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Posts posted by tonydandelot

  1. the biggest pedo's are not the tourist but the thai man , if you count 10 thai men, 7 of them <deleted> children already, they everywere, police, teachers, drivers that bring children to school, and etc.

    how can u fight against it if the ppl that supposed to protec you like the royal thai police sell and <deleted> children themselves, i wonder if the royal in royal thai police is an insult to the king.

  2. thai police.. oh please !!! they only catch innocent people cause they can't catch the real bomber, in this case another illegal that stayed in thai , they need a suspect really quickly cause it's international news and they want to look good on tv but the most important thing is the price money they want to divide between themselves for doing HALF of their job for once, so they can go drink even more in karaoke bars and <deleted> underage teens. if it's not international news then they just doing CRAP!! unless u pay them investigation money. their all just useless blood suckers, their's no difference if you put the police hat on a thai cop or on a monkey, i mean at least the monkey is not going to harass you for 100 bath pay now! or 300 bath pay in police station, i think the thai would be beter off without the royal thai police cause half of them are alcoholics and the other half can't keep their dicks out of underage teen girls, the royal in ROYAL thai police is just a disgrace to the king.

  3. reading this i miss the good old times family bbq in sakon nakhon with my cousins on mothers side , most of the time after a few wiskey bottles they start pounding on eachothers faces,then the bottles start flying, then the sticks and machetes come out, then the ride to the military hospital !! did i say the good old times! well it's still going on.

  4. People work their WHOLE LIVES.....sweat for the man.....save, and save and save.......work more, stress more...

    Then retire at 68 and on their first day in Thailand.................. (of course i'm not referring to this woman, I have no idea her story)

    Life is way, way, way too short for all of us.

    Enjoy today.....and tomorrow.

    u can work 50 years till u drop dead, but if u cross the road without looking then u gonna die sooner especially in thailand, so if u cross the road u should look left and right?? in paradise europe!

    if u go thailand it should be right and left cause they drive on the left side?? when u go to thailand u'r not in your paradise europe country nomore where everything is a luxury, even crossing the streets or whipping ur as here bacame a luxury and nobody even moves their neck nomore to cross the road cause the driver need to stop by law!, so pedestrians just abusing their rights!

    even street dogs in thailand look right and left when it crosses, this is true ,not made up, ic it al the time, so if a dog can do it then sure people can too!!!!

    don't think a thai guy is going to stop or even slow down if u cross the road, ur in a country where the law says " it's everyman for himself"!!

    how many farang died in thailand just crossing the thai road, i remember a case from few years back when a whole dutch family got killed crossing thai road , mom, dad and child.

    can u really blame the drivers in thai for this or blame the one that is crossing the road.

    anyway if they educate their passengers on the aircraft to look when crossing the road IN THAILAND then i'm sure can safe MANY life!! they're on the plane 12 hours anyway so whats wrong with a short educational video about thailand! first starting with point 1--OPEN YOUR EYES CROSSING THE ROADS IN AMAZING THAILAND.

    point 2-- be prepaired to be scammed in bangkok after just setting foot on their soil for 10 min., DON't use ATM machine in airport ( u know why!)

    point3-- see that u receive EVERY penny when changing money in the airport, even if it's only 5 or 10 bath ( at the end it adds up for the thai exchanger/scammer)

    point 4-- do not pay the taxi 50 bath in advance outside the arrival area for services u didn't get yet, instead take a cab outside the departure area on floor 2

    point 5-- don't tell a thai you haven't got any money cause this can trick 2 possibilities --either they start laughing uncontollably or they get as angry as the green hulk.

    point6 -- rent a room without a balcony or their is a chance u will join the pattaya flying club.

    point 7-- be aware of yaba smoking motorbike taxi's or cabs or let's say... just be aware cause they all smoke yaba!

    point8-- when ordering pappaya pokpok, don't forget to say hold the fermented fish, else u gonna spend vacation on ur toilet.

    point 9-- when being asked loudly by police or immigration "WHAT U COME DO IN THAILAND!" be sure to answer "spending all my hard earned cash here !

    point 10-- i leave it to you, any suggestions?

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Same thing happened to me when I came back from Seoul last summer, almost exactly as you describe, but I didn't get a red stamp. In my case, I had arrived the first day of the "crackdown", and the officer was trying to enforce the "new regulations" which came up then. Her superior officer decided that since I had a fresh double entry tourist visa from Seoul, she should just let me through. I had a fairly long overstay prior to that, which was a cause for her scrutiny. She asked me "what are you doing in Thailand" about 15 times in the 20 minutes it all took to get through. They clearly thought that my many tourist entries and the prior overstay looked like I was working illegally.

    Its based on the total time you've spent in the country, not how many exemptions you've used (as there is no legal limit on the exemptions). Its part of weeding out the illegal workers and such, and some normal people get caught in the net. I'm not sure how often they actually refuse entry.

    Now that I am planning to work here, I've recently gotten a non-b visa, and was passed right through immigration with no hassles.

    Its all to do with suspicion that you're working illegally, and stems from changes made last summer (aka "the visa crackdown").

    IF they keep asking u what u doing in thailand 15 times !! then u should answer 15 times the same answer " spending all my hard earned money here!

