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Posts posted by Capealava

  1. I just got my "retirement" visa. Went to US embassy in BKK. I filled out a form saying what I made (I think I said 80,000B or something like that). A lady asked me if the information was correct? I said yes, she signed it. I got a letter from my bank. You only need to have 5,000B in your account if you are a US citizen. It was easy as pie. No 800,000B for 3 months. I handed in copies of my bank book, passport, photos, etc. and was done in about an hour. Here in Pattaya, you get your visa the next day. At that time, I applied for a multi-entry visa.

    Don't forget the 90 day reporting requirement. Has to be done every 90 days (or less!) from when you enter the kingdom....not when you get your visa.

    What do you mean USA citizen only has to have 5000 baht in Bank. So I can say whatever I want about my income to USA embassy and they will sign it ??? why no 800,000

  2. I will be applying for retirement visa 2010

    I want to make sure I can combine pension in this case (Social Sercurity USA) and money in Thai bank

    To either meet 65,000 a month OR 800,000

    Example: Monthly pension income of 40,000 baht plus 25,000 x 12 months in Thai bank=65,000 monthly income

    Example: 500,000 yearly income from pension + 300,000 in Thai bank = 800,000

    I can go either way -correct??

    Also I need--

    Letter from USA embassy confirming Social Security income and Thai bank statement-correct??

    Thanks for any help

    Social Security statement stating monthly pension income and Thai bank statement--correct??

  3. I am thinking of applying for a imm "O" retirement visa using my USA Social Security (pension)as part of the 800,000 baht requirement. Example 600,000 baht social security "pension" and 200,000 baht in Thai bank. I understand this method is acceptable under Thai law for retirement visa, although it is not for the marrying a Thai version

    How does one make the "pension" amount known to Thai immigration?? Get a statement from USA embassy??? A statement from USA social Security office ?? Also who keeps track of the value of the pension in Thai baht from year to year and so one can adjust the money in the Thai bank to make sure it all equals 800,000 baht at the required time.

    Thanks got the help

  4. Accessing the internet on a mobile phone does not have anything to do with your wifi connection at home. You can access the internet anywhere you receive a phone signal in Thailand with the proper mobile phone. If you have a laptop & a mobile phone with blue tooth you can access the internet on your laptop via connecting to the internet through your mobile phone. 1 baht a minute with AIS. A bit slow but useable

    As for the phone itself when you go to buy the phone ask the staff about a phone (example-Apple IPHONE) that can connect directly to internet/email. I am sure they can assist you in acquiring the proper phone and internet package through AIS, DTAC, TRUE, ORANGE,ECT. As for the cost of phones ,and internet service and speeds available-maybe another poster can help you out

  5. This is not concerning the visa issue. If you have not lived overseas before and especially if you have not spent a great deal of time in North Thailand- I would suggest you not make big plans. The area is isolated and you will not be part of a Thai community as many ex-pats married to Thai's are.

    Unless of course you are thinking of Chiang Mai and to a lesser degree Chiang Rai. I lived in isolated village in the Tak area for 2 years and with my Thai wife and I finally had to get out of there for my sanity. I moved to Bangkok and then from there to Phuket. Western amenities are very important I found out -from food to movies and books and a good cop of coffee.

  6. A famous meeting

    Bodhidharma sailed to China in 521. When he disembarked at the port city of Canton, he was received with great ceremony by a local official, Shao Ang, who immediately reported Bodhidharma’s arrival to Emperor Wu of the Liang dynasty. The emperor ordered the official to accompany the monk to the capital, Chienkang (now Nanking).

    Emperor Wu was a devoted Buddhist who had spent a lot of money building temples and duplicating Buddhist scriptures, and he treated Buddhist monks with great reverence. Many government officials followed suit, but they were only playing up to the emperor in the hope of being promoted.

    When the Emperor Wu met Bodhidharma, there transpired a now-famous conversation between the two. The emperor spoke to the monk very politely.

    “I have built many temples and translated the sutras into Chinese. I have also laid down the rules for people who want to join the ranks of monks or nuns. Furthermore, I have ruled my kingdom in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings. Do I gain any merit from all this? Will I eventually become a buddha?”

    Bodhidharma looked at him calmly and replied, “Your Majesty, you have no merit at all.”

    The emperor, displeased, asked him, “Why is that?”

    Bodhidharma replied, “What Your Majesty has been doing belongs to the merit of Hinayana Buddhism, and you will never be truly freed from endless reincarnation.”

    Emperor Wu asked again, “Then what is real merit?”

    Bodhidharma answered, “True merit comes from unselfish giving, spiritual cultivation, and dedication to the Buddha and to all living creatures. If Your Majesty can do all this, you will gain true merit.”

    The emperor was not happy with this reply or with the monk, and he started to doubt his true identity. In order to find out whether he was really who he claimed to be, Emperor Wu asked Bodhidharma, “What is the first sacred law of Buddhism?”

    Bodhidharma replied, “There is no such law in Buddhism.”

    Emperor Wu asked very angrily, “Do you know who is standing before you?”

    Bodhidharma replied, “No, I don’t.”

    What was going on here? Was Bodhidharma out of his mind or was his head still spinning from seasickness after travelling from India to China by boat? No, it was nothing like that. Through their conversation, Bodhidharma knew that Emperor Wu was only interested in gaining merits and attaining buddhahood, but that he had no understanding of the essence of Buddhism. In the end, Bodhidharma left the palace and went north.

