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Posts posted by Krub

  1. Sorry if I made it confusing I understand that it might not be the same situation next winter (October or November 2012) than it is now.

    But I like the idea of going to Savannakhet for a non-Im O based on age (over 50) and bank balance of 800k baht rather than deal with the Thai Embassy in Tokyo as they are a real pain.

    As I will be staying in Khun Han (South of Sisaket not really that far from Savannakhet) it would be easy enough to enter on a 30 days stamp, get my bank letter stating the balance and go to Savannakhet for my Non-Im O which I can then extend for a year at Phu SIng Immigration (they look after the Sisaket Province)

    This should save the the hassle of trips to Bangkok immigration for conversion

  2. Sorry if I made it look like I was asking again the same question

    My english is not perfect I was trying to confirm that my staring this thread was about a single entry non-Im O based on age (over 50) and 800k baht balance

    I am looking to avoid a trip to Bangkok to convert a 30days stamp or a TV to a non-Im O and then extend it

    I much rather (because the Thai Embassy in Tokyo is such a pain and my residence in Thailand is in Khun Han south of Sisaket which is not far from Savannakhet ) enter on a 30 days or single entry TV, go to Savannakhet, get a non-Im O then extend it at immigration in Thailand (probably Phu Sing taking care of Sisaket Province) on a yearly basis based on age (over 50) and 800k baht balance

  3. Thanks that is clearer now for me

    I still have a bank account which I can bring up to the required 800.000 baht or more for 3 months or more before I enter on a single entry tourist visa which I can then convert to a non-O and extend for a year

    Do you know if the conversion from a tourist visa to a non-O is possible outside of Bangkok as I am looking at doing it in Isaan south of Sisaket maybe Kap Cheong if that office still exists

    Thanks for your time

  4. I t has been a while that for health and other reasons I had to stay in Japan.

    I am now free to move about and I want to consider Thailand again

    I am 57 retired, have a decent lump sum now and some pension starting at 61

    I still have a bank account in Krung Thai Bank in Isaan. I am not sure which my immigration office would be, the nearest big town to Khun Han is Sisaket

    Could you please refresh my memory ?

    1. I should have at least more than 20 days left on my 30 days stamp before aplying for a visa change from a 30 days stamp to an Non-Im O

    2. Should have at least 800.000 baht in my Thai bank account for 3 months previous to the application

    3. Should have an embassy letter certifying my adress

    Anyting else I should know or are missing ?


  5. Update from Tokyo

    Sunday morning in Japan, 3rd day after the big earthquake

    Still having aftershocks up to 5 in magnitude.

    These are very nerve racking as you never know it it will be a big one again.

    It will take time before it settles down on the quake front

    Hundred of victims, hundreds more still waiting in precarious and dangerous location to be rescued.

    More than a million people are without water, food, electricity, gasoline and it is still winter especially cold near the affected areas.

    In Tokyo life is slowly returning to some normality, at least in Tokyo and further south, we have water, food, electricity, gas. gasoline.

    We start seeing panic buying though.

    The biggest unknown is the nuclear risk. They are doing all they can but as I said yesterday from what we are told it looks like we are not getting the full picture yet

    My friend who lives inland 90km north of Tokyo had some of his roof tiles thrown and broken by the strength of the quake. He managed to climb on the roof and cover the holes with plastic sheets waiting for it to be repaired hoping the rain announced for Monday evening will not damage the house,

    He does not have electricity and no water so no mobile charging possible but his fixed telephone line is working intermittently .

    At least he is alive and has some food to last.

    He has also a source of fresh water from the side of the mountain 15 minutes walking from home

    As there is no electricity impossible to get gasoline from the station pumps nor eating oil. Shops are not open.



  6. I was working in the office on the center of Tokyo (Kasumigaseki area) when the quakes hit just after 3pm Saturday 12.

    It was frightening but no structural damages to the building.

    Were told by the building management to stay indoors and wait for instruction

    All public transport stopped and millions had to walk home or stay put at work

    I managed to come back home on my Vespa it took 3 times longer at the roads were full of panicking commuters trying ot get home.

    I live on the 6th floor in central Tokyo and lots of crockery, glasses, etc. were thrown and broken on the floors but no other big damage. Lift not working.

    Looking at the damage and the hundreds of victims around Sendai (North japan) Tokyo was not severely hit.

    We can still feel small tremors now nearly a a day later

    Big disaster for Japan

  7. Khun Han is very 'local' for shopping and eateries. You need to drive 30km for the nearest Tesco. Sisaket is the nearest for western eateries. But you will find everything you need as far a local products and eateries go extremely cheaply.

    There is a nice newish motel behind the Krung Thai Bank branch if you do not want to sleep it rough.

    There are a few great spots south of Khun Han where you can relax in the woods near water falls.

    Local folks in the villages around Khun Han are mostly farmers and live very basic lives but they are the most hospitable people on earth

  8. There has been no requirement for a medical cert. when applying for a 12 month extension for retirement for years.

    Having said that one or two offices were a bit slow on the uptake and still asked for one.

    Even if you did have to get one they cost around 50 baht and take a couple of minutes to get.

    The 2 offices that I know still require the medical certificates for extension of retirement stays are Nan and Phu Sing

    They are easy to get but if you need them better have them ready before you submit your application or you might need to make an extra trip which for some is a full day driving there and back.

  9. I am glad I'll be arriving first class with Thai International and will bypass any lines :)

    Can you elaborate please? Thai Airways first class uses a special line? I have used Thai Airways but never first class.

    Would these short lines apply to other airlines? I may be flyin on EVA first class in about one month.


    Only Thai Airways give this 'service' to their F class passengers at BKK airport, You are escorted from the plane to a waiting electric cart to drive you to immigration, You go through the diplomat channel.

    After immigration there is a porter ready with a caddies to pick-up your bags and bring you through customs to your car/taxi, last Saturday he pushed the caddies all the way to my D-max parked in the short term parking tower

  10. There are more than one immigration halls, Have often found if one is jammed try the other

    Yes most people use the first entrance to the immigration, next time walk 1 minute further and right hand site you have the second entrance.

    Had same thing a few time, first entrance waiting average 18 Minutes, second entrance 7 minutes.


    when passengers dis-embark----do they all walk the same way to immigration---or is it depending on what airline you fly in with ???--and may approach immigration from the opposite direction ??

    Bucko----arriving soon

    The terminal at Bangkok is now a H shape immigration is in the middle bar of the H. You all walk in the same direction but you 'hit' a different arrib\val hall first depending if you arrive from the left or the right part of the H towards the middle. You can walk further to the other immigration area to see if the lines are less crowded.

    Good luck

  11. I was coming in on arrivals. second floor. I did not know there are two arrival halls for international flights. Still, you would think they would have told people to go to the next one unless that too had a couple thousand jammed in there.

    There used to be 3 halls for arrival immigration booths

    One on each side and one small one in the middle which was always 'empty'

    I believe the middle one is restricted for airline crews & diplomats and cannot be used by others

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