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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Yes, when they find out how much they will need to pay to keep warm.
  2. You mean you don't know?? Only they are not called taxes.
  3. Cannot log in to my Lazada app using the same email and password I have been using online for years. Are Lazada deliberately trying to upset people?
  4. It is not just ambulances, taxi drivers, friends looking for your address, delivery drivers, tradesmen.
  5. I always thought that cats dig a hole to sh!t in, then cover it up.
  6. Won't they be bored enough with playing a game like that? Anyway, call that entertainment??
  7. I don't think you will have any PM in the world who doesn't have these qualifications.
  8. Not necessary, one person finds another in the house very sick, tries to give attention after calling an ambulance. Very common.
  9. I do have to say though, I think it is irresponsible for anyone not to have number plates on there houses for very obvious reasons, one of them being an ambulance trying to find the house in an emergency.
  10. I don't wonder why, I know why, anyway, selling sex is not a terrifying evil as long as there is no under age involved, and no one is forced to do anything against their will. Nothing wrong with booze if it is in moderation, and I mean moderation.
  11. "Even if he has insurance, eventually, the insurance companies stop paying out". No wonder people don't trust insurance companies and try to self insure, they will keep taking your money then when you fall ill they just want you of their books despite you maybe paying premiums for years without making any claims. Insurance companies, banks, the medical profession. Capitalist b<>&&!!!s.
  12. OK, but why do they have these virtual chatlines when it was always a live person before? My opinion is that they deliberately make it difficult to speak to a live person. What if I don't want to enquire about a product, but wanted to speak to a live person ie, about the problem I mostly have when trying to sign in?
  13. I have tried several times in these hours, but no live person.
  14. Maybe I can forget to do my next 90 day report and not bother with renewing my annual retirement extensions, then when Immigration catch up with me, I can just say it was unintentional.
  15. Maybe all these members of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade, the retiree's who have 800.000 Baht in their Thai bank for their retirement extensions, will have second thoughts and draw it out, and do their retirement extensions elsewhere.
  16. Money is always required for the unelected PM and his sleeping partner Prawit's offshore accounts, and don't forget the 200 or so generals.
  17. Will just be glad to get rid of all this rain, it has been the worst ever in the 15 years I have been here.
  18. Who is Prawit? Oh! I know now, with the unelected PM being back, he will be the sleeping partner.
  19. How can you pick your nose while wearing a mask? Oh! Wait.
  20. I bet that you would not have got that account if you were on a tourist visa or arrived visa exempt. Being on retirement or marriage extensions it should not be too hard, you just have to look around.
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