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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. On 17 August 2016 at 5:28 PM, bark said:

    Buy silver, is better.

    I agree silver is a better option than gold as an investment at this particular time but can be very hard to sell in Thailand.


    i bought 4 x 100oz bars from a place in Singapore (mail order). Recently I tried to sell one of those bars in Chiang Mai. Visited about 10 silver shops and none were interested. Told me I would have to go Bangkok. 


    I ended up up making an overnight trip to Singapore with the 4 bars and sold them back to the company I had bought them from. At a profit I might add.


    i have 100kg of silver in Australia stored with a reputable company. Can sell 1 oz to all of it with one phone call.  It is up $20,000aud since I purchased last year. 

  2. So yes, your pickup likely runs better on Malaysian produced diesel due economic reasons, not the lack of Thai quality you tried to infer.


    How does the pickup engine know how to perform poorly due to economic reasons?

    Of course it is quality. Not saying Thai diesel is of low quality but Malasia of higher quality.

    Diesel engines performed great with Australian diesel prior to the government changes a few years back. But now the diesel is of higher quality with tighter specifications implemented by the government mainly for pollution reasons.

  3. Oils ain't oils.

    I used to work in a Caltex oil refinery in Australia for 23 years. Every country has a set of guidelines for specifications of the diesel. Australia was becoming very strict on fuels produced in Australia.

    I assume from what you say is that Malasia has a stricter specification than Thailand. Also different refineries use different processes to make fuels. Although diesel is what they call straight run and is usually cut from the main distillation column processing the crude oil often other components are added. I worked in the fluid catalytic cracking unit which processed the "waste" from the main distillation column. Part of this process a product called light cycle oil was produced. This was combined with hydrogen then blended with diesel.

    Also the Shell Oil you buy may not be Shell. In Australia the different branded refineries were spread across the country. For example the closest Shell refinery was 2000 kilometers away from Queensland. So for economics Shell and Caltex would do a deal that the Caltex refinery in Brisbane would supply Shell servos in Queensland and Shell would reciprocate in Victoria where their refinery was located. Having said that I think the premium fuels produced by each refinery was shipped to their own refineries.

    Hope this may help explain.

  4. I used Jetpets in Australia to bring my dog here. Maybe they can help the reverse. They are based in Melbourne.

    The info I have is one month in quarantine in an AQIS approved country like Singapore then another further 5 months stay there. This is basically the time needed to prove for Rabies or not.

    It was until recently another month in quarantine in Australia in Sydney or Perth but have read that this has been reduced to 10 days.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi All,

    Resurrecting this thread in the hope that someone new and in the know reads it.

    Visited about 10 places today in Wualai Road and Worarot Market and no one interested to buy or knows where to sell. The last place visited was the link provided by whiterussian and they said I would have to got Bangkok to sell it because they would have to cut bar in half to see if fake and no one in Chiang Mai can do. Figure that one out.

    I have a friend that worked at a silver jewellery making factory out near Bo Sang so will ask her when she gets bake from Germany.

    I have 4 x 100 troy ounce bars from the Perth Mint in Australia. Each is marked with serial number. I assume could be checked out. I had as a stash but not so good if I can't sell fast. From everything I have read i am sure silver will go much higher.

    If anyone is interested in buying one or more of these bars I will sell at a little under the silver spot price for the day.

  6. Hi,

    Anyone sold Thai gold recently especially gold bars?

    I watch the buy/sell prices for both bars and jewellery. I assumed that the price the gold shops bought back for was the lower of the 2 prices in each category. For example when I went to the shop today bars were being sold for 21300 and the buy back price was 21200. This is the 100baht spread as usually quoted.

    I took a 5 Baht bar into sell and they quoted me 20900baht per baht. So an extra 300 baht per baht.

    (wish they had another name for gold than baht. I know......an ounce could be a good measure.....lol)

    This is one of the common gold shops seen everywhere. This one was at a Big C shopping Centre in Chiang Mai.

    Any one else have had this experience?

  7. Bravo, excellent post.

    l worked on a minesite in Australia & my forté was air conditioning of heavy mobile equipment.

    Only thing l could add was that after draining the Nitrogen & vacuuming the system, l would immerse the gas container in very hot water(especially in winter) while the hoses were connected then open the valve wide, so that the gas was sucked into the system very rapidly.

    lmmediately start the engine & get the A/C working to assist in drawing in the gas.

    And you are correct as to the cooling properties of LPG gas, but it is very dangerous & illegal to use.

    l have a LandCruiser at home that uses R12 refrigerant. Thankfully has never leaked as if it ever does, l will have to convert the system, by law, to run on R134 which is no-where near as efficient.

    A pleasure to read your post.


    Thanks for the kind words

  8. What kind of torque wrench were you using on tube fittings?

    Hi, if you were asking me it was a special torque wrench set with flare nut spanner attachments bought from a large refrigeration supply shop.

    Something like this.

    But with open ended flare nut spanners like these.

    Oooops. Photos did not appear!!!

