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Posts posted by bungalowbob

  1. Go to your local Thai market. You get meat that was running around that morning wrapped in a banana leaf. You aren't going to get much more organic than that.

    In the UK they use raw human sewage on their organic veg instead of chemicals.

    I don't know about you but I would rather the chemicals than veg covered in sh&t thank you very much !

    Expensive and over rated in my humble opinion biggrin.gif

  2. (avoid Raja Ferry - takes 30 mins longer and goes to Lipa Noi) huh.gif

    Sorry to upset all you anti Raja people but out of the two I always use them. The last few times it has taken around 10 minutes less time than the Seatran so I don't know where you get the extra 30 minutes from ? I can also book a return ticket with Raja unlike the Seatran so again far better for me as I just rock up and drive on. Also the difference in arriving at Lippa Noi and Nathon by car is in minutes and if going to Lamai / Chawang you are nearer with the Raja.

    Also getting a taxi from the Raja terminal for foot passengers is also a lot cheaper than getting into Nathon.

  3. I listen to a lot of talk radio from the USA and listened to a very interesting night where an Italian doctor explained that cancer was a mould.....

    Speaks volumes. :rolleyes:

    People are under the impression that these " doctors / scientists " are there doing what they do for the betterment of mankind. They are not. They are there doing it for a profit which is why they have cured anything for a long time and never will sadly ! sad.gif

    So all of these "doctors / scientists" are evil puppets of the corporations, huh? Sorry, but I know several and they are anything but that. You don't think that any of these researchers might have family members of their own who may have suffered or are suffering from cancer or heart disease or some other terrible ailment?

    I don't doubt that there may be a few bad apples out there but by far most of these researchers are fine people who deserve our deepest gratitude for their efforts. Sorry, but I'm not buying this conspiracy theory.

    Yet another sheeple that believes everything he is told by the media on Fox, CNN etc. I suppose if you suddenly had cancer you wouldn't try it then ?

    Why haven't they cured anything since Smallpox then ? Even with all those with family etc ?

    The guy is a DOCTOR with certified credentials yet you simply assume he is a fake.

    says it all really.

    I feel sorry for you. REALLY SORRY !

    Oh and its not a theory but rather an opinion just like the one you have biggrin.gif

  4. Get a Thai bank account with internet access and simply have them transfer or put the money into the said account. You then simply check on the internet or ATM if you are here in Thailand and Voila !

  5. I listen to a lot of talk radio from the USA and listened to a very interesting night where an Italian doctor explained that cancer was a mould and he was treating it with simple bicarbonate of soda and having great results.

    I have said for years that if you stop and think for a minute you will realise that they don't cure things any longer. In every other science they have come on in leaps and bounds unlike medicine. The last thing they actually cured was Smallpox and that was decades ago.

    The trouble is the big pharmaceutical companies realised a long time ago that there was very little profit in a cur but Billions in a treatment.

    People are under the impression that these " doctors / scientists " are there doing what they do for the betterment of mankind. They are not. They are there doing it for a profit which is why they have cured anything for a long time and never will sadly ! sad.gif

  6. 3 bass players? what kind of music needs 3 bass players? sounds like a recipe for cacophony if u ask me!

    Drum and Basses man, do you know nothing ? ohmy.gif

    I'm up for the PR / Manager but I only work for 30% Dude !

    I'm expensive I know but goodwink.gif

  7. Chumphon is a fairly big town with a small expat community there. I found it when I used to ride down there on the Honda Wave to do a visa run. I used to ride there, have a night in a hotel in town, get up early the next morning and ride over the mountain to Ranong. Have the day in Ranong and back for another night in Chumphon and then get up the next morning and head back to HH.

    Just North of Chumphon is Thung Waelen beach which is a 2km stretch of pristine beach. If you Google Cabana resort Chumphon you can have a look. You can go there mid week and see nobody. South of Chumphon you have Sairee beach where the big Novotel is. Another nice stretch of beach and I believe they have a golf course there as well and there is also one at a military camp a few km's away.

    Business took me away and if it wasn't for those I would still be there now. I am trying to relocate one of them over there so maybe back soon, fingers crossed.

    link to the beach


    link to the resort


  8. Rented a 3 bed, 3 bath, 2 storey detached house with a good sized garden on a private estate which had 24 hour security and a small pool. 5 minutes out of town for 5000 a month. My friend had a 3 bed bungalow 2 bath which he paid 3,500 a month. As said far better beaches, no hassle from the thousands of hawkers cheaper bars and restaurants and having lived in both places would never go back to HH other than for a weekend.

    The last time I went up it was full of wrinkly old British coffin dodgers who have all sold up their places in Spain and all moved to HH.

    Need to do a visa run then it is a beautiful 90km ride / drive over the mountains to Ranong against a 12-15 hour race in a minibus from HH.

