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Posts posted by khunlungphudhu

  1. I originally called this topic something like "read this before you bag the Thai People" but mods decided it was something it wasn't. Never mind. That many of you read and understand the point I was making is justification aplenty for putting it here.

    This story needs no justification, just telling!

    / edit in the title was made because of the unwanted reference intended or not to "Body Bags". The article is great but the tilte could shock our multiple guests searching for loved ones.

  2. If you want a holiday, there are plenty plenty of other places in Thailand to enjoy one. However, having said that, if you have time and money to spend doing some good, are fit and active, please go to the affected areas and do your best to help. I feel sure it will be appreciated.

  3. Burma and Thailand have a long and ragged history in diplomacy, and, I should think, that with all the problems Thailand has in the south, including the possible deterioration of relationships with Malaysia, niether PM Thaksin nor any other member of his administration feel they can afford to apply any pressure on the Burmese. Talk sweet and keep them sweet, at least for now. :o

  4. Are you ready for this? 1963

    All I can remember of my first weekend was my mate haggling with two young ladies for hours, I think he got them down to 20 baht for the night, but they got nowhere with us because they would not pay us if they enjoyed it.

    I have been back almost annually since, have enjoyed partnership with two lovely Thai wives and their offspring, and am still regarded with respect by both their families, but I still drop bloomers, and still cringe at the memories, but good humour overcomes embarasment every time.

    Happy Christmas everyone. :o

  5. Courage Thai Interactive, ordered it last Sunday week, received it Friday, been 'playing' with it ever since.

    Available on line from Thai Hypermarket. A bit pricey, but has far more on it than I think I will ever learn. Very comprehensive.

  6. There is also the possibility that the poor fellow was, maybe, going through a bad patch and was considering a family migration, and just wanted the facts straight in his own mind before broaching the matter with his spouse(?) subsequently deciding against it for whatever reason and thereby failing to mention the possibility with her(?)

    Just my more charitable two-pennorth.

    I beleive you did the right thing!

  7. Also, Boon Mee, the second part of the question, does paying for your gf/wife, or both, lol, for a night out, or the majority of nights out and the food bills make her a prositute?

    Thai custom....if she were the wealthier she would want to pay.

    Thai custom....PDAs frowned upon, so respect that.

    It has been a long time since I took a BG anywhere, but I still treated her like a lady!

    and as soon as someone says you/they are all the same......their arguement is lost! :o

  8. :D


    well no Thai women has ever won the Miss World contest ever , neither has any far east asian women .

    put them beside a buxom blonde or even an Indian beauty and they look like a small child .

    mind you old pervs like the small thai women . they make great little sex toys  :o

    I am probably the only one here to remember this, but Appassara did win Miss Universe! Yes it was a long time ago, and yes, I did have money on her! :D

  9. It`s too bad you all have to go through soo much red tape.For if you were Canadian,It would be No problem.I wonder is this just lately or retaliation on the Thai cop murder?I really don`t know.Sounds to me like racism.Basterds!!!

    ECOs behaving badly, more like! They appear, at times, to be of the opinion that the UK is the honeypot and it is their task in life to guard it. That assumes that every Tom Dick and Somjit wants to come here to improve their lot!

    They should talk to me and a few others I know to reach true enlightenment!

  10. My GF was also refused a viitors visa. Suffice it to say we thought we provided everything. I have a good job, she owns a house and land. Their refusal reasons just didn't hold water. So in the absence of right to appeal and as the embassy appears happy to refuse a person for no logical reason or to overturn obvioulsy indefenible reasoning, is there no way of complianing to whatever body the via section is accountable to?

    I am sick of this. England seems to be a free for all to all kinds of nationalities, but when I as a UK citizen and tax payer try to get a via for my GF to go on holiday, with me as sponor, we are treated like dirt.

    Welcome to the club, morphic, it took me two years and several hearings at the High court in London to appeal a decision against my wife joining me.

    It is possible to appeal, but it takes a lot of time and determination.

    Instructions on appealing a decision should be on the notice of refusal, hidden in the small print. Be sure to make the appeal carefully, as one slip will result in the papers being sent to the wrong office. There is also an organization based in London that will help and advise you on these matters, if you wish I will try to dig out the details, now well buried in my files.

    Regards, Peter.

  11. A word or two of possible comfort, amongst so much doom and gloom.

    I first came to Thailand forty years ago, when it took 15 minutes to drive from Don Muang Airport to the National Stadium, and another 15 minutes from there to Klong Toey. The Vietnam war was in full swing, (nothing to do with me, guv!), and both the US dollar and a litre of singha were both worth 20 baht.(In aircon bars). Wide open spaces every where.

    The graft and corruption were there, just as now, and all the seemingly pointless rules regarding emmigration and residency, just as frustrating as now.

    The only major change has really only been the volume of traffic, and the consequent difficulties, and the changes to infrastructure that this increase demanded by that change.

    The Thai people are just the same now as then, warm, friendly and welcoming. Yes there are rogues and villains, but what society is devoid of these? Adopt the Thai attitude of forbearance and be aware, the rogues can generally be seen comming, and can be avoided with vigilance.

    It is a good place to be, and, despite the changes, will remain so for the forseeable future. :o

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