  9. From Wikipedia.

    Freon is a registered trademark of The Chemours Company, which it uses for a number of halocarbon products. They are stable, nonflammable, moderately toxic gases or liquids which have typically been used as refrigerants and as aerosol propellants. These include the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that cause ozone depletion (such as chlorodifluoromethane), but also include newer refrigerants which typically include fluorine instead of chlorine and do not deplete the ozone layer. Not all refrigerant is labelled as "Freon" since Freon is a brand name for the refrigerants R-12, R-13B1, R-22, R-502, and R-503 manufactured by The Chemours Company.

  10. Hi,

    First of all I would like to get a few terms straight. As someone mentioned Freon is a brand name of refrigerant and is like calling all pens Biros and tissues Kleenex, they are only brand names. Technically it is not a gas as during the refrigeration cycle the refrigerant is both a gas and a liquid. It can also be charged to a refrigeration unit as a gas or liquid. So the term I will use is refrigerant.

    All cooling systems use a refrigerant and refrigerant can be many different types. Home fridges and smaller commercial unit are sealed units and refrigerant is added in the factory and piped welded. Therefor very rarely leak. This applies to single Ac window units.

    Most AC installed in homes, etc are called split units with the compressor, a coil and a fan in the outside unit and a coil and a fan inside unit. The electronics can be in either or both units. These 2 units are joined by copper pipes. This is where the problem starts. The cutting, flaring and joining of the pipes is done by human hands, and as we all know, there is a significant variation in skills.

    I had a split system in my bedroom in Australia for over 20 years and it never needed a top up. And really there is no reason that should not apply to all split units. Tools vary immensely. You need to cut the copper pipe with a good cutter and the de-bur. After that a good flare tool should be used. Some cheaper ones just squeeze the pipe and can be over squashed by the operator. I used a concentric roller type which rolled the pipe to a flare the had a cut out if I tried to put too much pressure. The joint should be made very carefully and a small amount refrigerant oil added both sides of the flare to help seal and prevent dragging of the copper pipe on the flare nut side.

    As I mentioned there are many different types of refrigerants used. I have heard of ammonia being used and also LPG but obvious dangers in the latter. The main ones I used in Australia was R22, R410a, R407c and R134?( this mainly used in cars). R22 is being phased out due to its ozone depleting characteristics and being replace by mainly R410a in domestic units. This in itself causes more problems. R410a is a mixture of refrigerants and operates at higher pressures than the old common R22. It also has a smaller molecules size so can leak easier. More specialized tools and care needed in installation of units with this refrigerant. As well as the tools mentioned I also used torque wrench on the joints to prevents leaks and damage to the copper pipe. I then pressure tested the joints with nitrogen and 1.5x normal operation pressure.

    If an R22 units leaks it can be topped up. R410a is a mixture of 2 refrigerants and if the unit leaks, especially during non operation the unit, 1 refrigerant can leak more then the other. It is recommended that if one of these units leak the remaining refrigerant is reclaimed and a new lot added.

    Big cooling units control the amount of refrigerant flow by a Tx valve. These don't generally exist in a home unit to save on complexity and thus costs. So these units are "critically charged" with the correct amount of refrigerant for and installation of about 1 to 4 meters of piping. If longer piping is run extra refrigerant is required as per the manual. A unit can be overcharged with too much refrigerant and causes pressure problems.

    I have raved a bit but how do you tell if not enough refrigerant? First is to check that the compressor in the outdoor unit is running when you try to cool the room. The fan should also be running. If they are both running look at the pipes coming from the outdoor unit. If the smaller one is icing up you are low on refrigerant. If not icing up feel with your hand and should be cold. If not cold, little or no refrigerant. Another things is that refrigerant oil travels around the system with the refrigerant. So if there is a leak oil leaks too. You can unwrap the insulation of each of the connection and see if you can spot oil.

    Hope this helps.

  11. It's also called water gel -- crystals of polyacrylamide polymer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_gel_(plain) Back when Hubby and I had a nursery/greenhouse business we bought the stuff in 50 pound bags and mixed it in with the potting soil when we "upped" the rooted cuttings into intermediate sized pots. A small amount goes a long way. Typically Hubby would blend the polymer crystals into the damp potting soil in the late afternoon, so it could expand overnight for the crew to use the for the potting work the next day. If it was added to the damp soil and used immediately, then you'd return a couple hours later to find the crystals had expanded in the potting soil, pushing the soil/crystal mixture out of the pots. Big mess. We only had to make that mistake once!

    It's great stuff for keeping potting soil evenly moist and thus increasing the health of plants sensitive to water/drought stress. Also, cut down on the need to spray for insects because insects are attracted to stressed plants and they weren't stressed when we used the water crystals.

    We also sold water crystals in the little retail store at our nursery/greenhouse for homeowners to use with their houseplants. It was sold in a jar or small tub. Here is a photo of a brand from Australia. Not what we sold, but maybe available here in the shops in Kamtieng, the plant market just south of the Tesco Lotus on the SuperHighway. A jar this size should be adequate for filling an aquarium. This stuff really expands when wet.


    Thanks for that. Will have a look there.

  12. Hi,

    I am not sure what they are called but I have seen them called water beads. They hold enormous amount of water and swell up hundreds of time when wet.

    Does any one know where I can buy in Chiangmai? I am after plain ones not scented ones and a largish quantity. I wanted to fill large fish tank with them.

    Mail order from within Thailand would also be ok.


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