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Posts posted by jshorts

  1. On a matter this serious, I am not surprised by thailand's reactions. I can only say thailand is fully unprepared if the worse case happens, by then when it does happen nothing will matter. I guess the people in power are going to have to learn things the very hard painful way. Its only a matter of not if but when a tragic event happens

    As a result, the Thai population will suffer in a very painful way.
  2. In Australia it still takes several days for cheques to clear, and I'm pretty sure we have the same technology in use already, but no one cares as almost everything is done by internet banking these days in Australia.

    In my business back in (say) 1998 I used to get about 1,000 cheques per year. Nowadays I get about 8, maybe 12 cheques per year. The rest is all internet banking transfers. Virtually no one pays any other way.

    Whist I would not expect Thailand to be quick to adopt this norm, I do find it incredulous that in the USA people still write cheques all the time. Then again Americans are (ironically) slow to change many of their ingrained habits - the metric system is a classic example.

    If the topic is Thai check clearing process changes, how is your incredulity regarding the USA's habit germane?
  3. I have to say i f i were an owner you would be kicked out pretty fast. Just a bowl of noodles and then keeping the seats occupied. Especially if i did not have many seats and there are costumers waiting. Id say you would annoy the hell out of me. On the other hand if you come every night and i have more then enough chairs. Then i would not care.

    Why not go out less or drink less, going out every night is more then a bit of social life if you cant afford it.

    I am wondering if this reply only applies to Halloween, inasmuch as you mention costumers.

    I wonder if you have a brain and can use it ? I'm sure you understand what i meant with it. This is not my first language, i speak 4 languages and you ? Customers was what i meant.

    Sorry. Meant to include a smiey face after my comment. It was only a light-hearted comment. I speak many languages, too; I make mistakes all the time in most of them. I laugh at them myself, and some of them are so funny that I tell stories about them.

    Truly no offense intended.

  4. I have to say i f i were an owner you would be kicked out pretty fast. Just a bowl of noodles and then keeping the seats occupied. Especially if i did not have many seats and there are costumers waiting. Id say you would annoy the hell out of me. On the other hand if you come every night and i have more then enough chairs. Then i would not care.

    Why not go out less or drink less, going out every night is more then a bit of social life if you cant afford it.

    I am wondering if this reply only applies to Halloween, inasmuch as you mention costumers.
  5. Thailand isn't the USA. 'Thailand' doesn't think the way the 'USA' thinks. That doesn't make 'Thailand' or its authorities stupid. Is that so difficult to understand?

    Thailand 's authorities are not described as "stupid" because they don't think the way the USA thinks. They are described as stupid because they behave stupidly.

    They release a suspect who has ( if reports are true, and this is, of course, not guaranteed) apparently admitted to planning to detonate an explosive device as an act of terrorism. It is hard to imagine a responsible world state where conspiracy to commit terrorist atrocities is not a crime.

    If it is not a crime in Thailand then the authorities are "stupid".

    OR...just another way not to loose face.... No idea what the farang living here are always expecting...if you dont like it the ThaiWay...PLEASE take the consequences and just LEAVE for your own country if there is everything better...but dont tell us always the Thaiauthorities are behaving stupid...they are not stupid, they just work the Asian way....thats why many of us living here btw..... I hate all this new traffic lights btw.... stupid farang invention

    Because the Thai authorities work the Asian way, Thailand remains a third world country; the cost of living is inexpensive and I love it!
  6. If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

    I await your response, sir.

    Easy cake:

    And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ “and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’” (Matt. 19:4.)

    PS: Since when Jesus became a God, but not just his Messenger - to quote Him separately?

    I am still looking for something He said about homosexuality. I'm not particularly interested in this case about what he didn't say about it.
    • Like 1
  7. I think the headscarfs make a girl look sexy. So no problem with them for me.

    Have to tell all the ladies to wear them in bed then. There is a point here, in some many islamic countries westerners and others are expected to dress according to THEIR ways, if not it

    s an insult to the religion. Sorry whats good for the goose is good for the gander, when in christian/other countries respect their ways.

    All this muslem/islam is being pushed into the faces of other faiths and customs, and is now over the top. ASK most people in U.K. speaking against this growing dictatorial religion is now getting to be near a crime and racist. Getto's are formed, in communities, demands are shouted for, problems in schools, problems for national security(veils) most of these religious sects do not integrate, only colonize, want their countries laws upheld abroad. SORRY, when in Rome do as Romans do.

    My post is not against all, only against those who are over the top. We as ex pats do not go around Thailand or other near non Christian countries displaying crosses, bibles imposing our religion openly, to promote. All counties are different, respect the country your in. I am aware there are many persons who will shout me down, but I believe I speak for the majority.

