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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Better if he lost his head instead of a finger, if he was racing that is. the less of these morons on the road the better.
  2. Looks like a scene from "Are you being served". Young Mr Grace saying "you've all done very well".
  3. "Hopefully or his sister from whom the election was stolen." Excuse me, but it was not Yingluk he was ousted by the unelected, and now suspended PM. There was another PM in office when the coup happened.
  4. Young and fresh???? I think you should look again.
  5. When I have Microsoft Edge on, every few days it switches from English to Thai, then I have to put it back to English.
  6. That's because an educated community will see through their lies. Apart from the soldiers and guns, how do you think the unelected PM has lasted 8 years now? and if he wants, he will last another 8 years.
  7. There are dodgy people everywhere from the rice farmers to the highest up politicians, and even the Generals who think they are politicians, but yes! Lazada's sellers have to be watched, I have fallen foul of them a few times, but not anywhere else to my knowledge.
  8. Yes, any disasters like the pandemic, the Russian invasion etc, just has the rich capitalists rubbing their greedy paws with glee.
  9. The only happiness has been from the medical profession and certain hotels during the lock down. Oh! and a certain AN/TV poster with a certain avatar.
  10. Having driven in a few American cities, I cannot go along with this.
  11. "In Thaksin's case that happened after left office and the same can happen to Prayut." Unfortunately not. Thaksin did not have the soldiers, guns, and over 200 Generals behind him.
  12. Does the unelected PM not have a say in this? If the CCSA does get the State of Emergency lifted, does that mean the protesters will be out on the streets of Bangkok in force again? If it does I think there will be a lot more than there was the last time just before the pandemic.
  13. Money is the only motivation for this unelected PM and his soldiers, that is why he is still in office after eight years.
  14. The unelected PM and his soldiers are scared of all these protesters waiting to converge in to Bangkok.
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