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Everything posted by Pumpuynarak

  1. Here ya go guys, tell ya what if Transam and i colluded to fake the following DWP letters i received as was alleged by the SB's ( ya just can't make this s... up ????) we did a pretty good job ehh ? Perhaps we should start a business ????IMG_20200715_0001.pdfIMG_20200715_0002.pdfIMG_20200715_0004.pdfIMG_20200715_0005.pdf
  2. I don't know why you bother Transam, you're wasting your time with these ???? I provided concrete evidence of the DWP reclaiming the overpayments to me and imposing a 50gbp fine to boot. Then what happened was the ???? accused me of fabricating the evidence i supplied....... You can't make this stuff up, sad bastards the lot of them imo
  3. BINGO, the hospital i use in Korat is a public university hospital and it charges me a pittance compared to the private hospitals here. I know as i've paid bills in both hospital networks.
  4. I'm afraid to say............................Rubbish
  5. Small print is difficult to read let alone understand, fine print is impossible to do anything with. Guess which one is favoured by the insurers ? lol
  6. Then get transferred to your registered government hospital without delay and pay BPH for the few hours you've spent there, i have a wifey who is aware of exactly what is to happen with me in the event of an accident/illness requiring emergency treatment. I appreciate those falang that are on their own without the help of a wife/GF its not so easy to escape the thieves.
  7. Try a government hospital like the one i use in Korat, SUT hospital, its absolutely brill, fully staffed with specialists/surgeons, all the equipment one would ever need. When i had a stroke i spent 3 nights in a private room, brain scan, 24hour nursing care, physio treatment etc and all for 27K Bht. Last time i saw my GP in the hospital who happens to be American it cost me 80bht doctors fee. It is possible to avoid the rip off/bill padding private hospitals.
  8. I sympathise with the OP having had TOTR BUPA cover in the UK back in 2007 paying 80GBP per month. When i advised them of my permanent removal to Thailand they advised me i would have to take their international policy cover at a cost of 300GBP per month. Just imagine what the cost would be now at my age of 72 ? I now self insure. Hope you find a satisfactory solution OP.
  9. Yes i am confused lol, my pension is currently paid 4 weekly ie 13 times a year, are you saying it will be paid monthly ie 12 times a year if i change to having it paid in Thai baht direct into my Thai bank account. Not that it makes any difference to me. I do not get any increases as the DWP know i am living in Thailand.
  10. Quite right imo, they have'nt been charged with possession which would have been the case prior to June 9th.
  11. Good that you are taking care of your wifey's future when you drop, many farangs don't ???? Yep the UK government don't care one iota for us citizens living outside the UK, they're quite happy to take income tax on our current pensions and have us pay NI contributions over the years and deny us benefits that UK resident citizens receive. My wifey is very fortunate to be in receipt of 50% of my company pension when i drop.
  12. Thanks for your post, very pleasing to hear. Really surprised they allow you to continue with a credit card here in Thailand.
  13. Yes you do have a point but returning girls is not the norm they are in the minority. Most of the girls in these kareoke bars are local Isaan village girls.
  14. Trust is not an issue but i fear she would not be ok doing the transfer, perhaps i should just get my son to do it but then i fear he would be made responsible for an illegal act.
  15. Yeah but i've only been receiving my UK state pension for nearly 7 years and i was contracted out of SERPS so my state pension is no big deal. Now if we were talking about my final salary company pension which i receive 1-3% increases each year then any increases do matter.
  16. Well the ones i've seen and attempted to talk to are Thais but you're right very few speak or understand English but you do get the occasional ex Pattaya/Bangkok BG whose got fed up with the life in the cities and return to where they're happy but wish to continue with their previous lifestyle.
  17. There are loads and loads of Kareoke bars out in the sticks of Isaan catering to the men seeking company.
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