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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 4 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:

    Unless you trade in the millions, gold is best treated as an hedge against inflation.  I think that your "profit" isn't as high as you think when you include the erosion of inflation.  

    LOL. Firstly you contradict yourself by saying it is a hedge against inflation but inflation has eroded my profit. Secondly it is certainly better than most other "investments" I have made. And inflation doesn't affect other investments? And it has been really high in the last few years, hasn't it?

  2. 18 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Dear DiO,

    You desperately need to understand the manly art of 'frame'.

    You tell your woman what you intend to do, then you do it, no explanations (beyond the trivial).

    The only option you ever give them, is to point to the door, and say, 'if you don't like it, the door's there'.



    Doesn't work so well in countries with family courts and welfare, as you're the one that gets shown the door.

    Yep, you are right.


    I was too stupid too long.

    • Haha 2
  3. 20 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    "Unfortunately she will NEVER be happy with her life. Always wants more." 


    In my experience - stay away from such people. Nothing will be good enough until they discover that they are not good enough themselves. There are endless alternatives. The only thing you need to be is flexible. Don't suffer because nothing is good enough for such people. I had this experience - was not good enough and tried to do more to be good enough to get some love. But I was never good enough even if I would have given her my credit card and the pin. My advice - people like or love you. If not forget them. You can't force them to change their feelings - not in the long run. 

    So true what you write.


    She has changed a lot lately and I added her best friend, who stays with her a lot, to my Facebook so as I can try to learn something about why she has changed. My gf asked me why I added her and I told her the truth. Next thing she accused me of probably going to do the deed with her friend. I gave her 4 points as to why I would not. Then she said if her friend and I did do it it would be my fault not her friends. I asked how the f would that be. She just said you have money and she needs it. I said she would still have a choice to say no. NOPE would be 100% my fault.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Beggar said:

    If she has the feeling that you love her and that she is good enough for you she might not look for changes. But obviously she is not happy with her situation. And it might have nothing to do with you. But on the other hand why is she not happy with her life? 

    She knows that I did love her and I made that very obvious. I didn't want her to have breast job or worry about her back skin patches but........... Unfortunately she will NEVER be happy with her life. Always wants more.

  5. 6 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

    She should've gone for the silicone breasts instead.

    As my reply to the post #3 my gf only asked a few days ago about getting braces. For looks only she doesn't need them and she has a lovely smile.


    Oh and she did get the silicone breasts a couple years ago and one of them is going very hard and round and will need to have something done about it.


    A few weeks ago she had injections for "black" skin patches on her face. Now she has small "craters" where the injections were given.


    Her vanity is starting to backfire on her.

    • Haha 1
  6. 10 hours ago, fhickson said:

    most of the places charging over the govt rate are nicer units, serviced apts etc.


    they mark up the electric to make the rent appear cheaper, esp on places like airbnb where the rental price needs to be as low as possible for people comparison shopping.


    govt rate on utilities your probably looking at a shoebox or local type place.

    My gf lives in a shoebox local place but pays double the govt rate.

  7. 3 hours ago, gargamon said:

    I heard somewhere that a law had been passed to prohibit a landlord from profiting on adding a markup on utility prices. Does anyone know if that is correct and have a link to something to verify it? Or was the person that told me just passing on bar talk as fact...

    I recall reading about it on TVF (so must be true) some time back. Supposedly a law was passed to stop owners of apartments, etc charging double or more than the rate they are charged. There was an allowable overcharge something like 20% but don't quote me on that.


    My gf has her room here in Chiang Mai and her monthly room bill just shows 3 items, room, power and water with no specifics of power used just a charge. There are meters outside each room. So one month I took meter reading on the first of the month (when they also read it) and again the following month. At that time they were charging double the standard rate. I suggest she complain but didn't want to as being scared of being evicted.


    She has a small room with a fridge running all the time and a couple lights. She has a water heater but rarely uses in summer. Her room is on the ground floor and well shaded so doesn't use the AC a lot. Her bill often higher than mine and I am in a house with large fridge, have hot showers all the time, use bedroom AC all night every night a high percentage of the year, large screen TV and of course lights.


    But like a lot of things here in Thailand, laws are passed, no one enforces them so they get ignored.

  8. 8 hours ago, kensisaket said:

    Some companies blend at the refinery

    All gasoline is blended at the refinery. There is no such thing as "straight run" gasoline. It is a blend of many different refinery processes to meet the octane rating and government regulations. The production of gasoline is not a simple process. The "simple" process would be jet fuel (kerosine) which comes from the first process unit, the crude unit. Basically after that it is just cleaned and as much water removed as possible. Diesel is nearly straight run but at the refinery I worked at also was blended with Light Cycle Oil that was passed through the Hydrotreater where hydrogen is added.


    I worked at the Caltex Refinery in Brisbane for 23 years and gasoline produced there has a blend of Light catalytic Naptha, Isomerate, Alkylate, Reformate, butane and others I can't remember. Different refineries have different processing plants but essentially products are blended to produce the final product. As I mentioned different countries have different specs as to the levels of certain items such as benzine. 


    Climate to where the gasoline is going also plays a significant part of the blend. If a blend was meant for Darwin in summer time was sent to Tasmania in winter then the cars would not start. In reverse the winter blend for Tassie sent to Darwin the the fuel would evaporate too quickly.

  9. I have only recently started doing my 90 day reports online. I have done the last 3 this way.


    When I renew my retirement extension I always like to do early in case there is a problem that can be sorted by the due date. Even doing it early I still get one year from the expiry date.


    However I just noticed 90 day reporting is not the same. My next report was due on the 8th Feb. I had missed one about a year ago and was fined 2000baht so I put a reminder in my phone to remind me 14 days before due so I can do online. I did it on the 26th Jan and was approved and my next is due 25th April which is 90 days from the 26th Jan but only 77 days from 8th Feb when next one was due.


    So by doing it online you are always going to "lose" 7 days at minimum.

    • Confused 1
  10. Used VFS in Chiang Mai once to facilitate my Thai born son's Australian Citizenship application. No problems at all. Cant complain.


    Only issue I had was the security guard at the door asked if I had mobile phone and when I said I did he asked me to turn off and not to use inside. When I went in I counted at least 10 people using their phones in one form or another.

    • Haha 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

    I would take it off your hands, as I was looking for a laptop for girlfriend's mum. But you are in Chiang Mai. How to do?

    I have decided to keep it, thanks anyhow.


    If admin reads this you can close thread please.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

    Unfortunately as already said, its not worth a lot, I suppose more accurately only what someone is prepared to pay. No warranty etc,


    I would put in our classified section and see whats offered.

    Probably more value to you and use as a back-up or storage device.


    Thanks for that. You are probably right keeping it myself. 



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