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Posts posted by DGS1244

  1. If you live here and visit a few bars then you must set your own guidelines, as they say been there, done it and hopefully learnt. Now I refuse to buy a 'lady drink' if it is the usual cold tea or coke, instead I will buy a normal drink, Sang Som, beer etc. on a one to one ratio i.e. one lady drink for every one I have, and strictly no 'shots'. Then give the lady a direct tip at the end of the evening. Also check the 'bin' for each order and if not sure of the bar then initial it. At the end only pay for those initialed, I have frequently, particularly in certain Bangkok areas, had to remove a few that had been slipped in, not unusual. Once the 'lady' / bar understand what you will and won't agree to then they normally accept it and there and few problems. 

  2. 3 hours ago, DGS1244 said:

    I Live in Chiang Mai and registered my second hand car earlier this year. I needed a Residents certificate from Immigration, the car's blue book and copy of Passport. You then take the car to the local ministry centre near the airport where they check the VIN Number and then you apply for the change of ownership. All done in the same complex.

    It says that his friend lives in Chiang MAI, hence my advice.

  3. I Live in Chiang Mai and registered my second hand car earlier this year. I needed a Residents certificate from Immigration, the car's blue book and copy of Passport. You then take the car to the local ministry centre near the airport where they check the VIN Number and then you apply for the change of ownership. All done in the same complex.

  4. 6 hours ago, golden farang said:


    Yes maybe they open them when they didnt check farangs much like nowdays. Last time i ask from bank in Bangkok they said straight no and did not even bother ask anything from me. They should put sign outside No farangs allowed! But let us know if they give finance for car i think not.


    Opened bank accounts in two Thai banks with absolutely no problem, just passport. I have no work permit and no Thai wife only Retirement extension. Both banks are no problem with asking for advice etc. and are quite happy to arrange insurances etc. for me.

  5. You can store fresh blood for only around 2 weeks, then is cannot be used. If you freeze it the cells breakdown and it is good for turning into makeup and little else. Hence blood banks keep list of people with rare blood groups who can be called upon when needed, Surplus fresh blood is normally treated and the serum extracted for transfusions, The waste cells normally being used for research etc.

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