    You make many valid points so I hope no one shouts you down for your view. I basically agree with you.

    Though we bash them for being intollerable of other religions and then you say you basically want it the same way for them in your/our countries. Surely we don't want to be brought down to their level. I don't think we are that intolerable to deny a woman the right to wear a headscarf.

    I don't think wearing a headscarf is offensive to another religion. Same as the Jewish that wear the kippah or the monks that wear robes. Nothing in that is offensive to me in the least.

    I agree it is the imposing forefully of the religion that is objectionable and the lack of integration and also trying to make everyone live by THEIR law. But simply wearing a headscarf doesn't impose anything on me. If the women want to wear them then go for it, I view it more as a fashion than a religious statement.

    We seem to agree on most-I can say wearing a headscarf is not imposing anything on me, BUT if a boy has a baseball hat on in class ???? but do they wear the headscarf when cooking -in the home all the time, do they take it off when touring christian religious sights, ???? monks robes, that is different, and Jewish attire I say the same, dress down when not in ROME. Headscarves to me should have there place, it is about conforming, the same as in Issan with Americans trying to convert Thais to change religions, not on. Difficult subject not to look racist, again-WHEN IN ROME do as Romans do. If you don't like the ways--do not go.

    Why would a woman take off a headscarf when touring a christian religious site? In many churches women are still encouraged to wear a headcovering.
  8. So will you love your gay children just as much as your straight children?coffee1.gifwub.png

    I have no gay children, and will never have.

    The day one become gay, even sound it - will be the day I will have -1 children. I swear to God.

    And yes - it is my task as a parent NOT to let them even think this way. Grow them in proper way, point them to a good directions I meant.

    I can't imagine a parent disowning his child. That is immoral.
    • Like 1
  9. That was all, but they must have wanted to freeze the moment. You would want to do it for them.

    "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" Lev. 20:13

    "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper." Rom. 1:26-28

    "We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

    "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

    "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) hadith)

    "I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct" (Lord Buddha)

    In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    The Dalai Lama ... commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." (http://www.religionf...ty/buddhism.htm)

    Should I copy-paste more?

    What is your point, please?

    Copy\paste homework, of course.

    If you are quoting from holy books, why don't you quote something Jesus said about homosexuality.

    I await your response, sir.

  10. In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    Interesting you stopped the quote where you did, and left out "and have been linked with calls for compassion and understanding from the non-homosexual populace."

    I did it because I have no compassion nor understanding of sodomity - and will always bash that regardless of "calls for". I am sorry but I was born/grown/came from the population where it is a big (if not the biggest) sin.

    I wonder if you have an understanding of heterosexual sodomy.
  11. In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    Interesting you stopped the quote where you did, and left out "and have been linked with calls for compassion and understanding from the non-homosexual populace."

    I did it because I have no compassion nor understanding of sodomity - and will always bash that regardless of "calls for". I am sorry but I was born/grown/came from the population where it is a big (if not the biggest) sin.

    I am glad to hear that you are sorry that you come from a homophobic population.
  12. Correction: I don't actually know whether the Thai editorial writer is gay or not. He doesn't say so explicitly and I suppose saying he is when he isn't could be considered libel in Thailand (that should tell you something). So I retract calling him gay.

    Thai homophobia takes different forms than Anglo culture homophobia. That doesn't mean it isn't just as real but maybe that blinds some people from Anglo cultures from seeing it. Thai gay people see it and live it.


    I wonder if you would kindly give an example of the different forms of Thai and Anglo culture homophobia. I am not aware of these.
  13. That was all, but they must have wanted to freeze the moment. You would want to do it for them.

    "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them" Lev. 20:13

    "For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper." Rom. 1:26-28

    "We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds." Qur'an 7:80-81

    "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk." Qur'an 26:165

    "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) hadith)

    "I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct" (Lord Buddha)

    In Thailand, traditional accounts propose that "homosexuality arises as a karmic consequence of violating Buddhist proscriptions against heterosexual misconduct. These karmic accounts describe homosexuality as a congenital condition which cannot be altered, at least in a homosexual person's current lifetime (http://en.wikipedia....uality#Buddhism)

    The Dalai Lama ... commented that all forms of sex other than penile-vaginal sex are prohibited for Buddhists, whether between heterosexuals or homosexuals. At a press conference the day before the meeting, he said, "From a Buddhist point of view, [gay sex] is generally considered sexual misconduct." (http://www.religionf...ty/buddhism.htm)

    Should I copy-paste more?

    What is your point, please?
  14. And the reason behind it all: Chinese idiots, as always.

    Why cant the chinese learn to respect animals?

    Seems they'll do anything to get their "tiger penis medicine" and their shark fin soup.

