. With no vent, the water will siphon right out of the p trap, and you will get gases from the sewer in the room.


    have to agree also. Usually the toilet bowl has an s trap and the water that you see stops smell. Vent as close to the high side before the S trap
  8. Abhisit said. "I have always stood by my belief that the rule of law must prevail." Then he has nothing to worry, or?

    Abhisit's belief that the rule of law must prevail is based on the conditions that he is the guy that makes the law, and enforces it only when his party sees fit.

    Do you have any examples of laws that Abhisit changed for his own benefit?

    Good question. Might he be opining about how many times things get swept under the carpet and basically the PM should treat other Crimes with the same passion. not just to suit the party.
  9. And you think that these are the farangs that vent their opinioned views in various political forums?

    Why do you equate "majority of farangs" with "majority of politically opinioned farangs"?

    You're not harboring an urge to belittle opposing views are you?

    Most people I know that have lived in Thailand for a long time (as in Pre-Thaksin), speak thai well and that have a personal interest in Thai political history - are pretty much aligned in their views.

    The split views tend to be far more common among the noobs.

    With the dumber or more naive portion leaning towards the red side. smile.png

    Good quote, now we know that in order to get your point across you call people dumb and naive, talk about dumb and naive.

    Sounds like a pretty good theory to explain the phenomenon. Do you have a better explanation?

    I,m sure people like me have as much right to express ourselves and not be called naive, I was all for leekpai/abhitsit till I realised that they are the show for democracy and that the Army is still the ringmaster, same same reds, Ergo we who argue against your ilk aren,t against the Yellows, we are against a Military coup and the supposedly legal courts they have always overshadowed.Not the elected leader of a nation be he a saint or a sinner the people overwhelmingly voted for.cheesy.gif
    • Like 1
  10. What he did that appeals to many thais is that he implemented some populist policies that a portion of the populace believes was for the benefit of the poor.

    The condemnation he receives from farangs is earned because a majority of farangs have the ability to see past egocentric propaganda and detect the fraud and lies.

    Considering most 'farangs' do not know a thing about Thai history, cannot speak fluent Thai, don't read or watch local media (because they cannot understand it), do not understand the nuances of Thai culture (or Thai-Chinese culture to be more precise) I don't think the majority of 'farangs' have the ability to see much at all.

    Most 'farangs' arrived during or after Thaksin's tenure and that's all they know. He's their bogeyman. They hated him when he was in power, and why not? Under his watch not many things improved for the self-important Western expat community; visa laws were tightened, bars and entertainment venues were closed earlier and Purachai went on his campaign against immorality. They see Thailand changing and they resented it.

    And you think that these are the farangs that vent their opinioned views in various political forums?

    Why do you equate "majority of farangs" with "majority of politically opinioned farangs"?

    You're not harboring an urge to belittle opposing views are you?

    Most people I know that have lived in Thailand for a long time (as in Pre-Thaksin), speak thai well and that have a personal interest in Thai political history - are pretty much aligned in their views.

    The split views tend to be far more common among the noobs.

    With the dumber or more naive portion leaning towards the red side. smile.png

    Good quote, now we know that in order to get your point across you call people dumb and naive, talk about dumb and naive.
  11. First hotel was crowned worst in Asia a year or two ago. Reading the trip advisor website customer comments is fun for this hotel.

    First hotel was crowned worst in Asia a year or two ago. Reading the trip advisor website customer comments is fun for this hotel.

    Well obviously they never went to hotel 27 Suk.
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