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Posts posted by jomcondo

  1. A hundred thousand Baht is not much for a foreigner I reckon. About A$4000 or 1800 UK pounds. Sure I would not want to pay it out. But be a hero and sort it it for them.

    However, what you will never ever know is that "is this the only one loan they have?"

    I doubt its legal but there will be no legal ramifications to non payment, only hurt, injury sand possibly death. Get off your high horse, pay it for them or get out of there soon.As mentioned it could be a scam to get you to start paying.


    so whats your final answer Noddy?..........

  2. And that SUBWAY spokesperson went to Thailand for kids......

    There are times when I wish we were back in the Stone Age......or this guy got caught in Mexico by some drug lords, or sent to some secret prison camp for 30-years and then buried....

    for all you sickoes......the age is TWENTY-FIVE when a kid's brain is fully mature.....

    so next time you are "legal" and talk to an 19-year old as you are 55.......think first.

    sounds like you are the sick one.

    run out of meds again?

  3. Very tragic events ... If the EU and the UK stopped the Assad regime from bombing it's own people the families would not need to make this risk taking boat trip.

    Kill Assad and his murderous regime and go after ISIL at the same time and stop the bombings of their own people and you stop people fleeing.

    oh simple steven,

    there are a variety of different reasons why people are making the trip to europe.

    some are fleeing IS

    some are living within assads zones and he wants them to fight for him

    some just want a better life

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