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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 1 hour ago, chrissables said:


    At the very least the country should find a way of discounting year long visa expats. Proof you have a marriage, retirement or work visa should allow local prices. But in fact and two tiered prices i feel is wrong.

    They already do. I produce my Thai drivers licence and pay Thai price.


    Went to the Botanical Gardens in Phuket with my wife. Instantly was told 1000baht. Showed our Thai licences. Dropped to 200 total. 

  2. The problem with jet skis is you need power to steer. Inexperienced people often panic in a situation when getting close and power off. Sometimes too late. I was giving a girl in Australia a ride and she come too close to a concrete wall in the river and let go of handle bars. I very quickly reached around her turned the steering hard left and hit the power. Missed the wall by centimetres. 

  3. 2 hours ago, sanemax said:


       As you are not married, you have no legal Parental rights , you are regarded as just being the Childs mothers boyfreind when She had a baby .



    Thanks for the info.


    So does this apply if a father, like you and me, in this situation leaves the girlfriend and baby he is not legally required to pay child support?


    Before anyone gets upset about the question, thats all it is a question for interest sake.

  4. My girlfriend who is from Myanmar but lives in Thailand recently had a baby to me (yes he is mine, had a DNA test done). I am from Australia and baby was born Thailand. The hospital did all the paperwork for us to take to the office to obtain birth certificate. The lady asked for my girlfriends passport but she does not have one. She only has a "Non Thai" ID for Thailand (the pink one). Even that does not have her name correct. The baby was registered in my surname.


    After about 6 weeks the baby choked on his milk and was rushed to hospital. He has been there 4 weeks with 3 weeks of that in ICU. The hospital bill is over 500k now and we asked doctors about moving him to a cheaper hospital. They asked us to bring the birth certificate in to see where he could take advantage of the Thai system of government hospitals.


    To their and our surprise he is listed as "No Nationality" and apparently there is another comment that says something like he is not entitled to anything in Thailand. 


    I am no so worried about entitlements but I am concerned about the no nationality bit. How can he get a passport? And maybe other problems too could arise.


    Has anyone had experience with this or knows of anyone who has? I am concerned if I get him and Australian passport will he have to do the visa runs, etc.


    I will eventually contact a lawyer but busy going to and from the hospital several times a day.

  5. On 1/12/2016 at 5:09 PM, Pib said:

    Unless your ethernet cable was defective I'm sure it could handle a mere 100Mb.    When checking the speed of a 200Mb plan you need to ensure the device you are hooking to has 1000Mb/gigabit ethernet ports versus 100Mb/FAST ethernet ports....many laptops still just have 100Mb ethernet ports like both of my laptops that are only 3 years and 2 years old.  



    Yep cable got around 95Mb. It is connected to my iMac which had gigabit ethernet. My Apple TV(gen4) is only capable of 100Mb. Replaced ethernet cable with new Cat6 cable and now constantly get 247Mb on the speed test site of 3bb. Not bad for advertised 200Mb.

  6. I have 3BB cable to the modem in my home in Nimmarhemin Road in Chiang Mai. I think I originally took out the plan it was 30/1 for 1200฿/ month. Has been upgraded for free a couple of times. When I paid my account the other day lady said I was upgraded to 200 download and if any problems call their service number. Went home and check. APp on my Apple TV show 95 download. Went up stairs to my computer which is connected to my modem via Ethernet and speed test showed same. Called 3BB. Tech came next day. Connected his laptop direct to modem and he got 200. Showed him m results. He said Apple TV was only capable of 100. Checked and he was correct, and my Ethernet cable was a cheapy and was also only cable of 100. Also checked on that and also correct. Have bought a new Cat 6 cable but yet to try. 


    Always found 3bb great service and helpful when needed..

  7. 3 hours ago, NancyL said:

    I've managed to kick off a multi-page thread about public toilets in Chiang Mai, so we're long overdue for one on parking lots.  Sure beats yet another thread on pizza or burgers.