    • Like 1
  6. do not hire the car in the airport NOT!!!!, the owner is looking to rip u off, owner is sitting in the airport at a desk for car rental and taxi and when tourist get their bags and come out of baggage area u will see him sitting behind desk making arm movement like u calling a dog to lure customers. i hired an old toyota with 300 000 km from this guy cause his newer cars were already booked, paid 1000 bath a day, first he wanted to give the car from his wifes friend and i asked him if the car had class 1 insurance he said yes which is mandatory by thai law,if u don't have class 1 and u get involved in an accident then all the cost are for you!!!!, but 5 min latter the friend of his wife came and i asked her bout insurance she told me she had class 3 insurance, then that guy doing a cinema discussion with her to save his face, just an old lying bastard! after that i told him dont want her car so he gave his personal car with 300 000 km on it already an old toyota, didn't had a choice cause needed a car asap. he told me if had accident then had to contact him and uncle, thats how he called himself, uncle will take care of it , ok with that in mind, days latter a cop backed up his truck infront of the 7-11 store and hit the front bumper, so the cop tried to blame me cause i was standing still in red and white zone, surprised by the fact that i can speak fluently thai cause my mom is thai i told him ur parked in red white zone too!!! so after discussion i told him " gia kap jawgoong lot" wich means solve it with the owner of the car, after getting the cop details i called the old lying basterd owner and said a cop backed up into his car, didn't even had the chance to explain that there was a scratch on his front bumper just about 4 cm lenght! had to search for it cause his front bumper already had scratches and bumps into it cause was an old car! so didn't had chance to explain there was a skratch in it because the old bastard went nuts and was shouting i did the accident so i had to pay for it all, he said this 5 times and was going nuts on the phone, gave my phone to my gf cause i couldn't say any word cause he was just doing nuts , my gf couldn't say anything too so she just hang up.

    Now 2 days latter i went to airport drop gf off cause she need back bangkok and i went to the old bastard sitting behing his rental car desk , and i showed the scratch, he said " uncle only take 1500 bath to fix " i told him the cop that made the scratch is willing to pay for it already wich i arranged, wich is not my job to do, but he still wanted the 1500 bath , i said ok i fix it for u and all the other scratches in front bumper wich is not even mine too, his answer no no " uncle have a shop too where uncle fix it himself, uncle have paint and everything uncle do self, wich is bullcrap.

    then another farang customer called him on the parking cause he had other new customer, and he just turned his back and left without saying anything, so after my gf took her plane i went back to him and said how we going to solve this, he just said he will keep 1500 bath off my 5000 deposit, again i argued and say the cop will pay for the damages, after this he start threaten me by saying "i kno big police chief" after i said so what, he called the big police chief to ask bout the cop and trying to intimidate me. after that he start saying "pai pai and doing arm movements like u chase away a dog" and smiling while doing that, i answered him thats nice customer service u giving, then his last effort to get rid off me was threating me by saying that his taxi drivers will "chakan" me, wich mean will teach me a lesson. i say ok uncle, tomoro is my last day i have the car anyway so after tomoro we will solve this.

    2 days latter i bring the car back and i brought my thai cousin wich was released 6 months before from sakon nakhon prison after 12 years inside, reason is if something happen i can not do anything cause i didn't want to compromise my application for thai nationality, and i knew the old bastard is going to try to rip me off, so i told my cousin that the amount he try to rip me off i rather give to him than to that lying bastard! offcourse he tried to rip me for 1500 bath, we wouldn't give in so he called the cop that backed up into the car and got 2000 bath from the cop, took 45 min for the cop to show up with 2000 bath!, after that everything solved right but noooooo! we thought wrong....now the bastard wanted 1000 bath cause he said the car was 1 day late wich was not true, i was thinking in myself this guy reallyy wants to get kicked in the teeth and looking at the facial expression of my cousin i could see something is going to happen, after hearing the discussion is escalating his wife came outside and suddenly ...she remembers my cousin , turned out she was befriended with his mom! so u think the bastard would stop ripping us of but he wouldn't back down, after showing my copy of the agreement and showing date as proof i got back my full 5000 bath depossit .

    i hope someone will take my advice and do not get involved with that old scammer cause took me a lot of typing to explain this! in sakon city u have other places where u can rent a car, car is newer and no problem with them at all! you have a car hire on ROP MUANG RD. exactly 100 meters from raksakol private hospital, he's sittuated on the corner of the road , another place where can hire car is 200 meters from BIG C superstore, so take my advice seriously and don't get involved with the car hire at sakon nakhon airport.

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  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Posted on the topic earlier this week and stand by what I said then. I sensed it would come down to this. Mark, unfortunately will regret his decisions, regardless of the back n forth by us all of "who can, should, or would" in such a situation. At 59 and a 10 year resident here, he should know it's best to turn the other direction and exit with pace when he sees impending trouble like this..., not become an active participant.

    My heart goes out to him and to the family of the man now deceased. There's nothing but sad written all over this event.

    everybody pulls out their mobile to film when sometin happen, especially in thailand when they film u even while yr dying on the Streets,

    so he's integrated in thai culture and for the bouncer , if he didn't attack an innocent guy, he would still be living another day to beat up tourists.

    in my mind a tourist beater is just the same as a woman beater , i hope those tourist beating bouncers will someday understand that their are tourist that will fight back and their magical sak yan tattoos won't protec them from bullets or knifes.

  8. police guy on the left of pic with little smile thinking... niceee, some chivas regal tonight

    the middle one rubbing his hand is already planning his karaoke trip with whores

    the third one thinking those 2 numnuts going to spend everything in karaoke bar, leaving me with nothing

    4 th one looking at 3rd one, i kno what u thinkin but i'm going party too tonight

    5th one not amused cause suddenly stuck on night shift

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