    It has a small expat community with a couple of expat bars and even has a Makro now. All a Farang needs can be found within a short drive.

    Go look at both places and decide for yourself. People want different things from Thailand.

    To me HH used to be good about 7-8 years ago. Now it is like a mini Pattaya.

    Not for me.

    As said I get sick and tired of saying Mai ou kap when I go for a drink or something to eat there!

  9. I bought the missus a Toyota Yaris and then had an all signing and dancing Worldtech ICE unit fitted GPS / TV / DVD / internet etc etc. It came with Papago sat nav installed but the book came in just Thai. Emailed Papago and they sent me a PDF manual within 24 hours of asking. Impressed. After getting the hang of the unit I tried to put my aircard into the USB for the internet access. My card needs to install some software before you can use it so no good. Fired off an email to Worldtech Saturday morning asking where I can get an aircard that will work with my unit. I didn't think I would get any response till at least Tuesday / Wednesday. Imagine my reply when I get a phone call 4 hours later from their customer service department. Spoke very good English. Checked on just what problem I was having and within an hour they had emailed me the address here on Samui where I can get an aircard that will work with my unit along with a contact phone number and address.

    WELL IMPRESSED !ohmy.gif

    It has to be the best response from a company customer service department I have had anywhere never mind here in Thailand

    Well done Worldtech. You have just won yourself a loyal customer from here on thumbsup.gif

  10. If you are looking for a nice place by the sea then go a bit further South. Chumphon has far superior beaches and way cheaper housing and cost of living. That plus you can go out for a drink or something to eat without getting hassled to but flowers, croaking frogs or food for a poor, ill treated elephant. Great beaches, great diving and snorkelling, good road access, easy visa runs, easy access to the islands of Tao KPG and Samui, great cycling and the national park is not far away. It beats HH hands down by a mile and I have lived in both places

  11. Oh and I forgot to mention. They also gave her a series of before and after photos as well included in the price but she got them wet taking them round all her friends to show them rolleyes.gif

  12. America can hold the most nuclear weapons in the world and be the only country to actually use them and they are " a nuclear deterrent " if any other country has them or wants them they are always " Weapons of mass destruction "

    The Good Ol USA can actively assassinate people around the world often killing innocent men, women and children in the process regardless of location and this is always " Justice " yet when anybody else does it it is " terrorism "

    Something is very wrong with this way of thinking me thinks and may explain a great deal of the problems the world is facing at the present time!

    Didn't Obama make out he was against all this war and killing before getting elected ?

  13. The wife has been pestering me for the exact same thing. Even though I have told her she is cute and beautiful as she is she still wanted it done. Last month I finally caved in and said OK. After shopping round on Samui we were getting the same silly prices as yourself. We decided to hop across to Surat Thani and have it done there. We went across for a consultation and paid a 2000 baht deposit and went the next week for the procedure. It was done in around an hour and with the antibiotics and other medication it came in at 7000 baht. It was quite painful for her for several days and she had a lot of swelling as you would imagine but after a couple of weeks that has gone and she is very happy with it.

    I know its not Pattaya but it will give you an idea of getting it done away from the tourist destinations. You can fly cheaply to Surat from BKK though.

    I hope this helped

  14. We have the CAT engineers come in the restaurant for the wife's cooking and I asked them today.

    12 Meg down and 2 Meg up for 1,600 baht a month and they are rolling it out around the island now

    Roo if you give me the area you live in I will ask them later today or tomorrow if they have it there yet or when it is due.

  15. I bought a Yaris for err in doors and then had a Worldtech unit installed. A very nice 7.5 inch touch screen unit that also has TV / DVD / radio / USB / Ipod / Internet / reversing camera etc etc. Very happy with it and that came in fitted at 28,000 baht

    OES for Toyota they tell me ?blink.gif

  16. AIS offer many same network deals as well as good Edge / 3 G deals. either dial *777 send for a list of their deals or simply call 1175. They have very good English speaking customer service staff and I have found them to beat any of the UK providers for customer service hands down. Also when you top up they often send you a call deal which are very good.

    I have also taken it everywhere around Thailand and had very good coverage.

  17. Fastest is flying Samui - Phuket - Phuket - Penang.

    Cheapest is ferry / bus to Surat then bus to Hat Yai then mini bus to Peneng. Overnight in Penang and bus back next afternoon to Hat Yai. Late bus to Donsak and first ferry back to Samui next morning. Getting a TV or O is fine as long as you are prepared to pay but if you have the paperwork for an ED Visa then it is just 2,200 baht

  18. Just who in their right mind has sex with a Thai prostitute without wearing a condom ? <deleted> !!!! ohmy.gif

    Her being pregnant would be the least of my worries if I was in your shoes.

    Going for an Aids and STD test would be my first move.

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