    Incidentally, the best toilets in Kad Suan Kaew mall are those inside the Central Dept. store.  Since I don't have a car, I can't comment on the car parks around and within the mall.


    Sorry to learn about the OP's baby.  I do know something about CM hospitals.  If it seems that the baby will require on-going hospitalization and funds are a concern, you might ask about transfer to Maharaj (University) Hospital.  There's a good chance that the attending docs at CM Ram are also on faculty at University Hospital and the neonatal care will be state-of-the-art at a fraction of the price of CM Ram.  This is the hospital commonly called Suan Dok hospital.  Not the private hospital linked with Maharaj called Sripat Hospital.  You won't save much on cost over CM Ram by transferring to Sripat Hospital and they may try to steer you to Sripat since you're a foreigner.   Foreigners can use the services at Maharaj (University) Hospital, unless they're at capacity and if the baby is Thai, all the more reason to consider a transfer because the baby will preference on admission to Suan Dok (Maharaj).  


    However, the parking at University Hospital is bad, bad, bad.  It makes the Moon Carpark/CM Ram situation seem very convenient.  You may want to park at the Moon Carpark and take a songthaew to University Hospital until you figure out the parking situation at University Hospital.  You're suppose to park in a lot at the intersection of Srimanklajarn and Suthep Rds. and take a shuttle bus or in the tall parking structure at that same intersection and use the covered walkway.


    Thanks for the info Nancy.


    Even though this part of my post was apparently inappropriate it was nice to finally get a post from someone who is nice and helpful instead of staying what THEY think is the obvious.


    Thank you again.

  8. I am just going through the process of renewing my retirement extension. I have rented this house for 11 months and they failed to register me. 1600฿ fine for them when they registered me for extension renewal.


    i am using agent for visa and asked her did  they have to do a new registration next month when I renew my lease next month. She said no while ever I stay at this house. But if I leave Thailand even for one day they have to do again. 


    Dont  know about going on holiday in Thailand for a short time. 

  9. 6 hours ago, elektrified said:

    It was free up until about a year ago. The reason: too many Chinese tour companies began to park there and take up parking spaces for customers of KSK. Also they realized many patients of C.M. Ram were parking there as well. It's only 10 Baht, so nothing to lose any sleep over. You don't have to park outside, you can park in the underground lot or 4-5 story lot too. Also, if you need to go to the P.O. or somewhere for about 20 minutes, they will give you your 10 Baht back.


    Obviously, nothing better to do than complain about 10 Baht........

    I am really getting tired of putting posts on this forum when most of the time i get people like you making bullsh*t staments ands claims you know nothing about.


    I have been here 3 years and have always paid 10 baht and have never seen a chinese tour bus there but not saying there has never been any. No one has ever said to me you don't have to pay if you don't want. I drive in, I see pay booth and everyone else paying so I pay.


    You say I have nothing better to do than complain about 10 baht. Where did i say that? just your stupid assumption. I have no problem about paying 10 baht and I definitely will not lose sleep over it. I lose more sleep over people like you who have nothing better to do than make negative comments about other peoples posts when they don't know what they are talking about. If i was complaining about anything it was the sate of the car park. 


    If they are so worried about RAM visitors parking there why have they just cemented a footpath from the back personal entrance of RAM to the back door area of KSK? I now park there a lot to goto RAM and have no problem paying the 10 baht.


    I have a lot more to worry about like my newborn baby born 1 week ago and has not woken up yet. In humicrib, on oxygen, force fed and drip in belly button and costs are at 140,000 baht so far and rising rapidly. So i am not worried about 10 baht but just making a statement. Wish I had not now.


    Hope you feel good about yourself.

  10. What I am referring to is the open air carpark on the eastern side of KSK. 


    I call it the "moon" carpark because it is full of craters not pot holes.


    Out of all the mall carparks a I visit, including Maya, Central Festival, Airport Central, Promenada, 3 Big Cs, 2 Tesco Lotus and KSK itself, KSK is the only one to charge for parking and it the worst condition of them all.