    Blatant negative and unsupported generalizations are not helpful to an educated exchange of ideas.


    My comment was directed at your unkind generalization of the Chinese as "idiots."

    And just what exactly do you call people who are having tigers hunted to extinction? and all for a supposed aphrodisiac when they live in a country full of Chinese girls!

    Generalizations about people of any nationality are in poor taste and usually inaccurate.

    When you refer to Chinese "girls" you appear to be promoting pedophilia. I am unclear what relationship Chinese women have to this discussion.

  15. The reason why they do not get 2,000 Baht in cash is simple of course. The appliance coupons are probably sponsored. Thailand is a country where compassion is very low on the list like in any other BUddhist country. If there is a cold spell, there is always a sleazy company like CP (TRUE) or ThaiBev that wants to show off to the people that they are donating.

    When you are filthy rich you give a part of your filth without letting anybody know that you just have give something not so in Thailand. The rotary will be the first in line to donate food product with an expired date and will do not let a foot opportunity slip away. The same is the case with coupons. That the process is complicated is because the sponsors know very well that if it was easy there money would be stolen quicker than Abhisit could say "Kill" to Prayuth.

    I am unclear what a "cold spell" has to do with the present discussion of appliance coupons.

    It would be helpful to understand why you feel CP (TRUE) and ThaiBev are sleazy companies.

    Your idea that if you are the "filthy rich you give a part of your filth . . ." is truly unkind and an extreme unwarranted portrayal of those who have money to give for charitable purposes.

    Further, the thought that you would like to dictate how charity should be given (i.e., anonymously) is arrogant.

    Obviously, you cannot be aware of how many people and companies do donate anonymously, and therefore, you might have singled out the exception to the rule.

    Have you ever given consideration to the idea that the "sleazy" companies you mentioned might advertise their charity to set an example for other large companies?

    Are you saying that large companies that want to advertise their donations would do better by not donating at all?

    When you mention the "rotary," are you referring to "Rotary Club International"? If so, and you have specific details of food with an expired date being donated, kindly share that information here.

    I look forward to your response.

  16. Yes, go have a little chat at Immigration and be prepared to be overwhelmed by what appears to be utter chaos. Actually, there is a "system" to what they're doing, but the waiting room is so overcrowded and noisy with people milling about and announcements on the PA every 15 seconds, you won't be able to think the first time you enter the place.

    Best to go later in the morning, like 9:30 - 10 am or later in the afternoon, like after 2:30 when things are a bit slower. They close at lunch hour and I'm not certain of exact closing time, but they don't like to tackle anything new after 4 pm.

    Bring all the documents with you that you think might be remotely relevant, like bank book for your new accounts, pension documents, etc. Go now -- don't wait because they might suggest you get an income verification letter from your consulate and that can take a few days to arrange.

    Let us know how it the visit turns out!

    Visited Immi as suggested.

    All very helpful and quite quick - they gave me correct Form to use for 90 day extension.

    Said I must have 15 days left on Visa exempt to do extension - OK no problem.

    Showed them my new shiny Bank Savings book - more or less M/T.

    But heres the 'rub' - could not really understand much the chap behing the counter was saying so unclear on final point - left off repeating question when he appeared to become 'agitated'.

    Wife thinks he said need to see the 800k before 90 day extension will be granted.

    I thought that was only necessary for the 12 month extension at 60 days + into the 90 day extension.

    Following 'heated' discussion between us ;o)) - will go back today and clarify.

    Bit loath to just try it as forms states you lose your 2000 Bt if a no go.

    If funds have to be there now - we lose out as maybe 20 days before they arrive.



    If you are mailing any documents to Europe, please make sure that you use the Thai post office's EMS system (which provides international tracking) because the Thai post is sometimes, uh, unreliable.
  17. It may be too late for Factseeker, but this is one time where it's worth it to pay for a wire transfer of funds rather than waiting for an international check to clear and be credited to your Thai bank account.

    I don't know about other banks, but Bangkok Bank will credit the funds to your account as soon as they receive them. If they say "20 days" it will probably be less, but could be as much as 20 days. I suggest checking your bank balance daily starting around day 15.

    Yes, it really does take this long to clear an international check -- it's not some rule developed by the Thai banks to hold onto your money. I ran into the same problem in the U.S. where we maintained a Canadian bank account to use to pay Canadian suppliers to our U.S. business, back before they accepted credit card payments. I learned the hard way not to mail a U.S. check to our Canadian bank just a few days before mailing a Canadian check drawn on that Canadian bank account to a supplier in Canada.

    If one is transferring US funds, the use of the ACH system in conjunction with BKK Bank in New York City takes four or five days, and works like a dream.
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