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Posts posted by namoi

  1. As yet I have never been reviewed 2.5yrs since I was granted the DSP, but as I stated earlier a stressfull exercise, from my experiance the people behind the desk are far and above any learned doctor/speciliast in the knowedge of the medical field

  2. Worked in the civil industry since 15 years old ended up supervising, serious heart problems, company insurers and WPH&S crap make me unemployable and why should I retrain now

  3. I am 62 and on a DSP (not by choice) with a small top up from a small super saving, I found it difficult and stressfull to get and people who lable me a bludger, well they can kiss my A**, worked hard and paid my tax since i was 15

  4. my Son lived with his mother after we had the big bust up and being a typical white aussie thing that she is kept him away from me, anyway eventually found out that he is gay and being my only child was dissapointed to say the least, mainly as he never botherd to tell me even though I picked it up when he was allowed to start visiting me at about age 12/13. He has now moved to Canada at age 40 and married his partner there, even though I never hear from him and find everything out 2nd hand, I wish them both all the best, I WAS HURT at the time, but time also heals, just have to think sometimes what a wast of a good 20/30 mins.

  5. I have no problem with it at all, then again I like all food and am happy that i have enough money to be able to buy it instead of digging around water in the rice paddies to get whatever I can find or climbing trees to get the juicest new leaves

  6. no idea about Pattaya, although here in Brisbane when they opened the new Gatway Bridge in the early eightys they stopped puplishing the "jumpers" as there was 4/5 a week, some people were serisouly thinking of erecting a spring board and vewing area as it seemed to be a new sport.......

  7. mate is bloody hard, try as much as you like but the dought is still there AND you will never get over it, (my personale experiance anyway) I worshipped the ground she walked on and did really try, I was workin in the mines in OZZ in single quarters so away all the time, I feel your pain mate and wish you all the best, I really do......

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