  11. I purchased 400oz pure silver from Singapore and had sent to me in Chiang Mai. Had to pay around 25,000 ฿ taxes.


    i thought gold did not have a tax on it but not 100% sure. 


    I recently tried to snd to send the silver back to to the original seller as a buy back but most of the couriers would not do when they knew what it was. One wanted to charge me $us1000 to ship and insure it. 285,000฿ value at the time. 


    a quick over night trip was much cheaper in the long run. But in your case not warranted.


  12. 17 hours ago, Scotwight said:

    You wrote, " As far as I know banks don't trade in gold. and  "if you go to a gold shop in Thailand and buy gold you take the gold home. I definitely would not trust a piece of paper here."


    Thai gold shops are as honest or they would not stay in business and banks most certainly do trade in Gold.  One does not have to be an expert to realize that only a casual observer.  Sorry I called you an expert.  :wai2: 

    Yes I am definitely not an expert. I had read on here on some other thread that banks did not trade in gold. That is why I said as far as I know.


    i personally would not trust a piece of paper in Thailand as far as ownership of gold is concerned. I have 100kg of silver in Australia with a reputable long time company but still worries me. 


    Again in this is only my feelings and people can do what they are comfortable doing. 

  13. You have to make your own decisions. Never listen to the self proclaimed experts on here or any where else including me. My comments are facts except of last paragraph where is my opinion only. A few weeks back I was $aud20,000 up on  my silver but that has come back bit now but I expect the ups and downs but with a trend upwards.


    No I was not selling watches.


    Good luck in your investment.

  14. if you go to a gold shop in Thailand and buy gold you take the gold home. I definitely would not trust a piece of paper here.


    The advertised price is the published price set by some group for gold in Thailand. Changes with world gold changes but only in 50 baht amounts.


    Each shop adds a fee for buying and selling. This can vary significantly from shop to shop so shop around. Recently I went into one gold shop in Warrarot market in Chiang Mai and asked how much for 5 Baht gold ingot. he quoted published price plus 500 baht/baht so an extra 2500 baht above published price. I went a few shops down and got it for only 50 baht/baht or 250 baht more.


    It will depend on what size you buy too. It seems anything under 10 baht they charge a fee. A few weeks back I bought a 10 baht, a 5 baht and 2 x 1 baht ingots. The 10 and 5 were free of fee but they charged me 200 baht for each of the 1 baht.


    As far as I know banks don't trade in gold.


    As far as timing goes, I believe now is ok. Every think I read points to s significant economic downturn and gold and any precious metal becomes valuable. I the last couple of years of had purchased 100kg of silver in Australia and 27Baht Thai gold. But this is only my opinion and I am sure the self proclaimed experts on here will soon debunk me.


  15. Lately I have had an increasing number of people come out of their shops when I park and tell me I can not park there.


    These are just shops on normal roads. I do not park in front of any with a visible access from the road (ramp). No no parking signs visible. Seems mostly to be massage shops but have been others too. One Farang told me not to park as I was in front of his restaurant. I parked one night in front of the temple in Kampangding Road off Loi Kroh for a trip to a bar. I drank a little too much so stayed at a hotel. When I went back to my car in the morning i was surrounded by the food vendors and their carts and telling me I can't park there.


     The other day I got into a bit of a heated argument with a lady who worked at a massage shop. I parked and she waited till I finished parking and get out of car and start to work off when she say no park here. I asked her where the signs were to tell me I couldn't. She pointed to a hand written sign taped to their portable shop sign on the footpath. After some discussion she got angry and and threw her cigarette at me. 


    Does anyone know the regulations on this or where I could find them. I don't mind following the city rules but not made up by shop owners so no one can park in front of their shop? 


    Yes I know I am in Thailand but I bought a new car here, pay my taxes on it, buy fuel and generally spend a lot here so would like to be able to park my car.

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