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Everything posted by JingerBen

  1. Spot on. That is the only thing that will bring results in putting out the fires. CM provincial governor Nirat Wongsitthithavorn... aka Mr. Doofus... had the audacity to tell a recent meeting of representitives from 15 consulates in the province that air quality in the region has improved since last year and "Hopes are rising for good air quality in the future..." What a load of codswallop when you consider how little is being done and how feeble are the plans for controlling the widespread agricultural burning and wildfires.
  2. Partners in crime from way back. The meeting will no doubt start with a benediction, "Let us prey..."
  3. What made anybody think they were Scots in the first place? Operation Black Eagle cleaned up Lower Suky for a while. It should to be revived and put into operation wherever needed.
  4. That's always an option for the US and UK. Just like they did - and are doing - about the hideous massacre of 30,000+ Palestinian men, women, and children by the Zionist meshugas in Israel.
  5. JingerBen

    Now what!?

    Spot on. When it comes to buying alcoholic drinks in Thailand you'd better stick to the high-end rather than low-end. If not for taste alone, at least for the sake of your own health. The rotgut lao khao is a notorious killer of the proles, but it is also the "white spirit" that is the basis of most of the phony booze sold as "scotch" etc. you see everywhere and consumed when clueless people want to oo-ut roo-ay with their "lao farang" Cheers.
  6. That seems to be true. They were "bottomless" in the sense of being ignorant of local sensibilities.
  7. That's quite true, but if you didn't react at all to a dirty insult like that you might reproach yourself as a coward for the rest of your life.
  8. Good question. It smells fishy, doesn't it? This whole thing has been an obscene farce from the get go.
  9. You called? Well, you got it half-right anyway. The first person to make the facetious connection - as far as I know - between Jingle Bells and the common Thai pronunciation "Jinger Ben" was the widely read columnist M.R.Ayumongol Sonakul (Loong Ayu) back in the day. Benmore Scotch? If you can't get it in town there are places in the countryside not far from CM where I have seen it. It seems to be popular among the locals for special occasions.
  10. I haven't met too many scammers who were "forced" to scam. For the overwhelming majority it seemed more like second nature to me.
  11. Nana Bakery. Among the best of the best in CM.
  12. The last time I did it - 3+ years ago - there were vans leaving every half hour or so. Reasonably priced and convenient.
  13. The people who need "marriage equality" most of all are foreign men who marry Thai nationals, settle down here and raise children. We have been getting a dirty deal for too long now.
  14. Thanks for the memories. Yes, kudos to Anand for eliminating that aggravation. As a first-time visitor returning to the US in 1979 I had checked in my bags at Don Muang and with boarding pass in hand proceeded to Immigration where I was asked for my "Tax Clearance"... what Tax Clearance? Nobody had mentioned it in the five months that I had been here. So it was out to the tarmac to retrieve my bags and back into the Bangkok hood where my girlfriend's family helped me sort things out little by little over the next week. Visa extension; new airline ticket; Tax Clearance Certificate; etc., etc. A nightmare experience only redeemed by the good-heartedness of the working-class Thais whom I had been living among. After being a sugar-daddy for several months I returned almost flat broke and in trouble. They helped me out and I've never forgotten it. For me. no other people or country comes anywhere close to Thailand when you're in a fix. Jim Thompson was also stopped at DM Immigration for lack of a Tax Clearance Certificate on his last trip to Malaysia. He was travelling with Connie Mangskau who was very well connected so she was able to do what had to be done to depart. Ironically, if he had been prevented from leaving he could have avoided his fate - at least for a while. Never dull here in the Land of Smiles.
  15. Mr. Bag-Fix is an American company that employs Thai craftsmen who have a reputation for doing quality work. My experience with them some years ago was an estimate to replace the small wheels on a rolling suitcase. The price quote was so high that I could have bought a new bag for a few hundred baht more... which is what I ended ùp doing. Bag repair set-ups by local people in the big markets and on footpaths/sidewalks are usually found near shoemakers.. Two recent zipper replacements on a kit bag and a toiletries case were done at very reasonable prices and to my complete satisfaction by the people who ply their trade on the CM-Lamphun Rd. just a little past the Centara Hotel towards Nong Hoi. Also on Charoen Pratet in the vicinity of the Alliance Francaise is an excellent shoemaker next to a bag repair guy. Both of whom have done work for me that was as good as I've had done in the US at a fraction of the cost. High-ball it, or low-ball it... up to you.
  16. The answer to your question is probably that "Some can... some can't." When they become so influential in medical associations and religious orders that they are able to change the definitions of pathological behaviour that have been accepted worldwide since time out of mind, then there is no compelling reason to stay in the closet,
  17. Who were the real owners? If everybody concerned keeps schtum on that point it will look like CM's Finest were involved again.
  18. Yes it would. Drug warriors pushing an agenda don't usually let facts get in their way.
  19. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-touch Sunscreen 55. This is the best I've ever used. It does the job, is waterproof, and will not inflame sensitive skin. Rather expensive, but a little goes a long way.
  20. All's well that ends badly for these toxic race hustlers.
  21. Like the OP, I want to avoid smoking and make my own edibles out of reasonably priced local bud. All the oils, gummies, cookies, etc., that I've tried so far have been disappointing to one degree or another, not to mention being overpriced. The best advice seems to be do it yourself, but I've had limited success perhaps due to my extracts being improperly decarbed. I'll keep trying to get it right.
  22. Petr Pavel picked a peck of pickled peppers...betcha can't say that fast.
  23. Thanks for your reply. I'm about to buy two more bottles of ethyl alcohol and boil down my ganja. Decarbing before or after is still unresolved and undecided. Knowing your results would be appreciated. Feel free to PM me if you wish, but your experience would no doubt be of interest to other forum members as well. Good luck with your decoctions.
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