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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 2 hours ago, petedk said:

    They don't want a revolution on their hands.

    What on earth would Thai people do without Facebook?

    Talk together???

    Was in Black Canyon the other day and relatively young husband and wife with her mum i think having coffee. Mum and daughter on mobiles, husband had 2 one above the other. I don't think I heard a word spoken the time they were there. 

  2. 14 hours ago, bbabythai said:

    Thanks for all the replies. On the form 118 its asking for the last 5 yrs addresses. From birth I think my wife put our baby on her parents yellow house book. Should I just put that address down even though we personally havent lived there. I have 3 rental agreements proving the other houses we rented at. What do you think?


    I am just going to put where baby has lived. Form is for baby. You are just filling it in.

  3. What nationality is your child listed on the birth certificate? I am Australian who had baby with Myanmar lady. We are not married and she has no passport or ID so birth certificate lists baby as "No Nationality" so would probably never be able to get passport.


    I contacted the Australian Embassy and was given information. I downloaded Form 118 which allows me to get Australian Citizenship for the baby by way of descent. After he is made an Australian Citizen then I can get his passport. Was highly recommended to me to do by Thai lawyer because he really is regarded as nothing in Thailand.



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  4. Yepper...  I bought a large one which can power my PC, NAS, modem, floor fan, surround sound, and 46" LED TV for 3-4 hrs with no problem.... One of my better investments as the moo ban I live in used to have frequent outages up until this year.....

    What size did you buy? Had many more power failures here.
  5. On 20/4/2017 at 2:09 PM, KhonKaenKowboy said:

      A ceiling fan is your friend...but the Thais are reluctant players of this game.  If I set a/c on 26 with lowest fan and ceiling fan on low...I need a blanket.

    The semi enclosed kitchen attached to the back of the house is even hotter. See pic for my "ceiling fan". Did that to help blow some of the heat out. Using laser temp gun at around 1pm on hot day the insulation measured about 52C with no fan on. Turn on fan and drops to around 44C or less. Still hot but makes room cooler.


    This proved it worked so bought a couple exhaust fans to blow each direction. und them with a bit wire so can remove easily if and when I leave.




  6. On 20/4/2017 at 10:07 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    It's a rental house, so while your post is interesting of no use to the OP.


    To the OP- are your AC units rated for the area being cooled?

    If too low will not do the job. I had one in the bed room that worked fine without insulation.

    I'd suggest the cheapest option would be a large fan in the roof, though house being rented would need permission to make a roof opening for the air to exit.

    There is no AC in the main lounge/dinning area only in the 2 bedrooms which cool adequately. You can see where there was a split AC unit in the area but for some reason was removed. I had a 9000BTU portable and very under rated. I sold itv  and bought a 12000BTU which handle the job much better. But it seems the fan solution might be best. Owner is reasonably happy for improvements as long as they don't have to pay anything.

  7. 11 hours ago, uptoyoumyfriend said:

    the poster  has the right idea. the tiles are not insulated and the ceiling is 1/2 sheetrock. the heat comes down from the top.

    i installed some roof vents ,round ones that sit on top of the roof and turn by themselves.i got them from hot/hangdong road ,there is a shop on the south side with huge fans and such.they also referred to me an installer.they helped and were reasonably priced..

    the ideal product for the ceiling insulation of that kind of construction would be ground up ,recycled styrofoam packaging that could just be blown in around all the wiring and hangers onto the sheetrock.i am too lazy and old to start a new business though. maybe you know somebody ,preferably thai.


    I had treated cellulose fibre blown into my last house in Australia. Worked great.

  8. On 15/4/2017 at 6:31 AM, rumak said:

    Might be good to read this previous post.   My experience was it was a waste of money.   I used ceiling with foil

    on it this time.   

    "ceiling insulation. Worth the cost ?""

    I have lived in both cold and now hot climates and I don't agree insulation is a waste of money but you have the use the correct insulation. Foil really only stops a bit of radiation and not conduction.


    I my last rental was a townhouse and I decided to insulate the bedroom. Checked in roof cavity and all timber used (old House). I just bought the 10mm foam with aluminium foil on one side. I didn't thing would be too effective but heap and relatively easy to install. I did the job myself but in no ways profession. Just laid it across the beams and overlapped slightly.


    The next day around 1 pm I used my laser temperature gun and aimed at ceiling in adjacent room then did the same with the insulated room. About 4 C less. Does not should much but does make a difference to end overall AC usage.

  9. On 14/4/2017 at 8:59 PM, eyecatcher said:

    My advice....go to home pro and buy their 6inch extra cool insulation.

    It has the best R value of every other roll of insulation anywhere...and thats because its thicker.

    They have a sale on atm for another month.

    Yes dont do it youtself. I tried it thinking ok diy expert; agile slim not heavy and can save 2000bt.

    Its donkey work with electrics spot lights ceiling hangers.


    I paid a ceiling lad direct 50btm2 the trick is they lay it out with a long stick so no crawling.


    I bought 16rolls"(2.4m2 roll) and it made a massive difference to our top floor.


    Pm me if you would like me to pass on my mans numbr.

    Actually bought a couple bags the other day for a small job.


    It is a long way from roof access to end of house and the lounge area has a raised bit (not sure what called and maybe difficult to get around.


    I am also concerned at that insulation being encapsulated in aluminium foil because of the electrics. The house is relatively new and when i first looked into the roof cavity wiring in conduit, all goto junction boxes, but the the disappointment, all the junction boxes had no lids and cable sticking out of all of them. They all looked taped but if only tape is easy to drag something across it and expose bare wire. This coming in contact with insulation could liven the insulation up.


    But I will keep in mind about your man. Thanks for the input.

