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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/goat-curry
  2. It only has one teat. BAAAAA!!!!!!!
  3. Madam just called me from her family NYE party. Someone asked my grand-daughter if she wanted a goat! It would help keep the grass in check! "Lady or gentleman" says I, "gentleman", "no thanks ..." I expect the beast to be in the garden tomorrow!
  4. I have no words https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/caravans-motorhomes/parts-accessories/solar-panels-accessories/listing/4492280044?bof=zt69KibZ
  5. My New Year resolution is 4K. Fetching my coat
  6. Not that I've found yet These ones by Vena are pretty good but they don't do the vertical "hang the cable down the wall" variety
  7. I've actually seen it a few times. If the leak is towards one end of the element, then swapping the plug moves the leaky bit nearer N. Not recommended of course, but ... Also, once it's been on for a while the leak (damp in the sand-filled element) can go away. Literally last week a mate called me, both his ovens tripped his RCD. "Have they been in storage for a while?". "Yes, 3 years". He has a split CU with some unprotected outlet circuits, running the ovens on the unprotected side for 30 minutes dried out the elements and all was good when back on the protected side. Happy bunny (happy wife), beer for me Similar "fixes" for people running desktop PCs on 2-pin leads, depends upon the actual configuration of the mains inlet filter in the PSU.
  8. A man releases a genie from a bottle. Genie says: “Oh kindest of men. I owe you a wish. Wish anything and I shall make it happen!” The man says: “Ok. Build me a bridge from California to Australia! “ Genie thinks for a minute and says: “Oh wisest of all men. I am not THAT powerful. It is impossible to build a bridge that long. Absolutely not realistic. Wish something simpler. “ The man thinks for a couple of seconds, sighs and begs. “Make my ugly wife beautiful” Genie gets excited: “Ok. Yes. That I can do. What does she look like?” The man pulls out his wife’s photo from his pocket and shows it to the genie. Genie looks at the photo for a long time, scratches his head and says: “So how many lanes do you want that bridge to be again?”
  9. No direct experience (we have a 2,400 litre buffer tank), but I believe that the meter spins rather faster (ok a lot faster) on air too
  10. Yeah, pumping direct from the mains is "unwise" (let's not get into the argument of whether it is actually illegal). A buffer tank makes life much more bearable for your pump and prevents you from sucking in the contents of the neighbour's duck pond
  11. The observant among us will notice that, like the US, Thai outlets are actually polarised even for 2-pin plugs (the neutral pin is wider). Of course, the vast majority of Thai plugs have pins of equal width so they will go either way round as will the round-pin Euro plug. The Haco P-001 (sadly now defunct) was an example of a polarised 2-pin plug.
  12. As above, with modern appliances it doesn't usually matter, many have 2-pin plugs that are reversible anyway. BUT If your appliance has a single-pole switch or an internal fuse it should be in the live line, otherwise with the switch open or the fuse popped all the internal gubbins is still live. Of course, you shouldn't be poking around in there with the plug in anyway. It's just best to be correct.
  13. Let's continue in one of the myriad other threads on the subject.
  14. For those who don't know, check out "8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown".
  15. Lazada Singapore have something similar. https://www.lazada.sg/products/hot-liiuuoiows-109-bakelite-wall-switch-45a-cooker-connector-white-dual-appliance-cooker-cable-outlet-plate-connection-blank-plate-box-i2464030936-s14664833615.html EDIT BUT they want a Sg phone number
  16. In the UK it's a cooker outlet https://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Products/AA45COP.html note that it won't fit on a Thai back-box so you'll need a UK box too although you could probably knock-up an adaptor plate from some FR-4.
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