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Posts posted by ajay79

  1. well i am not looking for a good time or a bit of holiday fun. i do like her.

    like i said i just want an idea of what is going to be expected of me, but thanks

    There's still plenty of other options in Thailand but most of what's been mentioned is still expected. I'd be suspect of the "quiet" side of her you mention, sometimes that can be a red flag and maybe you'd want to consider not having any hogs or ducks on your future farm together smile.png ..

    not really sure what you mean by the hogs or ducks thing

  2. ok, she is 27, no children, 1 brother, no experience of farangs from what i know of.

    as for my friend, they dont live in thailand, they live in england, i heard her say a few times tho that he is lucky he didnt have to pay dowry and all the other stuff.

    as for me, i am 30. no kids, own my own house with no loans. work in construction but in and out of work now with 2 years but i am doing fine. well i am not rich but can live comfortable, geuss that is one of the upsides of being single.

    o ya, i dont flash money around. actually i am very wise with money

  3. hi new to this site and just want to get some info and help on this.

    ok this is the story, at xmas i was on holiday in thailand and i went to see my friend and his thai wife who where at her home place in thailand. anyway i visited them and got to like the girl that lived across the road. she had very poor english so communication was limited but we still enjoyed each other. while we were together we were never left alone (rarely anyway), we never had sex and she was a very traditional girl and very poor. her mother and father were very happy to see me around and had hoped for marriage almost immediately. when the time had come to go home i had changed my mind and was going to stay but when i was in bangkok i decided to leave cause of the pressure from her parents.

    anyway the story is now i want to go back to her for a while and see how we get on, we still text each other and very brief phone calls. my friends wife says when she rings home that she and her parents are hoping that i will go back.

    what are your views on this story and what do you think i should do ? she is a nice girl, she is quite, pretty and has a very simple lifestyle, all of which i like.

    by the way she is not a bar girl or anything like that.

    what should i do? what do her parents expect from me?

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