  7. What about USA consulates??? Which are friendlier to "imm "O" requests based on friends-fiance,ect

    Try the Thai General Consulate in Portland - Call Ms. Mary Wheeler by phone and ask if you can get a Non-O with multiple entries based on visiting friends. A friend of mine who lives in Alaska has just got one - as a matter of fact he is on his way here (Thailand) as we speak. Here is the Portland's Consulate Info:

    Our office is open from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

    Monday through Thursday

    Mary Wheeler - Consular Assistant

    You may contact us by phone at 503-221-0440,

    fax - 503-221-0332

    I forgot to ask my friend what bases did he apply his Non-Imm-O on? (Retirement or Visiting Friend) - but he told me that Ms. Wheeler was very friendly and helpful - so that's a start :-) - Please report back to us with your result - Good luck.

    E Mail removed as per Forum Rules. You can find it on their Website Here Lite Beer.

    Great post-will report back for sure

  8. Hoping to get a non-immigrant "0" visa March 2010 from LA Consulate. I will marry in April and then extend it through marriage requirements 400,000 or 40,000. Is that a reasonable request for LA consulate. Hoping to avoid coming on a tourist visa and then having to change it to non-imm "0" after arriving in Thailand. I am 62.

  9. Yawn, Yawn.

    You and your official figures.

    All about me is a mirage then!

    Maybe, maybe not. GDP is C+I+G+(N-X). If real GDP falls 3% and (N-X) is +9% then the domestic economy has fallen 12%.

    So I have no idea what you are seeing. Maybe a US$45bn increase in reserves (forex reserves/GDP now higher than China) or maybe collapsing banking system, house prices, stockmarket, ballooning fiscal deficit etc.. So what do you see?

    I see a very sharp recovery. One property company sold condo 2,000 units in 2 days, two weeks ago. Consumption rising fast, investment still a bit depressed but savings gap far too wide and room for increased fiscal spending. Business confidence is at a 3 year high.

    That maybe your perception-but I see many Thai's struggling and many factories closing their doors. factories going down. Real estate investment does not reach the average Thai. The selling of condo to wealthy or above average Thai's or foreigners does not constitute a economic recovery. Their have always been the wealthy in Thailand to the determent of the masses. Virtually free labor does keep Thailand going. Daily wages of 250 -300 baht day inspire no one. Monthly salaries of 6000-10000 baht -people barely get by. Even in America with 10-11% unemployment the wealthy continue to rake it in. Trickle down economics does not work. There is more to a economy than selling condos.

  10. I assume you are retired. Since you do not drink -well you need to be with people who do not hang in bars all day. (that's the easy way out anyway)

    Swim everyday.

    Find and read good books.

    Take up a personal project-writing for example.

    Start a small business with your wife or a member of your wife's family.

    Go to the gym regularly-good for moods and endorphin production.

    Must be ex-pat organizations around besides bars.

    Join a bowling league.

    Buy a bigger bike and go on group cross country trips.

    Learn Thai cooking and cook meals for your wife-I am sure she is tired when she comes home-then going to the market alone will be fun.

    HAVE A BABY !!!!!!!!!!!

    Looks like your mate "WORK'S ALOT'!!!!!!! Most of what you want to do is just normal stuff with wife, G/F, partner. Ask your wife to work less (I know difficult)

    I will soon be in the same situation as next year-so you got me thinking.

    Anyway good luck. I will start making my list.

  11. The legally elected President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya was ousted in a Military backed coup recently. The comparison to Thailand Coup and ouster of Thaksin is remarkable. Both were legally elected in a democratic election and booth were ousted by the military that was following the wishes of a older more entrenched conservative power structure.

    Whether Thaksin used the government to manipulate circumstances to enhance his wealth is not the question here or even relevant. The question for both Honduras and Thailand was the following of the democratic process.

    Honduras is now having new elections similar to the one Thailand held after Thaksin was thrown out. Many other Latin American countries oppose the vote the the grounds of 'the illegal coup"

    Argentina and Brazil have said they will not recognise any government installed after the election, arguing that to do so would legitimise the coup which ousted an elected president, and thus set a dangerous precedent.

    The main regional grouping, the Organisation of American States, has declined to send an observer mission.

    There was no support for "the democratic process" from Asian countries -or from "Asean." None condemned Thailand for the Coup. This reaction is possibly because none of the countries surrounding Thailand are particularly democratic or have a democratic tradition and they reserve the right to a Coup in their own country. The USA and other Western countries expressed exasperation and dismay the yet another Thailand Coup.

    There is good and bad in all leaders. Look at the Bush situation in America. He caused untold suffering and made a multitude of decisions to enhance his own agenda and that of his party. yet no Coup. Democracy cannot flourish with threats and possibility of Military Coups.

    Abisit I assume is a good man, and may actually be a good PM, but his government is illegal by the standards set by Democratic principals. His insistence on holding on to that position and the power of the political and military behind him will only cause further entrenchment of his opponents.

    Thaksin should also realize it is to late for him, his returning to power will never happen. Both sides of the issue should give the right of Free expression. New elections should be called with each side refraining form coercion and manipulating votes. Let the will of the people come truly forth.

    Dreaming --perhaps given Thailand's past track record. But it should be admitted that the current Government is illegal, then reconciliation can begin.

  12. I will be getting married in Thailand next year. I will stay for 6 months on a double entry Tourist visa. When I come back I should apply at a Thai consulate in the USA for a 12 month multiple entry Immigrant "0" visa based on marriage. Once back in Thailand I can change that VISA to a marriage VISA at an appropriate immigration office. Is that correct ?

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