  10. On 14/4/2017 at 4:33 PM, rumak said:

    I have lived in Thailand 20 years, and in many houses.   This is what i believe based on my experience:  The walls of

    concrete houses heat up.  The less protected they are from direct sun,  and the hotter the weather is, will determine

    just how warm or even hot the walls get.   So you are correct.  The house becomes an "oven" .  That is why when the

    A/C is turned off it doesn't take long before all is hot again. My present house gets almost no direct sun but the past few

    days were so hot that the walls still heated up !   However most of the year it is cooler than any other house i lived in.

    A big help is that my attic space is very well ventilated, so the heat that builds up during the day is not that bad and dissipates quickly when

    night arrives.   I once tried "insulating" the ceiling with the insulation that comes in rolls.   One thinks that this will keep

    all the hot air from heating up the ceiling (does a little) BUT it also keeps all the hot air in that your "oven" has created.

    The old style house (like in Texas for example) had a huge attic fan that would draw heat from the house and out thru

    the attic.  There are different types of roof ventilation here (thailand) that will help in that respect (vents , wind turbines,

    fans,etc).     Still not much help in daytime when your walls are heating up and stay hot for hours or days in the HOT

    season. I even know people that built "double wall" homes....and still had to use air conditioners.  

    Conclusion:   try to keep direct heat off the walls.....have VERY well ventilated attic.    That is what has worked best for

    me in this my 7th house in Thailand.   BTW:  all wooden houses get very hot during the day but cool down much quicker

    as the wood does not retain heat nearly as much as concrete does.

    Makes a lot of sense, thanks for the input.

  11. Hi,


    Can any one recommend or know of an insulation installer in Chiang Mai that can install insulation onto a suspended ceiling?


    I would do my own install but a bit heavy and clumsy for suspended ceiling. 


    Only rating house so need someone not going to damage ceilings. House is an oven. Have AC in 2 bedrooms and portable for rest of house but battles to keep temp down. 

  12. 1 hour ago, johng said:

    Something to try remove the carburetor and try starting the engine...sometimes the engines is flooded with petrol keep trying till it fires but be ready to pull the plug because when it starts without carb it will rev to infinity.

    Did take the carbs off and spark plug out to try clear the cylinder off fuel.

  13. 2 hours ago, KMartinHandyman said:

    2 cycles can be tricky to start.
    Try setting choke full then pull until you get an attempt at running that fails. Stop and set the choke to halfway and pull away until it starts. At that point open the throttle full and run it until it's hot and idles on its own.
    Maybe there's a problem that needs repair but sometimes the fuel/air mixture get out of sorts.

    Been there done that. It won't start. As mentioned in my original post I can't get a kick at all from it. But I am ready to kick it across the road.


  14. 2 hours ago, canthai55 said:

    I use an inverter, connected to two large batteries, connected to a battery charger, connected to the grid. Bring it on - am totally isolated.

    Technically not totally isolated if connected to the grid.

  15. 2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Its unusual to have outages when the weather is like it is now,

    unless everyone switches on their A/c, while in the rainy season,

    the local transformers are blowing up regularly. 

    regards Worgeordie

    I worked for 10 years in the control room of a 1000MW power station in NSW, Australia, way back then the summer peaks were reaching the winter peaks due to cheap split AC units and their installation.

  16. 1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

    I might be stating the obvious,but does it have a small bubble like thing

    on the engine,you press that in and out and it will draw the petrol into

    carb.if it does not have the bubble ,maybe some other priming device on it.

    regards worgeordie

    Yep, has primer bulb. Pumps the fuel in but still won't start,

  17. 13 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    You need to realise you are living in a 3 rd World country.

    regards Worgeordie

    But like I stated I lived behind Think Park 3 1/2 years hardly a blackout in that time. Been new place just over a month and heaps blackouts. Only about 8km apart by car.

  18. 8 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

    Make sure anything of value has a voltage - and especially frequency - monitor so if the power does the dreaded 'Brown Out' your expensive gear is not destroyed.

    Better still have a UPS on your valuable electronic equipment, computer, smart TV, etc.

  19. Hi,


    Can any one recommend a workshop that can check/repair small 2 stroke engine in CM?


    I bought an Husvana leaf blower/Vacuum due to the leaf problem at house I was renting at the time. I then moved to a town house in the same village but no leaf problem. I "winterised" the motor, emptied the fuel tank and ran the motor till it stopped.


    Just moved again and tried to start it but it will just not start. Not a kick so thought maybe the spark plug. Took it out and earth it to the metal part of motor and pulled starter and did get a spark. So must be a fuel problem.


    Any suggestions or workshop recommendations greatly appreciated.


  20. I lived behind Think Park in Nimmarnhemin Road for 3 1/2 years and hardly ever had a blackout. I have just moved to Lanna Village at Pa Daet and have had one almost every day. Sometimes just off then on, others for over an hour.


    The other day was having a nap with my baby in the bedroom with the AC on. Noticed the AC making funny noises, then heard other noises from the lounge. Went out and things going on and off. Plugged my multimeter into an outlet and voltage was around 170volts. Sat there for awhile then went up and down. Finally came back to normal.


    Contacted the real estate agents husband to get them to them to call PEA to see what problem was. He said you don't live in America any more. Strange statement as I have never lived there.


    I guess I am in the "burbs" now and have to put up with it.


  21. I read a post sometime back where a farang was asked to pay his internet account 12 months in advance because he was farang. With some help he produced a copy of the Thai constitution where it stated that people can not be discriminated due to race, etc, etc. He was then allowed to pay monthly. 


    Maybe be the constitution needs to be raised in situations like this. Blatant racial discrimination. 

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